+++ /dev/null
- * Name: From GPlus
- * Description: Imports posts from a Google+ account and repeats them
- * Version: 0.1
- * Author: Michael Vogel <ike@piratenpartei.de>
- * Status: unsupported
- */
-define('FROMGPLUS_DEFAULT_POLL_INTERVAL', 30); // given in minutes
-use Friendica\Core\Config;
-use Friendica\Core\Hook;
-use Friendica\Core\L10n;
-use Friendica\Core\Logger;
-use Friendica\Core\PConfig;
-use Friendica\Core\Protocol;
-use Friendica\Core\Renderer;
-use Friendica\Object\Image;
-use Friendica\Util\DateTimeFormat;
-use Friendica\Util\Network;
-use Friendica\Model\Item;
-require_once 'mod/share.php';
-require_once 'mod/parse_url.php';
-function fromgplus_install() {
- Hook::register('connector_settings', 'addon/fromgplus/fromgplus.php', 'fromgplus_addon_settings');
- Hook::register('connector_settings_post', 'addon/fromgplus/fromgplus.php', 'fromgplus_addon_settings_post');
- Hook::register('cron', 'addon/fromgplus/fromgplus.php', 'fromgplus_cron');
-function fromgplus_uninstall() {
- Hook::unregister('connector_settings', 'addon/fromgplus/fromgplus.php', 'fromgplus_addon_settings');
- Hook::unregister('connector_settings_post', 'addon/fromgplus/fromgplus.php', 'fromgplus_addon_settings_post');
- Hook::unregister('cron', 'addon/fromgplus/fromgplus.php', 'fromgplus_cron');
- // Old hooks
- Hook::unregister('addon_settings', 'addon/fromgplus/fromgplus.php', 'fromgplus_addon_settings');
- Hook::unregister('addon_settings_post', 'addon/fromgplus/fromgplus.php', 'fromgplus_addon_settings_post');
-function fromgplus_addon_settings(&$a,&$s) {
- if(! local_user())
- return;
- // If "gpluspost" is installed as well, then the settings are displayed there
- $result = q("SELECT `installed` FROM `addon` WHERE `name` = 'gpluspost' AND `installed`");
- if (count($result) > 0)
- return;
- $enable_checked = (intval(PConfig::get(local_user(),'fromgplus','enable')) ? ' checked="checked"' : '');
- $keywords_checked = (intval(PConfig::get(local_user(), 'fromgplus', 'keywords')) ? ' checked="checked"' : '');
- $account = PConfig::get(local_user(),'fromgplus','account');
- $s .= '<span id="settings_fromgplus_inflated" class="settings-block fakelink" style="display: block;" onclick="openClose(\'settings_fromgplus_expanded\'); openClose(\'settings_fromgplus_inflated\');">';
- $s .= '<img class="connector" src="images/googleplus.png" /><h3 class="connector">'. L10n::t('Google+ Mirror').'</h3>';
- $s .= '</span>';
- $s .= '<div id="settings_fromgplus_expanded" class="settings-block" style="display: none;">';
- $s .= '<span class="fakelink" onclick="openClose(\'settings_fromgplus_expanded\'); openClose(\'settings_fromgplus_inflated\');">';
- $s .= '<img class="connector" src="images/googleplus.png" /><h3 class="connector">'. L10n::t('Google+ Mirror').'</h3>';
- $s .= '</span>';
- $s .= '<div id="fromgplus-wrapper">';
- $s .= '<label id="fromgplus-enable-label" for="fromgplus-enable">'.L10n::t('Enable Google+ Import').'</label>';
- $s .= '<input id="fromgplus-enable" type="checkbox" name="fromgplus-enable" value="1"'.$enable_checked.' />';
- $s .= '<div class="clear"></div>';
- $s .= '<label id="fromgplus-label" for="fromgplus-account">'.L10n::t('Google Account ID').' </label>';
- $s .= '<input id="fromgplus-account" type="text" name="fromgplus-account" value="'.$account.'" />';
- $s .= '</div><div class="clear"></div>';
- $s .= '<label id="fromgplus-keywords-label" for="fromgplus-keywords">'.L10n::t('Add keywords to post').'</label>';
- $s .= '<input id="fromgplus-keywords" type="checkbox" name="fromgplus-keywords" value="1"'.$keywords_checked.' />';
- $s .= '<div class="clear"></div>';
- $s .= '<div class="settings-submit-wrapper" ><input type="submit" id="fromgplus-submit" name="fromgplus-submit"
-class="settings-submit" value="' . L10n::t('Save Settings') . '" /></div>';
- $s .= '</div>';
- return;
-function fromgplus_addon_settings_post(&$a,&$b) {
- if (!local_user())
- return;
