#include <FDM/LaRCsim/atmos_62.h>
/* #include <FDM/LaRCsim/ls_trim_fs.h> */
#include <FDM/LaRCsim/c172_aero.h>
+#include <FDM/LaRCsim/ic.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
+#include <string.h>
-//simple "one-at-a-time" longitudinal trimming routine
-typedef struct
- SCALAR latitude,longitude,altitude;
- SCALAR vc,alpha,beta,gamma;
- SCALAR theta,phi,psi;
- SCALAR weight,cg;
- SCALAR throttle,long_control,lat_control,rudder_pedal,flap_handle;
- int use_gamma_tmg;
-void initIC(InitialConditions *IC)
- IC->latitude=IC->longitude=IC->altitude=0;
- IC->vc=IC->alpha=IC->beta=IC->gamma=0;
- IC->theta=IC->phi=IC->psi=0;
- IC->weight=IC->cg=0;
- IC->throttle=IC->long_control=IC->lat_control=IC->rudder_pedal=IC->flap_handle=0;
-void checkLimits(float *control, SCALAR min, SCALAR max)
- if(*control < min)
- *control=min;
- else if(*control > max)
- *control=max;
-// Units for setIC
-// vc knots (calibrated airspeed, close to indicated)
-// altitude ft
-// all angles in degrees
-// weight lbs
-// cg %MAC
-// if use_gamma_tmg =1 then theta will be computed
-// from theta=alpha+gamma and the value given will
-// be ignored. Otherwise gamma is computed from
-// gamma=theta-alpha
-void setIC(InitialConditions IC)
+void do_trims(int kmax,FILE *out,InitialConditions IC)
- SCALAR vtfps,u,v,w,vt_east;
- SCALAR vnu,vnv,vnw,vteu,vtev,vtew,vdu,vdv,vdw;
- SCALAR alphar,betar,thetar,phir,psir,gammar;
- SCALAR sigma,ps,Ts,a;
- Mass=IC.weight*INVG;
- Dx_cg=(IC.cg-0.25)*4.9;
- Latitude=IC.latitude*DEG_TO_RAD;
- Longitude=IC.longitude*DEG_TO_RAD;
- Altitude=IC.altitude;
- ls_geod_to_geoc( Latitude, Altitude, &Sea_level_radius, &Lat_geocentric);
- ls_atmos(IC.altitude,&sigma,&a,&Ts,&ps);
- vtfps=sqrt(1/sigma*IC.vc*IC.vc)*1.68781;
- alphar=IC.alpha*DEG_TO_RAD;
- betar=IC.beta*DEG_TO_RAD;
- gammar=IC.gamma*DEG_TO_RAD;
- phir=IC.phi*DEG_TO_RAD;
- psir=IC.psi*DEG_TO_RAD;
+ int k=0,i,j;
+ double speed,elevator,cmcl,maxspeed;
+ out=fopen("trims.out","w");
+ speed=55;
- if(IC.use_gamma_tmg == 1)
+ for(j=0;j<=30;j+=10)
- thetar=alphar+gammar;
- }
- else
+ IC.flap_handle=j;
+ for(i=1;i<=5;i++)
+ {
+ switch(i)
+ {
+ case 1: IC.weight=1500;IC.cg=0.155;break;
+ case 2: IC.weight=1500;IC.cg=0.364;break;
+ case 3: IC.weight=1950;IC.cg=0.155;break;
+ case 4: IC.weight=2550;IC.cg=0.257;break;
+ case 5: IC.weight=2550;IC.cg=0.364;break;
+ }
+ speed=40;
+ if(j > 0) { maxspeed = 90; }
+ else { maxspeed = 170; }
+ while(speed <= maxspeed)
+ {
+ IC.vc=speed;
+ Long_control=0;Theta=0;Throttle_pct=0.0;
+ k=trim_long(kmax,IC);
+ if(Long_control <= 0)
+ elevator=Long_control*28;
+ else
+ elevator=Long_control*23;
+ if(fabs(CL) > 1E-3)
+ {
+ cmcl=cm / CL;
+ }
+ if(k < kmax)
+ {
+ fprintf(out,"%g,%g,%g,%g,%g,%d",V_calibrated_kts,Alpha*RAD_TO_DEG,Long_control,Throttle_pct,Flap_Position,k);
+ fprintf(out,",%g,%g,%g,%g,%g\n",CL,cm,cmcl,Weight,Cg);
+ /* printf("%g,%g,%g,%g,%g,%g,%g,%g,%g,%g\n",V_calibrated_kts,Alpha*RAD_TO_DEG,elevator,CL,cm,Cmo,Cma,Cmde,Mass*32.174,Dx_cg);
+ */ }
+ else
+ {
+ printf("kmax exceeded at: %g knots, %g lbs, %g %%MAC, Flaps: %g\n",V_calibrated_kts,Weight,Cg,Flap_Position);
+ printf("wdot: %g, udot: %g, qdot: %g\n",W_dot_body,U_dot_body,Q_dot_body);
+ printf("Alpha: %g, Throttle_pct: %g, Long_control: %g\n\n",Alpha*RAD_TO_DEG,Throttle_pct,Long_control);
+ }
+ speed+=10;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ fclose(out);
+void find_trim_stall(int kmax,FILE *out,InitialConditions IC)
+ int k=0,i,j;
+ int failf;
+ char axis[10];
+ double speed,elevator,cmcl,speed_inc,lastgood;
