#include <Time/sunpos.hxx>
#include <Time/tmp.hxx>
-// $$$ begin - added VS Renganathan
+// begin - added Venky
+// $$$ begin - added VS Renganathan
#include <simgear/misc/fgstream.hxx>
#include <FDM/flight.hxx>
+#include <FDM/ADA.hxx>
void fgLoadDCS (void);
void fgUpdateDCS (void);
-ssgSelector *ship_sel = NULL;
-ssgTransform *ship_pos = NULL;
-//int totalDCSobj = 0;
-// $$$ end - added VS Renganathan
+ssgSelector *ship_sel=NULL;
+// upto 32 instances of a same object can be loaded.
+ssgTransform *ship_pos[32];
+double obj_lat[32],obj_lon[32],obj_alt[32];
+int objc=0;
+// $$$ end - added VS Renganathan
+// end - added Venky
# include <WeatherCM/FGLocalWeatherDatabase.h>
// $$$ end - added VS Renganathan, 15 Oct 2K
+// - added Venky , 12 Nov 2K
void fgLoadDCS(void) {
- string obj_filename;
+ ssgEntity *ship_obj;
+ double bz[3];
+ int j=0;
+ char obj_filename[25];
+ for (int k=0;k<32;k++)
+ {
+ ship_pos[k]=NULL;
+ }
+ FGPath tile_path( globals->get_options()->get_fg_root());
+ tile_path.append( "Scenery" );
+ tile_path.append( "Objects.txt" );
+ fg_gzifstream in( tile_path.str() );
+ if ( ! in.is_open() ) {
+ FG_LOG( FG_TERRAIN, FG_ALERT, "Cannot open file: " << tile_path.str() );
+ }
FGPath modelpath( globals->get_options()->get_fg_root() );
modelpath.append( "Models" );
ssgModelPath( (char *)modelpath.c_str() );
ssgTexturePath( (char *)texturepath.c_str() );
- // while ( ! in.eof() ) {
- // in >> obj_filename >> obj_lat >> obj_lon >> obj_alt;
- // totalDCSobj = totalDCSobj+1;
ship_sel = new ssgSelector;
- ship_pos = new ssgTransform;
- ssgEntity *ship_obj = ssgLoadOBJ( "saratoga.obj" );
- if ( ship_obj != NULL ) {
- ship_pos->addKid( ship_obj ); // add object to transform node
- ship_sel->addKid( ship_pos ); // add transform node to selector
- // ssgFlatten( ship_obj );
- // ssgStripify( ship_sel );
- ship_sel->clrTraversalMaskBits( SSGTRAV_HOT );
- scene->addKid( ship_sel ); //add selector node to root node
- } else {
- FG_LOG( FG_TERRAIN, FG_ALERT, "Cannot open file: " << "saratoga.obj" );
- }
- // if (in.eof()) break;
- // } // while
+ char c;
+ while ( ! in.eof() )
+ {
+ in >> skipws;
+ if ( in.get( c ) && c == '#' )
+ {
+ in >> skipeol;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ in.putback(c);
+ in >> obj_filename >> obj_lat[objc] >> obj_lon[objc] >> obj_alt[objc];
+/* cout << endl << obj_filename << " " << obj_lat[objc] << " " << obj_lon[objc] << " " << obj_alt[objc] << endl;
+ int chj=getchar();*/
+ obj_lon[objc] *=DEG_TO_RAD;
+ obj_lat[objc] *=DEG_TO_RAD;
+ ship_pos[objc] = new ssgTransform;
+ // type "repeat" in objects.txt to load one more instance of the last object.
