templates/de/emails/admin/admin_rallye_no_notify.tpl -text
templates/de/emails/admin/admin_rallye_notify.tpl -text
templates/de/emails/admin/admin_rallye_purged.tpl -text
+templates/de/emails/admin/admin_reset_password.tpl -text
templates/de/emails/admin/admin_sponsor_change_data.tpl -text
templates/de/emails/admin/admin_sponsor_change_email.tpl -text
templates/de/emails/admin/admin_sponsor_edit.tpl -text
templates/de/html/admin/admin_reg.tpl -text
templates/de/html/admin/admin_reg_form.tpl -text
templates/de/html/admin/admin_reg_row.tpl -text
+templates/de/html/admin/admin_reset_pass_done.tpl -text
+templates/de/html/admin/admin_reset_password.tpl -text
+templates/de/html/admin/admin_reset_password_form.tpl -text
templates/de/html/admin/admin_send_bonus_form.tpl -text
templates/de/html/admin/admin_send_bonus_select.tpl -text
+templates/de/html/admin/admin_send_reset_link.tpl -text
templates/de/html/admin/admin_settings_saved.tpl -text
templates/de/html/admin/admin_setup_stats.tpl -text
templates/de/html/admin/admin_sponsor_paytypes.tpl -text
templates/de/html/admin/admin_unlock_sponsor_row.tpl -text
templates/de/html/admin/admin_update_download.tpl -text
templates/de/html/admin/admin_user_details.tpl -text
+templates/de/html/admin/admin_validate_reset_hash_form.tpl -text
templates/de/html/admin/admin_welcome.tpl -text
templates/de/html/admin/admin_welcome_admins.tpl -text
templates/de/html/agb.tpl -text
// Set mode depending on how many mails the member has to confirm
$locked = false;
- if (($ref_payout > 0) && ($_CONFIG['allow_direct_pay'] == 'N')) $locked = true;
+ if (($ref_payout > 0) && ($_CONFIG['allow_direct_pay'] == "N")) $locked = true;
// Is begging rallye active?
- if ($_CONFIG['beg_rallye'] == 'Y') {
+ if ($_CONFIG['beg_rallye'] == "Y") {
// Add points to rallye account
$result = SQL_QUERY_ESC("UPDATE "._MYSQL_PREFIX."_user_data SET beg_points=beg_points+%s WHERE userid=%d LIMIT 1",
array($points, $uid), __FILE__, __LINE__);
if ($data['status'] == "CONFIRMED") {
// Set mode depending on how many mails the member has to confirm
$locked = false;
- if (($data['ref_payout'] > 0) && ($_CONFIG['allow_direct_pay'] == 'N')) $locked = true;
+ if (($data['ref_payout'] > 0) && ($_CONFIG['allow_direct_pay'] == "N")) $locked = true;
// Add points to account
$DEPTH = 0;
-if (($_CONFIG['auto_purge_active'] == 'Y') && ($_CONFIG['auto_purge'] > 0))
+if (($_CONFIG['auto_purge_active'] == "Y") && ($_CONFIG['auto_purge'] > 0))
// First calculate the timestamp
if (function_exists('CREATE_TIME_SELECTIONS'))
// Shall I look for inactive accounts and autopurge inactive accounts?
-if ($_CONFIG['ap_inactive'] == 'Y')
+if ($_CONFIG['ap_inactive'] == "Y")
// Ok, let's have a look...
$since = bigintval(time() - $_CONFIG['ap_in_since']);
$UIDs = str_replace(", ", "\n", substr($UIDs, 0, -2));
// Send mail notification to admin
- if ($_CONFIG['ap_un_mail'] == 'Y')
+ if ($_CONFIG['ap_un_mail'] == "Y")
if (GET_EXT_VERSION("admins") >= "0.4.1")
// Shall I auto-purge unconfirmed accounts?
-if ($_CONFIG['ap_unconfirmed'] == 'Y')
+if ($_CONFIG['ap_unconfirmed'] == "Y")
// Init variables and find unconfirmed accounts which I shall auto-purge
$time = bigintval(time() - $_CONFIG['ap_un_time']);
$UIDs = str_replace(", ", "\n", substr($UIDs, 0, -2));
// Send mail notification to admin
- if ($_CONFIG['ap_un_mail'] == 'Y')
+ if ($_CONFIG['ap_un_mail'] == "Y")
if (GET_EXT_VERSION("admins") >= "0.4.1")
// Check version (must be > 0.0)
-if ((GET_EXT_VERSION("task") > "0.0") && ($_CONFIG['ap_tasks'] == 'Y'))
+if ((GET_EXT_VERSION("task") > "0.0") && ($_CONFIG['ap_tasks'] == "Y"))
// Purge deleted tasks (no notification to admin)
$since = bigintval(time() - $_CONFIG['ap_tasks_time']);
array($since), __FILE__, __LINE__);
- if (($DELETED > 0) && ($_CONFIG['ap_tasks_mail'] == 'Y'))
+ if (($DELETED > 0) && ($_CONFIG['ap_tasks_mail'] == "Y"))
// Send out email to admin
if (GET_EXT_VERSION("admins") >= "0.4.1")
// Do we have deleted mails and the admin want's to receive a notification
- if (($DELETED > 0) && ($_CONFIG['ap_dm_notify'] == 'Y'))
+ if (($DELETED > 0) && ($_CONFIG['ap_dm_notify'] == "Y"))
// Send out email to admin
if (GET_EXT_VERSION("admins") >= "0.4.1")
ORDER BY d.timemark
LIMIT %d", array($DOUBLER_POINTS, $min, $_CONFIG['doubler_max_sent']), __FILE__, __LINE__);
-if (((SQL_NUMROWS($result_total) > 0) && ($_CONFIG['doubler_sent_all'] == 'Y')) || ((SQL_NUMROWS($result_main) == $_CONFIG['doubler_group_sent']) && ($_CONFIG['doubler_sent_all'] == 'N')))
+if (((SQL_NUMROWS($result_total) > 0) && ($_CONFIG['doubler_sent_all'] == "Y")) || ((SQL_NUMROWS($result_main) == $_CONFIG['doubler_group_sent']) && ($_CONFIG['doubler_sent_all'] == "N")))
// Switch to matching SQL resource
$result_load = $result_main;
- if ((SQL_NUMROWS($result_total) > 0) && ($_CONFIG['doubler_sent_all'] == 'Y')) $result_load = $result_total;
+ if ((SQL_NUMROWS($result_total) > 0) && ($_CONFIG['doubler_sent_all'] == "Y")) $result_load = $result_total;
// At least one account was found
while(list($id, $uid, $points, $ip, $time) = SQL_FETCHROW($result_load))
$OK = false;
// Check for jackpot inclusion in doubling process
- if (($jackpot > 0) && ($jackpot >= $points) && ($_CONFIG['doubler_jackpot'] == 'Y'))
+ if (($jackpot > 0) && ($jackpot >= $points) && ($_CONFIG['doubler_jackpot'] == "Y"))
// Subtract points from jackpot
foreach ($EXT_VER_HISTORY as $EXT_VER)
- if (((GET_EXT_VERSION("sql_patches") != '') && ($_CONFIG['verbose_sql'] == 'Y')) || (!EXT_IS_ACTIVE("sql_patches")))
+ if (((GET_EXT_VERSION("sql_patches") != '') && ($_CONFIG['verbose_sql'] == "Y")) || (!EXT_IS_ACTIVE("sql_patches")))
if (!empty($UPDATE_NOTES))
// Shorter way
return (
- ($active == 'Y') || (
+ ($active == "Y") || (
(IS_ADMIN()) &&
(!$ignore_admin) &&
// Add notes
- if ($_CONFIG['verbose_sql'] == 'Y')
+ if ($_CONFIG['verbose_sql'] == "Y")
if (!empty($UPDATE_NOTES))
$S = false; $SW = 2; $i = 1;
$OUT = "";
- if ((is_array($SQLs)) && (GET_EXT_VERSION("sql_patches")) && ($_CONFIG['verbose_sql'] == 'Y'))
+ if ((is_array($SQLs)) && (GET_EXT_VERSION("sql_patches")) && ($_CONFIG['verbose_sql'] == "Y"))
$OUT = "<DIV align=\"center\">
<TABLE border=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\" width=\"".$WIDTH."\" align=\"center\"".$dashed.">
- if ((!$S) && (GET_EXT_VERSION("sql_patches")) && ($_CONFIG['verbose_sql'] == 'Y'))
+ if ((!$S) && (GET_EXT_VERSION("sql_patches")) && ($_CONFIG['verbose_sql'] == "Y"))
// No addional SQL commands to run
$OUT .= "<TR>
$SQLs[] = "INSERT INTO "._MYSQL_PREFIX."_guest_menu (action, what, title, sort, visible, locked) VALUES ('main', 'active', 'Heute Online', 10, 'N', 'Y')";
// Load CSS file?
