import java.util.Deque;
import javax.ejb.Remote;
-import org.mxchange.jshopcore.exceptions.CannotAddProductException;
-import org.mxchange.jshopcore.exceptions.ProductTitleAlreadyUsedException;
* An interface for non-admin purposes
public interface ProductSessionBeanRemote extends Serializable {
- /**
- * Adds given product to database. This method is typically used in admin
- * area.
- *
- * @param product Product instance to add
- * @throws org.mxchange.jshopcore.exceptions.ProductTitleAlreadyUsedException If the given product title is already used
- * @throws org.mxchange.jshopcore.exceptions.CannotAddProductException If the product cannot be added
- */
- public void doAdminAddProduct (final Product product) throws ProductTitleAlreadyUsedException, CannotAddProductException;
- /**
- * Some "getter" for all products. This method is typically used in admin
- * area.
- *
- * @return A Deque of all products
- */
- public Deque<Product> getAllProducts ();
* Some "getter" for a linked list of only available products