FGAILocalTraffic::FGAILocalTraffic() {
ATC = globals->get_ATC_mgr();
+ // TODO - unhardwire this - possibly let the AI manager set the callsign
+ plane.callsign = "Trainer-two-five-charlie";
+ plane.type = GA_SINGLE;
roll = 0.0;
pitch = 0.0;
hdg = 270.0;
wind_speed_knots = fgGetNode("/environment/wind-speed-kts", true);
circuitsToFly = 0;
liningUp = false;
+ taxiRequestPending = false;
+ taxiRequestCleared = false;
+ holdingShort = false;
+ clearedToLineUp = false;
+ clearedToTakeOff = false;
+ reportReadyForDeparture = false;
+ contactTower = false;
+ contactGround = false;
FGAILocalTraffic::~FGAILocalTraffic() {
// Get details of the active runway
-// This is a private internal function and it is assumed that by the
-// time it is called the tower control and airport code will have been set up.
+// It is assumed that by the time this is called the tower control and airport code will have been set up.
void FGAILocalTraffic::GetRwyDetails() {
//cout << "GetRwyDetails called" << endl;
- // Based on the airport-id and wind get the active runway
+ rwy.rwyID = tower->GetActiveRunway();
+ // Now we need to get the threshold position and rwy heading
SGPath path( globals->get_fg_root() );
path.append( "Airports" );
path.append( "runways.mk4" );
FGRunways runways( path.c_str() );
- //wind
- double hdg = wind_from_hdg->getDoubleValue();
- double speed = wind_speed_knots->getDoubleValue();
- hdg = (speed == 0.0 ? 270.0 : hdg);
- //cout << "Heading = " << hdg << '\n';
FGRunway runway;
- bool rwyGood = runways.search(airportID, int(hdg), &runway);
+ bool rwyGood = runways.search(airportID, rwy.rwyID, &runway);
if(rwyGood) {
// Get the threshold position
- hdg = runway.heading;
+ hdg = runway.heading; // TODO - check - is this our heading we are setting here, and if so should we be?
//cout << "hdg reset to " << hdg << '\n';
double other_way = hdg - 180.0;
while(other_way <= 0.0) {
//cout << "Threshold position = " << tshlon << ", " << tshlat << ", " << aptElev << '\n';
//cout << "Takeoff position = " << tolon << ", " << tolat << ", " << aptElev << '\n';
rwy.hdg = hdg;
- rwy.rwyID = runway.rwy_no;
// Set the projection for the local area
ortho.Init(rwy.threshold_pos, rwy.hdg);
rwy.end1ortho = ortho.ConvertToLocal(rwy.threshold_pos); // should come out as zero
rwy.end2ortho = ortho.ConvertToLocal(takeoff_end);
- rwy.mag_var = 14.0; // TODO - remove this last hardwired bit!!
- //(Although I don't think we even use the magvar any more?)
- rwy.mag_hdg = rwy.hdg - rwy.mag_var;
- rwy.ID = (int)rwy.mag_hdg / 10;
- //cout << "rwy.ID = " << rwy.ID << '\n';
} else {
- SG_LOG(SG_GENERAL, SG_ALERT, "Help - can't get good runway in FGAILocalTraffic!!\n");
+ SG_LOG(SG_ATC, SG_ALERT, "Help - can't get good runway in FGAILocalTraffic!!\n");
ground = tower->GetGroundPtr();
if(ground == NULL) {
// Something has gone wrong :-(
- cout << "ERROR - can't get a ground pointer from tower control in FGAILocalTraffic::Init() :-(\n";
+ SG_LOG(SG_ATC, SG_ALERT, "ERROR - can't get a ground pointer from tower control in FGAILocalTraffic::Init() :-(");
+ } else if((initialState == PARKED) || (initialState == TAXIING)) {
+ freq = (double)ground->get_freq() / 100.0;
+ //cout << "AILocalTraffic freq is " << freq << '\n';
} else {
// Check CTAF, unicom etc
if(ourGate == NULL) {
// Implies no available gates - what shall we do?
