bool goingUp = false;
float step = 10;
while(true) {
- float ptau, dummy;
- _prop->calc(_rho, speed, _omega * _gearRatio, &dummy, &ptau);
+ float ptau, thrust;
+ _prop->calc(_rho, speed, _omega * _gearRatio, &thrust, &ptau);
_eng->calc(_pressure, _temp, _omega);
+ // Compute torque as seen by the engine's end of the
+ // gearbox.
+ ptau *= _gearRatio;
float etau = _eng->getTorque();
float tdiff = etau - ptau;
+ Math::mul3(thrust, _dir, _thrust);
- if(Math::abs(tdiff/_moment) < 0.1)
+ if(Math::abs(tdiff/(_moment * _gearRatio)) < 0.1)
if(tdiff > 0) {
// Turn the thrust into a vector and save it
Math::mul3(thrust, _dir, _thrust);
+ // We do our "RPM" computations on the engine's side of the
+ // world, so modify the moment value accordingly.
+ float momt = _moment * _gearRatio;
// Euler-integrate the RPM. This doesn't need the full-on
// Runge-Kutta stuff.
- float rotacc = (engTorque-propTorque)/Math::abs(_moment);
+ float rotacc = (engTorque-propTorque)/Math::abs(momt);
_omega += dt * rotacc;
if (_omega < 0)
_omega = 0 - _omega; // don't allow negative RPM
// FIXME: introduce proper windmilling
// Store the total angular momentum into _gyro
- Math::mul3(_omega*_moment, _dir, _gyro);
+ Math::mul3(_omega*momt, _dir, _gyro);
// Accumulate the engine torque, it acts on the body as a whole.
// (Note: engine torque, not propeller torque. They can be
// Convert to an acceleration here, so that big propellers
// don't seek faster than small ones.
- float diff = Math::abs((propTorque - targetTorque) / _moment);
+ float diff = Math::abs((propTorque - targetTorque) / momt);
if(diff < 10) mod = 1 + (mod-1)*(0.1f*diff);
--- /dev/null
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include "Math.hpp"
+#include "FGFDM.hpp"
+#include "PropEngine.hpp"
+#include "Propeller.hpp"
+#include "Atmosphere.hpp"
+using namespace yasim;
+// Usage: proptest plane.xml [alt-ft] [spd-ktas]
+// Stubs. Not needed by a batch program, but required to link.
+class SGPropertyNode;
+bool fgSetFloat (const char * name, float val) { return false; }
+bool fgSetBool(char const * name, bool val) { return false; }
+bool fgGetBool(char const * name, bool def) { return false; }
+SGPropertyNode* fgGetNode (const char * path, bool create) { return 0; }
+SGPropertyNode* fgGetNode (const char * path, int i, bool create) { return 0; }
+float fgGetFloat (const char * name, float defaultValue) { return 0; }
+float fgGetDouble (const char * name, double defaultValue) { return 0; }
+float fgSetDouble (const char * name, double defaultValue) { return 0; }
+static const float KTS2MPS = 0.514444444444;
+static const float RPM2RAD = 0.10471975512;
+static const float HP2W = 745.700;
+static const float FT2M = 0.3048;
+static const float N2LB = 0.224809;
+// static const float DEG2RAD = 0.0174532925199;
+// static const float LBS2N = 4.44822;
+// static const float LBS2KG = 0.45359237;
+// static const float KG2LBS = 2.2046225;
+// static const float CM2GALS = 264.172037284;
+// static const float INHG2PA = 3386.389;
+// static const float K2DEGF = 1.8;
+// static const float K2DEGFOFFSET = -459.4;
+// static const float CIN2CM = 1.6387064e-5;
+// static const float YASIM_PI = 3.14159265358979323846;
+const int COUNT = 100;
+int main(int argc, char** argv)
+ FGFDM fdm;
+ // Read
+ try {
+ readXML(argv[1], fdm);
+ } catch (const sg_exception &e) {
+ printf("XML parse error: %s (%s)\n",
+ e.getFormattedMessage().c_str(), e.getOrigin().c_str());
+ }
+ Airplane* airplane = fdm.getAirplane();
+ PropEngine* pe = airplane->getThruster(0)->getPropEngine();
+ Propeller* prop = pe->getPropeller();
+ Engine* eng = pe->getEngine();
+ pe->init();
+ pe->setMixture(1);
+ pe->setFuelState(true);
+ eng->setBoost(1);
+ float alt = (argc > 2 ? atof(argv[2]) : 0) * FT2M;
+ pe->setAir(Atmosphere::getStdPressure(alt),
+ Atmosphere::getStdTemperature(alt),
+ Atmosphere::getStdDensity(alt));
+ float speed = (argc > 3 ? atof(argv[3]) : 0) * KTS2MPS;
+ float wind[3];
+ wind[0] = -speed; wind[1] = wind[2] = 0;
+ pe->setWind(wind);
+ printf("Alt: %f\n", alt / FT2M);
+ printf("Spd: %f\n", speed / KTS2MPS);
+ for(int i=0; i<COUNT; i++) {
+ float throttle = i/(COUNT-1.0);
+ pe->setThrottle(throttle);
+ pe->stabilize();
+ float rpm = pe->getOmega() * (1/RPM2RAD);
+ float tmp[3];
+ pe->getThrust(tmp);
+ float thrust = Math::mag3(tmp);
+ float power = pe->getOmega() * eng->getTorque();
+ float eff = thrust * speed / power;
+ printf("%6.3f: %6.1frpm %6.1flbs %6.1fhp %6.1f%% torque: %f\n",
+ throttle, rpm, thrust * N2LB, power * (1/HP2W), 100*eff, eng->getTorque());
+ }
+ printf("\n");
+ printf("Propeller vs. RPM\n");
+ printf("-----------------\n");
+ for(int i=0; i<COUNT; i++) {
+ float thrust, torque, rpm = 3000 * i/(COUNT-1.0);
+ float omega = rpm * RPM2RAD;
+ prop->calc(Atmosphere::getStdDensity(alt),
+ speed, omega, &thrust, &torque);
+ float power = torque * omega;
+ float eff = (thrust * speed) / power;
+ printf("%6.1frpm %6.1flbs %6.1fhp %.1f%% torque: %f\n",
+ rpm, thrust * N2LB, power * (1/HP2W), 100*eff, torque);
+ }