inline void SetLocationY(double y) {vXYZn(2) = y;}
inline void SetLocationZ(double z) {vXYZn(3) = z;}
inline void SetLocation(FGColumnVector3 vv) { vXYZn = vv; }
+ inline double GetLocationX( void ) { return vXYZn(1);}
+ inline double GetLocationY( void ) { return vXYZn(2);}
+ inline double GetLocationZ( void ) { return vXYZn(3);}
FGColumnVector3& GetLocation(void) { return vXYZn; }
//these angles are relative to body axes, not earth!!!!!
if (P_Factor > 0.0001) {
alpha = fdmex->GetTranslation()->Getalpha();
beta = fdmex->GetTranslation()->Getbeta();
- SetLocationY(P_Factor*alpha*fabs(Sense)/Sense);
- SetLocationZ(P_Factor*beta*fabs(Sense)/Sense);
+ SetLocationY( GetLocationY() + P_Factor*alpha*fabs(Sense)/Sense);
+ SetLocationZ( GetLocationZ() + P_Factor*beta*fabs(Sense)/Sense);
} else if (P_Factor < 0.000) {
cerr << "P-Factor value in config file must be greater than zero" << endl;
+ steady_count=0;
while (!steady && j < 6000) {
PowerAvailable = Engines[i]->Calculate(Thrusters[i]->GetPowerRequired());
lastThrust = currentThrust;