--- /dev/null
+import os
+from twisted.python import log
+from twisted.internet import defer
+from twisted.trial import unittest
+from AptPackages import AptPackages
+class MirrorManager:
+ """Manages all requests for mirror objects."""
+ def __init__(self, cache_dir):
+ self.cache_dir = cache_dir
+ self.apt_caches = {}
+ def extractPath(self, path):
+ site, path = path.split('/',1)
+ if not site:
+ site, path = path.split('/',1)
+ path = '/'+path
+ # Make sure a port is included for consistency
+ if site.find(':') < 0:
+ site = site + ":80"
+ i = max(path.rfind('/dists/'), path.rfind('/pool/'))
+ if i >= 0:
+ baseDir = path[:i]
+ path = path[i:]
+ else:
+ # Uh oh, this is not good
+ log.msg("Couldn't find a good base directory for path: %s" % (site + path))
+ baseDir = ''
+ if site in self.apt_caches:
+ longest_match = 0
+ for base in self.apt_caches[site]:
+ base_match = ''
+ for dirs in path.split('/'):
+ if base.startswith(base_match + '/' + dirs):
+ base_match += '/' + dirs
+ else:
+ break
+ if len(base_match) > longest_match:
+ longest_match = len(base_match)
+ baseDir = base_match
+ log.msg("Settled on baseDir: %s" % baseDir)
+ return site, baseDir, path
+ def init(self, site, baseDir):
+ if site not in self.apt_caches:
+ self.apt_caches[site] = {}
+ if baseDir not in self.apt_caches[site]:
+ site_cache = os.path.join(self.cache_dir, aptpkg_dir, 'mirrors', site + baseDir.replace('/', '_'))
+ self.apt_caches[site][baseDir] = AptPackages(site_cache)
+ def updatedFile(self, path, file_path):
+ site, baseDir, path = self.extractPath(path)
+ self.init(site, baseDir)
+ self.apt_caches[site][baseDir].file_updated(path, file_path)
+ def findHash(self, path):
+ site, baseDir, path = self.extractPath(path)
+ if site in self.apt_caches and baseDir in self.apt_caches[site]:
+ return self.apt_caches[site][baseDir].findHash(path)
+ d = defer.Deferred()
+ d.errback("Not Found")
+ return d
+class TestMirrorManager(unittest.TestCase):
+ """Unit tests for the mirror manager."""
+ pending_calls = []
+ client = None
+ def setUp(self):
+ self.client = MirrorManager('/tmp')
+ def test_extractPath(self):
+ site, baseDir, path = self.client.extractPath('/ftp.us.debian.org/debian/dists/unstable/Release')
+ self.failUnless(site == "ftp.us.debian.org:80", "no match: %s" % site)
+ self.failUnless(baseDir == "/debian", "no match: %s" % baseDir)
+ self.failUnless(path == "/dists/unstable/Release", "no match: %s" % path)
+ site, baseDir, path = self.client.extractPath('/ftp.us.debian.org:16999/debian/pool/d/dpkg/dpkg_1.2.1-1.tar.gz')
+ self.failUnless(site == "ftp.us.debian.org:16999", "no match: %s" % site)
+ self.failUnless(baseDir == "/debian", "no match: %s" % baseDir)
+ self.failUnless(path == "/pool/d/dpkg/dpkg_1.2.1-1.tar.gz", "no match: %s" % path)
+ def verifyHash(self, found_hash, path, true_hash):
+ self.failUnless(found_hash[0] == true_hash,
+ "%s hashes don't match: %s != %s" % (path, found_hash[0], true_hash))
+ def test_findHash(self):
+ self.packagesFile = os.popen('ls -Sr /var/lib/apt/lists/ | grep -E "Packages$" | tail -n 1').read().rstrip('\n')