- $EXT_CSS = 'Y';
+ $EXT_CSS = "Y";
case "remove": // Do stuff when removing extension
$EXT_LANG_PREFIX = "active";
// Extension is always active?
$EXT_LANG_PREFIX = "admins";
// Extension is always active?
$EXT_LANG_PREFIX = "admintheme";
// Extension is always active?
$EXT_LANG_PREFIX = "admintheme";
// Extension is always active?
$EXT_LANG_PREFIX = "autopurge";
// Extension is always active?
$EXT_LANG_PREFIX = "bank";
// Extension is always active?
// Load CSS file?
- $EXT_CSS = 'Y';
+ $EXT_CSS = "Y";
case "remove": // Do stuff when removing extension
$SQLs[] = "ALTER TABLE "._MYSQL_PREFIX."_config ADD beg_active enum('Y', 'N') not null default 'N'";
$SQLs[] = "ALTER TABLE "._MYSQL_PREFIX."_config ADD beg_rallye enum('Y', 'N') not null default 'N'";
$SQLs[] = "ALTER TABLE "._MYSQL_PREFIX."_user_data ADD beg_points double(21,5) not null default '0.00000'";
- $VIS = 'N'; $LOCKED = 'Y';
- if (EXT_IS_ACTIVE("beg")) { $VIS = 'Y'; $LOCKED = 'N'; }
+ $VIS = "N"; $LOCKED = "Y";
+ if (EXT_IS_ACTIVE("beg")) { $VIS = "Y"; $LOCKED = "N"; }
$SQLs[] = "INSERT INTO "._MYSQL_PREFIX."_member_menu (action, what, title, visible, locked, sort) VALUES ('main', 'beg2', 'Bettel-Rallye', '".$VIS."', '".$LOCKED."', '7')";
$SQLs[] = "INSERT INTO "._MYSQL_PREFIX."_admin_menu (action, what, title, descr, sort) VALUES('user', 'list_beg', 'Bettel-Rallye', 'Listet alle Teilnehmer der monatlichen Bettel-Rallye auf.', '12')";
if (defined('__DAILY_RESET') && (!DEBUG_MODE) && ($CSS != 1))
// Daily reset was run so let's check if begging rallye is active
- if ($_CONFIG['beg_rallye'] == 'Y')
+ if ($_CONFIG['beg_rallye'] == "Y")
// Check for our winers
$INC_POOL[] = PATH."inc/monthly/monthly_beg.php";
// Check for beg rallye is active and send mails out
- if (($_CONFIG['beg_rallye'] == 'Y') && ($_CONFIG['beg_new_mem_notify'] == 'Y'))
+ if (($_CONFIG['beg_rallye'] == "Y") && ($_CONFIG['beg_new_mem_notify'] == "Y"))
// Include file for sending out mails
$INC_POOL[] = PATH."inc/mails/beg_mails.php";
// Extension is always active?
$EXT_LANG_PREFIX = "birthday";
// Extension is always active?
if (defined('__DAILY_RESET') && (!DEBUG_MODE) && ($CSS != 1))
// Daily reset was run so let's check if active rallye is activated
- if ($_CONFIG['bonus_active'] == 'Y')
+ if ($_CONFIG['bonus_active'] == "Y")
// Run active rallye
if($_CONFIG['bonus_stats'] > 0) $INC_POOL[] = PATH."inc/stats_bonus.php";
// Check for bonus rallye is active and send mails out
- if (($_CONFIG['bonus_active'] == 'Y') && ($_CONFIG['bonus_new_mem_notify'] == 'Y'))
+ if (($_CONFIG['bonus_active'] == "Y") && ($_CONFIG['bonus_new_mem_notify'] == "Y"))
// Include file for sending out mails
$INC_POOL[] = PATH."inc/mails/bonus_mails.php";
$EXT_LANG_PREFIX = "bonus";
// Extension is always active?
$EXT_LANG_PREFIX = "country";
// Extension is always active?
$EXT_LANG_PREFIX = "demo";
// Extension is always active?
$EXT_LANG_PREFIX = "doubler";
// Extension is always active?
$EXT_LANG_PREFIX = "holiday";
// Extension is always active?
$EXT_LANG_PREFIX = "html_mail";
// Extension is always active?
$EXT_LANG_PREFIX = "mailid";
// Extension is always active?
$EXT_LANG_PREFIX = "maintenance";
// Extension is always active?
$EXT_LANG_PREFIX = "mediadata";
// Extension is always active?
$EXT_LANG_PREFIX = "mods";
// Extension is always active?
$EXT_LANG_PREFIX = "mydata";
// Extension is always active?
$EXT_LANG_PREFIX = "newsletter";
// Extension is always active?
$SQLs[] = "INSERT INTO "._MYSQL_PREFIX."_member_menu (action, what, title, sort, visible, locked) VALUES ('main', 'nickname', 'Nicknamen', '5', 'Y', 'Y')";
// Load CSS file?
