--- /dev/null
+"""Manage all delaings with the DHT.
+@var DHT_PIECES: the maximum number of pieces to store with our contact info
+ in the DHT
+@var TORRENT_PIECES: the maximum number of pieces to store as a separate entry
+ in the DHT
+import sha
+from twisted.internet import reactor
+from twisted.python import log
+from interfaces import IDHTStats
+from apt_p2p_conf import config
+from Hash import HashObject
+from util import findMyIPAddr, compact
+class DHT:
+ """Manages all the requests to a DHT.
+ @type dhtClass: L{interfaces.IDHT}
+ @ivar dhtClass: the DHT class to use
+ @type db: L{db.DB}
+ @ivar db: the database to use for tracking files and hashes
+ @type dht: L{interfaces.IDHT}
+ @ivar dht: the DHT instance
+ @type my_contact: C{string}
+ @ivar my_contact: the 6-byte compact peer representation of this peer's
+ download information (IP address and port)
+ """
+ def __init__(self, dhtClass, db):
+ """Initialize the instance.
+ @type dhtClass: L{interfaces.IDHT}
+ @param dhtClass: the DHT class to use
+ """
+ self.dhtClass = dhtClass
+ self.db = db
+ self.my_contact = None
+ def start(self):
+ self.dht = self.dhtClass()
+ self.dht.loadConfig(config, config.get('DEFAULT', 'DHT'))
+ df = self.dht.join()
+ df.addCallbacks(self.joinComplete, self.joinError)
+ return df
+ def joinComplete(self, result):
+ """Complete the DHT join process and determine our download information.
+ Called by the DHT when the join has been completed with information
+ on the external IP address and port of this peer.
+ """
+ my_addr = findMyIPAddr(result,
+ config.getint(config.get('DEFAULT', 'DHT'), 'PORT'),
+ config.getboolean('DEFAULT', 'LOCAL_OK'))
+ if not my_addr:
+ raise RuntimeError, "IP address for this machine could not be found"
+ self.my_contact = compact(my_addr, config.getint('DEFAULT', 'PORT'))
+ self.nextRefresh = reactor.callLater(60, self.refreshFiles)
+ return (my_addr, config.getint('DEFAULT', 'PORT'))
+ def joinError(self, failure):
+ """Joining the DHT has failed."""
+ log.msg("joining DHT failed miserably")
+ log.err(failure)
+ return failure
+ def refreshFiles(self, result = None, hashes = {}):
+ """Refresh any files in the DHT that are about to expire."""
+ if result is not None:
+ log.msg('Storage resulted in: %r' % result)
+ if not hashes:
+ expireAfter = config.gettime('DEFAULT', 'KEY_REFRESH')
+ hashes = self.db.expiredHashes(expireAfter)
+ if len(hashes.keys()) > 0:
+ log.msg('Refreshing the keys of %d DHT values' % len(hashes.keys()))
+ delay = 60
+ if hashes:
+ delay = 3
+ raw_hash = hashes.keys()[0]
+ self.db.refreshHash(raw_hash)
+ hash = HashObject(raw_hash, pieces = hashes[raw_hash]['pieces'])
+ del hashes[raw_hash]
+ storeDefer = self.store(hash)
+ storeDefer.addBoth(self.refreshFiles, hashes)
+ if self.nextRefresh.active():
+ self.nextRefresh.reset(delay)
+ else:
+ self.nextRefresh = reactor.callLater(delay, self.refreshFiles, None, hashes)
+ def getStats(self):
+ """Retrieve the formatted statistics for the DHT.
+ @rtype: C{string}
+ @return: the formatted HTML page containing the statistics
+ """
+ if IDHTStats.implementedBy(self.dhtClass):
+ return self.dht.getStats()
+ return "<p>DHT doesn't support statistics\n"
+ def get(self, key):
+ """Retrieve a hash's value from the DHT."""
+ return self.dht.getValue(key)
+ def store(self, hash):
+ """Add a hash for a file to the DHT.
+ Sets the key and value from the hash information, and tries to add
+ it to the DHT.
+ """
+ key = hash.digest()
+ value = {'c': self.my_contact}
+ pieces = hash.pieceDigests()
+ # Determine how to store any piece data
+ if len(pieces) <= 1:
+ pass
+ elif len(pieces) <= DHT_PIECES:
+ # Short enough to be stored with our peer contact info
+ value['t'] = {'t': ''.join(pieces)}
+ elif len(pieces) <= TORRENT_PIECES:
+ # Short enough to be stored in a separate key in the DHT
+ value['h'] = sha.new(''.join(pieces)).digest()
+ else:
+ # Too long, must be served up by our peer HTTP server
+ value['l'] = sha.new(''.join(pieces)).digest()
+ storeDefer = self.dht.storeValue(key, value)
+ storeDefer.addCallbacks(self._store_done, self._store_error,
+ callbackArgs = (hash, ), errbackArgs = (hash.digest(), ))
+ return storeDefer
+ def _store_done(self, result, hash):
+ """Add a key/value pair for the pieces of the file to the DHT (if necessary)."""