+ self.sourcesFile = os.popen('ls -Sr /var/lib/apt/lists/ | grep -E "Sources$" | tail -n 1').read().rstrip('\n')
+ for f in os.walk('/var/lib/apt/lists').next()[2]:
+ if f[-7:] == "Release" and self.packagesFile.startswith(f[:-7]):
+ self.releaseFile = f
+ break
+ self.client.updatedFile('/' + self.releaseFile.replace('_','/'),
+ '/var/lib/apt/lists/' + self.releaseFile)
+ self.client.updatedFile('/' + self.releaseFile[:self.releaseFile.find('_dists_')+1].replace('_','/') +
+ self.packagesFile[self.packagesFile.find('_dists_')+1:].replace('_','/'),
+ '/var/lib/apt/lists/' + self.packagesFile)
+ self.client.updatedFile('/' + self.releaseFile[:self.releaseFile.find('_dists_')+1].replace('_','/') +
+ self.sourcesFile[self.sourcesFile.find('_dists_')+1:].replace('_','/'),
+ '/var/lib/apt/lists/' + self.sourcesFile)
+ lastDefer = defer.Deferred()
+ idx_hash = os.popen('grep -A 3000 -E "^SHA1:" ' +
+ '/var/lib/apt/lists/' + self.releaseFile +
+ ' | grep -E " main/binary-i386/Packages.bz2$"'
+ ' | head -n 1 | cut -d\ -f 2').read().rstrip('\n')
+ idx_path = '/' + self.releaseFile.replace('_','/')[:-7] + 'main/binary-i386/Packages.bz2'
+ d = self.client.findHash(idx_path)
+ d.addCallback(self.verifyHash, idx_path, idx_hash)
+ pkg_hash = os.popen('grep -A 30 -E "^Package: dpkg$" ' +
+ '/var/lib/apt/lists/' + self.packagesFile +
+ ' | grep -E "^SHA1:" | head -n 1' +
+ ' | cut -d\ -f 2').read().rstrip('\n')
+ pkg_path = '/' + self.releaseFile[:self.releaseFile.find('_dists_')+1].replace('_','/') + \
+ os.popen('grep -A 30 -E "^Package: dpkg$" ' +
+ '/var/lib/apt/lists/' + self.packagesFile +
+ ' | grep -E "^Filename:" | head -n 1' +
+ ' | cut -d\ -f 2').read().rstrip('\n')
+ d = self.client.findHash(pkg_path)
+ d.addCallback(self.verifyHash, pkg_path, pkg_hash)
+ src_dir = os.popen('grep -A 30 -E "^Package: dpkg$" ' +
+ '/var/lib/apt/lists/' + self.sourcesFile +
+ ' | grep -E "^Directory:" | head -n 1' +
+ ' | cut -d\ -f 2').read().rstrip('\n')
+ src_hashes = os.popen('grep -A 20 -E "^Package: dpkg$" ' +
+ '/var/lib/apt/lists/' + self.sourcesFile +
+ ' | grep -A 4 -E "^Files:" | grep -E "^ " ' +
+ ' | cut -d\ -f 2').read().split('\n')[:-1]
+ src_paths = os.popen('grep -A 20 -E "^Package: dpkg$" ' +
+ '/var/lib/apt/lists/' + self.sourcesFile +
+ ' | grep -A 4 -E "^Files:" | grep -E "^ " ' +
+ ' | cut -d\ -f 4').read().split('\n')[:-1]
+ for i in range(len(src_hashes)):
+ src_path = '/' + self.releaseFile[:self.releaseFile.find('_dists_')+1].replace('_','/') + src_dir + '/' + src_paths[i]
+ d = self.client.findHash(src_path)
+ d.addCallback(self.verifyHash, src_path, src_hashes[i])
+ idx_hash = os.popen('grep -A 3000 -E "^SHA1:" ' +
+ '/var/lib/apt/lists/' + self.releaseFile +
+ ' | grep -E " main/source/Sources.bz2$"'
+ ' | head -n 1 | cut -d\ -f 2').read().rstrip('\n')
+ idx_path = '/' + self.releaseFile.replace('_','/')[:-7] + 'main/source/Sources.bz2'
+ d = self.client.findHash(idx_path)
+ d.addCallback(self.verifyHash, idx_path, idx_hash)
+ d.addCallback(lastDefer.callback)
+ return lastDefer
+ def tearDown(self):
+ for p in self.pending_calls:
+ if p.active():
+ p.cancel()
+ self.client = None
\ No newline at end of file