q('DELETE FROM `photo` WHERE `uid` = 0 AND `resource-id` LIKE "pic:%%" AND `created` < NOW() - INTERVAL %d SECOND', $cachetime);
- // Optimize some tables that are written often
- q("OPTIMIZE TABLE `cache`");
- q("OPTIMIZE TABLE `session`");
- q("OPTIMIZE TABLE `config`");
- q("OPTIMIZE TABLE `pconfig`");
- q("OPTIMIZE TABLE `workerqueue`");
- //q("OPTIMIZE TABLE `photo`"); // Could take too long
+ // maximum table size in megabyte
+ $max_tablesize = intval(get_config('system','optimize_max_tablesize')) * 1000000;
+ if ($max_tablesize == 0)
+ $max_tablesize = 100 * 1000000; // Default are 100 MB
+ // Optimize some tables that need to be optimized
+ $r = q("SHOW TABLE STATUS");
+ foreach($r as $table) {
+ // Don't optimize tables that needn't to be optimized
+ if ($table["Data_free"] == 0)
+ continue;
+ // Don't optimize tables that are too large
+ if ($table["Data_length"] > $max_tablesize)
+ continue;
+ // So optimize it
+ q("OPTIMIZE TABLE `%s`", dbesc($table["Name"]));
+ }
set_config('system','cache_last_cleared', time());