+ out=fopen("trim_stall.summary","w");
+ speed=90;
+ speed_inc=10;
+ //failf=malloc(sizeof(int));
+ for(j=0;j<=30;j+=10)
- thetar=IC.theta*DEG_TO_RAD;
- gammar=thetar-alphar;
- }
+ IC.flap_handle=j;
+ for(i=1;i<=6;i++)
+ {
+ switch(i)
+ {
+ case 1: IC.weight=1500;IC.cg=0.155;break;
+ case 2: IC.weight=1500;IC.cg=0.364;break;
+ case 3: IC.weight=2400;IC.cg=0.155;break;
+ case 4: IC.weight=2400;IC.cg=0.364;break;
+ case 5: IC.weight=2550;IC.cg=0.257;break;
+ case 6: IC.weight=2550;IC.cg=0.364;break;
+ }
+ speed=90;
+ speed_inc=10;
+ while(speed_inc >= 0.5)
+ {
+ IC.vc=speed;
+ Long_control=0;Theta=0;Throttle_pct=0.0;
+ failf=trim_longfr(kmax,IC);
+ if(Long_control <= 0)
+ elevator=Long_control*28;
+ else
+ elevator=Long_control*23;
+ if(fabs(CL) > 1E-3)
+ {
+ cmcl=cm / CL;
+ }
+ if(failf == 0)
+ {
+ lastgood=speed;
+ axis[0]='\0';
+ //fprintf(out,"%g,%g,%g,%g,%g,%d",V_calibrated_kts,Alpha*RAD_TO_DEG,Long_control,Throttle_pct,Flap_Position,k);
+ //fprintf(out,",%g,%g,%g,%g,%g\n",CL,cm,cmcl,Weight,Cg);
+ /* printf("%g,%g,%g,%g,%g,%g,%g,%g,%g,%g\n",V_calibrated_kts,Alpha*RAD_TO_DEG,elevator,CL,cm,Cmo,Cma,Cmde,Mass*32.174,Dx_cg);
+ */ }
+ else
+ {
+ printf("trim failed at: %g knots, %g lbs, %g %%MAC, Flaps: %g\n",V_calibrated_kts,Weight,Cg,Flap_Position);
+ printf("wdot: %g, udot: %g, qdot: %g\n",W_dot_body,U_dot_body,Q_dot_body);
+ printf("Alpha: %g, Throttle_pct: %g, Long_control: %g\n\n",Alpha*RAD_TO_DEG,Throttle_pct,Long_control);
+ printf("Speed increment: %g\n",speed_inc);
+ speed+=speed_inc;
+ speed_inc/=2;
+ }
+ speed-=speed_inc;
+ }
+ printf("failf %d\n",failf);
+ if(failf == 1)
+ strcpy(axis,"lift");
+ else if(failf == 2)
+ strcpy(axis,"thrust");
+ else if(failf == 3)
+ strcpy(axis,"pitch");
+ fprintf(out,"Last good speed: %g, Flaps: %g, Weight: %g, CG: %g, failed axis: %s\n",lastgood,Flap_handle,Weight,Cg,axis);
+ }
+ }
+ fclose(out);
+ //free(failf);
+// Initialize the LaRCsim flight model, dt is the time increment for
+// each subsequent iteration through the EOM
+int fgLaRCsimInit(double dt) {
+ ls_toplevel_init(dt);
+ return(1);
+// Run an iteration of the EOM (equations of motion)
+int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
- u=vtfps*cos(alphar)*cos(betar);
- v=vtfps*sin(betar);
- w=vtfps*sin(alphar)*cos(betar);
- vnu=u*cos(thetar)*cos(psir);
- vnv=v*(-sin(psir)*cos(phir)+sin(phir)*sin(thetar)*cos(psir));
- vnw=w*(sin(phir)*sin(psir)+cos(phir)*sin(thetar)*cos(psir));
- V_north=vnu+vnv+vnw;
- vteu=u*cos(thetar)*sin(psir);
- vtev=v*(cos(phir)*cos(psir)+sin(phir)*sin(thetar)*sin(psir));
- vtew=w*(-sin(phir)*cos(psir)+cos(phir)*sin(thetar)*sin(psir));
- vt_east=vteu+vtev+vtew;
- V_east=vt_east+ OMEGA_EARTH*Sea_level_radius*cos(Lat_geocentric);
- vdu=u*-sin(thetar);
- vdv=v*cos(thetar)*sin(phir);
- vdw=w*cos(thetar)*cos(phir);
- V_down=vdu+vdv+vdw;
- Theta=thetar;
- Phi=phir;
- Psi=psir;
+ double save_alt = 0.0;
+ int multiloop=1,k=0,i,j;
+ double time=0,elev_trim,elev_trim_save,elevator,speed,cmcl;
+ FILE *out;
+ double hgain,hdiffgain,herr,herrprev,herr_diff,htarget;
+ double lastVt,vtdots,vtdott;
+ InitialConditions IC;
+ SCALAR *control[7];
+ SCALAR *state[7];
+ float old_state,effectiveness,tol,delta_state,lctrim;
- Throttle_pct=IC.throttle;
- checkLimits(&Throttle_pct,0,1);
+ if(argc < 6)
+ {
+ printf("Need args: $c172 speed alt alpha elev throttle\n");
+ exit(1);
+ }
+ initIC(&IC);
- Long_control=IC.long_control;
- checkLimits(&Long_control,-1,1);
+ IC.latitude=47.5299892; //BFI
+ IC.longitude=122.3019561;
+ Runway_altitude = 18.0;
+ IC.altitude=strtod(argv[2],NULL);