- $EXT_CSS = 'Y';
+ $EXT_CSS = "Y";
case "remove": // Do stuff when removing extension
$EXT_LANG_PREFIX = "nickname";
// Extension is always active?
$EXT_LANG_PREFIX = "online";
// Extension is always active?
$EXT_LANG_PREFIX = "optimize";
// Extension is always active?
$EXT_LANG_PREFIX = "order";
// Extension is always active?
$EXT_LANG_PREFIX = "other";
// Extension is always active?
$EXT_LANG_PREFIX = "payout";
// Extension is always active?
$EXT_LANG_PREFIX = "profile";
// Extension is always active?
$EXT_LANG_PREFIX = "rallye";
// Extension is always active?
$SQLs[] = "";
// Load own CSS file?
- $EXT_CSS = 'Y';
+ $EXT_CSS = "Y";
case "remove": // Do stuff when removing extension
$EXT_LANG_PREFIX = "register";
// Extension is always active?
$EXT_LANG_PREFIX = "repair";
// Extension is always active?
$EXT_LANG_PREFIX = "rewrite";
// Extension is always active?
} else {
// Set some lame ;-) default settings
$_CONFIG['def_refid'] = 0;
- $_CONFIG['enable_title_deco'] = 'N';
- $_CONFIG['title_mod_show'] = 'Y';
+ $_CONFIG['enable_title_deco'] = "N";
+ $_CONFIG['title_mod_show'] = "Y";
$_CONFIG['title_middle'] = "-";
- //$_CONFIG['verbose_sql'] = 'N';
+ //$_CONFIG['verbose_sql'] = "N";
$EXT_LANG_PREFIX = "sql_patches";
// Extension is always active?
\ No newline at end of file
$EXT_LANG_PREFIX = "support";
// Extension is always active?
$SQLs[] = "INSERT INTO `"._MYSQL_PREFIX."_admin_menu` (`action`,`what`,`title`,`descr`,`sort`) VALUES('surfbar','config_surfbar','Einstellungen','Einstellungen an der Surfbar ändern, wie Festvergütung, prozentuale Ref-Vergütung und vieles mehr.',3)";
// Load CSS file?
- $EXT_CSS = "Y";
+ $EXT_CSS = "N";
case "remove": // Do stuff when removing extension
case "activate": // Do stuff when admin activates this extension
// SQL commands to run
- $SQLs[] = "UPDATE `"._MYSQL_PREFIX."_member_menu` SET `visible` = 'Y'`, `locked` = 'N' WHERE `what` = 'surfbar' LIMIT 1";
+ $SQLs[] = "UPDATE `"._MYSQL_PREFIX."_member_menu` SET `visible`='Y', `locked`='N' WHERE `what`='surfbar' LIMIT 1";
case "deactivate": // Do stuff when admin deactivates this extension
// SQL commands to run
- $SQLs[] = "UPDATE `"._MYSQL_PREFIX."_member_menu` SET `locked` = 'Y' WHERE `what` = 'surfbar' LIMIT 1";
+ $SQLs[] = "UPDATE `"._MYSQL_PREFIX."_member_menu` SET `locked`='Y' WHERE `what` = 'surfbar' LIMIT 1";
case "update": // Update an extension
$EXT_LANG_PREFIX = "surfbar";
// Extension is always active?
$SQLs[] = "UPDATE "._MYSQL_PREFIX."_task_system SET status='SOLVED' WHERE status='CLOSED'";
// Enable CSS file?
- $EXT_CSS = 'Y';
+ $EXT_CSS = "Y";
case "remove": // Do stuff when removing extension
$EXT_LANG_PREFIX = "task";
// Extension is always active?
$EXT_LANG_PREFIX = "theme";
// Extension is always active?
$SQLs[] = "ALTER TABLE "._MYSQL_PREFIX."_config ADD top10_max tinyint(4) not null default '10'";
// Load CSS file?
- $EXT_CSS = 'Y';
+ $EXT_CSS = "Y";
case "remove": // Do stuff when removing extension
$EXT_LANG_PREFIX = "top10";
// Extension is always active?
$_CONFIG = array_merge($_CONFIG, $dummy);
- if ((defined('__DAILY_RESET')) && ($_CONFIG['ap_transfer'] == 'Y'))
+ if ((defined('__DAILY_RESET')) && ($_CONFIG['ap_transfer'] == "Y"))
// Automatically remove outdated or not displayed transactions
TRANSFER_AUTPPURGE($_CONFIG['transfer_max'], $_CONFIG['transfer_age']);
$EXT_LANG_PREFIX = "transfer";
// Extension is always active?
$SQLs[] = "";
// Load CSS-File?
- $EXT_CSS = 'Y';
+ $EXT_CSS = "Y";
case "remove": // Do stuff when removing extension
$EXT_LANG_PREFIX = "user";
// Extension is always active?
$EXT_LANG_PREFIX = "wernis";
// Extension is always active?
// Init array
global $WERNIS;
$SQLs[] = "";
// Load CSS file?
- $EXT_CSS = 'Y';
+ $EXT_CSS = "N";
case "remove": // Do stuff when removing extension
$EXT_LANG_PREFIX = "yoomedia";
// Extension is always active?
// Shall we display the parsing time and number of queries?
- if ((isset($_CONFIG['show_timings'])) && ($_CONFIG['show_timings'] == 'Y')) {
+ if ((isset($_CONFIG['show_timings'])) && ($_CONFIG['show_timings'] == "Y")) {
// Then display it here
// Fix HTML parameter (default is no!)
- if (empty($HTML)) $HTML = 'N';
+ if (empty($HTML)) $HTML = "N";
if (isBooleanConstantAndTrue('DEBUG_MODE')) {
// In debug mode we want to display the mail instead of sending it away so we can debug this part
echo "<PRE>
Subject : ".$SUBJECT."
Message : ".$MSG."
- } elseif (($HTML == 'Y') && (EXT_IS_ACTIVE("html_mail", true))) {
+ } elseif (($HTML == "Y") && (EXT_IS_ACTIVE("html_mail", true))) {
// Send mail as HTML away
} elseif (!empty($TO)) {
// Send Mail away
- } elseif ($HTML == 'N') {
+ } elseif ($HTML == "N") {
// Problem found!
// Keept for backward-compatiblity (please replace these variables against our new {--CONST--} syntax!)
