FGRadioAntenna::FGRadioAntenna(string type) {
- _mirror_y = 1;
+ _mirror_y = 1; // normally we want to mirror these axis because the pattern is simetric
_mirror_z = 1;
- _invert_ground = 0;
+ _invert_ground = 0;
FGRadioAntenna::~FGRadioAntenna() {
+ _pattern.clear();
-double FGRadioAntenna::calculate_gain(double azimuth, double elevation) {
+double FGRadioAntenna::calculate_gain(double bearing, double angle) {
+ // TODO: what if the pattern is assimetric?
+ bearing = fabs(bearing);
+ if (bearing > 180)
+ bearing = 360 - bearing;
+ // for plots with 2 degrees resolution:
+ int azimuth = (int)floor(bearing);
+ azimuth += azimuth % 2;
+ int elevation = (int)floor(angle);
+ elevation += elevation % 2;
+ for (unsigned int i =0; i < _pattern.size(); i++) {
+ AntennaGain point_gain = _pattern[i];
+ if ( (azimuth == point_gain.azimuth) && (elevation == point_gain.elevation)) {
+ return point_gain.gain;
+ }
+ }
return 0;
double gain;
while(!file_in.eof()) {
file_in >> heading >> elevation >> gain;
- cerr << "head: " << heading << " elev: " << elevation << " gain: " << gain << endl;
+ if( (_mirror_y == 1) && (heading > 180) ) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ if ( (_mirror_z == 1) && (elevation < 0) ) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ //cerr << "head: " << heading << " elev: " << elevation << " gain: " << gain << endl;
AntennaGain datapoint;
datapoint.azimuth = heading;
- datapoint.elevation = elevation;
+ datapoint.elevation = 90.0 - fabs(elevation);
datapoint.gain = gain;
_root_node = fgGetNode("sim/radio", true);
_terrain_sampling_distance = _root_node->getDoubleValue("sampling-distance", 90.0); // regular SRTM is 90 meters
double eps_dielect=15.0;
double sgm_conductivity = 0.005;
double eno = 301.0;
- double frq_mhz;
- if( (freq < 118.0) || (freq > 137.0) )
- frq_mhz = 125.0; // sane value, middle of bandplan
- else
- frq_mhz = freq;
+ double frq_mhz = freq;
int radio_climate = 5; // continental temperate
int pol= _polarization;
double conf = 0.90; // 90% of situations and time, take into account speed
double own_lat = fgGetDouble("/position/latitude-deg");
double own_lon = fgGetDouble("/position/longitude-deg");
double own_alt_ft = fgGetDouble("/position/altitude-ft");
+ double own_heading = fgGetDouble("/orientation/heading-deg");
double own_alt= own_alt_ft * SG_FEET_TO_METER;
double point_distance= _terrain_sampling_distance;
double course = SGGeodesy::courseRad(own_pos_c, sender_pos_c);
+ double reverse_course = SGGeodesy::courseRad(sender_pos_c, own_pos_c);
double distance_m = SGGeodesy::distanceM(own_pos, sender_pos);
double probe_distance = 0.0;
/** If distance larger than this value (300 km), assume reception imposssible */
//cerr << "Clutter loss: " << clutter_loss << endl;
//if (errnum == 4) // if parameters are outside sane values for lrprop, the alternative method is used
// return -1;
+ double sender_heading = 270.0; // due West
+ double tx_antenna_bearing = sender_heading - reverse_course;
+ double rx_antenna_bearing = own_heading - course;
+ double rx_elev_angle = atan((itm_elev[2] + transmitter_height - itm_elev[(int)itm_elev[0] + 2] + receiver_height) / distance_m) * SGD_RADIANS_TO_DEGREES;
+ double tx_elev_angle = 0.0 - rx_elev_angle;
+ _TX_antenna = new FGRadioAntenna("Plot2");
+ _TX_antenna->set_heading(sender_heading);
+ _TX_antenna->set_elevation_angle(0);
+ double tx_pattern_gain = _TX_antenna->calculate_gain(tx_antenna_bearing, tx_elev_angle);
+ _RX_antenna = new FGRadioAntenna("Plot2");
+ _RX_antenna->set_heading(own_heading);
+ _RX_antenna->set_elevation_angle(fgGetDouble("/orientation/pitch-deg"));
+ double rx_pattern_gain = _RX_antenna->calculate_gain(rx_antenna_bearing, rx_elev_angle);
+ delete _TX_antenna;
+ delete _RX_antenna;
signal = link_budget - dbloss - clutter_loss + pol_loss;
double signal_strength_dbm = signal_strength - dbloss - clutter_loss + pol_loss;
double field_strength_uV = dbm_to_microvolt(signal_strength_dbm);
_root_node->setDoubleValue("station[0]/field-strength-uV", field_strength_uV);
_root_node->setDoubleValue("station[0]/signal", signal);
_root_node->setDoubleValue("station[0]/tx-erp", tx_erp);
+ _root_node->setDoubleValue("station[0]/tx-pattern-gain", tx_pattern_gain);
+ _root_node->setDoubleValue("station[0]/rx-pattern-gain", rx_pattern_gain);
return signal;