+ if ( strcmp(obj_filename,"repeat") != 0)
+ ship_obj = ssgLoadOBJ( obj_filename );
+ if ( ship_obj != NULL )
+ {
+ ship_pos[objc]->addKid( ship_obj ); // add object to transform node
+ ship_sel->addKid( ship_pos[objc] ); // add transform node to selector
+ }
+ else
+ FG_LOG( FG_TERRAIN, FG_ALERT, "Cannot open file: " << obj_filename );
+ if (in.eof()) break;
+ objc++;
+ }
+ } // while
+ ship_sel->clrTraversalMaskBits( SSGTRAV_HOT );
+ scene->addKid( ship_sel ); //add selector node to root node
+ }
void fgUpdateDCS (void) {
- // double eye_lat,eye_lon,eye_alt;
- static double obj_lat=15.377603*DEG_TO_RAD;
- static double obj_lon= 73.816436*DEG_TO_RAD;
- static double obj_alt=0.15;
- // static double obj_head;
+ double eye_lat,eye_lon,eye_alt;
+ static double obj_head;
double sl_radius,obj_latgc;
- // float nresultmat[4][4];
+ float nresultmat[4][4];
+ sgMat4 Trans,rothead,rotlon,rot180,rotlat,resultmat1,resultmat2,resultmat3;
double bz[3];
- obj_lat = obj_lat + 0.0000001;
// Instantaneous Geodetic Lat/Lon/Alt of moving object
- // obj_lon = current_aircraft.fdm_state->get_aux5()*DEG_TO_RAD;
- // obj_lat = current_aircraft.fdm_state->get_aux6()*DEG_TO_RAD;
- // obj_alt = current_aircraft.fdm_state->get_aux7();
- // Geodetic to Geocentric angles for rotation
- sgGeodToGeoc(obj_lat,obj_alt,&sl_radius,&obj_latgc);
- // moving object gbs-posn in cartesian coords
- Point3D obj_posn = Point3D( obj_lon,obj_lat,obj_alt);
- Point3D obj_pos = sgGeodToCart( obj_posn );
- // Translate moving object w.r.t eye
- Point3D Objtrans = obj_pos-scenery.center;
- bz[0]=Objtrans.x();
- bz[1]=Objtrans.y();
- bz[2]=Objtrans.z();
- // rotate dynamic objects for lat,lon & alt and other motion about its axes
- if ( ship_sel != NULL ) {
- ship_sel->select(1);
+ FGADA *fdm = (FGADA *)current_aircraft.fdm_state;
+ // Deck should be the first object in objects.txt in case of fdm=ada
+ if ((globals->get_options()->get_flight_model()) == 4 )
+ {
+ obj_lon[0] = fdm->get_aux5()*DEG_TO_RAD;
+ obj_lat[0] = fdm->get_aux6()*DEG_TO_RAD;
+ obj_alt[0] = fdm->get_aux7();
+ }
+ for (int m=0; m<=objc; m++)
+ {
+ //cout << endl << obj_lat[m]*RAD_TO_DEG << " " << obj_lon[m]*RAD_TO_DEG << " " << obj_alt[m] << " " << objc << endl;
+ //int v=getchar();
+ //Geodetic to Geocentric angles for rotation
+ sgGeodToGeoc(obj_lat[m],obj_alt[m],&sl_radius,&obj_latgc);
+ //moving object gbs-posn in cartesian coords
+ Point3D obj_posn = Point3D( obj_lon[m],obj_lat[m],obj_alt[m]);
+ Point3D obj_pos = sgGeodToCart( obj_posn );
+ // Translate moving object w.r.t eye
+ Point3D Objtrans = obj_pos-scenery.center;
+ bz[0]=Objtrans.x();
+ bz[1]=Objtrans.y();
+ bz[2]=Objtrans.z();
+ // rotate dynamic objects for lat,lon & alt and other motion about its axes
sgMat4 sgTRANS;
sgMakeTransMat4( sgTRANS, bz[0],bz[1],bz[2]);
sgSetVec3( ship_up, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0); //north,yaw
sgMat4 sgROT_lon, sgROT_lat, sgROT_hdg;
- sgMakeRotMat4( sgROT_lon, obj_lon*RAD_TO_DEG, ship_up );
+ sgMakeRotMat4( sgROT_lon, obj_lon[m]*RAD_TO_DEG, ship_up );
sgMakeRotMat4( sgROT_lat, 90-obj_latgc*RAD_TO_DEG, ship_rt );
sgMakeRotMat4( sgROT_hdg, 180.0, ship_up );
sgPostMultMat4( sgTUX, sgTRANS );
sgCoord shippos;
- sgSetCoord( &shippos, sgTUX );
- ship_pos->setTransform( &shippos );
+ sgSetCoord(&shippos, sgTUX );
+ ship_pos[m]->setTransform( &shippos );
+ if ( ship_sel != NULL )
+ ship_sel->select(0xFFFFFFFF);
+ }
// $$$ end - added VS Renganathan, 15 Oct 2K
+// added Venky , 12 Nov 2K