- $surname = ""; $family = ""; $nick = ""; $sex = 'N';
+ $surname = ""; $family = ""; $nick = ""; $sex = "N";
// Prepare IP number and User Agent
} else {
// Neutral sex and email address is default
- $sex = 'N';
+ $sex = "N";
$email = WEBMASTER;
case "yn":
$OUT .= " <OPTION value=\"Y\"";
- if ($DEFAULT == 'Y') $OUT .= " selected=\"selected\"";
+ if ($DEFAULT == "Y") $OUT .= " selected=\"selected\"";
$OUT .= ">".YES."</OPTION>
<OPTION value=\"N\"";
- if ($DEFAULT == 'N') $OUT .= " selected=\"selected\"";
+ if ($DEFAULT == "N") $OUT .= " selected=\"selected\"";
$OUT .= ">".NO."</OPTION>\n";
function generateHash ($plainText, $salt = "") {
global $_CONFIG, $_SERVER;
- // Is the required extension "sql_patches" there?
- if ((GET_EXT_VERSION("sql_patches") < "0.3.6") || (GET_EXT_VERSION("sql_patches") == "")) {
+ // Is the required extension "sql_patches" there and a salt is not given?
+ if (((GET_EXT_VERSION("sql_patches") < "0.3.6") || (GET_EXT_VERSION("sql_patches") == "")) && (empty($salt))) {
// Extension sql_patches is missing/outdated so we return the plain text
return $plainText;
- }
+ } // END - if
// When the salt is empty build a new one, else use the first x configured characters as the salt
if ($salt == "") {
// Add title decorations? (left)
if (!defined('__PAGE_TITLE')) {
if ((count($_CONFIG) > 1) && (is_resource($link)) && (isset($db))) {
- if (($_CONFIG['enable_title_deco'] == 'Y') && (trim(!empty($_CONFIG['title_left'])))) $TITLE .= trim($_CONFIG['title_left'])." ";
+ if (($_CONFIG['enable_title_deco'] == "Y") && (trim(!empty($_CONFIG['title_left'])))) $TITLE .= trim($_CONFIG['title_left'])." ";
// Add title of module? (middle decoration will also be added!)
if (isset($_CONFIG['enable_mod_title'])) {
- if (($_CONFIG['enable_mod_title'] == 'Y') || ((empty($GLOBALS['what'])) && (empty($GLOBALS['action']))) || ($GLOBALS['module'] == "admin")) $TITLE .= " ".trim($_CONFIG['title_middle'])." ".ADD_MODULE_TITLE($GLOBALS['module']);
+ if (($_CONFIG['enable_mod_title'] == "Y") || ((empty($GLOBALS['what'])) && (empty($GLOBALS['action']))) || ($GLOBALS['module'] == "admin")) $TITLE .= " ".trim($_CONFIG['title_middle'])." ".ADD_MODULE_TITLE($GLOBALS['module']);
} // END - if
// Add title from what file
$MODE = "";
if ($GLOBALS['module'] == "login") $MODE = "member";
elseif ($GLOBALS['module'] == "index") $MODE = "guest";
- if ((!empty($MODE)) && (isset($_CONFIG['enable_what_title'])) && ($_CONFIG['enable_what_title'] == 'Y')) $TITLE .= " ".trim($_CONFIG['title_middle'])." ".GET_MOD_DESCR($MODE, $GLOBALS['what']);
+ if ((!empty($MODE)) && (isset($_CONFIG['enable_what_title'])) && ($_CONFIG['enable_what_title'] == "Y")) $TITLE .= " ".trim($_CONFIG['title_middle'])." ".GET_MOD_DESCR($MODE, $GLOBALS['what']);
// Add title decorations? (right)
- if (($_CONFIG['enable_title_deco'] == 'Y') && (!empty($_CONFIG['title_right']))) $TITLE .= " ".trim($_CONFIG['title_right']);
+ if (($_CONFIG['enable_title_deco'] == "Y") && (!empty($_CONFIG['title_right']))) $TITLE .= " ".trim($_CONFIG['title_right']);
// Remember title in constant for the template
define('__PAGE_TITLE', html_entity_decode($TITLE));
define('ADMIN_CONFIG_PROXY_PASSWORD', "Passwort (falls vorhanden):");
define('EDIT_ENTRIES', "Einträge ändern");
+define('ADMIN_SEND_RESET_LINK_TITLE', "1/4: Administratorkennwort zurücksetzen");
+define('ADMIN_VALIDATE_HASH_TITLE', "2/4: Validierung Iher Logindaten");
+define('ADMIN_RESET_PASSWORD_TITLE', "3/4: Neues Passwort eingeben");
+define('ADMIN_RESET_PASS_DONE_TITLE', "4/4: Neues Passwort gesetzt");
+define('ADMIN_SEND_RESET_LINK_SUBMIT', "Passwort zurücksetzen");
+define('ADMIN_VALIDATE_HASH_SUBMIT', "Adminlogindaten validieren");
+define('ADMIN_RESET_PASSWORD_SUBMIT', "Neues Kennwort setzen");
+define('ADMIN_SEND_RESET_LINK_NOTE', "Sobald Sie Ihre Email-Adresse eingegeben haben, wird Ihnen Ihr Loginname zugeschickt. Diesen geben Sie in dem nächsten Formular zusammen mit Ihrem neuen Passwort ein. Danach können Sie wieder in den Adminbereich einloggen.");
+define('ADMIN_VALIDATE_HASH_NOTE', "Sie haben diesen Link aus einer Mail angeklickt, die Ihnen zuvor zugesandt wurde. Daraus benötigen Sie Ihren Loginnamen, damit Ihre Daten validiert werden können. Nach Abesenden des Formulars können Sie dann Ihr Administratorkennwort ändern.");
+define('ADMIN_RESET_PASSWORD_NOTE', "Geben Sie nun zweimal ein neues Kennwort für das angezeigte Administratorlogin ein. Dabei sollten Sie Buchstaben, Zahlen und Sonderzeichen wie Slash, Strich, Unterstrich usw. verwenden, um die Stärke des Passwortes zu maximieren.");
+define('ADMIN_ENTER_EMAIL', "Geben Sie Ihre Email-Adresse ein, die Ihrem Adminlogin hinterlegt ist:");
+define('ADMIN_ENTER_LOGIN', "Bitte geben Sie Ihr Administratorlogin ein, dass Sie in der Mail erhalten haben:");
+define('ADMIN_ENTER_PASSWORD1', "Geben Sie Ihr neues Administratorkennwort ein:");
+define('ADMIN_ENTER_PASSWORD2', "Wiederholen Sie das Passwort zur Bestätigung:");
+define('ADMIN_RESET_PASS', "Ihr Administratorkennwort zurücksetzen?");
+define('ADMIN_NO_LOGIN_WITH_EMAIL', "Kein Administrator-Account mit der angegebenen Email-Adresse gefunden!");
+define('ADMIN_RESET_PASS_LINK_SUBJ', "Zuruecksetzung Ihres Admin-Passwortes");
+define('ADMIN_RESET_LINK_SENT', "Der Reset-Link wurde soeben an Ihre eingegebene Email-Adresse ausgesendet.");
+define('ADMIN_VALIDATION_RESET_LOGIN_HASH_FAILED', "Validierung Ihrer Logindaten fehlgeschlagen. Haben Sie auch den Link aus der Mail angeklickt und Ihren Loginnamen eingegeben?");
+define('ADMIN_VALIDATION_RESET_LOGIN_HASH_FAILED2', "Validierung Ihrer Logindaten fehlgeschlagen. Es liegt ein Fehler im Script vor. Bitte im <A href=\"http://forum.mxchange.org\">Support-Forum</A> den Fehler melden.");
+define('ADMIN_SHOW_LOGIN', "Ihr Administratorlogin:");
+define('ADMIN_CHANGE_LOGIN', "Anderes Adminlogin");
+define('ADMIN_PASSWORD_RESET_DONE', "Ihr Administratorkennwort wurde neu gesetzt. Sie können sich jetzt mit Ihren neuen Zugangsdaten im Adminbereich einloggen.");
+define('ADMIN_CONTINUE_LOGIN', "Weiter zum Administratorlogin");
global $_CONFIG;
// Shall we add bonus points?
