// The data found is written into the passed-in ATCData structure.
bool FindByFreq( double lon, double lat, double elev, double freq, ATCData* ad, atc_type tp = INVALID );
- // query the database by location, lon and lat are
- // in degrees, elev is in meters, range is in nautical miles.
- // Returns the number of stations of the specified type that are in range, and pushes them into stations
+ // query the database by location, lon and lat are in degrees, elev is in meters, range is in nautical miles.
+ // Returns the number of stations of the specified atc_type tp that are in range of the position defined by
+ // lon, lat and elev, and pushes them into stations.
// If no atc_type is specifed, returns the number of all stations in range, and pushes them into stations
// ** stations is erased before use **
int FindByPos( double lon, double lat, double elev, double range, comm_list_type* stations, atc_type tp = INVALID );