+ IC.vc=strtod(argv[1],NULL);
+ IC.alpha=0;
+ IC.beta=0;
+ IC.gamma=strtod(argv[3],NULL);
+ IC.use_gamma_tmg=1;
+ IC.phi=0;
+ IC.psi=10;
+ IC.weight=2300;
+ IC.cg=0.25;
+ IC.flap_handle=0;
+ IC.long_control=strtod(argv[4],NULL);
+ IC.rudder_pedal=0;
+ printf("IC.vc: %g\n",IC.vc);
+ ls_ForceAltitude(IC.altitude);
+ fgLaRCsimInit(0.01);
+ printf("\nLong_control: %g\n\n",Long_control);
- Lat_control=IC.lat_control;
- checkLimits(&Lat_control,-1,1);
- Rudder_pedal=IC.rudder_pedal;
- checkLimits(&Rudder_pedal,-1,1);
+ IC.altitude=1000;
+ setIC(IC);
+ ls_loop(0.0,-1);
+ IC.flap_handle=10;
+ setIC(IC);
+ ls_loop(0.0,-1);
+ IC.flap_handle=20;
+ setIC(IC);
+ ls_loop(0.0,-1);
+ IC.flap_handle=30;
+ setIC(IC);
+ ls_loop(0.0,-1);
- Flap_Handle=IC.flap_handle;
- checkLimits(&Flap_Handle,0,30);
+ /* find_trim_stall(200,out,IC);
+ IC.vc=120;
+ IC.altitude=8000;
+ IC.weight=2300;
+ IC.cg=0.25;
+ IC.flap_handle=0;
+ setIC(IC);
+ printIC(IC);
+ k=trim_long(100,IC);
-int trim_long(int kmax, InitialConditions IC)
- double elevator,alpha;
- double tol=1E-3;
- double a_tol=tol/10;
- double alpha_step=0.001;
- int k=0,i,j=0,jmax=40,sum=0,trim_failed=0;
- ls_loop(0.0,-1);
- do{
- //printf("k: %d\n",k);
- while((fabs(W_dot_body) > tol) && (j < jmax))
- {
- IC.alpha+=W_dot_body*0.05;
- if((IC.alpha < -5) || (IC.alpha > 21))
- j=jmax;
- setIC(IC);
- ls_loop(0.0,-1);
-/* printf("IC.alpha: %g, Alpha: %g, wdot: %g\n",IC.alpha,Alpha*RAD_TO_DEG,W_dot_body);
- */ j++;
- }
- sum+=j;
- if(trim_failed)
- printf("\tAlpha: %7.4f, wdot: %10.6f, j: %d\n",Alpha*RAD_TO_DEG,W_dot_body,j);
- j=0;
- while((fabs(U_dot_body) > tol) && (j < jmax))
- {
+ printf("Flap_handle: %g, Flap_Position: %g\n",Flap_handle,Flap_Position);
+ printf("k: %d, %g knots, %g lbs, %g %%MAC\n",k,V_calibrated_kts,Weight,Cg);
+ printf("wdot: %g, udot: %g, qdot: %g\n",W_dot_body,U_dot_body,Q_dot_body);
+ printf("Alpha: %g, Throttle_pct: %g, Long_control: %g\n\n",Alpha,Throttle_pct,Long_control);
- IC.throttle-=U_dot_body*0.01;
- setIC(IC);
- ls_loop(0.0,-1);
- j++;
- }
- sum+=j;
- if(trim_failed)
- printf("\tThrottle_pct: %7.4f, udot: %10.6f, j: %d\n",Throttle_pct,U_dot_body,j);
- j=0;
- while((fabs(Q_dot_body) > a_tol) && (j < jmax))
- {
+ printf("Cme: %g, elevator: %g, Cmde: %g\n",elevator*Cmde,elevator,Cmde);
+ IC.cg=0.155;
+ setIC(IC);
+ k=trim_long(100,IC);
- IC.long_control+=Q_dot_body*0.01;
- setIC(IC);
- ls_loop(0.0,-1);
- j++;
- }
- if(trim_failed)
- printf("\tLong_control: %7.4f, qdot: %10.6f, j: %d\n",Long_control,Q_dot_body,j);
- sum+=j;
- if(k == kmax-2)
- {
- if((fabs(W_dot_body) > tol) || (fabs(U_dot_body) > tol) || (fabs(Q_dot_body) > a_tol));
- {
- trim_failed=1;
- jmax=kmax;
- printf("\nTrim failed at: %6.1f knots, %g lbs, %5.3f %MAC\n",V_calibrated_kts,Weight,Cg);
- IC.alpha=0;IC.throttle=0;IC.long_control=0;
- setIC(IC);
- ls_loop(0.0,-1);
- }
- }
- k++;j=0;
- }while(((fabs(W_dot_body) > tol) || (fabs(U_dot_body) > tol) || (fabs(Q_dot_body) > a_tol)) && (k < kmax));
- /* printf("Total Iterations: %d\n",sum); */
- return k;
+ printf("Flap_handle: %g, Flap_Position: %g\n",Flap_handle,Flap_Position);
+ printf("k: %d, %g knots, %g lbs, %g %%MAC\n",k,V_calibrated_kts,Weight,Cg);
+ printf("wdot: %g, udot: %g, qdot: %g\n",W_dot_body,U_dot_body,Q_dot_body);
+ printf("Alpha: %g, Throttle_pct: %g, Long_control: %g\n\n",Alpha,Throttle_pct,Long_control);
-int trim_ground(int kmax, InitialConditions IC)
- double elevator,alpha,qdot_prev,alt_prev,step;
- double tol=1E-3;
- double a_tol=tol/10;
- double alpha_step=0.001;
- int k=0,i,j=0,jmax=40,sum=0,m=0;
