/* base sky color */
GLfloat base_sky_color[4] = {0.60, 0.60, 0.90, 1.0};
/* base fog color */
- /* GLfloat base_fog_color[4] = {0.70, 0.70, 0.70, 1.0}; */
- GLfloat base_fog_color[4] = {1.00, 0.00, 0.00, 1.0};
+ GLfloat base_fog_color[4] = {0.70, 0.70, 0.70, 1.0};
GLfloat white[4] = { 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0 };
t = &cur_time_params;
v = ¤t_view;
- fgViewUpdate(f, v);
+ fgViewUpdate(f, v, l);
/* Tell GL we are about to modify the projection parameters */
- /* set up our view volume */
+ /* set up our view volume (default) */
gluLookAt(v->view_pos.x, v->view_pos.y, v->view_pos.z,
v->view_pos.x + v->view_forward[0],
v->view_pos.y + v->view_forward[1],
v->view_pos.z + v->view_forward[2],
v->view_up[0], v->view_up[1], v->view_up[2]);
+ /* lock view horizontally towards sun (testing) */
+ /* gluLookAt(v->view_pos.x, v->view_pos.y, v->view_pos.z,
+ v->view_pos.x + v->surface_to_sun[0],
+ v->view_pos.y + v->surface_to_sun[1],
+ v->view_pos.z + v->surface_to_sun[2],
+ v->view_up[0], v->view_up[1], v->view_up[2]); */
+ /* lock view horizontally towards south (testing) */
+ /* gluLookAt(v->view_pos.x, v->view_pos.y, v->view_pos.z,
+ v->view_pos.x + v->surface_south[0],
+ v->view_pos.y + v->surface_south[1],
+ v->view_pos.z + v->surface_south[2],
+ v->view_up[0], v->view_up[1], v->view_up[2]); */
/* set the sun position */
xglLightfv( GL_LIGHT0, GL_POSITION, l->sun_vec );
* Update all Visuals (redraws anything graphics related)
-static void fgUpdateVisuals( void ) {
+static void fgRenderFrame( void ) {
struct fgLIGHT *l;
struct fgTIME *t;
struct fgVIEW *v;
/* redraw display */
- fgUpdateVisuals();
+ fgRenderFrame();
xglutIdleFunc( fgMainLoop );
/* draw the scene */
- xglutDisplayFunc( fgUpdateVisuals );
+ xglutDisplayFunc( fgRenderFrame );
/* pass control off to the GLUT event handler */
/* $Log$
-/* Revision 1.37 1997/12/19 23:34:03 curt
-/* Lot's of tweaking with sky rendering and lighting.
+/* Revision 1.38 1997/12/22 04:14:28 curt
+/* Aligned sky with sun so dusk/dawn effects can be correct relative to the sun.
+ * Revision 1.37 1997/12/19 23:34:03 curt
+ * Lot's of tweaking with sky rendering and lighting.
+ *
* Revision 1.36 1997/12/19 16:44:57 curt
* Working on scene rendering order and options.
