fgGetNode("/systems/pitot/total-pressure-inhg", true);
_static_pressure_node =
fgGetNode("/systems/static/pressure-inhg", true);
+ _density_node = fgGetNode("/environment/density-slugft3", true);
_speed_node =
-# define SEA_LEVEL_DENSITY_SLUGFT3 0.002378
#ifndef FPSTOKTS
# define FPSTOKTS 0.592484
AirspeedIndicator::update (double dt)
if (_serviceable_node->getBoolValue()) {
- double pt = _total_pressure_node->getDoubleValue();
- double p = _static_pressure_node->getDoubleValue();
- double q = ( pt - p ) * INHGTOPSF; // dynamic pressure
+ double pt = _total_pressure_node->getDoubleValue() * INHGTOPSF;
+ double p = _static_pressure_node->getDoubleValue() * INHGTOPSF;
+ double r = _density_node->getDoubleValue();
+ double q = ( pt - p ); // dynamic pressure
// Now, reverse the equation (normalize dynamic pressure to
// avoid "nan" results from sqrt)
if ( q < 0 ) { q = 0.0; }
- double v_fps = sqrt((2 * q) / SEA_LEVEL_DENSITY_SLUGFT3);
+ double v_fps = sqrt((2 * q) / r);
// Publish the indicated airspeed
double last_speed_kt = _speed_node->getDoubleValue();
* /instrumentation/airspeed-indicator/serviceable
* /systems/pitot[0]/total-pressure-inhg
* /systems/static[0]/pressure-inhg
+ * /environment/density-slugft3
* Output properties:
SGPropertyNode_ptr _serviceable_node;
SGPropertyNode_ptr _total_pressure_node;
SGPropertyNode_ptr _static_pressure_node;
+ SGPropertyNode_ptr _density_node;
SGPropertyNode_ptr _speed_node;
# define INHGTOPSF (2116.217/29.9212)
+#ifndef PSFTOINHG
#ifndef KTTOFPS
# define KTTOFPS 1.68781
if (_serviceable_node->getBoolValue()) {
// The pitot tube sees the forward
// velocity in the body axis.
- double p = _pressure_node->getDoubleValue(); // static
+ double p = _pressure_node->getDoubleValue() * INHGTOPSF;
double r = _density_node->getDoubleValue();
double v = _velocity_node->getDoubleValue() * KTTOFPS;
- double q = 0.5 * r * v * v / INHGTOPSF; // dynamic
- _total_pressure_node->setDoubleValue(p + q);
+ double q = 0.5 * r * v * v; // dynamic
+ _total_pressure_node->setDoubleValue((p + q) * PSFTOINHG);