- if ($_CONFIG['bonus_active'] == 'N') return;
+ if ($_CONFIG['bonus_active'] == "N") return;
// Select SQL command
$SQL = "";
global $_CONFIG;
// Shall we add bonus points?
- if ($_CONFIG['bonus_active'] == 'N') return;
+ if ($_CONFIG['bonus_active'] == "N") return;
// Switch to jackpot-mode when no UID is supplied but userid-mode is selected
if (($_CONFIG['bonus_mode'] == "UID") && ($_CONFIG['bonus_uid'] == "0")) $_CONFIG['bonus_mode'] = "JACKPOT";
- if (($done == 'Y') && ($sort == "ASC"))
+ if (($done == "Y") && ($sort == "ASC"))
// Already payed out points (latest payouts first)
$limit = $_CONFIG['doubler_display_old'];
// Initialize variables
$points = "0";
- if ($_CONFIG['doubler_own'] == 'Y')
+ if ($_CONFIG['doubler_own'] == "Y")
// Take points from doubler's own account
$points += $_CONFIG['doubler_points'] - $_CONFIG['doubler_used'];
- if ($_CONFIG['doubler_jackpot'] == 'Y')
+ if ($_CONFIG['doubler_jackpot'] == "Y")
// Load jackpot
$result = SQL_QUERY("SELECT points FROM "._MYSQL_PREFIX."_jackpot WHERE ok='ok' LIMIT 1", __FILE__, __LINE__);
global $_POST;
// Send mail away as HTML
- if ($_POST['auto_urls'] == 'Y') {
+ if ($_POST['auto_urls'] == "Y") {
// Automatically insert URLs into newsletter
if ((EXT_IS_ACTIVE("html")) && ($MODE == "html")) {
// Send HTML mail
$DATA['refs'] = $cnt;
// Shall I notify this member?
- if (($notify == 'Y') && ($un))
+ if (($notify == "Y") && ($un))
// Load email template and send it to the user
$msg = LOAD_EMAIL_TEMPLATE("member_rallye_notify", $prices, $uid);
// Send email to admin
$templ = "admin_rallye_no_notify";
- if ($notify == 'Y') $templ = "admin_rallye_notify";
+ if ($notify == "Y") $templ = "admin_rallye_notify";
if (GET_EXT_VERSION("admins") < "0.4.1")
// Use old method to send out
- if ($notify == 'Y')
+ if ($notify == "Y")
// Transfer all neccessary data to the global $DATA array
$DATA['start'] = MAKE_DATETIME($start, "2");
- if ($notify == 'Y')
+ if ($notify == "Y")
// Prepare infos for the mail template
if (!empty($DATA['info']))
// Select template depending on notfication is switch on / off
- if ($notify == 'Y')
+ if ($notify == "Y")
$templ = "admin_rallye_expired";
while(list($name, $required) = SQL_FETCHROW($result))
$value = "";
- if ($required == 'Y') $value = "<FONT class=\\\"guest_failed\\\"> (*)</FONT>";
+ if ($required == "Y") $value = "<FONT class=\\\"guest_failed\\\"> (*)</FONT>";
$eval = "define('MUST_".strtoupper($name)."', \"".$value."\");";
// if extensions is present check if country code was selected
// 01 2 21 12 3 32 234 5 54 4 43 34 4 4 5 5432 2 3 3210
$country = ((!EXT_IS_ACTIVE("country")) || ((EXT_IS_ACTIVE("country")) && (((empty($value)) && ($key == "cntry")) || (($key == "country_code") && (!empty($value)))) && (!empty($array['country_code']))));
- if ((empty($value)) && ($chk == 'Y') && (!$country))
+ if ((empty($value)) && ($chk == "Y") && (!$country))
// Required field not set
$array[$key] = "!";
$result = SQL_QUERY("SELECT field_name, field_required FROM "._MYSQL_PREFIX."_must_register ORDER BY id", __FILE__, __LINE__);
while(list($name, $required) = SQL_FETCHROW($result))
- if (($array[$name] == "!") && ($required == 'Y'))
+ if (($array[$name] == "!") && ($required == "Y"))
// Empty entry found
$array[$name] = "";
'id' => $id,
- if (($_POST['cat'][$id] == 'Y') || (($_CONFIG['register_default'] == 'Y') && (empty($_POST['cat'][$id]))))
+ if (($_POST['cat'][$id] == "Y") || (($_CONFIG['register_default'] == "Y") && (empty($_POST['cat'][$id]))))
$content['def_y'] = ' checked';
if (GET_EXT_VERSION("bonus") >= "0.6.9") {
// Add more bonus points here
$USE = "(0";
- if ($_CONFIG['bonus_click_yn'] == 'Y') $USE .= " + turbo_bonus";
- if ($_CONFIG['bonus_login_yn'] == 'Y') $USE .= " + login_bonus";
- if ($_CONFIG['bonus_order_yn'] == 'Y') $USE .= " + bonus_order";
- if ($_CONFIG['bonus_stats_yn'] == 'Y') $USE .= " + bonus_stats";
- if ($_CONFIG['bonus_ref_yn'] == 'Y') $USE .= " + bonus_ref";
+ if ($_CONFIG['bonus_click_yn'] == "Y") $USE .= " + turbo_bonus";
+ if ($_CONFIG['bonus_login_yn'] == "Y") $USE .= " + login_bonus";
+ if ($_CONFIG['bonus_order_yn'] == "Y") $USE .= " + bonus_order";
+ if ($_CONFIG['bonus_stats_yn'] == "Y") $USE .= " + bonus_stats";
+ if ($_CONFIG['bonus_ref_yn'] == "Y") $USE .= " + bonus_ref";
$USE .= ")";
} else {
// Old version ???
// Autopurge installed?