- if (!empty($_POST['fromgplus-submit'])) {
- PConfig::set(local_user(),'fromgplus','account',trim($_POST['fromgplus-account']));
- $enable = (!empty($_POST['fromgplus-enable']) ? intval($_POST['fromgplus-enable']) : 0);
- PConfig::set(local_user(),'fromgplus','enable', $enable);
- $keywords = (!empty($_POST['fromgplus-keywords']) ? intval($_POST['fromgplus-keywords']) : 0);
- PConfig::set(local_user(),'fromgplus', 'keywords', $keywords);
- if (!$enable)
- PConfig::delete(local_user(),'fromgplus','lastdate');
- info(L10n::t('Google+ Import Settings saved.') . EOL);
- }
-function fromgplus_addon_admin(&$a, &$o)
- $t = Renderer::getMarkupTemplate("admin.tpl", "addon/fromgplus/");
- $o = Renderer::replaceMacros($t, [
- '$submit' => L10n::t('Save Settings'),
- '$key' => ['key', L10n::t('Key'), trim(Config::get('fromgplus', 'key')), ''],
- ]);
-function fromgplus_addon_admin_post(&$a)
- $key = (!empty($_POST['key']) ? trim($_POST['key']) : '');
- Config::set('fromgplus', 'key', $key);
- info(L10n::t('Settings updated.'). EOL);
-function fromgplus_cron($a,$b) {
- $last = Config::get('fromgplus','last_poll');
- $poll_interval = intval(Config::get('fromgplus','poll_interval'));
- if(! $poll_interval)
- if($last) {
- $next = $last + ($poll_interval * 60);
- if($next > time()) {
- Logger::log('fromgplus: poll intervall not reached');
- return;
- }
- }
- Logger::log('fromgplus: cron_start');
- $r = q("SELECT * FROM `pconfig` WHERE `cat` = 'fromgplus' AND `k` = 'enable' AND `v` = '1' ORDER BY RAND() ");
- if(count($r)) {
- foreach($r as $rr) {
- $account = PConfig::get($rr['uid'],'fromgplus','account');
- if ($account) {
- Logger::log('fromgplus: fetching for user '.$rr['uid']);
- fromgplus_fetch($a, $rr['uid']);
- }
- }
- }
- Logger::log('fromgplus: cron_end');
- Config::set('fromgplus','last_poll', time());
-function fromgplus_post($a, $uid, $source, $body, $location, $coord, $id) {
- //$uid = 2;
- // Don't know what it is. Maybe some trash from the mobile client
- $trash = html_entity_decode("", ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8');
- $body = str_replace($trash, "", $body);
- $body = trim($body);
- if (substr($body, 0, 3) == "[b]") {
- $pos = strpos($body, "[/b]");
- $title = substr($body, 3, $pos-3);
- $body = trim(substr($body, $pos+4));
- } else
- $title = "";
- $_SESSION['authenticated'] = true;
- $_SESSION['uid'] = $uid;
- unset($_REQUEST);
- $_REQUEST['api_source'] = true;
- $_REQUEST['profile_uid'] = $uid;
- $_REQUEST['source'] = $source;
- $_REQUEST['extid'] = Protocol::GPLUS;
- if (isset($id)) {
- $_REQUEST['message_id'] = Item::newURI($uid, Protocol::GPLUS.':'.$id);
- }
- // $_REQUEST['verb']
- // $_REQUEST['parent']
- // $_REQUEST['parent_uri']
- $_REQUEST['title'] = $title;
- $_REQUEST['body'] = $body;
- $_REQUEST['location'] = $location;
- $_REQUEST['coord'] = $coord;
- if (($_REQUEST['title'] == "") && ($_REQUEST['body'] == "")) {
- Logger::log('fromgplus: empty post for user '.$uid." ".print_r($_REQUEST, true));
- return;
- }
- require_once('mod/item.php');
- //print_r($_REQUEST);
- Logger::log('fromgplus: posting for user '.$uid." ".print_r($_REQUEST, true));
- item_post($a);
- Logger::log('fromgplus: done for user '.$uid);
-function fromgplus_html2bbcode($html) {
- $bbcode = html_entity_decode($html, ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8');
- $bbcode = str_ireplace(["\n"], [""], $bbcode);
- $bbcode = str_ireplace(["<b>", "</b>"], ["[b]", "[/b]"], $bbcode);
- $bbcode = str_ireplace(["<i>", "</i>"], ["[i]", "[/i]"], $bbcode);
- $bbcode = str_ireplace(["<s>", "</s>"], ["[s]", "[/s]"], $bbcode);
- $bbcode = str_ireplace(["<br />"], ["\n"], $bbcode);
- $bbcode = str_ireplace(["<br/>"], ["\n"], $bbcode);
- $bbcode = str_ireplace(["<br>"], ["\n"], $bbcode);
- $bbcode = trim(strip_tags($bbcode));
- return($bbcode);
-function fromgplus_parse_query($var)
- {
- /**
- * Use this function to parse out the query array element from
- * the output of parse_url().
