foundRoute = false;
totalDistance = 0;
maxDistance = 0;
- maxDepth = 1000;
+ //maxDepth = 1000;
count = 0;
currTraffic = activeTraffic.begin();
FGTaxiRoute FGGroundNetwork::findShortestRoute(int start, int end)
- double course;
- double length;
- foundRoute = false;
- totalDistance = 0;
- FGTaxiNode *firstNode = findNode(start);
- FGTaxiNode *lastNode = findNode(end);
- //prevNode = prevPrevNode = -1;
- //prevNode = start;
- routes.clear();
- nodesStack.clear();
- routesStack.clear();
- // calculate distance and heading "as the crow flies" between starn and end points"
- SGWayPoint first(firstNode->getLongitude(),
- firstNode->getLatitude(),
- 0);
- destination = SGWayPoint(lastNode->getLongitude(),
- lastNode->getLatitude(),
- 0);
- first.CourseAndDistance(destination, &course, &length);
- for (FGTaxiSegmentVectorIterator
- itr = segments.begin();
- itr != segments.end(); itr++)
- {
- (*itr)->setCourseDiff(course);
- }
- //FGTaxiNodeVectorIterator nde = nodes.begin();
- //while (nde != nodes.end()) {
- // (*nde)->sortEndSegments();
- // nde++;
- //}
- maxDepth = 1000;
- //do
- // {
- // cerr << "Begin of Trace " << start << " to "<< end << " maximum depth = " << maxDepth << endl;
- trace(firstNode, end, 0, 0);
- // maxDepth--;
- // }
- //while ((routes.size() != 0) && (maxDepth > 0));
- //cerr << "End of Trace" << endl;
- FGTaxiRoute empty;
- if (!foundRoute)
- {
- SG_LOG( SG_GENERAL, SG_ALERT, "Failed to find route from waypoint " << start << " to " << end << " at " <<
- parent->getId());
- exit(1);
- }
- sort(routes.begin(), routes.end());
- //for (intVecIterator i = route.begin(); i != route.end(); i++)
- // {
- // rte->push_back(*i);
- // }
- if (routes.begin() != routes.end())
- {
- // if ((routes.begin()->getDepth() < 0.5 * maxDepth) && (maxDepth > 1))
-// {
-// maxDepth--;
-// cerr << "Max search depth decreased to : " << maxDepth;
-// }
-// else
-// {
-// maxDepth++;
-// cerr << "Max search depth increased to : " << maxDepth;
-// }
- return *(routes.begin());
- }
- else
- return empty;
+//implements Dijkstra's algorithm to find shortest distance route from start to end
+//taken from's_algorithm
+ //double INFINITE = 100000000000.0;
+ // initialize scoring values
+ for (FGTaxiNodeVectorIterator
+ itr = nodes.begin();
+ itr != nodes.end(); itr++) {
+ (*itr)->pathscore = HUGE_VAL; //infinity by all practical means
+ (*itr)->previousnode = 0; //
+ (*itr)->previousseg = 0; //
+ }
-void FGGroundNetwork::trace(FGTaxiNode *currNode, int end, int depth, double distance)
- // Just check some preconditions of the trace algorithm
- if (nodesStack.size() != routesStack.size())
- {
- SG_LOG(SG_GENERAL, SG_ALERT, "size of nodesStack and routesStack is not equal. NodesStack :"
- << nodesStack.size() << ". RoutesStack : " << routesStack.size());
- }
- nodesStack.push_back(currNode->getIndex());
- totalDistance += distance;
- //cerr << "Starting trace " << currNode->getIndex() << " " << "total distance: " << totalDistance << endl;
- // << currNode->getIndex() << endl;
- // If the current route matches the required end point we found a valid route
- // So we can add this to the routing table
- if (currNode->getIndex() == end)
- {
- maxDepth = depth;
- //cerr << "Found route : " << totalDistance << "" << " " << *(nodesStack.end()-1) << " Depth = " << depth << endl;
- routes.push_back(FGTaxiRoute(nodesStack,routesStack,totalDistance, depth));
- if (nodesStack.empty() || routesStack.empty())
- {
- printRoutingError(string("while finishing route"));
- }
- nodesStack.pop_back();
- routesStack.pop_back();
- if (!(foundRoute)) {
- maxDistance = totalDistance;
- }
- else
- if (totalDistance < maxDistance)
- maxDistance = totalDistance;
- foundRoute = true;
- totalDistance -= distance;
- return;
- }
+ FGTaxiNode *firstNode = findNode(start);
+ firstNode->pathscore = 0;
- // search if the currentNode has been encountered before
- // if so, we should step back one level, because it is
- // rather rediculous to proceed further from here.