+ log.msg('Added %s to the DHT: %r' % (hash.hexdigest(), result))
+ pieces = hash.pieceDigests()
+ if len(pieces) > DHT_PIECES and len(pieces) <= TORRENT_PIECES:
+ # Add the piece data key and value to the DHT
+ key = sha.new(''.join(pieces)).digest()
+ value = {'t': ''.join(pieces)}
+ storeDefer = self.dht.storeValue(key, value)
+ storeDefer.addCallbacks(self._store_torrent_done, self._store_error,
+ callbackArgs = (key, ), errbackArgs = (key, ))
+ return storeDefer
+ return result
+ def _store_torrent_done(self, result, key):
+ """Adding the pieces to the DHT is complete."""
+ log.msg('Added torrent string %r to the DHT: %r' % (key, result))
+ return result
+ def _store_error(self, err, key):
+ """Adding to the DHT failed."""
+ log.msg('An error occurred adding %r to the DHT: %r' % (key, err))
+ return err
\ No newline at end of file
"""The main program code.
-@var DHT_PIECES: the maximum number of pieces to store with our contact info
- in the DHT
-@var TORRENT_PIECES: the maximum number of pieces to store as a separate entry
- in the DHT
@var download_dir: the name of the directory to use for downloaded files
@var peer_dir: the name of the directory to use for peer downloads
-from binascii import b2a_hex
-from urlparse import urlunparse
from urllib import unquote
-import os, re, sha
from twisted.internet import defer, reactor, protocol
-from twisted.web2 import server, http, http_headers, static
+from twisted.web2 import static
from twisted.python import log, failure
from twisted.python.filepath import FilePath
-from interfaces import IDHT, IDHTStats
from apt_p2p_conf import config
+from DHTManager import DHT
from PeerManager import PeerManager
from HTTPServer import TopLevel
from MirrorManager import MirrorManager
from Hash import HashObject
from db import DB
from stats import StatsLogger
-from util import findMyIPAddr, compact
download_dir = 'cache'
peer_dir = 'peers'
@ivar cache_dir: the directory to use for storing all files
@type db: L{db.DB}
@ivar db: the database to use for tracking files and hashes
- @type dht: L{interfaces.IDHT}
- @ivar dht: the DHT instance
+ @type dht: L{DHTManager.DHT}
+ @ivar dht: the manager for DHT requests
@type stats: L{stats.StatsLogger}
@ivar stats: the statistics logger to record sent data to
@type http_server: L{HTTPServer.TopLevel}
can be queried to get hashes from file names
@type cache: L{CacheManager.CacheManager}
@ivar cache: the manager of all downloaded files
- @type my_contact: C{string}
- @ivar my_contact: the 6-byte compact peer representation of this peer's
- download information (IP address and port)
+ @type my_addr: C{string}, C{int}
+ @ivar my_addr: the IP address and port of this peer
def __init__(self, dhtClass):
log.msg('Initializing the main apt_p2p application')
self.dhtClass = dhtClass
+ self.my_addr = None
#{ Factory interface
def startFactory(self):
if not self.cache_dir.child(peer_dir).exists():
self.db = DB(self.cache_dir.child('apt-p2p.db'))
- self.dht = self.dhtClass()
- self.dht.loadConfig(config, config.get('DEFAULT', 'DHT'))
- self.dht.join().addCallbacks(self.joinComplete, self.joinError)
+ self.dht = DHT(self.dhtClass, self.db)
+ df = self.dht.start()
+ df.addCallback(self._dhtStarted)
self.stats = StatsLogger(self.db)
self.http_server = TopLevel(self.cache_dir.child(download_dir), self.db, self)
self.peers = PeerManager(self.cache_dir.child(peer_dir), self.dht, self.stats)
self.mirrors = MirrorManager(self.cache_dir)
self.cache = CacheManager(self.cache_dir.child(download_dir), self.db, self)
- self.my_contact = None
+ def _dhtStarted(self, result):
+ """Save the returned address and start scanning the cache."""
+ self.my_addr = result
+ self.cache.scanDirectories()
def stopFactory(self):
log.msg('Stoppping the main apt_p2p application')
def buildProtocol(self, addr):
return self.http_server.getHTTPFactory().buildProtocol(addr)
- #{ DHT Maintenance
- def joinComplete(self, result):
- """Complete the DHT join process and determine our download information.
- Called by the DHT when the join has been completed with information
- on the external IP address and port of this peer.