- Throttle_pct=0;
- Brake_pct=1;
- Theta=5*DEG_TO_RAD;
- IC.altitude=Runway_altitude;
- printf("udot: %g\n",U_dot_body);
- setIC(IC);
- printf("Altitude: %g, Runway_altitude: %g\n",Altitude,Runway_altitude);
- qdot_prev=1.0E6;
- ls_loop(0.0,-1);
+ printf("Cme: %g, elevator: %g, Cmde: %g\n",elevator*Cmde,elevator,Cmde);
- do{
- //printf("k: %d\n",k);
- step=1;
- printf("IC.altitude: %g, Altitude: %g, Runway_altitude: %g,wdot: %g,F_Z_gear: %g, M_m_gear: %g,F_Z: %g\n",IC.altitude,Altitude,Runway_altitude,W_dot_body,F_Z_gear,M_m_gear,F_Z);
+ IC.cg=0.364;
+ setIC(IC);
+ k=trim_long(100,IC);
- m=0;
- while((fabs(W_dot_body) > tol) && (m < 10))
- {
- j=0;
- do{
- alt_prev=IC.altitude;
- IC.altitude+=step;
- setIC(IC);
- ls_loop(0.0,-1);
- printf("IC.altitude: %g, Altitude: %g, Runway_altitude: %g,wdot: %g,F_Z: %g\n",IC.altitude,Altitude,Runway_altitude,W_dot_body,F_Z);
- j++;
- }while((W_dot_body < 0) && (j < jmax));
- IC.altitude-=step;
- step/=10;
- printf("step: %g\n",step);
- m++;
- }
- sum+=j;
- printf("IC.altitude: %g, Altitude: %g, Runway_altitude: %g,wdot: %g,F_Z_gear: %g, M_m_gear: %g,F_Z: %g\n",IC.altitude,Altitude,Runway_altitude,W_dot_body,F_Z_gear,M_m_gear,F_Z);
+ printf("Flap_handle: %g, Flap_Position: %g\n",Flap_handle,Flap_Position);
+ printf("k: %d, %g knots, %g lbs, %g %%MAC\n",k,V_calibrated_kts,Weight,Cg);
+ printf("wdot: %g, udot: %g, qdot: %g\n",W_dot_body,U_dot_body,Q_dot_body);
+ printf("Alpha: %g, Throttle_pct: %g, Long_control: %g\n\n",Alpha,Throttle_pct,Long_control);
- j=0;
- while((Q_dot_body <= qdot_prev) && (j < jmax))
- {
+ printf("Cme: %g, elevator: %g, Cmde: %g\n",elevator*Cmde,elevator,Cmde);
+ */
- qdot_prev=Q_dot_body;
- IC.theta+=Q_dot_body;
- setIC(IC);
- ls_loop(0.0,-1);
- j++;
- printf("\tTheta: %7.4f, qdot: %10.6f, qdot_prev: %10.6f, j: %d\n",Theta*RAD_TO_DEG,Q_dot_body,qdot_prev,j);
- }
- IC.theta-=qdot_prev;
- sum+=j;
- printf("\tTheta: %7.4f, qdot: %10.6f, W_dot_body: %g\n",Theta,Q_dot_body,W_dot_body);
- j=0;
- if(W_dot_body > tol)
- {
- step=1;
- while((W_dot_body > 0) && (j <jmax))
- {
- IC.altitude-=step;
- setIC(IC);
- ls_loop(0.0,-1);
- j++;
- }
- }
- k++;j=0;
- }while(((fabs(W_dot_body) > tol) || (fabs(Q_dot_body) > tol)) && (k < kmax));
- printf("Total Iterations: %d\n",sum);
- return k;
-void do_trims(int kmax,FILE *out,InitialConditions IC)
- int k=0,i;
- double speed,elevator,cmcl;
- out=fopen("trims.oldCmde.out","w");
- speed=55;
- for(i=1;i<=5;i++)
+ /* do_trims(400,out,IC); */
+ /* ls_loop(0.0,-1);
+ control[1]=&IC.long_control;
+ control[2]=&IC.throttle;
+ control[3]=&IC.alpha;
+ control[4]=&IC.beta;
+ control[5]=&IC.phi;
+ control[6]=&IC.lat_control;
+ state[1]=&Q_dot_body;state[2]=&U_dot_body;state[3]=&W_dot_body;
+ state[4]=&R_dot_body;state[5]=&V_dot_body;state[6]=&P_dot_body;
+ for(i=1;i<=6;i++)
- switch(i)
- {
- case 1: IC.weight=1500;IC.cg=0.155;break;
- case 2: IC.weight=1500;IC.cg=0.364;break;
- case 3: IC.weight=1950;IC.cg=0.155;break;
- case 4: IC.weight=2550;IC.cg=0.257;break;
- case 5: IC.weight=2550;IC.cg=0.364;break;
- }
- speed=50;
- while(speed <= 150)
+ old_state=*state[i];
+ tol=1E-4;
+ for(j=1;j<=6;j++)
- IC.vc=speed;
- Long_control=0;Theta=0;Throttle_pct=0.0;
- k=trim_long(kmax,IC);
- if(Long_control <= 0)
- elevator=Long_control*28;
- else
- elevator=Long_control*23;
- if(fabs(CL) > 1E-3)
- {
- cmcl=cm / CL;
- }
- if(k < kmax)
- {
- fprintf(out,"%g,%g,%g,%g,%g,%d",V_calibrated_kts,Alpha*RAD_TO_DEG,Long_control,Throttle_pct,Gamma_vert_rad,k);
- fprintf(out,",%g,%g,%g,%g,%g\n",CL,cm,cmcl,Weight,Cg);