- */
- $var = parse_url($var, PHP_URL_QUERY);
- $var = html_entity_decode($var);
- $var = explode('&', $var);
- $arr = [];
- foreach($var as $val) {
- $x = explode('=', $val);
- if (count($x) > 1) {
- $arr[$x[0]] = $x[1];
- }
- }
- unset($val, $x, $var);
- return $arr;
-function fromgplus_cleanupgoogleproxy($fullImage, $image) {
- //$preview = "/w".$fullImage->width."-h".$fullImage->height."/";
- //$preview2 = "/w".$fullImage->width."-h".$fullImage->height."-p/";
- //$fullImage = str_replace(array($preview, $preview2), array("/", "/"), $fullImage->url);
- $fullImage = $fullImage->url;
- //$preview = "/w".$image->width."-h".$image->height."/";
- //$preview2 = "/w".$image->width."-h".$image->height."-p/";
- //$image = str_replace(array($preview, $preview2), array("/", "/"), $image->url);
- $image = $image->url;
- $cleaned = [];
- $queryvar = fromgplus_parse_query($fullImage);
- if (!empty($queryvar['url']))
- $cleaned["full"] = urldecode($queryvar['url']);
- else
- $cleaned["full"] = $fullImage;
- if (@exif_imagetype($cleaned["full"]) == 0)
- $cleaned["full"] = "";
- $queryvar = fromgplus_parse_query($image);
- if (!empty($queryvar['url']))
- $cleaned["preview"] = urldecode($queryvar['url']);
- else
- $cleaned["preview"] = $image;
- if (@exif_imagetype($cleaned["preview"]) == 0)
- $cleaned["preview"] = "";
- if (empty($cleaned["full"])) {
- $cleaned["full"] = $cleaned["preview"];
- $cleaned["preview"] = "";
- }
- if (!empty($cleaned["full"]))
- $infoFull = Image::getInfoFromURL($cleaned["full"]);
- else
- $infoFull = ["0" => 0, "1" => 0];
- if (!empty($cleaned["preview"]))
- $infoPreview = Image::getInfoFromURL($cleaned["preview"]);
- else
- $infoPreview = ["0" => 0, "1" => 0];
- if (($infoPreview[0] >= $infoFull[0]) && ($infoPreview[1] >= $infoFull[1])) {
- $temp = $cleaned["full"];
- $cleaned["full"] = $cleaned["preview"];
- $cleaned["preview"] = $temp;
- }
- if (($cleaned["full"] == $cleaned["preview"]) || (($infoPreview[0] == $infoFull[0]) && ($infoPreview[1] == $infoFull[1])))
- $cleaned["preview"] = "";
- if ($cleaned["full"] == "")
- if (@exif_imagetype($fullImage) != 0)
- $cleaned["full"] = $fullImage;
- if ($cleaned["full"] == "")
- if (@exif_imagetype($image) != 0)
- $cleaned["full"] = $image;
- // Could be changed in the future to a link to the album
- $cleaned["page"] = $cleaned["full"];
- return($cleaned);
-function fromgplus_cleantext($text) {
- // Don't know what it is. But it is added to the text.
