#include "names.hxx"
-// return the type of the shapefile record
-AreaType get_shapefile_type(GDBFile *dbf, int rec) {
- // GDBFieldDesc *fdesc[128]; // 128 is an arbitrary number here
- GDBFValue *fields; //an array of field values
- char* dbf_rec; //a record containing all the fields
- // grab the meta-information for all the fields
- // this applies to all the records in the DBF file.
- // for ( int i = 0; i < dbf->numFields(); i++ ) {
- // fdesc[i] = dbf->getFieldDesc(i);
- // cout << i << ") " << fdesc[i]->name << endl;
- // }
- // this is the whole name record
- dbf_rec = dbf->getRecord( rec );
- // parse it into individual fields
- if ( dbf_rec ) {
- fields = dbf->recordDeform( dbf_rec );
- } else {
- return UnknownArea;
- }
- string area = fields[4].str_v;
- // strip leading spaces
- while ( area[0] == ' ' ) {
- area = area.substr(1, area.length() - 1);
- }
- // strip trailing spaces
- while ( area[area.length() - 1] == ' ' ) {
- area = area.substr(0, area.length() - 1);
- }
- // strip other junk encountered
- while ( (int)area[area.length() - 1] == 9 ) {
- area = area.substr(0, area.length() - 1);
- }
- return get_area_type( area );
// return area type from text name
AreaType get_area_type( string area ) {
if ( area == "AirportKeep" ) {
// $Log$
+// Revision 1.5 1999/03/22 23:49:29 curt
+// Moved AreaType get_shapefile_type(GDBFile *dbf, int rec) to where it
+// belongs in ShapeFile/
// Revision 1.4 1999/03/13 18:47:04 curt
// Removed an unused variable.
#define _NAMES_HXX
-// libgfc.a includes need this bit o' strangeness
-#if defined ( linux )
-# define _LINUX_
-#include <gfc/gadt_polygon.h>
-#include <gfc/gdbf.h>
-#undef E
-#undef DEG_TO_RAD
-#undef RAD_TO_DEG
// Posible shape file types. Note the order of these is important and
// defines the priority of these shapes if they should intersect. The
// smaller the number, the higher the priority.
-// return the type of the shapefile record
-AreaType get_shapefile_type(GDBFile *dbf, int rec);
// return area type from text name
AreaType get_area_type( string area );
// $Log$
+// Revision 1.4 1999/03/22 23:49:30 curt
+// Moved AreaType get_shapefile_type(GDBFile *dbf, int rec) to where it
+// belongs in ShapeFile/
// Revision 1.3 1999/03/01 15:35:53 curt
// Generalized the routines a bit to make them more useful.
#include "shape.hxx"
+// return the type of the shapefile record
+AreaType get_shapefile_type(GDBFile *dbf, int rec) {
+ // GDBFieldDesc *fdesc[128]; // 128 is an arbitrary number here
+ GDBFValue *fields; //an array of field values
+ char* dbf_rec; //a record containing all the fields
+ // grab the meta-information for all the fields
+ // this applies to all the records in the DBF file.
+ // for ( int i = 0; i < dbf->numFields(); i++ ) {
+ // fdesc[i] = dbf->getFieldDesc(i);
+ // cout << i << ") " << fdesc[i]->name << endl;
+ // }
+ // this is the whole name record
+ dbf_rec = dbf->getRecord( rec );
+ // parse it into individual fields
+ if ( dbf_rec ) {
+ fields = dbf->recordDeform( dbf_rec );
+ } else {
+ return UnknownArea;
+ }
+ string area = fields[4].str_v;
+ // strip leading spaces
+ while ( area[0] == ' ' ) {
+ area = area.substr(1, area.length() - 1);
+ }
+ // strip trailing spaces
+ while ( area[area.length() - 1] == ' ' ) {
+ area = area.substr(0, area.length() - 1);
+ }
+ // strip other junk encountered
+ while ( (int)area[area.length() - 1] == 9 ) {
+ area = area.substr(0, area.length() - 1);
+ }
+ return get_area_type( area );
int main( int argc, char **argv ) {
gpc_polygon gpc_shape;
int i, j;
// $Log$
+// Revision 1.8 1999/03/22 23:49:36 curt
+// Moved AreaType get_shapefile_type(GDBFile *dbf, int rec) to where it
+// belongs in ShapeFile/
// Revision 1.7 1999/03/17 23:51:29 curt
// Changed polygon index counter file.