#include <iostream>
#include "SGMath.hxx"
+#include "sg_random.h"
template<typename T>
return true;
+template<typename T>
+ for (unsigned i = 0; i < 100; ++i) {
+ // Generate the test case:
+ // Give a lower bound to the distance, so avoid testing cancelation
+ T dt = T(0.01) + sg_random();
+ // Start with orientation o0, angular velocity av and a random stepsize
+ SGQuat<T> o0 = SGQuat<T>::fromEulerDeg(T(360)*sg_random(), T(360)*sg_random(), T(360)*sg_random());
+ SGVec3<T> av(sg_random(), sg_random(), sg_random());
+ // Do one euler step and renormalize
+ SGQuat<T> o1 = normalize(o0 + dt*o0.derivative(av));
+ // Check if we can restore the angular velocity
+ SGVec3<T> av2 = SGQuat<T>::forwardDifferenceVelocity(o0, o1, dt);
+ if (!equivalent(av, av2))
+ return false;
+ // Test with the equivalent orientation
+ o1 = -o1;
+ av2 = SGQuat<T>::forwardDifferenceVelocity(o0, o1, dt);
+ if (!equivalent(av, av2))
+ return false;
+ }
+ return true;
template<typename T>
// uses examples from Williams aviation formulary
SGGeoc lax = SGGeoc::fromRadM(-2.066470, 0.592539, 10.0);
SGGeoc jfk = SGGeoc::fromRadM(-1.287762, 0.709186, 10.0);
double distNm = SGGeodesy::distanceRad(lax, jfk) * SG_RAD_TO_NM;
std::cout << "distance is " << distNm << std::endl;
if (0.5 < fabs(distNm - 2144)) // 2144 nm
return false;
double crsDeg = SGGeodesy::courseRad(lax, jfk) * SG_RADIANS_TO_DEGREES;
std::cout << "course is " << crsDeg << std::endl;
if (0.5 < fabs(crsDeg - 66)) // 66 degrees
return false;
SGGeoc adv;
SGGeodesy::advanceRadM(lax, crsDeg * SG_DEGREES_TO_RADIANS, 100 * SG_NM_TO_METER, adv);
std::cout << "lon:" << adv.getLongitudeRad() << ", lat:" << adv.getLatitudeRad() << std::endl;
+ sg_srandom(17);
// Do vector tests
if (!Vec3Test<float>())
if (!QuatTest<double>())
+ if (!QuatDerivativeTest<float>())
+ return EXIT_FAILURE;
+ if (!QuatDerivativeTest<double>())
+ return EXIT_FAILURE;
// Do matrix tests
if (!MatrixTest<float>())
T absv1 = fabs(v(0));
T absv2 = fabs(v(1));
T absv3 = fabs(v(2));
SGVec3<T> axis;
if (absv2 < absv1 && absv3 < absv1) {
T quot = v(1)/v(0);
xRad = 0;
xRad = atan2(num, den);
T tmp = 2*(x()*z() - w()*y());
if (tmp <= -1)
yRad = T(0.5)*SGMisc<T>::pi();
yRad = -T(0.5)*SGMisc<T>::pi();
yRad = -asin(tmp);
- num = 2*(x()*y() + w()*z());
+ num = 2*(x()*y() + w()*z());
den = sqrQW + sqrQX - sqrQY - sqrQZ;
if (fabs(den) <= SGLimits<T>::min() &&
fabs(num) <= SGLimits<T>::min())
T sAng = sin(angle);
if (fabs(sAng) <= SGLimits<T>::min())
axis = SGVec3<T>(1, 0, 0);
- else
+ else
axis = (rNrm/sAng)*imag(*this);
angle *= 2;
deriv.x() = T(0.5)*( w()*angVel(0) - z()*angVel(1) + y()*angVel(2));
deriv.y() = T(0.5)*( z()*angVel(0) + w()*angVel(1) - x()*angVel(2));
deriv.z() = T(0.5)*(-y()*angVel(0) + x()*angVel(1) + w()*angVel(2));
return deriv;
+ /// Return the angular velocity w that makes q0 translate to q1 using
+ /// an explicit euler step with stepsize h.
+ /// That is, look for an w where
+ /// q1 = normalize(q0 + h*q0.derivative(w))
+ static SGVec3<T>
+ forwardDifferenceVelocity(const SGQuat& q0, const SGQuat& q1, const T& h)
+ {
+ // Let D_q0*w = q0.derivative(w), D_q0 the above 4x3 matrix.
+ // Then D_q0^t*D_q0 = 0.25*Id and D_q0*q0 = 0.
+ // Let lambda be a nonzero normailzation factor, then
+ // q1 = normalize(q0 + h*q0.derivative(w))
+ // can be rewritten
+ // lambda*q1 = q0 + h*D_q0*w.
+ // Multiply left by the transpose D_q0^t and reorder gives
+ // 4*lambda/h*D_q0^t*q1 = w.
+ // Now compute lambda by substitution of w into the original
+ // equation
+ // lambda*q1 = q0 + 4*lambda*D_q0*D_q0^t*q1,
+ // multiply by q1^t from the left
+ // lambda*<q1,q1> = <q0,q1> + 4*lambda*<D_q0^t*q1,D_q0^t*q1>
+ // and solving for lambda gives
+ // lambda = <q0,q1>/(1 - 4*<D_q0^t*q1,D_q0^t*q1>).
+ // The transpose of the derivative matrix
+ // the 0.5 factor is handled below
+ // also note that the initializer uses x, y, z, w instead of w, x, y, z
+ SGQuat d0(q0.w(), q0.z(), -q0.y(), -q0.x());
+ SGQuat d1(-q0.z(), q0.w(), q0.x(), -q0.y());
+ SGQuat d2(q0.y(), -q0.x(), q0.w(), -q0.z());
+ // 2*D_q0^t*q1
+ SGVec3<T> Dq(dot(d0, q1), dot(d1, q1), dot(d2, q1));
+ // Like above, but take into account that Dq = 2*D_q0^t*q1
+ T lambda = dot(q0, q1)/(T(1) - dot(Dq, Dq));
+ return (2*lambda/h)*Dq;
+ }
// Private because it assumes normalized inputs.
// Now our assumption of angles <= 90 deg comes in play.
// For that reason, we know that cos05ang is not zero.
- // It is even more, we can see from the above formula that
+ // It is even more, we can see from the above formula that
// sqrt(0.5) < cos05ang.