- $trash = html_entity_decode("", ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8');
- $text = strip_tags($text);
- $text = html_entity_decode($text, ENT_QUOTES);
- $text = trim($text);
- $text = str_replace(["\n", "\r", " ", $trash], ["", "", "", ""], $text);
- return($text);
-function fromgplus_handleattachments($a, $uid, $item, $displaytext, $shared) {
- $post = "";
- $quote = "";
- $pagedata = [];
- $pagedata["type"] = "";
- foreach ($item->object->attachments as $attachment) {
- switch($attachment->objectType) {
- case "video":
- $pagedata["type"] = "video";
- $pagedata["url"] = Network::finalUrl($attachment->url);
- $pagedata["title"] = fromgplus_html2bbcode($attachment->displayName);
- break;
- case "article":
- $pagedata["type"] = "link";
- $pagedata["url"] = Network::finalUrl($attachment->url);
- $pagedata["title"] = fromgplus_html2bbcode($attachment->displayName);
- $images = fromgplus_cleanupgoogleproxy($attachment->fullImage, $attachment->image);
- if ($images["full"] != "")
- $pagedata["images"][0]["src"] = $images["full"];
- if (!empty($attachment->content)) {
- $quote = trim(fromgplus_html2bbcode($attachment->content));
- }
- if (!empty($quote)) {
- $pagedata["text"] = $quote;
- }
- // Add Keywords to page link
- $data = parseurl_getsiteinfo_cached($pagedata["url"], true);
- if (isset($data["keywords"]) && PConfig::get($uid, 'fromgplus', 'keywords')) {
- $pagedata["keywords"] = $data["keywords"];
- }
- break;
- case "photo":
- // Don't store shared pictures in your wall photos (to prevent a possible violating of licenses)
- if ($shared) {
- $images = fromgplus_cleanupgoogleproxy($attachment->fullImage, $attachment->image);
- } else {
- if ($attachment->fullImage->url != "") {
- $images = Image::storePhoto($a, $uid, "", $attachment->fullImage->url);
- } elseif ($attachment->image->url != "") {
- $images = Image::storePhoto($a, $uid, "", $attachment->image->url);
- }
- }
- if (!empty($images["preview"])) {
- $post .= "\n[url=".$images["page"]."][img]".$images["preview"]."[/img][/url]\n";
- $pagedata["images"][0]["src"] = $images["preview"];
- $pagedata["url"] = $images["page"];
- } elseif (!empty($images["full"])) {
- $post .= "\n[img]".$images["full"]."[/img]\n";
- $pagedata["images"][0]["src"] = $images["full"];
- if ($images["preview"] != "") {
- $pagedata["images"][1]["src"] = $images["preview"];
- }
- }
- if (($attachment->displayName != "") && (fromgplus_cleantext($attachment->displayName) != fromgplus_cleantext($displaytext))) {
- $post .= fromgplus_html2bbcode($attachment->displayName)."\n";
- $pagedata["title"] = fromgplus_html2bbcode($attachment->displayName);
- }
- break;
- case "photo-album":
- $pagedata["url"] = Network::finalUrl($attachment->url);
- $pagedata["title"] = fromgplus_html2bbcode($attachment->displayName);
- $post .= "\n\n[bookmark=".$pagedata["url"]."]".$pagedata["title"]."[/bookmark]\n";
- $images = fromgplus_cleanupgoogleproxy($attachment->fullImage, $attachment->image);
- if ($images["preview"] != "") {
- $post .= "\n[url=".$images["full"]."][img]".$images["preview"]."[/img][/url]\n";
- $pagedata["images"][0]["src"] = $images["preview"];
- $pagedata["url"] = $images["full"];
- } elseif ($images["full"] != "") {
- $post .= "\n[img]".$images["full"]."[/img]\n";
- $pagedata["images"][0]["src"] = $images["full"];
- if ($images["preview"] != "")
- $pagedata["images"][1]["src"] = $images["preview"];
- }
- break;
- case "album":
- $pagedata["type"] = "link";
- $pagedata["url"] = Network::finalUrl($attachment->url);
- $pagedata["title"] = fromgplus_html2bbcode($attachment->displayName);
- $thumb = $attachment->thumbnails[0];
- $pagedata["images"][0]["src"] = $thumb->image->url;
- $quote = trim(fromgplus_html2bbcode($thumb->description));
- if ($quote != "")
- $pagedata["text"] = $quote;
- break;
- case "audio":
- $pagedata["url"] = Network::finalUrl($attachment->url);
- $pagedata["title"] = fromgplus_html2bbcode($attachment->displayName);
- $post .= "\n\n[bookmark=".$pagedata["url"]."]".$pagedata["title"]."[/bookmark]\n";
- break;
- //default:
- // die($attachment->objectType);
- }
- }
- if ($pagedata["type"] != "")
- return(add_page_info_data($pagedata));
- return($post.$quote);
-function fromgplus_fetch($a, $uid) {
- $maxfetch = 20;