// For now just vanish the plane - possibly we can make this more elegant in the future
- SG_LOG(SG_GENERAL, SG_ALERT, "No gate found by FGAILocalTraffic whilst attempting Init at " << airportID << '\n');
+ SG_LOG(SG_ATC, SG_ALERT, "No gate found by FGAILocalTraffic whilst attempting Init at " << airportID << '\n');
pitch = 0.0;
- SG_LOG(SG_GENERAL, SG_ALERT, "Attempt to set unknown operating state in FGAILocalTraffic.Init(...)\n");
+ SG_LOG(SG_ATC, SG_ALERT, "Attempt to set unknown operating state in FGAILocalTraffic.Init(...)\n");
// For now we'll punt this and do nothing
case PARKED:
- circuitsToFly = numCircuits - 1; // Hack (-1) because we only test and decrement circuitsToFly after landing
+ circuitsToFly = numCircuits; // Note that one too many circuits gets flown because we only test and decrement circuitsToFly after landing
// thus flying one too many circuits. TODO - Need to sort this out better!
touchAndGo = tag;
+#if 0
// Get the active runway details (and copy them into rwy)
path = ground->GetPath(ourGate, rwy.rwyID);
if(path.size() < 2) {
// something has gone wrong
- SG_LOG(SG_GENERAL, SG_ALERT, "Invalid path from gate to theshold in FGAILocalTraffic::FlyCircuits\n");
+ SG_LOG(SG_ATC, SG_ALERT, "Invalid path from gate to theshold in FGAILocalTraffic::FlyCircuits\n");
// Run the internal calculations
void FGAILocalTraffic::Update(double dt) {
+ //cout << "A" << flush;
+ double responseTime = 10.0; // seconds - this should get more sophisticated at some point
+ responseCounter += dt;
+ if((contactTower) && (responseCounter >= 8.0)) {
+ // Acknowledge request before changing frequency so it gets rendered if the user is on the same freq
+ string trns = "Tower ";
+ double f = globals->get_ATC_mgr()->GetFrequency(airportID, TOWER) / 100.0;
+ char buf[10];
+ sprintf(buf, "%f", f);
+ trns += buf;
+ trns += " ";
+ trns += plane.callsign;
+ Transmit(trns);
+ responseCounter = 0.0;
+ contactTower = false;
+ changeFreq = true;
+ changeFreqType = TOWER;
+ }
+ if((changeFreq) && (responseCounter > 8.0)) {
+ switch(changeFreqType) {
+ case TOWER:
+ freq = (double)tower->get_freq() / 100.0;
+ //Transmit("DING!");
+ // Contact the tower, even if only virtually
+ changeFreq = false;
+ tower->ContactAtHoldShort(plane, this, CIRCUIT);
+ break;
+ case GROUND:
+ freq = (double)ground->get_freq() / 100.0;
+ break;
+ // And to avoid compiler warnings...
+ case APPROACH:
+ break;
+ case ATIS:
+ break;
+ case ENROUTE:
+ break;
+ break;
+ case INVALID:
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ //cout << "." << flush;
switch(operatingState) {
//cout << "In IN_PATTERN\n";
//cout << "In TAXIING\n";
+ //cout << "*" << flush;
if(!elevInitGood) {
if(aip.getFGLocation()->get_cur_elev_m() > -9990.0) {
- Taxi(dt);
+ //cout << "," << flush;
+ if(!((holdingShort) && (!clearedToLineUp))) {
+ //cout << "|" << flush;
+ Taxi(dt);
+ }
+ //cout << ";" << flush;
+ if((clearedToTakeOff) && (responseCounter >= 8.0)) {
+ // possible assumption that we're at the hold short here - may not always hold
+ // TODO - sort out the case where we're cleared to line-up first and then cleared to take-off on the rwy.
+ taxiState = TD_LINING_UP;
+ path = ground->GetPath(holdShortNode, rwy.rwyID);
+ /*
+ cout << "path returned was:" << endl;
+ for(unsigned int i=0; i<path.size(); ++i) {
+ switch(path[i]->struct_type) {
+ case NODE:
+ cout << "NODE " << ((node*)(path[i]))->nodeID << endl;
+ break;
+ case ARC:
+ cout << "ARC\n";
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ */
+ clearedToTakeOff = false; // We *are* still cleared - this simply stops the response recurring!!