GLUTkey.o: GLUTkey.c ../XGL/xgl.h GLUTkey.h views.h ../Include/types.h \
../Flight/flight.h ../Flight/Slew/slew.h \
../Flight/LaRCsim/ls_interface.h ../Flight/LaRCsim/../flight.h \
- ../Math/mat3.h ../Include/constants.h ../Aircraft/aircraft.h \
- ../Aircraft/../Flight/flight.h ../Aircraft/../Controls/controls.h \
+ ../Math/mat3.h ../Time/fg_time.h ../Time/../Include/types.h \
+ ../Time/../Flight/flight.h ../Include/constants.h \
+ ../Aircraft/aircraft.h ../Aircraft/../Flight/flight.h \
+ ../Aircraft/../Controls/controls.h \
../Aircraft/../Controls/../Include/limits.h ../Weather/weather.h
GLUTmain.o: GLUTmain.c ../XGL/xgl.h GLUTkey.h fg_init.h views.h \
../Include/types.h ../Flight/flight.h ../Flight/Slew/slew.h \
../Flight/LaRCsim/ls_interface.h ../Flight/LaRCsim/../flight.h \
- ../Math/mat3.h ../Include/constants.h ../Include/general.h \
- ../Aircraft/aircraft.h ../Aircraft/../Flight/flight.h \
- ../Aircraft/../Controls/controls.h \
+ ../Math/mat3.h ../Time/fg_time.h ../Time/../Include/types.h \
+ ../Time/../Flight/flight.h ../Include/constants.h \
+ ../Include/general.h ../Aircraft/aircraft.h \
+ ../Aircraft/../Flight/flight.h ../Aircraft/../Controls/controls.h \
../Aircraft/../Controls/../Include/limits.h ../Cockpit/cockpit.h \
../Cockpit/hud.h ../Cockpit/../Aircraft/aircraft.h \
../Cockpit/../Flight/flight.h ../Cockpit/../Controls/controls.h \
../Joystick/joystick.h ../Math/fg_geodesy.h ../Math/polar.h \
../Math/../Include/types.h ../Scenery/mesh.h ../Scenery/moon.h \
- ../Scenery/orbits.h ../Scenery/../Time/fg_time.h \
- ../Scenery/../Time/../Include/types.h \
- ../Scenery/../Time/../Flight/flight.h ../Scenery/scenery.h \
+ ../Scenery/orbits.h ../Scenery/../Time/fg_time.h ../Scenery/scenery.h \
../Scenery/../Include/types.h ../Scenery/sky.h ../Scenery/stars.h \
- ../Scenery/sun.h ../Time/fg_time.h ../Time/fg_timer.h \
- ../Time/sunpos.h ../Time/../Include/types.h ../Weather/weather.h
+ ../Scenery/sun.h ../Time/fg_timer.h ../Time/sunpos.h \
+ ../Weather/weather.h
fg_init.o: fg_init.c fg_init.h views.h ../Include/types.h \
../Flight/flight.h ../Flight/Slew/slew.h \
../Flight/LaRCsim/ls_interface.h ../Flight/LaRCsim/../flight.h \
- ../Math/mat3.h ../Include/constants.h ../Include/general.h \
- ../Aircraft/aircraft.h ../Aircraft/../Flight/flight.h \
- ../Aircraft/../Controls/controls.h \
+ ../Math/mat3.h ../Time/fg_time.h ../Time/../Include/types.h \
+ ../Time/../Flight/flight.h ../Include/constants.h \
+ ../Include/general.h ../Aircraft/aircraft.h \
+ ../Aircraft/../Flight/flight.h ../Aircraft/../Controls/controls.h \
../Aircraft/../Controls/../Include/limits.h ../Cockpit/cockpit.h \
../Cockpit/hud.h ../Cockpit/../Aircraft/aircraft.h \
../Cockpit/../Flight/flight.h ../Cockpit/../Controls/controls.h \
../Joystick/joystick.h ../Math/fg_random.h ../Scenery/mesh.h \
../Scenery/moon.h ../Scenery/orbits.h ../Scenery/../Time/fg_time.h \
- ../Scenery/../Time/../Include/types.h \
- ../Scenery/../Time/../Flight/flight.h ../Scenery/scenery.h \
- ../Scenery/../Include/types.h ../Scenery/sky.h ../Scenery/stars.h \
- ../Scenery/sun.h ../Time/fg_time.h ../Time/sunpos.h \
- ../Time/../Include/types.h ../Weather/weather.h
+ ../Scenery/scenery.h ../Scenery/../Include/types.h ../Scenery/sky.h \
+ ../Scenery/stars.h ../Scenery/sun.h ../Time/sunpos.h \
+ ../Weather/weather.h
views.o: views.c views.h ../Include/types.h ../Flight/flight.h \
../Flight/Slew/slew.h ../Flight/LaRCsim/ls_interface.h \
- ../Flight/LaRCsim/../flight.h ../Math/mat3.h ../Include/constants.h \
- ../Math/polar.h ../Math/../Include/types.h ../Scenery/scenery.h \
