ALenum error = alGetError();
if ( error != AL_NO_ERROR ) {
string msg = "Failed to load wav file: ";
- msg.append(alGetString(error));
+ const ALchar *errorString = alGetString(error);
+ if (errorString) {
+ msg.append(errorString);
+ } else {
+ // alGetString returns NULL when an unexpected or OS specific error
+ // occurs: e.g. -43 on Mac when file is not found.
+ // In this case, alGetString() sets 'Invalid Enum' error, so
+ // showing with the original error number is helpful.
+ stringstream ss;
+ ss << alGetString(alGetError()) << "(" << error << ")";
+ msg.append(ss.str());
+ }
throw sg_io_exception(msg.c_str(), sg_location(samplepath));
return false;