-/* printf("%g,%g,%g,%g,%g,%g,%g,%g,%g,%g\n",V_calibrated_kts,Alpha*RAD_TO_DEG,elevator,CL,cm,Cmo,Cma,Cmde,Mass*32.174,Dx_cg);
- */ }
- else
- {
-/* printf("kmax exceeded at: %g knots, %g lbs, %g %%MAC\n",V_calibrated_kts,Weight,Cg);
- printf("wdot: %g, udot: %g, qdot: %g\n",W_dot_body,U_dot_body,Q_dot_body);
- printf("Alpha: %g, Throttle_pct: %g, Long_control: %g\n\n",Alpha*RAD_TO_DEG,Throttle_pct,Long_control);
- */ }
- speed+=10;
+ *control[j]+=0.1;
+ setIC(IC);
+ ls_loop(0.0,-1);
+ delta_state=*state[i]-old_state;
+ effectiveness=(delta_state)/ 0.1;
+ if(delta_state < tol)
+ effectiveness = 0;
+ printf("%8.4f,",delta_state);
+ *control[j]-=0.1;
- }
- fclose(out);
+ printf("\n");
+ setIC(IC);
+ ls_loop(0.0,-1);
+ } */
+ return 1;
void do_stick_pull(int kmax, SCALAR tmax,FILE *out,InitialConditions IC)
Long_control=elev_trim+(hgain*herr + hdiffgain*herr_diff);
-/* printf("Time: %7.4f, Alt: %7.4f, Alpha: %7.4f, pelev: %7.4f, qdot: %7.4f, udot: %7.4f, Phi: %7.4f, Psi: %7.4f\n",time,Altitude,Alpha*RAD_TO_DEG,Long_control*100,Q_body*RAD_TO_DEG,U_dot_body,Phi,Psi);
- printf("Mcg: %7.4f, Mrp: %7.4f, Maero: %7.4f, Meng: %7.4f, Mgear: %7.4f, Dx_cg: %7.4f, Dz_cg: %7.4f\n\n",M_m_cg,M_m_rp,M_m_aero,M_m_engine,M_m_gear,Dx_cg,Dz_cg);
- */ fprintf(out,"%20.8f,%20.8f,%20.8f,%20.8f,%20.8f,%20.8f,%20.8f,%20.8f,%20.8f,",time,V_true_kts,Theta*RAD_TO_DEG,Alpha*RAD_TO_DEG,Q_body*RAD_TO_DEG,Alpha_dot*RAD_TO_DEG,Q_dot_body*RAD_TO_DEG,Throttle_pct,elevator*RAD_TO_DEG);
+ //printf("Time: %7.4f, Alt: %7.4f, Alpha: %7.4f, pelev: %7.4f, qdot: %7.4f, udot: %7.4f, Phi: %7.4f, Psi: %7.4f\n",time,Altitude,Alpha*RAD_TO_DEG,Long_control*100,Q_body*RAD_TO_DEG,U_dot_body,Phi,Psi);
+ //printf("Mcg: %7.4f, Mrp: %7.4f, Maero: %7.4f, Meng: %7.4f, Mgear: %7.4f, Dx_cg: %7.4f, Dz_cg: %7.4f\n\n",M_m_cg,M_m_rp,M_m_aero,M_m_engine,M_m_gear,Dx_cg,Dz_cg);
+ fprintf(out,"%20.8f,%20.8f,%20.8f,%20.8f,%20.8f,%20.8f,%20.8f,%20.8f,%20.8f,",time,V_true_kts,Theta*RAD_TO_DEG,Alpha*RAD_TO_DEG,Q_body*RAD_TO_DEG,Alpha_dot*RAD_TO_DEG,Q_dot_body*RAD_TO_DEG,Throttle_pct,elevator*RAD_TO_DEG);
Long_control=elev_trim+(hgain*herr + hdiffgain*herr_diff);
-/* printf("Time: %7.4f, Alt: %7.4f, Alpha: %7.4f, pelev: %7.4f, qdot: %7.4f, udot: %7.4f, Phi: %7.4f, Psi: %7.4f\n",time,Altitude,Alpha*RAD_TO_DEG,Long_control*100,Q_body*RAD_TO_DEG,U_dot_body,Phi,Psi);
- printf("Mcg: %7.4f, Mrp: %7.4f, Maero: %7.4f, Meng: %7.4f, Mgear: %7.4f, Dx_cg: %7.4f, Dz_cg: %7.4f\n\n",M_m_cg,M_m_rp,M_m_aero,M_m_engine,M_m_gear,Dx_cg,Dz_cg);
- */ fprintf(out,"%20.8f,%20.8f,%20.8f,%20.8f,%20.8f,%20.8f,%20.8f,%20.8f,%20.8f,",time,V_true_kts,Theta*RAD_TO_DEG,Alpha*RAD_TO_DEG,Q_body*RAD_TO_DEG,Alpha_dot*RAD_TO_DEG,Q_dot_body*RAD_TO_DEG,Throttle_pct,elevator*RAD_TO_DEG);
+ //printf("Time: %7.4f, Alt: %7.4f, Alpha: %7.4f, pelev: %7.4f, qdot: %7.4f, udot: %7.4f, Phi: %7.4f, Psi: %7.4f\n",time,Altitude,Alpha*RAD_TO_DEG,Long_control*100,Q_body*RAD_TO_DEG,U_dot_body,Phi,Psi);
+ //printf("Mcg: %7.4f, Mrp: %7.4f, Maero: %7.4f, Meng: %7.4f, Mgear: %7.4f, Dx_cg: %7.4f, Dz_cg: %7.4f\n\n",M_m_cg,M_m_rp,M_m_aero,M_m_engine,M_m_gear,Dx_cg,Dz_cg);
+ fprintf(out,"%20.8f,%20.8f,%20.8f,%20.8f,%20.8f,%20.8f,%20.8f,%20.8f,%20.8f,",time,V_true_kts,Theta*RAD_TO_DEG,Alpha*RAD_TO_DEG,Q_body*RAD_TO_DEG,Alpha_dot*RAD_TO_DEG,Q_dot_body*RAD_TO_DEG,Throttle_pct,elevator*RAD_TO_DEG);
- //attempt to maintain zero pitch rate during the roll
+ // attempt to maintain zero pitch rate during the roll
while((V_calibrated_kts < 61) && (time < 30.0))
- /* herrprev=herr;*/
+ // herrprev=herr
- /*herr=Q_body-htarget;
- herr_diff=herr-herrprev;