$LAST = ""; $ONLINE = "";
- if ((EXT_IS_ACTIVE("autopurge")) && ($_CONFIG['ap_inactive'] == 'Y') && ($_CONFIG['ap_in_since'] > 0)) {
+ if ((EXT_IS_ACTIVE("autopurge")) && ($_CONFIG['ap_inactive'] == "Y") && ($_CONFIG['ap_in_since'] > 0)) {
// Use last online timestamp to keep inactive members away from here
$LAST = " AND last_online >= ";
$ONLINE = bigintval(time() - $_CONFIG['ap_in_since']);
// Autopurge installed?
$LAST = ""; $ONLINE = "";
- if ((EXT_IS_ACTIVE("autopurge")) && ($_CONFIG['ap_inactive'] == 'Y') && ($_CONFIG['ap_in_since'] > 0)) {
+ if ((EXT_IS_ACTIVE("autopurge")) && ($_CONFIG['ap_inactive'] == "Y") && ($_CONFIG['ap_in_since'] > 0)) {
// Use last online timestamp to keep inactive members away from here
$LAST = " AND last_online >= ";
$ONLINE = bigintval(time() - $_CONFIG['ap_in_since']);
-} elseif (($_CONFIG['cache_admins'] == 'Y') && ($CSS != "1") && ($CSS != "-1")) {
+} elseif (($_CONFIG['cache_admins'] == "Y") && ($CSS != "1") && ($CSS != "-1")) {
// Create cache file
$cacheArray['modules']['mem_only'][$mod] = $cacheArray['modules']['mem_only'][$key];
- $cacheArray['modules']['has_menu'][$mod] = $cacheArray['modules']['has_menu'][$key];
- unset($cacheArray['modules']['has_menu'][$key]);
+ if (isset($cacheArray['modules']['has_menu'][$key])) {
+ $cacheArray['modules']['has_menu'][$mod] = $cacheArray['modules']['has_menu'][$key];
+ unset($cacheArray['modules']['has_menu'][$key]);
+ } // END - if
-} elseif (($_CONFIG['cache_modreg'] == 'Y') && ($CSS != "1") && ($CSS != "-1")) {
+} elseif (($_CONFIG['cache_modreg'] == "Y") && ($CSS != "1") && ($CSS != "-1")) {
// Create cache file here
-} elseif (($_CONFIG['cache_config'] == 'Y') && ($CSS != "1") && ($CSS != "-1")) {
+} elseif (($_CONFIG['cache_config'] == "Y") && ($CSS != "1") && ($CSS != "-1")) {
// Create cache file here
-} elseif (($_CONFIG['cache_refsys'] == 'Y') && ($CSS != "1") && ($CSS != "-1")) {
+} elseif (($_CONFIG['cache_refsys'] == "Y") && ($CSS != "1") && ($CSS != "-1")) {
// Create cache file here
-} elseif (($_CONFIG['cache_refdepth'] == 'Y') && ($CSS != "1") && ($CSS != "-1")) {
+} elseif (($_CONFIG['cache_refdepth'] == "Y") && ($CSS != "1") && ($CSS != "-1")) {
// Create cache file here
- } elseif (($_CONFIG['cache_acls'] == 'Y') && ($CSS != "1") && ($CSS != "-1")) {
+ } elseif (($_CONFIG['cache_acls'] == "Y") && ($CSS != "1") && ($CSS != "-1")) {
// Create cache file here
// Do not recreate cache file when it's switched off!
- if (($cacheMode == "init") && ($_CONFIG['cache_exts'] == 'N')) $cacheMode = "skip";
+ if (($cacheMode == "init") && ($_CONFIG['cache_exts'] == "N")) $cacheMode = "skip";
// Load language
if ($cacheMode == "load") include(PATH."inc/language/cache_".GET_LANGUAGE().".php");
$EXT_DUMMY = $cacheInstance->cache_load();
foreach ($EXT_DUMMY['ext_name'] as $k=>$name) {
// Load functions file
- if ($EXT_DUMMY['ext_funcs'][$k] == 'Y') require_once(PATH."inc/libs/".$name."_functions.php");
+ if ($EXT_DUMMY['ext_funcs'][$k] == "Y") require_once(PATH."inc/libs/".$name."_functions.php");
// Load Language file
- if ($EXT_DUMMY['ext_lang'][$k] == 'Y') {
+ if ($EXT_DUMMY['ext_lang'][$k] == "Y") {
$INC = sprintf(PATH."inc/language/%s_%s.php", $name, GET_LANGUAGE());
if (file_exists($INC)) require_once($INC);
// Load CSS file
- if ($EXT_DUMMY['ext_css'][$k] == 'Y') $EXT_CSS_FILES[] = "".$name.".css";
+ if ($EXT_DUMMY['ext_css'][$k] == "Y") $EXT_CSS_FILES[] = "".$name.".css";
// Load extension file itself
- if (($EXT_DUMMY['ext_active'][$k] == 'Y') || ($EXT_DUMMY['ext_keep'][$k] == 'Y') || (IS_ADMIN())) {
+ if (($EXT_DUMMY['ext_active'][$k] == "Y") || ($EXT_DUMMY['ext_keep'][$k] == "Y") || (IS_ADMIN())) {
//* DEBUG: */ echo "*".$name."/".$menu."*<br>";
// An empty menu entry will be interpreted as N (no menu) to avoid problems
- if (empty($menu)) $menu = 'N';
+ if (empty($menu)) $menu = "N";
// Load extensions
$file1 = sprintf(PATH."inc/extensions/ext-%s.php", $name);
- $file2 = $file1; $EXT_CSS = 'N'; $EXT_ALWAYS_ACTIVE = 'N';
+ $file2 = $file1; $EXT_CSS = "N"; $EXT_ALWAYS_ACTIVE = "N";
// Special functions file
$file3 = sprintf(PATH."inc/libs/%s_functions.php", $name);
if (file_exists($file3) && is_readable($file3))
// Special functions file
- $funcs = 'Y';
+ $funcs = "Y";
// Don't load functions file
- $funcs = 'N';
+ $funcs = "N";
// Do we need a language file?
if (($file1 != $file2) && (file_exists($file2)) && (is_readable($file2)))
// Load language file
- $lang = 'Y';
+ $lang = "Y";
// Don't load language file
- $lang = 'N';
+ $lang = "N";
// Load extension
// KEEP sql_patches ALWAYS ACTIVE!
- if ($css == 'Y')
+ if ($css == "Y")
$CSS_FILE = PATH."theme/".GET_CURR_THEME()."/css/".$name.".css";
if (file_exists($CSS_FILE))
// Don't load CSS file
- $css = 'N';
+ $css = "N";
switch ($_CONFIG['beg_rallye'])
case 'Y': // Begging rallye is activated
- if ($_CONFIG['beg_ral_en_notify'] == 'Y')
+ if ($_CONFIG['beg_ral_en_notify'] == "Y")
// Okay, let's check for member accounts
$SQL .= "= 0 OR (beg_ral_notify > 0 AND beg_ral_en_notify < beg_ral_di_notify)";
case 'N': // Begging rallye is deactivated
- if ($_CONFIG['beg_ral_di_notify'] == 'Y')
+ if ($_CONFIG['beg_ral_di_notify'] == "Y")
// Okay, let's check for member accounts
$SQL .= " > 0 AND beg_ral_di_notify < beg_ral_en_notify";
// Shall I include only active members?