+ holdingShort = false;
+ string trns = "Cleared for take-off ";
+ trns += plane.callsign;
+ Transmit(trns);
+ StartTaxi();
+ }
+ //cout << "^" << flush;
- case PARKED:
+ case PARKED:
//cout << "In PARKED\n";
if(!elevInitGood) {
elevInitGood = true;
+ if(circuitsToFly) {
+ if((taxiRequestPending) && (taxiRequestCleared)) {
+ //cout << "&" << flush;
+ // Get the active runway details (and copy them into rwy)
+ GetRwyDetails();
+ // Get the takeoff node for the active runway, get a path to it and start taxiing
+ path = ground->GetPathToHoldShort(ourGate, rwy.rwyID);
+ if(path.size() < 2) {
+ // something has gone wrong
+ SG_LOG(SG_ATC, SG_ALERT, "Invalid path from gate to theshold in FGAILocalTraffic::FlyCircuits\n");
+ return;
+ }
+ /*
+ cout << "path returned was:\n";
+ for(unsigned int i=0; i<path.size(); ++i) {
+ switch(path[i]->struct_type) {
+ case NODE:
+ cout << "NODE " << ((node*)(path[i]))->nodeID << endl;
+ break;
+ case ARC:
+ cout << "ARC\n";
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ */
+ path.erase(path.begin()); // pop the gate - we're here already!
+ taxiState = TD_OUTBOUND;
+ taxiRequestPending = false;
+ holdShortNode = (node*)(*(path.begin() + path.size()));
+ StartTaxi();
+ } else if(!taxiRequestPending) {
+ //cout << "(" << flush;
+ ground->RequestDeparture(plane, this);
+ // Do some communication
+ // airport name + tower + airplane callsign + location + request taxi for + operation type + ?
+ string trns = "";
+ trns += tower->get_name();
+ trns += " tower ";
+ trns += plane.callsign;
+ trns += " on apron parking request taxi for traffic pattern";
+ //cout << "trns = " << trns << endl;
+ Transmit(trns);
+ taxiRequestCleared = false;
+ taxiRequestPending = true;
+ }
+ }
+ //cout << "!" << flush;
+ // Maybe the below should be set when we get to the threshold and prepare for TO?
+ // FIXME TODO - pattern direction is still hardwired
+ patternDirection = -1; // Left
+ // At the bare minimum we ought to make sure it goes the right way at dual parallel rwy airports!
+ if(rwy.rwyID.size() == 3) {
+ patternDirection = (rwy.rwyID.substr(2,1) == "R" ? 1 : -1);
+ }
// Do nothing
+ //cout << ")" << flush;
+ break;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ //cout << "I " << flush;
+void FGAILocalTraffic::RegisterTransmission(int code) {
+ switch(code) {
+ case 1: // taxi request cleared
+ taxiRequestCleared = true;
+ SG_LOG(SG_ATC, SG_INFO, "AI local traffic " << plane.callsign << " cleared to taxi...");
+ break;
+ case 2: // contact tower
+ responseCounter = 0;
+ contactTower = true;
+ SG_LOG(SG_ATC, SG_INFO, "AI local traffic " << plane.callsign << " told to contact tower...");
+ break;
+ case 3: // Cleared to line up
+ responseCounter = 0;
+ clearedToLineUp = true;
+ SG_LOG(SG_ATC, SG_INFO, "AI local traffic " << plane.callsign << " cleared to line-up...");
+ break;
+ case 4: // cleared to take-off
+ responseCounter = 0;
+ clearedToTakeOff = true;
+ SG_LOG(SG_ATC, SG_INFO, "AI local traffic " << plane.callsign << " cleared to take-off...");
track = rwy.hdg;
if((pos.elev() - rwy.threshold_pos.elev()) * SG_METER_TO_FEET > 600) {
+ cout << "Turning to crosswind, distance from threshold = " << orthopos.y() << '\n';
leg = TURN1;
trns += tower->get_name();
trns += " Traffic ";
- // FIXME - add the callsign to the class variables
- trns += "Trainer-two-five-charlie ";
+ trns += plane.callsign;
if(patternDirection == 1) {
- trns += "right ";
+ trns += " right ";
} else {
- trns += "left ";
+ trns += " left ";
// We could probably get rid of this whole switch statement and just pass a string containing the leg from the FlyPattern function.