- Long_control=elev_trim+(hgain*herr + hdiffgain*herr_diff); */
+ // herr=Q_body-htarget;
+ // herr_diff=herr-herrprev;
+ // Long_control=elev_trim+(hgain*herr + hdiffgain*herr_diff);
printf("Time: %7.4f, Vc: %7.4f, Alpha: %7.4f, pelev: %7.4f, qdot: %7.4f, udot: %7.4f, U: %7.4f, W: %7.4f\n",time,V_calibrated_kts,Alpha*RAD_TO_DEG,Long_control*100,Q_body*RAD_TO_DEG,U_dot_body,U_body,W_body);
// printf("Mcg: %7.4f, Mrp: %7.4f, Maero: %7.4f, Meng: %7.4f, Mgear: %7.4f, Dx_cg: %7.4f, Dz_cg: %7.4f\n\n",M_m_cg,M_m_rp,M_m_aero,M_m_engine,M_m_gear,Dx_cg,Dz_cg);
-// Initialize the LaRCsim flight model, dt is the time increment for
-// each subsequent iteration through the EOM
-int fgLaRCsimInit(double dt) {
- ls_toplevel_init(dt);
- return(1);
-// Run an iteration of the EOM (equations of motion)
-int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
- double save_alt = 0.0;
- int multiloop=1,k=0,i,j;
- double time=0,elev_trim,elev_trim_save,elevator,speed,cmcl;
- FILE *out;
- double hgain,hdiffgain,herr,herrprev,herr_diff,htarget;
- double lastVt,vtdots,vtdott;
- InitialConditions IC;
- SCALAR *control[7];
- SCALAR *state[7];
- float old_state,effectiveness,tol,delta_state,lctrim;
- if(argc < 6)
- {
- printf("Need args: $c172 speed alt alpha elev throttle\n");
- exit(1);
- }
- initIC(&IC);
- IC.latitude=47.5299892; //BFI
- IC.longitude=122.3019561;
- Runway_altitude = 18.0;
- IC.altitude=strtod(argv[2],NULL);
- IC.vc=strtod(argv[1],NULL);
- IC.alpha=0;
- IC.beta=0;
- IC.gamma=strtod(argv[3],NULL);
- IC.use_gamma_tmg=1;
- IC.phi=0;
- IC.psi=10;
- IC.weight=2300;
- IC.cg=0.25;
- IC.flap_handle=0;
- IC.long_control=strtod(argv[4],NULL);
- IC.rudder_pedal=0;
- printf("IC.vc: %g\n",IC.vc);
- ls_ForceAltitude(IC.altitude);
- fgLaRCsimInit(0.01);
- printf("\nLong_control: %g\n\n",Long_control);
- setIC(IC);
- printf("V_down: %g, V_north: %g V_east: %g\n",V_down,V_north,V_east);
- ls_loop(0.0,-1);
- printf("V_down: %g, V_north: %g V_east: %g\n",V_down,V_north,V_east);
- printf("Flap_Handle: %g, Flap_Position: %g\n",Flap_Handle,Flap_Position);
- printf("k:, %d, %g knots, %g lbs, %g %%MAC\n",k,V_calibrated_kts,Weight,Cg);
- printf("wdot: %g, udot: %g, qdot: %g\n",W_dot_body,U_dot_body,Q_dot_body);
- printf("Alpha: %g, Throttle_pct: %g, Long_control: %g\n\n",Alpha,Throttle_pct,Long_control);
- printf("Cme: %g, elevator: %g, Cmde: %g\n",elevator*Cmde,elevator,Cmde);
- k=trim_long(100,IC);
- printf("Flap_Handle: %g, Flap_Position: %g\n",Flap_Handle,Flap_Position);
- printf("k:, %d, %g knots, %g lbs, %g %%MAC\n",k,V_calibrated_kts,Weight,Cg);
- printf("wdot: %g, udot: %g, qdot: %g\n",W_dot_body,U_dot_body,Q_dot_body);
- printf("Alpha: %g, Throttle_pct: %g, Long_control: %g\n\n",Alpha,Throttle_pct,Long_control);
- printf("Cme: %g, elevator: %g, Cmde: %g\n",elevator*Cmde,elevator,Cmde);
- i=0;
- while(i < 20)
- {
- ls_update(1);
- i++;
- }
- Flap_Handle=10;
- while((Flap_Position < 5) && (i < 500))
- {
- printf("Flap_Handle: %2.0f, Flap_Position: %5.2f",Flap_Handle,Flap_Position);
- printf(" Flaps_In_Transit: %d\n", Flaps_In_Transit);
-/* printf(" CLo: %7.4f, Cdo: %7.4f, Cmo: %7.4f\n",CLo,Cdo,Cmo);
- */
- ls_update(1);
- i++;
- }
- Flap_Handle=0;
- while((Flap_Position > 0) || (i < 500))
- {
- printf("Flap_Handle: %2.0f, Flap_Position: %5.2f",Flap_Handle,Flap_Position);
- printf(" Flaps_In_Transit: %d\n", Flaps_In_Transit);
-/* printf(" CLo: %7.4f, Cdo: %7.4f, Cmo: %7.4f\n",CLo,Cdo,Cmo);
- */
- ls_update(1);
- i++;
- }
- /* do_trims(400,out,IC); */
- /* ls_loop(0.0,-1);
- control[1]=&IC.long_control;
