Friendica doesn't allow showing followers of other users.
+### search (*; AUTH)
+#### Parameters
+* q: search query
+* page: the page number (starting at 1) to return
+* rpp: the number of statuses to return per page
+* count: alias for the rpp parameter
+* since_id: returns statuses with ids greater than the given id
+* max_id: returns statuses with ids lower or equal to the given id
+#### Unsupported parameters
+* geocode
+* lang
+* locale
+* result_type
+* until
+* include_entities
### users/search (*)
#### Parameters
/// @TODO move to top of file or somewhere better
api_register_func('api/users/search', 'api_users_search');
+ * Returns statuses that match a specified query.
+ *
+ * @see
+ *
+ * @param string $type Return format: json, xml, atom, rss
+ *
+ * @return array|string
+ * @throws UnauthorizedException
+ * @throws BadRequestException
+ */
+function api_search($type)
+ $data = array();
+ if (x($_REQUEST, 'q')) {
+ if (x($_REQUEST, 'rpp')) {
+ $count = $_REQUEST['rpp'];
+ } elseif (x($_REQUEST, 'count')) {
+ $count = $_REQUEST['count'];
+ } else {
+ $count = 15;
+ }
+ $since_id = (x($_REQUEST, 'since_id') ? $_REQUEST['since_id'] : 0);
+ $max_id = (x($_REQUEST, 'max_id') ? $_REQUEST['max_id'] : 0);
+ $page = (x($_REQUEST, 'page') ? $_REQUEST['page'] - 1 : 0);
+ $start = $page * $count;
+ if ($max_id > 0) {
+ $sql_extra .= ' AND `item`.`id` <= ' . intval($max_id);
+ }
+ $r = q(
+ "SELECT %s
+ FROM `item` %s
+ WHERE %s AND (`item`.`uid` = 0 OR (`item`.`uid` = %s AND NOT `item`.`global`))
+ AND `item`.`body` REGEXP '%s'
+ $sql_extra
+ AND `item`.`id`>%d
+ GROUP BY `item`.`uri`, `item`.`id`
+ ORDER BY `item`.`id` DESC LIMIT %d ,%d ",
+ item_fieldlists(),
+ item_joins(),
+ item_condition(),
+ intval(local_user()),
+ dbesc(protect_sprintf(preg_quote($_REQUEST['q']))),
+ intval($since_id),
+ intval($start),
+ intval($count)
+ );
+ $data['status'] = api_format_items($r, api_get_user(get_app()));
+ } else {
+ throw new BadRequestException("q parameter is required.");
+ }
+ return api_format_data("statuses", $type, $data);
+/// @TODO move to top of file or somewhere better
+api_register_func('api/search/tweets', 'api_search', true);
+api_register_func('api/search', 'api_search', true);