- // if the current node has not been encountered before,
- // i should point to nodesStack.end()-1; and we can continue
- // if i is not nodesStack.end, the previous node was found,
- // and we should return.
- // This only works at trace levels of 1 or higher though
- if (depth > 0) {
- intVecIterator i = nodesStack.begin();
- while ((*i) != currNode->getIndex()) {
- //cerr << "Route so far : " << (*i) << endl;
- i++;
- }
- if (i != nodesStack.end()-1) {
- if (nodesStack.empty() || routesStack.empty())
- {
- printRoutingError(string("while returning from an already encountered node"));
- }
- nodesStack.pop_back();
- routesStack.pop_back();
- totalDistance -= distance;
- return;
+ FGTaxiNode *lastNode = findNode(end);
+ FGTaxiNodeVector unvisited(nodes); // working copy
+ while (!unvisited.empty()) {
+ FGTaxiNode* best = *(unvisited.begin());
+ for (FGTaxiNodeVectorIterator
+ itr = unvisited.begin();
+ itr != unvisited.end(); itr++) {
+ if ((*itr)->pathscore < best->pathscore)
+ best = (*itr);
+ }
+ FGTaxiNodeVectorIterator newend = remove(unvisited.begin(), unvisited.end(), best);
+ unvisited.erase(newend, unvisited.end());
+ if (best == lastNode) { // found route or best not connected
+ break;
+ } else {
+ for (FGTaxiSegmentVectorIterator
+ seg = best->getBeginRoute();
+ seg != best->getEndRoute(); seg++) {
+ FGTaxiNode* tgt = (*seg)->getEnd();
+ double alt = best->pathscore + (*seg)->getLength();
+ if (alt < tgt->pathscore) { // Relax (u,v)
+ tgt->pathscore = alt;
+ tgt->previousnode = best;
+ tgt->previousseg = *seg; //
+ }
+ }
+ }
- if (depth >= maxDepth) {
- count++;
- if (!(count % 100000)) {
- maxDepth--; // Gradually decrease maxdepth, to prevent "eternal searches"
- //cerr << "Reducing maxdepth to " << maxDepth << endl;
- }
- nodesStack.pop_back();
- routesStack.pop_back();
- totalDistance -= distance;
- return;
+ if (lastNode->pathscore == HUGE_VAL) {
+ // no valid route found
+ SG_LOG( SG_GENERAL, SG_ALERT, "Failed to find route from waypoint " << start << " to " << end << " at " <<
+ parent->getId());
+ exit(1); //TODO exit more gracefully, no need to stall the whole sim with broken GN's
+ } else {
+ // assemble route from backtrace information
+ intVec nodes, routes;
+ FGTaxiNode* bt = lastNode;
+ while (bt->previousnode != 0) {
+ nodes.push_back(bt->getIndex());
+ routes.push_back(bt->previousseg->getIndex());
+ bt = bt->previousnode;
+ }
+ nodes.push_back(start);
+ reverse(nodes.begin(), nodes.end());
+ reverse(routes.begin(), routes.end());
+ return FGTaxiRoute(nodes, routes, lastNode->pathscore, 0);
- // If the total distance from start to the current waypoint
- // is longer than that of a route we can also stop this trace
- // and go back one level.
- if ((totalDistance > maxDistance) && foundRoute)
- //if (foundRoute)
- {
- //cerr << "Stopping rediculously long trace: " << totalDistance << endl;
- if (nodesStack.empty() || routesStack.empty())
- {
- printRoutingError(string("while returning from finding a rediculously long route"));
- }
- nodesStack.pop_back();
- routesStack.pop_back();
- totalDistance -= distance;
- return;
- }
- }
+// void FGGroundNetwork::trace(FGTaxiNode *currNode, int end, int depth, double distance)
+// {
+// // Just check some preconditions of the trace algorithm
+// if (nodesStack.size() != routesStack.size())
+// {
+// SG_LOG(SG_GENERAL, SG_ALERT, "size of nodesStack and routesStack is not equal. NodesStack :"
+// << nodesStack.size() << ". RoutesStack : " << routesStack.size());
+// }
+// nodesStack.push_back(currNode->getIndex());
+// totalDistance += distance;
+// //cerr << "Starting trace " << currNode->getIndex() << " " << "total distance: " << totalDistance << endl;
+// // << currNode->getIndex() << endl;
+// // If the current route matches the required end point we found a valid route
+// // So we can add this to the routing table
+// if (currNode->getIndex() == end)
+// {
+// maxDepth = depth;
+// //cerr << "Found route : " << totalDistance << "" << " " << *(nodesStack.end()-1) << " Depth = " << depth << endl;
+// routes.push_back(FGTaxiRoute(nodesStack,routesStack,totalDistance, depth));
+// if (nodesStack.empty() || routesStack.empty())
+// {
+// printRoutingError(string("while finishing route"));
+// }
+// nodesStack.pop_back();
+// routesStack.pop_back();
+// if (!(foundRoute)) {
+// maxDistance = totalDistance;
+// }
+// else
+// if (totalDistance < maxDistance)
+// maxDistance = totalDistance;
+// foundRoute = true;
+// totalDistance -= distance;
+// return;
+// }
+// // search if the currentNode has been encountered before
+// // if so, we should step back one level, because it is
+// // rather rediculous to proceed further from here.