+ ../Flight/LaRCsim/../flight.h ../Math/mat3.h ../Time/fg_time.h \
+ ../Time/../Include/types.h ../Time/../Flight/flight.h \
+ ../Include/constants.h ../Math/polar.h ../Math/../Include/types.h \
+ ../Math/vector.h ../Math/../Math/mat3.h ../Scenery/scenery.h \
#include "../Flight/flight.h"
#include "../Math/mat3.h"
#include "../Math/polar.h"
+#include "../Math/vector.h"
#include "../Scenery/scenery.h"
+#include "../Time/fg_time.h"
/* This is a record containing current view parameters */
/* Update the view parameters */
-void fgViewUpdate(struct fgFLIGHT *f, struct fgVIEW *v) {
- MAT3vec vec, forward;
+void fgViewUpdate(struct fgFLIGHT *f, struct fgVIEW *v, struct fgLIGHT *l) {
+ MAT3vec vec, forward, v0, minus_z;
+ double ntmp;
/* calculate the cartesion coords of the current lat/lon/0 elev */
v->cur_zero_elev = fgPolarToCart(FG_Longitude, FG_Lat_geocentric,
printf("View pos = %.4f, %.4f, %.4f\n",
v->view_pos.x, v->view_pos.y, v->view_pos.z);
+ /* make a vector to the current view position */
+ MAT3_SET_VEC(v0, v->view_pos.x, v->view_pos.y, v->view_pos.z);
+ /* calculate vector to sun's position on the earth's surface */
+ v->to_sun[0] = l->fg_sunpos.x - (v->view_pos.x + scenery.center.x);
+ v->to_sun[1] = l->fg_sunpos.y - (v->view_pos.y + scenery.center.y);
+ v->to_sun[2] = l->fg_sunpos.z - (v->view_pos.z + scenery.center.z);
+ printf("Vector to sun = %.2f %.2f %.2f\n",
+ v->to_sun[0], v->to_sun[1], v->to_sun[2]);
/* Derive the LOCAL aircraft rotation matrix (roll, pitch, yaw) */
MAT3_SET_VEC(vec, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0);
MAT3rotate(R, vec, FG_Phi);
MAT3rotate(TMP, v->view_up, v->view_offset);
MAT3mult_vec(v->view_forward, forward, TMP);
+ /* Given a vector from the view position to the point on the
+ * earth's surface the sun is directly over, map into onto the
+ * local plane representing "horizontal". */
+ map_vec_onto_cur_surface_plane(v->local_up, v0, v->to_sun,
+ v->surface_to_sun);
+ MAT3_NORMALIZE_VEC(v->surface_to_sun, ntmp);
+ printf("Surface direction to sun is %.2f %.2f %.2f\n",
+ v->surface_to_sun[0], v->surface_to_sun[1], v->surface_to_sun[2]);
+ /* printf("Should be close to zero = %.2f\n",
+ MAT3_DOT_PRODUCT(v->local_up, v->surface_to_sun)); */
+ /* Given a vector pointing straight down (-Z), map into onto the
+ * local plane representing "horizontal". This should give us the
+ * local direction for moving "south". */
+ MAT3_SET_VEC(minus_z, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0);
+ map_vec_onto_cur_surface_plane(v->local_up, v0, minus_z, v->surface_south);
+ MAT3_NORMALIZE_VEC(v->surface_south, ntmp);
+ /* printf("Surface direction directly south %.2f %.2f %.2f\n",
+ v->surface_south[0], v->surface_south[1], v->surface_south[2]); */
+ /* now calculate the surface east vector */
+ MAT3rotate(TMP, v->view_up, FG_PI_2);
+ MAT3mult_vec(v->surface_east, v->surface_south, TMP);
+ /* printf("Surface direction directly east %.2f %.2f %.2f\n",
+ v->surface_east[0], v->surface_east[1], v->surface_east[2]); */
+ /* printf("Should be close to zero = %.2f\n",
+ MAT3_DOT_PRODUCT(v->surface_south, v->surface_east)); */
/* $Log$
-/* Revision 1.5 1997/12/18 04:07:02 curt
-/* Worked on properly translating and positioning the sky dome.
+/* Revision 1.6 1997/12/22 04:14:32 curt
+/* Aligned sky with sun so dusk/dawn effects can be correct relative to the sun.
+ * Revision 1.5 1997/12/18 04:07:02 curt
+ * Worked on properly translating and positioning the sky dome.
+ *
* Revision 1.4 1997/12/17 23:13:36 curt
* Began working on rendering a sky.
