CC=cc CXX=CC CFLAGS=-Xcpluscomm ./configure
+Then (and this step is *VERY* important for your success) run the following
+ find . -name Makefile -exec {} \;
+Note, you should make sure you have perl installed on your system. The
+"" script assumes that perl is located in /usr/bin/perl so
+if this isn't the proper location on your system, change it in the first
+line of "" before running the above command. One way to see
+if perl is on your system (and determine where) is to run:
+ which perl
+Perl can be installed from "eoe.sw.gifts_perl" or can be fetched and
+built from the net.
--- /dev/null
+$file = shift(@ARGV);
+print "Fixing $file\n";
+open(IN, "<$file") || die "cannot open $file for reading\n";
+open(OUT, ">$") || die "cannot open $ for writting\n";
+while (<IN>) {
+ s/^AR = ar$/AR = CC -ar/;
+ s/\$\(AR\) cru /\$\(AR\) -o /;
+ print OUT $_;
+rename("$", "$file") || die "cannot rename $ to $file\n";