try {
readXML(input, visitor);
} catch (const sg_exception& e) {
- string msg = string("parsexml(): file '") + file + "' "
- + e.getFormattedMessage();
- naRuntimeError(c, msg.c_str());
+ naRuntimeError(c, "parsexml(): file '%s' %s",
+ file, e.getFormattedMessage().c_str());
return naNil();
return args[0];
class airport_filter : public FGAirportSearchFilter {
virtual bool pass(FGAirport *a) { return a->isAirport(); }
} airport;
-// Returns airport data for given airport id ("KSFO"), or for the airport
-// nearest to a given lat/lon pair, or without arguments, to the current
-// aircraft position. Returns nil on error. Only one side of each runway is
-// returned.
+class seaport_filter : public FGAirportSearchFilter {
+ virtual bool pass(FGAirport *a) { return a->isSeaport(); }
+} seaport;
+class heliport_filter : public FGAirportSearchFilter {
+ virtual bool pass(FGAirport *a) { return a->isHeliport(); }
+} heliport;
+// Returns data hash for particular or nearest airport of a <type>, or nil
+// on error. Only one side of each runway is contained.
+// airportinfo(<id>); e.g. "KSFO"
+// airportinfo(<type>); type := ("airport"|"seaport"|"heliport")
+// airportinfo() same as airportinfo("airport")
+// airportinfo(<lat>, <lon> [, <type>]);
static naRef f_airportinfo(naContext c, naRef me, int argc, naRef* args)
- static SGConstPropertyNode_ptr lat = fgGetNode("/position/latitude-deg", true);
- static SGConstPropertyNode_ptr lon = fgGetNode("/position/longitude-deg", true);
+ static SGConstPropertyNode_ptr latn = fgGetNode("/position/latitude-deg", true);
+ static SGConstPropertyNode_ptr lonn = fgGetNode("/position/longitude-deg", true);
+ double lat, lon;
- // airport
FGAirportList *aptlst = globals->get_airports();
FGAirport *apt;
- if(argc == 0)
- apt = aptlst->search(lon->getDoubleValue(), lat->getDoubleValue(), airport);
- else if(argc == 1 && naIsString(args[0]))
- apt = aptlst->search(naStr_data(args[0]));
- else if(argc == 2 && naIsNum(args[0]) && naIsNum(args[1]))
- apt = aptlst->search(args[1].num, args[0].num, airport);
- else {
+ if(argc >= 2 && naIsNum(args[0]) && naIsNum(args[1])) {
+ lat = args[0].num;
+ lon = args[1].num;
+ args += 2;
+ argc -= 2;
+ } else {
+ lat = latn->getDoubleValue();
+ lon = lonn->getDoubleValue();
+ }
+ if(argc == 0) {
+ apt = aptlst->search(lon, lat, airport);
+ } else if(argc == 1 && naIsString(args[0])) {
+ const char *s = naStr_data(args[0]);
+ if(!strcmp(s, "airport")) apt = aptlst->search(lon, lat, airport);
+ else if(!strcmp(s, "seaport")) apt = aptlst->search(lon, lat, seaport);
+ else if(!strcmp(s, "heliport")) apt = aptlst->search(lon, lat, heliport);
+ else apt = aptlst->search(s);
+ } else {
naRuntimeError(c, "airportinfo() with invalid function arguments");
return naNil();