- """
- my_addr = findMyIPAddr(result,
- config.getint(config.get('DEFAULT', 'DHT'), 'PORT'),
- config.getboolean('DEFAULT', 'LOCAL_OK'))
- if not my_addr:
- raise RuntimeError, "IP address for this machine could not be found"
- self.my_contact = compact(my_addr, config.getint('DEFAULT', 'PORT'))
- self.cache.scanDirectories()
- self.nextRefresh = reactor.callLater(60, self.refreshFiles)
- def joinError(self, failure):
- """Joining the DHT has failed."""
- log.msg("joining DHT failed miserably")
- log.err(failure)
- raise RuntimeError, "IP address for this machine could not be found"
- def refreshFiles(self, result = None, hashes = {}):
- """Refresh any files in the DHT that are about to expire."""
- if result is not None:
- log.msg('Storage resulted in: %r' % result)
- if not hashes:
- expireAfter = config.gettime('DEFAULT', 'KEY_REFRESH')
- hashes = self.db.expiredHashes(expireAfter)
- if len(hashes.keys()) > 0:
- log.msg('Refreshing the keys of %d DHT values' % len(hashes.keys()))
- delay = 60
- if hashes:
- delay = 3
- raw_hash = hashes.keys()[0]
- self.db.refreshHash(raw_hash)
- hash = HashObject(raw_hash, pieces = hashes[raw_hash]['pieces'])
- del hashes[raw_hash]
- storeDefer = self.store(hash)
- storeDefer.addBoth(self.refreshFiles, hashes)
- if self.nextRefresh.active():
- self.nextRefresh.reset(delay)
- else:
- self.nextRefresh = reactor.callLater(delay, self.refreshFiles, None, hashes)
+ #{ Other functions
def getStats(self):
"""Retrieve and format the statistics for the program.
@return: the formatted HTML page containing the statistics
out = '<html><body>\n\n'
- out += self.stats.formatHTML(self.my_contact)
+ out += self.stats.formatHTML(self.my_addr)
out += '\n\n'
- if IDHTStats.implementedBy(self.dhtClass):
- out += self.dht.getStats()
+ out += self.dht.getStats()
out += '\n</body></html>\n'
return out
"""Lookup the hash in the DHT."""
log.msg('Looking up hash in DHT for file: %s' % url)
key = hash.expected()
- lookupDefer = self.dht.getValue(key)
+ lookupDefer = self.dht.get(key)
lookupDefer.addBoth(self.startDownload, req, hash, url, d)
def startDownload(self, values, req, hash, url, d):
if url:
self.mirrors.updatedFile(url, file_path)
- if self.my_contact and hash and new_hash and (hash.expected() is not None or forceDHT):
- return self.store(hash)
+ if self.my_addr and hash and new_hash and (hash.expected() is not None or forceDHT):
+ return self.dht.store(hash)
return None
- def store(self, hash):
- """Add a key/value pair for the file to the DHT.
- Sets the key and value from the hash information, and tries to add
- it to the DHT.
- """
- key = hash.digest()
- value = {'c': self.my_contact}
- pieces = hash.pieceDigests()
- # Determine how to store any piece data
- if len(pieces) <= 1:
- pass
- elif len(pieces) <= DHT_PIECES:
- # Short enough to be stored with our peer contact info
- value['t'] = {'t': ''.join(pieces)}
- elif len(pieces) <= TORRENT_PIECES:
- # Short enough to be stored in a separate key in the DHT
- value['h'] = sha.new(''.join(pieces)).digest()
- else:
- # Too long, must be served up by our peer HTTP server
- value['l'] = sha.new(''.join(pieces)).digest()
- storeDefer = self.dht.storeValue(key, value)
- storeDefer.addCallbacks(self.store_done, self.store_error,
- callbackArgs = (hash, ), errbackArgs = (hash.digest(), ))
- return storeDefer
- def store_done(self, result, hash):
- """Add a key/value pair for the pieces of the file to the DHT (if necessary)."""
- log.msg('Added %s to the DHT: %r' % (hash.hexdigest(), result))
- pieces = hash.pieceDigests()
- if len(pieces) > DHT_PIECES and len(pieces) <= TORRENT_PIECES:
- # Add the piece data key and value to the DHT
- key = sha.new(''.join(pieces)).digest()
- value = {'t': ''.join(pieces)}
- storeDefer = self.dht.storeValue(key, value)
- storeDefer.addCallbacks(self.store_torrent_done, self.store_error,
- callbackArgs = (key, ), errbackArgs = (key, ))
- return storeDefer
- return result
- def store_torrent_done(self, result, key):
- """Adding the file to the DHT is complete, and so is the workflow."""
- log.msg('Added torrent string %s to the DHT: %r' % (b2a_hex(key), result))
- return result
- def store_error(self, err, key):
- """Adding to the DHT failed."""
- log.msg('An error occurred adding %s to the DHT: %r' % (b2a_hex(key), err))
- return err
\ No newline at end of file