#include "../Include/types.h"
#include "../Flight/flight.h"
#include "../Math/mat3.h"
+#include "../Time/fg_time.h"
/* Define a structure containing view information */
struct fgVIEW {
+ /* view position translated to scenery.center */
struct fgCartesianPoint view_pos;
+ /* cartesion coordinates of current lon/lat if at sea level
+ * translated to scenery.center*/
struct fgCartesianPoint cur_zero_elev;
- MAT3vec local_up, view_up, view_forward;
- double view_offset, goal_view_offset;
+ /* vector in cartesian coordinates from current position to the
+ * postion on the earth's surface the sun is directly over */
+ MAT3vec to_sun;
+ /* surface direction to go to head towards sun */
+ MAT3vec surface_to_sun;
+ /* surface vector heading south */
+ MAT3vec surface_south;
+ /* surface vector heading east (used to unambiguously align sky with sun) */
+ MAT3vec surface_east;
+ /* local up vector (normal to the plane tangent to the earth's
+ * surface at the spot we are directly above */
+ MAT3vec local_up;
+ /* up vector for the view (usually point straight up through the
+ * top of the aircraft */
+ MAT3vec view_up;
+ /* the vector pointing straight out the nose of the aircraft */
+ MAT3vec view_forward;
+ /* the current offset from forward for viewing */
+ double view_offset;
+ /* the goal view offset for viewing (used for smooth view changes) */
+ double goal_view_offset;
void fgViewInit(struct fgVIEW *v);
/* Update the view parameters */
-void fgViewUpdate(struct fgFLIGHT *f, struct fgVIEW *v);
+void fgViewUpdate(struct fgFLIGHT *f, struct fgVIEW *v, struct fgLIGHT *l);
#endif /* VIEWS_H */
/* $Log$
-/* Revision 1.4 1997/12/17 23:13:36 curt
-/* Began working on rendering a sky.
+/* Revision 1.5 1997/12/22 04:14:32 curt
+/* Aligned sky with sun so dusk/dawn effects can be correct relative to the sun.
+ * Revision 1.4 1997/12/17 23:13:36 curt
+ * Began working on rendering a sky.
+ *
* Revision 1.3 1997/12/15 23:54:51 curt
* Add xgl wrappers for debugging.
* Generate terrain normals on the fly.
../Time/../Flight/LaRCsim/../flight.h planets.h sun.h \
../Include/constants.h ../Include/general.h ../Main/views.h \
../Main/../Include/types.h ../Main/../Flight/flight.h \
- ../Main/../Math/mat3.h ../Aircraft/aircraft.h \
- ../Aircraft/../Flight/flight.h ../Aircraft/../Controls/controls.h \
+ ../Main/../Math/mat3.h ../Main/../Time/fg_time.h \
+ ../Aircraft/aircraft.h ../Aircraft/../Flight/flight.h \
+ ../Aircraft/../Controls/controls.h \
common.o: common.c common.h
geometry.o: geometry.c geometry.h mesh.h
../Time/../Flight/LaRCsim/ls_interface.h \
../Time/../Flight/LaRCsim/../flight.h moon.h ../Include/general.h \
../Main/views.h ../Main/../Include/types.h ../Main/../Flight/flight.h \
- ../Main/../Math/mat3.h
+ ../Main/../Math/mat3.h ../Main/../Time/fg_time.h
obj.o: obj.c ../XGL/xgl.h obj.h scenery.h ../Include/types.h \
orbits.o: orbits.c orbits.h ../Time/fg_time.h \
../Aircraft/../Flight/flight.h ../Aircraft/../Controls/controls.h \
../Aircraft/../Controls/../Include/limits.h ../Flight/flight.h \
../Include/constants.h ../Main/views.h ../Main/../Include/types.h \
- ../Main/../Flight/flight.h ../Main/../Math/mat3.h ../Math/fg_random.h
+ ../Main/../Flight/flight.h ../Main/../Math/mat3.h \
+ ../Main/../Time/fg_time.h ../Math/fg_random.h
stars.o: stars.c ../XGL/xgl.h orbits.h ../Time/fg_time.h \
