--- /dev/null
+// NasalPositioned_cppbind.cxx -- expose FGPositioned classes to Nasal
+// Port of NasalPositioned.cpp to the new nasal/cppbind helpers. Will replace
+// old NasalPositioned.cpp once finished.
+// Copyright (C) 2013 Thomas Geymayer <tomgey@gmail.com>
+// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+// modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
+// published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the
+// License, or (at your option) any later version.
+// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
+// WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+// General Public License for more details.
+// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+// along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+// Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
+# include "config.h"
+#include "NasalPositioned.hxx"
+#include <algorithm>
+#include <functional>
+#include <boost/foreach.hpp>
+#include <boost/algorithm/string/case_conv.hpp>
+#include <simgear/nasal/cppbind/from_nasal.hxx>
+#include <simgear/nasal/cppbind/to_nasal.hxx>
+#include <simgear/nasal/cppbind/NasalHash.hxx>
+#include <simgear/nasal/cppbind/Ghost.hxx>
+#include <Airports/airport.hxx>
+#include <Airports/dynamics.hxx>
+#include <ATC/CommStation.hxx>
+#include <Navaids/NavDataCache.hxx>
+typedef nasal::Ghost<FGPositionedRef> NasalPositioned;
+typedef nasal::Ghost<FGRunwayRef> NasalRunway;
+typedef nasal::Ghost<FGParkingRef> NasalParking;
+typedef nasal::Ghost<FGAirportRef> NasalAirport;
+typedef nasal::Ghost<flightgear::CommStationRef> NasalCommStation;
+naRef to_nasal_helper(naContext c, FGPositioned* positioned)
+ return NasalPositioned::create(c, positioned);
+naRef to_nasal_helper(naContext c, FGPavement* rwy)
+ return NasalPositioned::create(c, (FGPositioned*)rwy);
+naRef to_nasal_helper(naContext c, FGRunwayBase* rwy)
+ return NasalPositioned::create(c, (FGPositioned*)rwy);
+naRef to_nasal_helper(naContext c, FGParking* parking)
+ return NasalParking::create(c, parking);
+naRef to_nasal_helper(naContext c, flightgear::SID* sid)
+ // TODO SID ghost
+ return nasal::to_nasal(c, sid->ident());
+naRef to_nasal_helper(naContext c, flightgear::STAR* star)
+ // TODO STAR ghost
+ return nasal::to_nasal(c, star->ident());
+naRef to_nasal_helper(naContext c, flightgear::Approach* iap)
+ // TODO Approach ghost
+ return nasal::to_nasal(c, iap->ident());
+naRef to_nasal_helper(naContext c, FGAirport* apt)
+ return NasalAirport::create(c, apt);
+naRef to_nasal_helper(naContext c, const SGGeod& pos)
+ nasal::Hash hash(c);
+ hash.set("lat", pos.getLatitudeDeg());
+ hash.set("lon", pos.getLongitudeDeg());
+ hash.set("elevation", pos.getElevationM());
+ return hash.get_naRef();
+static FGRunwayBase* f_airport_runway(FGAirport& apt, std::string ident)
+ boost::to_upper(ident);
+ if( apt.hasRunwayWithIdent(ident) )
+ return apt.getRunwayByIdent(ident);
+ else if( apt.hasHelipadWithIdent(ident) )
+ return apt.getHelipadByIdent(ident);
+ return 0;
+template<class T, class C1, class C2>
+std::vector<T> extract( const std::vector<C1*>& in,
+ T (C2::*getter)() const )
+ std::vector<T> ret(in.size());
+ std::transform(in.begin(), in.end(), ret.begin(), std::mem_fun(getter));
+ return ret;
+static naRef f_airport_comms(FGAirport& apt, const nasal::CallContext& ctx)
+ FGPositioned::Type comm_type =
+ FGPositioned::typeFromName( ctx.getArg<std::string>(0) );
+ // if we have an explicit type, return a simple vector of frequencies
+ if( comm_type != FGPositioned::INVALID )
+ return ctx.to_nasal
+ (
+ extract( apt.commStationsOfType(comm_type),
+ &flightgear::CommStation::freqMHz )
+ );
+ else
+ // otherwise return a vector of ghosts, one for each comm station.
+ return ctx.to_nasal(apt.commStations());
+FGRunway* runwayFromNasalArg( const FGAirport& apt,
+ const nasal::CallContext& ctx,
+ size_t index = 0 )
+ if( index >= ctx.argc )
+ return NULL;
+ try
+ {
+ std::string ident = ctx.getArg<std::string>(index);
+ if( !ident.empty() )
+ {
+ if( !apt.hasRunwayWithIdent(ident) )
+ // TODO warning/exception?
+ return NULL;
+ return apt.getRunwayByIdent(ident);
+ }
+ }
+ catch(...)
+ {}
+ // TODO warn/error if no runway?
