Logger::log("$hub_mode request from " . $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']);
- // get the nick name from the topic, a bit hacky but needed as a fallback
- $nick = substr(strrchr($hub_topic, "/"), 1);
- // Normally the url should now contain the nick name as last part of the url
if ($a->argc > 1) {
+ // Normally the url should now contain the nick name as last part of the url
$nick = $a->argv[1];
+ } else {
+ // Get the nick name from the topic as a fallback
+ $nick = $hub_topic;
+ // Extract nick name and strip any .atom extension
+ $nick = basename($nick, '.atom');
if (!$nick) {
Logger::log('Bad hub_topic=$hub_topic, ignoring.');
// do subscriber verification according to the PuSH protocol
$hub_challenge = Strings::getRandomHex(40);
- $params = 'hub.mode=' .
- ($subscribe == 1 ? 'subscribe' : 'unsubscribe') .
- '&hub.topic=' . urlencode($hub_topic) .
- '&hub.challenge=' . $hub_challenge .
- '&hub.lease_seconds=604800' .
- '&hub.verify_token=' . $hub_verify_token;
- // lease time is hard coded to one week (in seconds)
- // we don't actually enforce the lease time because GNU
- // Social/StatusNet doesn't honour it (yet)
- $fetchResult = Network::fetchUrlFull($hub_callback . "?" . $params);
+ $params = http_build_query([
+ 'hub.mode' => $subscribe == 1 ? 'subscribe' : 'unsubscribe',
+ 'hub.topic' => $hub_topic,
+ 'hub.challenge' => $hub_challenge,
+ 'hub.verify_token' => $hub_verify_token,
+ // lease time is hard coded to one week (in seconds)
+ // we don't actually enforce the lease time because GNU
+ // Social/StatusNet doesn't honour it (yet)
+ 'hub.lease_seconds' => 604800,
+ ]);
+ $hub_callback = rtrim($hub_callback, ' ?&#');
+ $separator = parse_url($hub_callback, PHP_URL_QUERY) === null ? '?' : '&';
+ $fetchResult = Network::fetchUrlFull($hub_callback . $separator . $params);
$body = $fetchResult->getBody();
$ret = $fetchResult->getReturnCode();