../Time/../Include/types.h ../Time/../Flight/flight.h \
../Time/../Flight/Slew/slew.h \
../Aircraft/../Flight/flight.h ../Aircraft/../Controls/controls.h \
../Aircraft/../Controls/../Include/limits.h ../Main/views.h \
../Main/../Include/types.h ../Main/../Flight/flight.h \
- ../Main/../Math/mat3.h
+ ../Main/../Math/mat3.h ../Main/../Time/fg_time.h
sun.o: sun.c ../XGL/xgl.h ../Time/fg_time.h ../Time/../Include/types.h \
../Time/../Flight/flight.h ../Time/../Flight/Slew/slew.h \
../Time/../Flight/LaRCsim/ls_interface.h \
../Time/../Flight/LaRCsim/../flight.h ../Main/views.h \
../Main/../Include/types.h ../Main/../Flight/flight.h \
- ../Main/../Math/mat3.h orbits.h sun.h
+ ../Main/../Math/mat3.h ../Main/../Time/fg_time.h orbits.h sun.h
struct fgFLIGHT *f;
struct fgLIGHT *l;
struct fgVIEW *v;
- float inner_color[4], middle_color[4], diff;
+ float inner_color[4], middle_color[4], diff, east_dot, dot, angle;
int i;
f = ¤t_aircraft.flight;
+ /* calculate the angle between v->surface_to_sun and
+ * v->surface_east. We do this so we can sort out the acos()
+ * ambiguity. I wish I could think of a more efficient way ... :-( */
+ east_dot = MAT3_DOT_PRODUCT(v->surface_to_sun, v->surface_east);
+ printf(" East dot product = %.2f\n", east_dot);
+ /* calculate the angle between v->surface_to_sun and
+ * v->surface_south. this is how much we have to rotate the sky
+ * for it to align with the sun */
+ dot = MAT3_DOT_PRODUCT(v->surface_to_sun, v->surface_south);
+ printf(" Dot product = %.2f\n", dot);
+ if ( east_dot >= 0 ) {
+ angle = acos(dot);
+ } else {
+ angle = -acos(dot);
+ }
+ printf(" Sky needs to rotate = %.3f rads = %.1f degrees.\n",
+ angle, angle * RAD_TO_DEG);
/* Translate to view position */
xglTranslatef( v->cur_zero_elev.x, v->cur_zero_elev.y, v->cur_zero_elev.z );
/* printf(" Translated to %.2f %.2f %.2f\n",
FG_Latitude * RAD_TO_DEG);
xglRotatef( FG_Longitude * RAD_TO_DEG, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0 );
xglRotatef( 90.0 - FG_Latitude * RAD_TO_DEG, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0 );
+ xglRotatef( angle * RAD_TO_DEG, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0 );
/* Draw inner/center section of sky*/
xglBegin( GL_TRIANGLE_FAN );
xglVertex3fv( sky_inner[i] );
xglColor4fv( middle_color );
+ xglColor4f(1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0);
xglVertex3fv( sky_middle[0] );
xglColor4fv( inner_color );
+ xglColor4f(1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0);
xglVertex3fv( sky_inner[0] );
/* $Log$
-/* Revision 1.5 1997/12/19 23:34:59 curt
-/* Lot's of tweaking with sky rendering and lighting.
+/* Revision 1.6 1997/12/22 04:14:34 curt
+/* Aligned sky with sun so dusk/dawn effects can be correct relative to the sun.
+ * Revision 1.5 1997/12/19 23:34:59 curt
+ * Lot's of tweaking with sky rendering and lighting.
+ *
* Revision 1.4 1997/12/19 16:45:02 curt
* Working on scene rendering order and options.
../Flight/LaRCsim/ls_interface.h ../Flight/LaRCsim/../flight.h \
../Include/constants.h ../Main/views.h ../Main/../Include/types.h \
../Main/../Flight/flight.h ../Main/../Math/mat3.h \
- ../Math/fg_geodesy.h ../Math/mat3.h ../Math/polar.h \
- ../Math/../Include/types.h
+ ../Main/../Time/fg_time.h ../Math/fg_geodesy.h ../Math/mat3.h \
+ ../Math/polar.h ../Math/../Include/types.h
ttest.o: ttest.c