- // Special blank to identify postings from the googleplus connector
- $blank = html_entity_decode(" ", ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8');
- $account = PConfig::get($uid,'fromgplus','account');
- $key = Config::get('fromgplus','key');
- $result = Network::fetchUrl("https://www.googleapis.com/plus/v1/people/".$account."/activities/public?alt=json&pp=1&key=".$key."&maxResults=".$maxfetch);
- //$result = file_get_contents("google.txt");
- //file_put_contents("google.txt", $result);
- $activities = json_decode($result);
- $initiallastdate = PConfig::get($uid,'fromgplus','lastdate');
- $first_time = ($initiallastdate == "");
- $lastdate = 0;
- if (empty($activities->items))
- return;
- $reversed = array_reverse($activities->items);
- foreach($reversed as $item) {
- if (strtotime($item->published) <= $initiallastdate)
- continue;
- // Don't publish items that are too young
- if (strtotime($item->published) > (time() - 3*60)) {
- Logger::log('fromgplus_fetch: item too new '.$item->published);
- continue;
- }
- if ($lastdate < strtotime($item->published))
- $lastdate = strtotime($item->published);
- PConfig::set($uid,'fromgplus','lastdate', $lastdate);
- if ($first_time)
- continue;
- if ($item->access->description == "Public") {
- // Loop prevention through the special blank from the googleplus connector
- //if (strstr($item->object->content, $blank))
- if (strrpos($item->object->content, $blank) >= strlen($item->object->content) - 5)
- continue;
- switch($item->object->objectType) {
- case "note":
- $post = fromgplus_html2bbcode($item->object->content);
- if (!empty($item->object->attachments)) {
- $post .= fromgplus_handleattachments($a, $uid, $item, $item->object->content, false);
- }
- $coord = "";
- $location = "";
- if (isset($item->location)) {
- if (isset($item->location->address->formatted))
- $location = $item->location->address->formatted;
- if (isset($item->location->displayName))
- $location = $item->location->displayName;
- if (isset($item->location->position->latitude) &&
- isset($item->location->position->longitude))
- $coord = $item->location->position->latitude." ".$item->location->position->longitude;
- } elseif (isset($item->address))
- $location = $item->address;
- fromgplus_post($a, $uid, $item->provider->title, $post, $location, $coord, $item->id);
- break;
- case "activity":
- $post = fromgplus_html2bbcode($item->annotation)."\n";
- if (!intval(Config::get('system','old_share'))) {
- if (function_exists("share_header"))
- $post .= share_header($item->object->actor->displayName, $item->object->actor->url,
- $item->object->actor->image->url, "",
- DateTimeFormat::utc($item->published),$item->object->url);
- else
- $post .= "[share author='".str_replace("'", "'",$item->object->actor->displayName).
- "' profile='".$item->object->actor->url.
- "' avatar='".$item->object->actor->image->url.
- "' posted='".DateTimeFormat::utc($item->published).
- "' link='".$item->object->url."']";
- $post .= fromgplus_html2bbcode($item->object->content);
- if (is_array($item->object->attachments))
- $post .= "\n".trim(fromgplus_handleattachments($a, $uid, $item, $item->object->content, true));
- $post .= "[/share]";
- } else {
- $post .= fromgplus_html2bbcode("♲");
- $post .= " [url=".$item->object->actor->url."]".$item->object->actor->displayName."[/url] \n";
- $post .= fromgplus_html2bbcode($item->object->content);
- if (is_array($item->object->attachments))
- $post .= "\n".trim(fromgplus_handleattachments($a, $uid, $item, $item->object->content, true));
- }
- $coord = "";
- $location = "";
- if (isset($item->location)) {
- if (isset($item->location->address->formatted))
- $location = $item->location->address->formatted;
- if (isset($item->location->displayName))
- $location = $item->location->displayName;
- if (isset($item->location->position->latitude) &&
- isset($item->location->position->longitude))
- $coord = $item->location->position->latitude." ".$item->location->position->longitude;
- } elseif (isset($item->address))
- $location = $item->address;
- fromgplus_post($a, $uid, $item->provider->title, $post, $location, $coord, $item->id);
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- if ($lastdate != 0)
- PConfig::set($uid,'fromgplus','lastdate', $lastdate);