* @license http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/ Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported
* @link http://status.net/
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- display:none;
- }
+ display:none;
/* filter people by tags doesn't work anyway, and is confusing as peopletags and lists have been merged, it seems */
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- }
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/* already present in right margin */
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width: 150px;
- padding:20px;
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+ padding:20px;
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- }
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- }
-#groupdirectory .profile_list .h-card .p-nickname:before {
- content:"!";
- }
+ content:"@";
+#groupdirectory .profile_list .h-card .p-nickname:before {
+ content:"!";
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- }
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content: "";
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+ font-size:0.88em;
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- }
+ content: "(";
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content: ")";
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- content:" · ";
- }
+ content:" · ";
/* profiles' profile blocks */
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- }
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