var trimmed = this.replace(/\s+$/g, '');
return trimmed;
-// $(document).ready(function() {
-// $('#events-calendar').fullCalendar({
-// firstDay: {{$i18n.firstDay}},
-// monthNames: ['{{$i18n.January}}','{{$i18n.February}}','{{$i18n.March}}','{{$i18n.April}}','{{$i18n.May}}','{{$i18n.June}}','{{$i18n.July}}','{{$i18n.August}}','{{$i18n.September}}','{{$i18n.October}}','{{$i18n.November}}','{{$i18n.December}}'],
-// monthNamesShort: ['{{$i18n.Jan}}','{{$i18n.Feb}}','{{$i18n.Mar}}','{{$i18n.Apr}}','{{$i18n.May}}','{{$i18n.Jun}}','{{$i18n.Jul}}','{{$i18n.Aug}}','{{$i18n.Sep}}','{{$i18n.Oct}}','{{$i18n.Nov}}','{{$i18n.Dec}}'],
-// dayNames: ['{{$i18n.Sunday}}','{{$i18n.Monday}}','{{$i18n.Tuesday}}','{{$i18n.Wednesday}}','{{$i18n.Thursday}}','{{$i18n.Friday}}','{{$i18n.Saturday}}'],
-// dayNamesShort: ['{{$i18n.Sun}}','{{$i18n.Mon}}','{{$i18n.Tue}}','{{$i18n.Wed}}','{{$i18n.Thu}}','{{$i18n.Fri}}','{{$i18n.Sat}}'],
-// buttonText: {
-// prev: "<span class='fc-text-arrow'>‹</span>",
-// next: "<span class='fc-text-arrow'>›</span>",
-// prevYear: "<span class='fc-text-arrow'>«</span>",
-// nextYear: "<span class='fc-text-arrow'>»</span>",
-// today: '{{$}}',
-// month: '{{$i18n.month}}',
-// week: '{{$i18n.week}}',
-// day: '{{$}}'
-// },
-// events: '{{$baseurl}}/events/json/',
-// header: {
-// left: '',
-// // center: 'title',
-// right: ''
-// },
-// timeFormat: 'H(:mm)',
-// eventClick: function(calEvent, jsEvent, view) {
-// showEvent(;
-// },
-// loading: function(isLoading, view) {
-// if(!isLoading) {
-// $('td.fc-day').dblclick(function() { window.location.href='/events/new?start='+$(this).data('date'); });
-// }
-// },
-// eventRender: function(event, element, view) {
-// //console.log(;
-// if (event.item['author-name']==null) return;
-// switch({
-// case "month":
-// element.find(".fc-event-title").html(
-// "<img src='{0}' style='height:10px;width:10px'>{1} : {2}".format(
-// event.item['author-avatar'],
-// event.item['author-name'],
-// event.title
-// ));
-// break;
-// case "agendaWeek":
-// element.find(".fc-event-title").html(
-// "<img src='{0}' style='height:12px; width:12px'>{1}<p>{2}</p><p>{3}</p>".format(
-// event.item['author-avatar'],
-// event.item['author-name'],
-// event.item.desc,
-// event.item.location
-// ));
-// break;
-// case "agendaDay":
-// element.find(".fc-event-title").html(
-// "<img src='{0}' style='height:24px;width:24px'>{1}<p>{2}</p><p>{3}</p>".format(
-// event.item['author-avatar'],
-// event.item['author-name'],
-// event.item.desc,
-// event.item.location
-// ));
-// break;
-// }
-// }
-// })
-// // center on date
-// var args=location.href.replace(baseurl,"").split("/");
-// if (args.length>=4) {
-// $("#events-calendar").fullCalendar('gotoDate',args[2] , args[3]-1);
-// }
-// // echo the title
-// var view = $('#events-calendar').fullCalendar('getView');
-// $('#fc-title').text(view.title);
-// // show event popup
-// var hash = location.hash.split("-")
-// if (hash.length==2 && hash[0]=="#link") showEvent(hash[1]);
-// });
-// $(document).ready(function() {
-// $('#events-calendar').fullCalendar({
-// events: '{{$baseurl}}/events/json/',
-// header: {
-// left: '',
-// // center: 'title',
-// right: ''
-// },
-// timeFormat: 'H(:mm)',
-// eventClick: function(calEvent, jsEvent, view) {
-// showEvent(;
-// },
-// loading: function(isLoading, view) {
-// if(!isLoading) {
-// $('td.fc-day').dblclick(function() { window.location.href='/events/new?start='+$(this).data('date'); });
-// }
-// },
-// eventRender: function(event, element, view) {
-// //console.log(;
-// if (event.item['author-name']==null) return;
-// switch({
-// case "month":
-// element.find(".fc-event-title").html(
-// "<img src='{0}' style='height:10px;width:10px'>{1} : {2}".format(
-// event.item['author-avatar'],
-// event.item['author-name'],
-// event.title
-// ));
-// break;
-// case "agendaWeek":
-// element.find(".fc-event-title").html(
-// "<img src='{0}' style='height:12px; width:12px'>{1}<p>{2}</p><p>{3}</p>".format(
-// event.item['author-avatar'],