void FGAILocalTraffic::ExitRunway(Point3D orthopos) {
//cout << "In ExitRunway" << endl;
//cout << "Runway ID is " << rwy.ID << endl;
- node_array_type exitNodes = ground->GetExits(rwy.ID); //I suppose we ought to have some fallback for rwy with no defined exits?
+ node_array_type exitNodes = ground->GetExits(rwy.rwyID); //I suppose we ought to have some fallback for rwy with no defined exits?
cout << "Node ID's of exits are ";
for(unsigned int i=0; i<exitNodes.size(); ++i) {
if(ourGate == NULL) {
// Implies no available gates - what shall we do?
// For now just vanish the plane - possibly we can make this more elegant in the future
- SG_LOG(SG_GENERAL, SG_ALERT, "No gate found by FGAILocalTraffic whilst landing at " << airportID << '\n');
+ SG_LOG(SG_ATC, SG_ALERT, "No gate found by FGAILocalTraffic whilst landing at " << airportID << '\n');
operatingState = PARKED;
} else {
// Something must have gone wrong with the ground network file - or there is only a rwy here and no exits defined
- SG_LOG(SG_GENERAL, SG_ALERT, "No exits found by FGAILocalTraffic from runway " << rwy.ID << " at " << airportID << '\n');
+ SG_LOG(SG_ATC, SG_ALERT, "No exits found by FGAILocalTraffic from runway " << rwy.rwyID << " at " << airportID << '\n');
// What shall we do - just remove the plane from sight?
operatingState = PARKED;
//cout << "taxiPathPos = " << taxiPathPos << endl;
ground_network_path_iterator pathItr = path.begin() + taxiPathPos;
if(pathItr == path.end()) {
- SG_LOG(SG_GENERAL, SG_ALERT, "ERROR IN AILocalTraffic::GetNextTaxiNode - no more nodes in path\n");
+ SG_LOG(SG_ATC, SG_ALERT, "ERROR IN AILocalTraffic::GetNextTaxiNode - no more nodes in path\n");
} else {
if((*pathItr)->struct_type == NODE) {
//cout << "ITS A NODE" << endl;
if(pathItr == path.end()) {
- SG_LOG(SG_GENERAL, SG_ALERT, "ERROR IN AILocalTraffic::GetNextTaxiNode - path ended with an arc\n");
+ SG_LOG(SG_ATC, SG_ALERT, "ERROR IN AILocalTraffic::GetNextTaxiNode - path ended with an arc\n");
} else if((*pathItr)->struct_type == NODE) {
nextTaxiNode = (node*)*pathItr;
} else {
//OOPS - two non-nodes in a row - that shouldn't happen ATM
- SG_LOG(SG_GENERAL, SG_ALERT, "ERROR IN AILocalTraffic::GetNextTaxiNode - two non-nodes in sequence\n");
+ SG_LOG(SG_ATC, SG_ALERT, "ERROR IN AILocalTraffic::GetNextTaxiNode - two non-nodes in sequence\n");
pos.setelev(aip.getFGLocation()->get_cur_elev_m() + wheelOffset);
} // else don't change the elev until we get a valid ground elev again!
} else if(lastNode) {
- if(taxiState == TD_OUTBOUND) {
+ if(taxiState == TD_LINING_UP) {
if((!liningUp) && (dist_to_go <= taxiTurnRadius)) {
liningUp = true;
liningUp = false;
+ } else if(taxiState == TD_OUTBOUND) {
+ // Pause awaiting further instructions
+ // and for now assume we've reached the hold-short node
+ holdingShort = true;
} // else at the moment assume TD_INBOUND always ends in a gate in which case we can ignore it
} else {
// Time to turn (we've already checked it's not the end we're heading for).