+// // if the current node has not been encountered before,
+// // i should point to nodesStack.end()-1; and we can continue
+// // if i is not nodesStack.end, the previous node was found,
+// // and we should return.
+// // This only works at trace levels of 1 or higher though
+// if (depth > 0) {
+// intVecIterator i = nodesStack.begin();
+// while ((*i) != currNode->getIndex()) {
+// //cerr << "Route so far : " << (*i) << endl;
+// i++;
+// }
+// if (i != nodesStack.end()-1) {
+// if (nodesStack.empty() || routesStack.empty())
+// {
+// printRoutingError(string("while returning from an already encountered node"));
+// }
+// nodesStack.pop_back();
+// routesStack.pop_back();
+// totalDistance -= distance;
+// return;
+// }
+// if (depth >= maxDepth) {
+// count++;
+// if (!(count % 100000)) {
+// maxDepth--; // Gradually decrease maxdepth, to prevent "eternal searches"
+// //cerr << "Reducing maxdepth to " << maxDepth << endl;
+// }
+// nodesStack.pop_back();
+// routesStack.pop_back();
+// totalDistance -= distance;
+// return;
+// }
+// // If the total distance from start to the current waypoint
+// // is longer than that of a route we can also stop this trace
+// // and go back one level.
+// if ((totalDistance > maxDistance) && foundRoute)
+// //if (foundRoute)
+// {
+// //cerr << "Stopping rediculously long trace: " << totalDistance << endl;
+// if (nodesStack.empty() || routesStack.empty())
+// {
+// printRoutingError(string("while returning from finding a rediculously long route"));
+// }
+// nodesStack.pop_back();
+// routesStack.pop_back();
+// totalDistance -= distance;
+// return;
+// }
+// }
//cerr << "2" << endl;
if (currNode->getBeginRoute() != currNode->getEndRoute())
totalDistance -= distance;
void FGGroundNetwork::printRoutingError(string mess)
// return;
// setDt(0);
+ current->clearResolveCircularWait();
+ current->setWaitsForId(0);
checkSpeedAdjustment(id, lat, lon, heading, speed, alt);
checkHoldPosition (id, lat, lon, heading, speed, alt);
+ if (checkForCircularWaits(id)) {
+ i->setResolveCircularWait();
+ }
+ Scan for a speed adjustment change. Find the nearest aircraft that is in front
+ and adjust speed when we get too close. Only do this when current position and/or
+ intentions of the current aircraft match current taxiroute position of the proximate
+ aircraft. For traffic that is on other routes we need to issue a "HOLD Position"
+ instruction. See below for the hold position instruction.
+ Note that there currently still is one flaw in the logic that needs to be addressed.
+ can be situations where one aircraft is in front of the current aircraft, on a separate
+ route, but really close after an intersection coming off the current route. This
+ aircraft is still close enough to block the current aircraft. This situation is currently
+ not addressed yet, but should be.
void FGGroundNetwork::checkSpeedAdjustment(int id, double lat,
double lon, double heading,
double speed, double alt)
- // Scan for a speed adjustment change. Find the nearest aircraft that is in front
- // and adjust speed when we get too close. Only do this when current position and/or
- // intentions of the current aircraft match current taxiroute position of the proximate
- // aircraft. For traffic that is on other routes we need to issue a "HOLD Position"
- // instruction. See below for the hold position instruction.
TrafficVectorIterator current, closest;
TrafficVectorIterator i = activeTraffic.begin();
bool otherReasonToSlowDown = false;
current = i;
//closest = current;
previousInstruction = current->getSpeedAdjustment();
double mindist = HUGE;
if (activeTraffic.size())
+ Check for "Hold position instruction".
+ The hold position should be issued under the following conditions:
+ 1) For aircraft entering or crossing a runway with active traffic on it, or landing aircraft near it
+ 2) For taxiing aircraft that use one taxiway in opposite directions
+ 3) For crossing or merging taxiroutes.
void FGGroundNetwork::checkHoldPosition(int id, double lat,
double lon, double heading,
double speed, double alt)
- // Check for "Hold position instruction".