-// event.item['author-name'],
-// event.item.desc,
-// event.item.location
-// ));
-// break;
-// case "agendaDay":
-// element.find(".fc-event-title").html(
-// "<img src='{0}' style='height:24px;width:24px'>{1}<p>{2}</p><p>{3}</p>".format(
-// event.item['author-avatar'],
-// event.item['author-name'],
-// event.item.desc,
-// event.item.location
-// ));
-// break;
-// }
-// }
-// })
-// // center on date
-// var args=location.href.replace(baseurl,"").split("/");
-// if (args.length>=4) {
-// $("#events-calendar").fullCalendar('gotoDate',args[2] , args[3]-1);
-// }
-// // echo the title
-// var view = $('#events-calendar').fullCalendar('getView');
-// $('#fc-title').text(view.title);
-// // show event popup
-// var hash = location.hash.split("-")
-// if (hash.length==2 && hash[0]=="#link") showEvent(hash[1]);
-// });
\ No newline at end of file
<input type="hidden" name="uri" value="{{$uri}}" />
<input type="hidden" name="preview" id="event-edit-preview" value="0" />
+ {{* The tab conten with the necessary basic settings *}}
<div id="event-edit-wrapper">
+ {{* The event title *}}
{{include file="field_input.tpl" field=$summary}}
<div id="event-edit-time">
+ {{* The field for event starting time *}}
+ {{* The field for event finish time *}}
+ {{* checkbox if the the event doesn't have a finish time *}}
{{include file="field_checkbox.tpl" field=$nofinish}}
+ {{* checkbox for adjusting the event time to the timezone of the user *}}
{{include file="field_checkbox.tpl" field=$adjust}}
+ {{* checkbox to enable event sharing and the permissions tab *}}
{{if ! $eid}}
{{include file="field_checkbox.tpl" field=$share}}
+ {{* The submit button - saves the event *}}
<div class="pull-right" >
<button id="event-submit" type="submit" name="submit" class="btn btn-primary" value="{{$submit|escape:'html'}}">{{$submit}}</button>
<div class="clear"></div>
+ {{* The advanced tab *}}
<div id="event-desc-wrapper" style="display: none">
+ {{* The textarea for the event description *}}
<div class="form-group">
<div id="event-desc-text"><b>{{$d_text}}</b></div>
<textarea id="comment-edit-text-desc" class="form-control" name="desc" >{{$d_orig}}</textarea>
<div class="clear"></div>
+ {{* The textarea for the event location *}}
<div class="form-group">
<div id="event-location-text"><b>{{$l_text}}</b></div>
<textarea id="comment-edit-text-loc" class="form-control" name="location">{{$l_orig}}</textarea>
+ {{* The tab for the permissions (if event sharing is enabled) *}}
<div id="event-acl-wrapper" style="display: none">
+ {{* The tab for the event preview (content is inserted by js) *}}
<div id="event-preview" style="display: none"></div>
<div class="clear"></div>
{{include file="section_title.tpl" title=$title}}
+ {{* The link to create a new event *}}
<div id="new-event-link"><a onclick="addToModal('{{$new_event.0}}')" >{{$new_event.1}}</a></div>
+ {{* We create our own fullcallendar header (with title & calendar view *}}
<div id="fc-header">
<div id="fc-header-right" class="pull-right">
+ {{* The dropdown to change the callendar view *}}
<ul class="nav nav-pills">
<li class="dropdown pull-right">
<a class="btn btn-link btn-sm dropdown-toggle" type="button" id="event-calendar-views" data-toggle="dropdown" aria-expanded="true">
+ {{* The buttons to change the month/weeks/days *}}
<div id="fc-fc-header-left" class="btn-group">
<button class="btn btn-eventnav" onclick="changeView('prev', false);" title="{{$prev}}"><i class="fa fa-angle-up" aria-hidden="true"></i></i></button>
<button class="btn btn-eventnav btn-separator" onclick="changeView('next', false);" title="{{$next}}"><i class="fa fa-angle-down" aria-hidden="true"></i></i></button>
<button class="btn btn-eventnav btn-separator" onclick="changeView('today', false);" title="{{$today}}"><i class="fa fa-bullseye"></i></button>
+ {{* The title (e.g. name of the mont/week/day) *}}
<div id="event-calendar-title"><h4 id="fc-title"></h4></div>
+ {{* This is the container where the fullCalendar is inserted through js *}}
<div id="events-calendar"></div>