- control[2]=&IC.throttle;
- control[3]=&IC.alpha;
- control[4]=&IC.beta;
- control[5]=&IC.phi;
- control[6]=&IC.lat_control;
- state[1]=&Q_dot_body;state[2]=&U_dot_body;state[3]=&W_dot_body;
- state[4]=&R_dot_body;state[5]=&V_dot_body;state[6]=&P_dot_body;
- for(i=1;i<=6;i++)
- {
- old_state=*state[i];
- tol=1E-4;
- for(j=1;j<=6;j++)
- {
- *control[j]+=0.1;
- setIC(IC);
- ls_loop(0.0,-1);
- delta_state=*state[i]-old_state;
- effectiveness=(delta_state)/ 0.1;
- if(delta_state < tol)
- effectiveness = 0;
- printf("%8.4f,",delta_state);
- *control[j]-=0.1;
- }
- printf("\n");
- setIC(IC);
- ls_loop(0.0,-1);
- } */
- return 1;
-/*// Convert from the FGInterface struct to the LaRCsim generic_ struct
-int FGInterface_2_LaRCsim (FGInterface& f) {
- Mass = f.get_Mass();
- I_xx = f.get_I_xx();
- I_yy = f.get_I_yy();
- I_zz = f.get_I_zz();
- I_xz = f.get_I_xz();
- // Dx_pilot = f.get_Dx_pilot();
- // Dy_pilot = f.get_Dy_pilot();
- // Dz_pilot = f.get_Dz_pilot();
- Dx_cg = f.get_Dx_cg();
- Dy_cg = f.get_Dy_cg();
- Dz_cg = f.get_Dz_cg();
- // F_X = f.get_F_X();
- // F_Y = f.get_F_Y();
- // F_Z = f.get_F_Z();
- // F_north = f.get_F_north();
- // F_east = f.get_F_east();
- // F_down = f.get_F_down();
- // F_X_aero = f.get_F_X_aero();
- // F_Y_aero = f.get_F_Y_aero();
- // F_Z_aero = f.get_F_Z_aero();
- // F_X_engine = f.get_F_X_engine();
- // F_Y_engine = f.get_F_Y_engine();
- // F_Z_engine = f.get_F_Z_engine();
- // F_X_gear = f.get_F_X_gear();
- // F_Y_gear = f.get_F_Y_gear();
- // F_Z_gear = f.get_F_Z_gear();
- // M_l_rp = f.get_M_l_rp();
- // M_m_rp = f.get_M_m_rp();
- // M_n_rp = f.get_M_n_rp();
- // M_l_cg = f.get_M_l_cg();
- // M_m_cg = f.get_M_m_cg();
- // M_n_cg = f.get_M_n_cg();
- // M_l_aero = f.get_M_l_aero();
- // M_m_aero = f.get_M_m_aero();
- // M_n_aero = f.get_M_n_aero();
- // M_l_engine = f.get_M_l_engine();
- // M_m_engine = f.get_M_m_engine();
- // M_n_engine = f.get_M_n_engine();
- // M_l_gear = f.get_M_l_gear();
- // M_m_gear = f.get_M_m_gear();
- // M_n_gear = f.get_M_n_gear();
- // V_dot_north = f.get_V_dot_north();
- // V_dot_east = f.get_V_dot_east();
- // V_dot_down = f.get_V_dot_down();
- // U_dot_body = f.get_U_dot_body();
- // V_dot_body = f.get_V_dot_body();
- // W_dot_body = f.get_W_dot_body();
- // A_X_cg = f.get_A_X_cg();
- // A_Y_cg = f.get_A_Y_cg();
- // A_Z_cg = f.get_A_Z_cg();
- // A_X_pilot = f.get_A_X_pilot();
- // A_Y_pilot = f.get_A_Y_pilot();
- // A_Z_pilot = f.get_A_Z_pilot();
- // N_X_cg = f.get_N_X_cg();
- // N_Y_cg = f.get_N_Y_cg();
- // N_Z_cg = f.get_N_Z_cg();
- // N_X_pilot = f.get_N_X_pilot();
- // N_Y_pilot = f.get_N_Y_pilot();
- // N_Z_pilot = f.get_N_Z_pilot();
- // P_dot_body = f.get_P_dot_body();
- // Q_dot_body = f.get_Q_dot_body();
- // R_dot_body = f.get_R_dot_body();
- V_north = f.get_V_north();
- V_east = f.get_V_east();
- V_down = f.get_V_down();
- // V_north_rel_ground = f.get_V_north_rel_ground();
- // V_east_rel_ground = f.get_V_east_rel_ground();
- // V_down_rel_ground = f.get_V_down_rel_ground();
- // V_north_airmass = f.get_V_north_airmass();
- // V_east_airmass = f.get_V_east_airmass();
- // V_down_airmass = f.get_V_down_airmass();
- // V_north_rel_airmass = f.get_V_north_rel_airmass();
- // V_east_rel_airmass = f.get_V_east_rel_airmass();
- // V_down_rel_airmass = f.get_V_down_rel_airmass();
- // U_gust = f.get_U_gust();
- // V_gust = f.get_V_gust();
- // W_gust = f.get_W_gust();
- // U_body = f.get_U_body();
- // V_body = f.get_V_body();
- // W_body = f.get_W_body();
- // V_rel_wind = f.get_V_rel_wind();
