fptr += 3;
+ } else if ( obj_type == SG_COLOR_LIST ) {
+ // read color list properties
+ for ( j = 0; j < nproperties; ++j ) {
+ char prop_type;
+ sgReadChar( fp, &prop_type );
+ sgReadUInt( fp, &nbytes );
+ // cout << "property size = " << nbytes << endl;
+ if ( nbytes > buf.get_size() ) { buf.resize( nbytes ); }
+ char *ptr = buf.get_ptr();
+ sgReadBytes( fp, nbytes, ptr );
+ }
+ // read color list elements
+ for ( j = 0; j < nelements; ++j ) {
+ sgReadUInt( fp, &nbytes );
+ // cout << "element size = " << nbytes << endl;
+ if ( nbytes > buf.get_size() ) { buf.resize( nbytes ); }
+ char *ptr = buf.get_ptr();
+ sgReadBytes( fp, nbytes, ptr );
+ int count = nbytes / (sizeof(float) * 4);
+ float *fptr = (float *)ptr;
+ for ( k = 0; k < count; ++k ) {
+ if ( sgIsBigEndian() ) {
+ sgEndianSwap( (unsigned int *)&(fptr[0]) );
+ sgEndianSwap( (unsigned int *)&(fptr[1]) );
+ sgEndianSwap( (unsigned int *)&(fptr[2]) );
+ sgEndianSwap( (unsigned int *)&(fptr[3]) );
+ }
+ p = Point3D( fptr[0], fptr[1], fptr[2] );
+ // cout << "node = " << p << endl;
+ colors.push_back( p );
+ fptr += 4;
+ }
+ }
} else if ( obj_type == SG_NORMAL_LIST ) {
// read normal list properties
for ( j = 0; j < nproperties; ++j ) {
Point3D p;
sgVec2 t;
sgVec3 pt;
+ sgVec4 color;
int i, j;
string dir = base + "/" + b.gen_base_path();
cout << "fans size = " << fans_v.size() << " fan_materials = "
<< fan_materials.size() << endl;
- cout << "points = " << wgs84_nodes.size() << endl;
+ cout << "nodes = " << wgs84_nodes.size() << endl;
+ cout << "colors = " << colors.size() << endl;
+ cout << "normals = " << normals.size() << endl;
cout << "tex coords = " << texcoords.size() << endl;
// write header magic
short nobjects = 0;
nobjects++; // for gbs
nobjects++; // for vertices
+ nobjects++; // for colors
nobjects++; // for normals
nobjects++; // for texcoords
sgWriteVec3( fp, pt );
+ // dump vertex color list
+ sgWriteChar( fp, (char)SG_COLOR_LIST ); // type
+ sgWriteShort( fp, 0 ); // nproperties
+ sgWriteShort( fp, 1 ); // nelements
+ sgWriteUInt( fp, colors.size() * sizeof(float) * 4 ); // nbytes
+ for ( i = 0; i < (int)colors.size(); ++i ) {
+ p = colors[i];
+ // Right now we have a place holder for color alpha but we
+ // need to update the interface so the calling program can
+ // provide the info.
+ sgSetVec4( color, p.x(), p.y(), p.z(), 1.0 );
+ sgWriteVec4( fp, color );
+ }
// dump vertex normal list
sgWriteChar( fp, (char)SG_NORMAL_LIST ); // type
sgWriteShort( fp, 0 ); // nproperties