+ return NasalRunway::fromNasal(ctx.c, ctx.args[index]);
+static naRef f_airport_sids(FGAirport& apt, const nasal::CallContext& ctx)
+ FGRunway* rwy = runwayFromNasalArg(apt, ctx);
+ return ctx.to_nasal
+ (
+ extract(rwy ? rwy->getSIDs() : apt.getSIDs(), &flightgear::SID::ident)
+ );
+static naRef f_airport_stars(FGAirport& apt, const nasal::CallContext& ctx)
+ FGRunway* rwy = runwayFromNasalArg(apt, ctx);
+ return ctx.to_nasal
+ (
+ extract(rwy ? rwy->getSTARs() : apt.getSTARs(), &flightgear::STAR::ident)
+ );
+static naRef f_airport_approaches(FGAirport& apt, const nasal::CallContext& ctx)
+ FGRunway* rwy = runwayFromNasalArg(apt, ctx);
+ flightgear::ProcedureType type = flightgear::PROCEDURE_INVALID;
+ std::string type_str = ctx.getArg<std::string>(1);
+ if( !type_str.empty() )
+ {
+ boost::to_upper(type_str);
+ if( type_str == "NDB" ) type = flightgear::PROCEDURE_APPROACH_NDB;
+ else if( type_str == "VOR" ) type = flightgear::PROCEDURE_APPROACH_VOR;
+ else if( type_str == "ILS" ) type = flightgear::PROCEDURE_APPROACH_ILS;
+ else if( type_str == "RNAV") type = flightgear::PROCEDURE_APPROACH_RNAV;
+ }
+ return ctx.to_nasal
+ (
+ extract( rwy ? rwy->getApproaches(type)
+ // no runway specified, report them all
+ : apt.getApproaches(type),
+ &flightgear::Approach::ident )
+ );
+static FGParkingList
+f_airport_parking(FGAirport& apt, const nasal::CallContext& ctx)
+ std::string type = ctx.getArg<std::string>(0);
+ bool only_available = ctx.getArg<bool>(1);
+ FGAirportDynamics* dynamics = apt.getDynamics();
+ PositionedIDVec parkings =
+ flightgear::NavDataCache::instance()
+ ->airportItemsOfType(apt.guid(), FGPositioned::PARKING);
+ FGParkingList ret;
+ BOOST_FOREACH(PositionedID parking, parkings)
+ {
+ // filter out based on availability and type
+ if( only_available && !dynamics->isParkingAvailable(parking) )
+ continue;
+ FGParking* park = dynamics->getParking(parking);
+ if( !type.empty() && (park->getType() != type) )
+ continue;
+ ret.push_back(park);
+ }
+ return ret;
+// Returns Nasal ghost for particular or nearest airport of a <type>, or nil
+// on error. (Currently only airportinfo(<id>) is implemented)
+// airportinfo(<id>); e.g. "KSFO"
+// airportinfo(<type>); type := ("airport"|"seaport"|"heliport")
+// airportinfo() same as airportinfo("airport")
+// airportinfo(<lat>, <lon> [, <type>]);
+static naRef f_airportinfo(naContext c, naRef me, int argc, naRef* args)
+ nasal::CallContext ctx(c, argc, args);
+ // TODO think of something comfortable to overload functions or use variable
+ // number/types of arguments.
+ return ctx.to_nasal(FGAirport::findByIdent( ctx.requireArg<std::string>(0) ));
+naRef initNasalPositioned_cppbind(naRef globalsRef, naContext c, naRef gcSave)
+ NasalPositioned::init("FGPositioned")
+ .member("id", &FGPositioned::ident)
+ .member("ident", &FGPositioned::ident) // TODO to we really need id and ident?
+ .member("name", &FGPositioned::name)
+ .member("lat", &FGPositioned::latitude)
+ .member("lon", &FGPositioned::longitude)
+ .member("elevation", &FGPositioned::elevationM);
+ NasalRunway::init("FGRunway")
+ .bases<NasalPositioned>();
+ NasalParking::init("FGParking")
+ .bases<NasalPositioned>();
+ NasalCommStation::init("CommStation")
+ .bases<NasalPositioned>()
+ .member("frequency", &flightgear::CommStation::freqMHz);
+ NasalAirport::init("FGAirport")
+ .bases<NasalPositioned>()
+ .member("has_metar", &FGAirport::getMetar)
+ .member("runways", &FGAirport::getRunwayMap)
+ .member("helipads", &FGAirport::getHelipadMap)
+ .member("taxiways", &FGAirport::getTaxiways)
+ .member("pavements", &FGAirport::getPavements)
+ .method("runway", &f_airport_runway)
+ .method("helipad", &f_airport_runway)
+ .method("tower", &FGAirport::getTowerLocation)
+ .method("comms", &f_airport_comms)
+ .method("sids", &f_airport_sids)
+ .method("stars", &f_airport_stars)
+ .method("getApproachList", f_airport_approaches)
+ .method("parking", &f_airport_parking)
+ .method("getSid", &FGAirport::findSIDWithIdent)
+ .method("getStar", &FGAirport::findSTARWithIdent)
+ .method("getIAP", &FGAirport::findApproachWithIdent)
+ .method("tostring", &FGAirport::toString);
+ nasal::Hash globals(globalsRef, c),
+ positioned( globals.createHash("positioned") );
+ positioned.set("airportinfo", &f_airportinfo);
+ return naNil();