- // V_true_kts = f.get_V_true_kts();
- // V_rel_ground = f.get_V_rel_ground();
- // V_inertial = f.get_V_inertial();
- // V_ground_speed = f.get_V_ground_speed();
- // V_equiv = f.get_V_equiv();
- // V_equiv_kts = f.get_V_equiv_kts();
- // V_calibrated = f.get_V_calibrated();
- // V_calibrated_kts = f.get_V_calibrated_kts();
- P_body = f.get_P_body();
- Q_body = f.get_Q_body();
- R_body = f.get_R_body();
- // P_local = f.get_P_local();
- // Q_local = f.get_Q_local();
- // R_local = f.get_R_local();
- // P_total = f.get_P_total();
- // Q_total = f.get_Q_total();
- // R_total = f.get_R_total();
- // Phi_dot = f.get_Phi_dot();
- // Theta_dot = f.get_Theta_dot();
- // Psi_dot = f.get_Psi_dot();
- // Latitude_dot = f.get_Latitude_dot();
- // Longitude_dot = f.get_Longitude_dot();
- // Radius_dot = f.get_Radius_dot();
- Lat_geocentric = f.get_Lat_geocentric();
- Lon_geocentric = f.get_Lon_geocentric();
- Radius_to_vehicle = f.get_Radius_to_vehicle();
- Latitude = f.get_Latitude();
- Longitude = f.get_Longitude();
- Altitude = f.get_Altitude();
- Phi = f.get_Phi();
- Theta = f.get_Theta();
- Psi = f.get_Psi();
- // T_local_to_body_11 = f.get_T_local_to_body_11();
- // T_local_to_body_12 = f.get_T_local_to_body_12();
- // T_local_to_body_13 = f.get_T_local_to_body_13();
- // T_local_to_body_21 = f.get_T_local_to_body_21();
- // T_local_to_body_22 = f.get_T_local_to_body_22();
- // T_local_to_body_23 = f.get_T_local_to_body_23();
- // T_local_to_body_31 = f.get_T_local_to_body_31();
- // T_local_to_body_32 = f.get_T_local_to_body_32();
- // T_local_to_body_33 = f.get_T_local_to_body_33();
- // Gravity = f.get_Gravity();
- // Centrifugal_relief = f.get_Centrifugal_relief();
- // Alpha = f.get_Alpha();
- // Beta = f.get_Beta();
- // Alpha_dot = f.get_Alpha_dot();
- // Beta_dot = f.get_Beta_dot();
- // Cos_alpha = f.get_Cos_alpha();
- // Sin_alpha = f.get_Sin_alpha();
- // Cos_beta = f.get_Cos_beta();
- // Sin_beta = f.get_Sin_beta();
- // Cos_phi = f.get_Cos_phi();
- // Sin_phi = f.get_Sin_phi();
- // Cos_theta = f.get_Cos_theta();
- // Sin_theta = f.get_Sin_theta();
- // Cos_psi = f.get_Cos_psi();
- // Sin_psi = f.get_Sin_psi();
- // Gamma_vert_rad = f.get_Gamma_vert_rad();
- // Gamma_horiz_rad = f.get_Gamma_horiz_rad();
- // Sigma = f.get_Sigma();
- // Density = f.get_Density();
- // V_sound = f.get_V_sound();
- // Mach_number = f.get_Mach_number();
- // Static_pressure = f.get_Static_pressure();
- // Total_pressure = f.get_Total_pressure();
- // Impact_pressure = f.get_Impact_pressure();
- // Dynamic_pressure = f.get_Dynamic_pressure();
- // Static_temperature = f.get_Static_temperature();
- // Total_temperature = f.get_Total_temperature();
- Sea_level_radius = f.get_Sea_level_radius();
- Earth_position_angle = f.get_Earth_position_angle();
- Runway_altitude = f.get_Runway_altitude();
- // Runway_latitude = f.get_Runway_latitude();
- // Runway_longitude = f.get_Runway_longitude();
- // Runway_heading = f.get_Runway_heading();
- // Radius_to_rwy = f.get_Radius_to_rwy();
- // D_cg_north_of_rwy = f.get_D_cg_north_of_rwy();
- // D_cg_east_of_rwy = f.get_D_cg_east_of_rwy();
- // D_cg_above_rwy = f.get_D_cg_above_rwy();
- // X_cg_rwy = f.get_X_cg_rwy();
- // Y_cg_rwy = f.get_Y_cg_rwy();
- // H_cg_rwy = f.get_H_cg_rwy();
- // D_pilot_north_of_rwy = f.get_D_pilot_north_of_rwy();
- // D_pilot_east_of_rwy = f.get_D_pilot_east_of_rwy();
- // D_pilot_above_rwy = f.get_D_pilot_above_rwy();
- // X_pilot_rwy = f.get_X_pilot_rwy();
- // Y_pilot_rwy = f.get_Y_pilot_rwy();
- // H_pilot_rwy = f.get_H_pilot_rwy();
- return( 0 );