$ADD = "%s"; $VALUE = "";
-if (($_CONFIG['birthday_active']) && (EXT_IS_ACTIVE("autopurge")) && ($_CONFIG['ap_in_since'] > 0) && ($_CONFIG['ap_inactive'] == 'Y'))
+if (($_CONFIG['birthday_active']) && (EXT_IS_ACTIVE("autopurge")) && ($_CONFIG['ap_in_since'] > 0) && ($_CONFIG['ap_inactive'] == "Y"))
$ADD = " AND last_online >= %d";
$VALUE = bigintval(time() - $_CONFIG['ap_in_since']);
switch ($_CONFIG['bonus_active'])
case 'Y': // Active rallye is activated
- if ($_CONFIG['bonus_en_notify'] == 'Y')
+ if ($_CONFIG['bonus_en_notify'] == "Y")
// Okay, let's check for member accounts
$SQL .= "= 0 OR (bonus_ral_notify > 0 AND bonus_ral_en_notify < bonus_ral_di_notify)";
case 'N': // Active rallye is deactivated
- if ($_CONFIG['bonus_di_notify'] == 'Y')
+ if ($_CONFIG['bonus_di_notify'] == "Y")
// Okay, let's check for member accounts
$SQL .= " > 0 AND bonus_ral_di_notify < bonus_ral_en_notify";
// Load register template
+} elseif (isset($_GET['reset_pass'])) {
+ // Is the form submitted?
+ if ((isset($_POST['send_link'])) && (!empty($_POST['email']))) {
+ // Try to send the link out
+ // Output result
+ LOAD_TEMPLATE("admin_settings_saved", false, $OUT);
+ } elseif (!empty($_GET['hash'])) {
+ // Output form for hash validation
+ LOAD_TEMPLATE("admin_validate_reset_hash_form", false, SQL_ESCAPE($_GET['hash']));
+ } elseif ((isset($_POST['validate_hash'])) && (!empty($_POST['login'])) && (!empty($_POST['hash']))) {
+ // Validate the login data and hash
+ $valid = ADMIN_VALIDATE_RESET_LINK_HASH_LOGIN($_POST['hash'], $_POST['login']);
+ // Valid?
+ if ($valid) {
+ // Prepare content first
+ $content = array(
+ 'hash' => SQL_ESCAPE($_POST['hash']),
+ 'login' => SQL_ESCAPE($_POST['login'])
+ );
+ // Validation okay so display form for final password change
+ LOAD_TEMPLATE("admin_reset_password_form", false, $content);
+ } else {
+ // Cannot validate the login data and hash
+ }
+ } elseif ((isset($_POST['reset_pass'])) && (!empty($_POST['hash'])) && (!empty($_POST['login'])) && (!empty($_POST['pass1'])) && ($_POST['pass1'] == $_POST['pass2'])) {
+ // Okay, we shall the admin password here. So first revalidate the hash
+ if (ADMIN_VALIDATE_RESET_LINK_HASH_LOGIN($_POST['hash'], $_POST['login'])) {
+ // Set the password now
+ $OUT = ADMIN_RESET_PASSWORD($_POST['login'], $_POST['pass1']);
+ // Output result
+ LOAD_TEMPLATE("admin_reset_pass_done", false, $OUT);
+ } else {
+ // Validation failed
+ }
+ } else {
+ // Output reset password form
+ LOAD_TEMPLATE("admin_send_reset_link");
+ }
} elseif ((!isSessionVariableSet('admin_login')) || (!isSessionVariableSet('admin_md5')) || (!isSessionVariableSet('admin_last')) || (!isSessionVariableSet('admin_to')) || ((get_session('admin_last') + bigintval(get_session('admin_to')) * 3600 * 24) < time())) {
// At leat one administrator account was created
if ((isSessionVariableSet('admin_login')) && (isSessionVariableSet('admin_md5')) && (isSessionVariableSet('admin_last')) && (isSessionVariableSet('admin_to'))) {
if (!empty($_GET['register'])) {
// Registration of first admin is done
if ($_GET['register'] == "done") OUTPUT_HTML("<STRONG class=\"admin\">".ADMIN_REGISTER_DONE."</STRONG>");
- }
+ } // END - if
// Check if the admin has submitted data or not
$ret = "";
case "pass": // Wrong password
$_POST['ok'] = $ret;
- $ret = WRONG_PASS;
+ $ret = WRONG_PASS." [<A href=\"".URL."/modules.php?module=admin&reset_pass=1\">".ADMIN_RESET_PASS."</A>]\n";
// Change activation status
function ADMIN_CHANGE_ACTIVATION_STATUS ($IDs, $table, $row, $idRow = "id") {
global $_CONFIG;
- $cnt = 0; $newStatus = 'Y';
+ $cnt = 0; $newStatus = "Y";
if ((is_array($IDs)) && (count($IDs) > 0)) {
// "Walk" all through and count them
foreach ($IDs as $id=>$selected) {
if (SQL_NUMROWS($result) == 1) {
// Load the status
list($currStatus) = SQL_FETCHROW($result);
- if ($currStatus == 'Y') $newStatus='N'; else $newStatus = 'Y';
+ if ($currStatus == "Y") $newStatus='N'; else $newStatus = "Y";
// Change this status
// Return result
return $valid;
+// Sends out a link to the given email adress so the admin can reset his/her password
+ global $_CONFIG;
+ // Init output
+ $OUT = "";
+ // Compile out security characters (must be for looking up!)
+ $email = COMPILE_CODE($email);
+ //Â Look up administator login
+ $result = SQL_QUERY_ESC("SELECT id, login, password FROM "._MYSQL_PREFIX."_admins WHERE email='%s' LIMIT 1",
+ array($email), __FILE__, __LINE__);
+ // Is there an account?
+ if (SQL_NUMROWS($result) == 0) {
+ // No account found!
+ } // END - if
+ // Load all data
+ $content = SQL_FETCHARRAY($result);
+ // Free result
+ SQL_FREERESULT($result);
+ // Generate hash for reset link
+ $content['hash'] = generateHash(URL.":".$content['id'].":".$content['login'].":".$content['password'], substr($content['password'], 10));
+ // Remove some data
+ unset($content['id']);
+ unset($content['password']);
+ // Prepare email
+ $mailText = LOAD_EMAIL_TEMPLATE("admin_reset_password", $content);
+ // Send it out
+ // Prepare output
+// Validate hash and login for password reset
+function ADMIN_VALIDATE_RESET_LINK_HASH_LOGIN ($hash, $login) {
+ // By default nothing validates... ;)
+ $valid = false;
+ // Compile the login for lookup
+ $login = COMPILE_CODE($login);
+ // Then try to find that user
+ $result = SQL_QUERY_ESC("SELECT id, password, email FROM "._MYSQL_PREFIX."_admins WHERE login='%s' LIMIT 1",
+ array($login), __FILE__, __LINE__);
+ // Is an account here?
