// Set up the parameters for a MAIL search string
$MAILSearchString = $URLSearchString;
+ // Handle attached links or videos
+ $text = self::convertAttachment($text, $simple_html, $try_oembed);
// if the HTML is used to generate plain text, then don't do this search, but replace all URL of that kind to text
if (!$for_plaintext) {
$text = preg_replace(Strings::autoLinkRegEx(), '[url]$1[/url]', $text);
$text = preg_replace_callback("&\[url=([^\[\]]*)\]\[img\](.*)\[\/img\]\[\/url\]&Usi", 'self::removePictureLinksCallback', $text);
- // Handle attached links or videos
- $text = self::convertAttachment($text, $simple_html, $try_oembed);
$text = str_replace(["\r","\n"], ['<br />', '<br />'], $text);
// Remove all hashtag addresses