- // The hold position should be issued under the following conditions:
- // 1) For aircraft entering or crossing a runway with active traffic on it, or landing aircraft near it
- // 2) For taxiing aircraft that use one taxiway in opposite directions
- // 3) For crossing or merging taxiroutes.
TrafficVectorIterator current;
TrafficVectorIterator i = activeTraffic.begin();
SGWayPoint nodePos(findNode(node)->getLongitude (),
findNode(node)->getLatitude (),
SGWayPoint other (i->getLongitude (),
i->getLatitude (),
i->getAltitude ());
+ current->setWaitsForId(i->getId());
//cerr << "Hold check 5: " << current->getCallSign() <<" Setting Hold Position: distance to node (" << node << ") "
// << dist << " meters. Waiting for " << i->getCallSign();
//if (opposing)
+ * Check whether situations occur where the current aircraft is waiting for itself
+ * due to higher order interactions.
+ * A 'circular' wait is a situation where a waits for b, b waits for c, and c waits
+ * for a. Ideally each aircraft only waits for one other aircraft, so by tracing
+ * through this list of waiting aircraft, we can check if we'd eventually end back
+ * at the current aircraft.
+ *
+ * Note that we should consider the situation where we are actually checking aircraft
+ * d, which is waiting for aircraft a. d is not part of the loop, but is held back by
+ * the looping aircraft. If we don't check for that, this function will get stuck into
+ * endless loop.
+ */
+bool FGGroundNetwork::checkForCircularWaits(int id)
+ //cerr << "Performing Wait check " << id << endl;
+ int target = 0;
+ TrafficVectorIterator current, other;
+ TrafficVectorIterator i = activeTraffic.begin();
+ int trafficSize = activeTraffic.size();
+ if (trafficSize) {
+ //while ((i->getId() != id) && i != activeTraffic.end())
+ while (i != activeTraffic.end()) {
+ if (i->getId() == id) {
+ break;
+ }
+ i++;
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (i == activeTraffic.end() || (trafficSize == 0)) {
+ SG_LOG(SG_GENERAL, SG_ALERT, "AI error: Trying to access non-existing aircraft in FGGroundNetwork::checkForCircularWaits");
+ }
+ current = i;
+ target = current->getWaitsForId();
+ //bool printed = false; // Note that this variable is for debugging purposes only.
+ int counter = 0;
+ while ((target > 0) && (target != id) && counter++ < trafficSize) {
+ //printed = true;
+ TrafficVectorIterator i = activeTraffic.begin();
+ if (trafficSize) {
+ //while ((i->getId() != id) && i != activeTraffic.end())
+ while (i != activeTraffic.end()) {
+ if (i->getId() == target) {
+ break;
+ }
+ i++;
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (i == activeTraffic.end() || (trafficSize == 0)) {
+ //cerr << "[Waiting for traffic at Runway: DONE] " << endl << endl;;
+ // The target id is not found on the current network, which means it's at the tower
+ //SG_LOG(SG_GENERAL, SG_ALERT, "AI error: Trying to access non-existing aircraft in FGGroundNetwork::checkForCircularWaits");
+ return false;
+ }
+ other = i;
+ target = other->getWaitsForId();
+ // actually this trap isn't as impossible as it first seemed:
+ // the setWaitsForID(id) is set to current when the aircraft
+ // is waiting for the user controlled aircraft.
+ //if (current->getId() == other->getId()) {
+ // cerr << "Caught the impossible trap" << endl;
+ // cerr << "Current = " << current->getId() << endl;
+ // cerr << "Other = " << other ->getId() << endl;
+ // for (TrafficVectorIterator at = activeTraffic.begin();
+ // at != activeTraffic.end();
+ // at++) {
+ // cerr << "currently active aircraft : " << at->getCallSign() << " with Id " << at->getId() << " waits for " << at->getWaitsForId() << endl;
+ // }
+ // exit(1);
+ if (current->getId() == other->getId())
+ return false;
+ //}
+ //cerr << current->getCallSign() << " (" << current->getId() << ") " << " -> " << other->getCallSign()
+ // << " (" << other->getId() << "); " << endl;;
+ //current = other;
+ }
+ //if (printed)
+ // cerr << "[done] " << endl << endl;;
+ if (id == target) {
+ SG_LOG(SG_GENERAL, SG_INFO, "Detected circular wait condition");
+ return true;
+ } else {
+ return false;
+ }
// Note that this function is probably obsolete...
bool FGGroundNetwork::hasInstruction(int id)
return FGATCInstruction();