+ if (SQL_NUMROWS($result) == 1) {
+ // Load all data
+ $content = SQL_FETCHARRAY($result);
+ // Generate hash again
+ $hashFromData = generateHash(URL.":".$content['id'].":".$login.":".$content['password'], substr($content['password'], 10));
+ // Does both match?
+ $valid = ($hash == $hashFromData);
+ } // END - if
+ // Free result
+ SQL_FREERESULT($result);
+ // Return result
+ return $valid;
+// Reset the password for the login. Do NOT call this function without calling above function first!
+function ADMIN_RESET_PASSWORD ($login, $password) {
+ // Init hash
+ $passHash = "";
+ // Now check if we have sql_patches installed
+ if (GET_EXT_VERSION("sql_patches") >= "0.3.6") {
+ // Use new way of hashing
+ $passHash = generateHash($password);
+ } else {
+ // Old MD5 method
+ $passHash = md5($password);
+ }
+ // Update database
+ SQL_QUERY_ESC("UPDATE "._MYSQL_PREFIX."_admins SET password='%s' WHERE login='%s' LIMIT 1",
+ array($passHash, $login), __FILE__, __LINE__);
+ // Return output
if (!empty($cacheArray['active_extensions'][$ext])) {
// Maybe we want to keept the current extension active?
- if (($cacheArray['active_extensions'][$ext] == 'Y') && (!EXT_IS_ACTIVE($ext, true, true))) {
+ if (($cacheArray['active_extensions'][$ext] == "Y") && (!EXT_IS_ACTIVE($ext, true, true))) {
// Reactivate this extension!
$result = SQL_QUERY_ESC("UPDATE "._MYSQL_PREFIX."_extensions SET ext_active='Y' WHERE ext_name='%s' LIMIT 1",
array($ext), __FILE__, __LINE__);
$title = TASK_NO_TITLE;
// Shall I list SQL commands assigned to an extension installation or update task?
- if (((GET_EXT_VERSION("sql_patches") != '') && ($_CONFIG['verbose_sql'] == 'Y')) || (!EXT_IS_ACTIVE("sql_patches"))) {
+ if (((GET_EXT_VERSION("sql_patches") != '') && ($_CONFIG['verbose_sql'] == "Y")) || (!EXT_IS_ACTIVE("sql_patches"))) {
$ext_name = substr($subj, 1, strpos($subj, ":") - 1);
if ($type == "EXTENSION") {
// Load SQL commands for registering
// Add SQLs to a table
if (empty($SQLs)) $SQLs = array();
if (empty($title)) $title = "";
- if ((!empty($ext_name)) && (GET_EXT_VERSION("sql_patches")) && ($_CONFIG['verbose_sql'] == 'Y')) {
+ if ((!empty($ext_name)) && (GET_EXT_VERSION("sql_patches")) && ($_CONFIG['verbose_sql'] == "Y")) {
// Add verbose SQL table
$text .= EXTENSION_VERBOSE_TABLE($SQLs, $title, " class=\"admin_table top2 left2 right2\"", true, "100%")."<br />\n";
// Mail confirmation links
define('_CFG_AUTO_PURGE', CREATE_TIME_SELECTIONS($_CONFIG['auto_purge'], "auto_purge", "MWD"));
- if ($_CONFIG['auto_purge_active'] == 'N')
+ if ($_CONFIG['auto_purge_active'] == "N")
define('_CFG_AP_ACTIVE_N', ' checked');
define('_CFG_AP_ACTIVE_Y', "");
$_CONFIG['beg_ral_di_notify'] = $_POST['beg_ral_di_notify'];
// Include sending out mails
- if ((($_CONFIG['beg_rallye'] == 'Y') && ($_CONFIG['beg_ral_en_notify'] == 'Y')) || (($_CONFIG['beg_rallye'] == 'N') && ($_CONFIG['beg_ral_di_notify'] == 'Y')))
+ if ((($_CONFIG['beg_rallye'] == "Y") && ($_CONFIG['beg_ral_en_notify'] == "Y")) || (($_CONFIG['beg_rallye'] == "N") && ($_CONFIG['beg_ral_di_notify'] == "Y")))
$_CONFIG['bonus_di_notify'] = $_POST['bonus_di_notify'];
// Include sending out mails
- if ((($_CONFIG['bonus_active'] == 'Y') && ($_CONFIG['bonus_en_notify'] == 'Y')) || (($_CONFIG['bonus_active'] == 'N') && ($_CONFIG['bonus_di_notify'] == 'Y')))
+ if ((($_CONFIG['bonus_active'] == "Y") && ($_CONFIG['bonus_en_notify'] == "Y")) || (($_CONFIG['bonus_active'] == "N") && ($_CONFIG['bonus_di_notify'] == "Y")))
if (isset($_POST['ok']))
// Cache path has been not changed by default so don't test it again
- $_POST['cache_tested'] = 'N';
+ $_POST['cache_tested'] = "N";
// Check if path has been changed
if ($_POST['cache_path'] != $_CONFIG['cache_path'])
// Okay, cache path has been altered so we have to test it again!
- $_POST['cache_tested'] = 'Y';
+ $_POST['cache_tested'] = "Y";
// Delete deactivated cache files
- if (($_POST['cache_admins'] == 'N') && ($cacheInstance->cache_file("admins", true)))
+ if (($_POST['cache_admins'] == "N") && ($cacheInstance->cache_file("admins", true)))
- if (($_POST['cache_acls'] == 'N') && ($cacheInstance->cache_file("acls", true)))
+ if (($_POST['cache_acls'] == "N") && ($cacheInstance->cache_file("acls", true)))
- if (($_POST['cache_exts'] == 'N') && ($cacheInstance->cache_file("extensions", true)))
+ if (($_POST['cache_exts'] == "N") && ($cacheInstance->cache_file("extensions", true)))
- if (($_POST['cache_config'] == 'N') && ($cacheInstance->cache_file("config", true)))
+ if (($_POST['cache_config'] == "N") && ($cacheInstance->cache_file("config", true)))
- if (($_POST['cache_modreg'] == 'N') && ($cacheInstance->cache_file("modreg", true)))
+ if (($_POST['cache_modreg'] == "N") && ($cacheInstance->cache_file("modreg", true)))
- if (($_POST['cache_refdepth'] == 'N') && ($cacheInstance->cache_file("refdepth", true)))
+ if (($_POST['cache_refdepth'] == "N") && ($cacheInstance->cache_file("refdepth", true)))
- if (($_POST['cache_refsys'] == 'N') && ($cacheInstance->cache_file("refsys", true)))
+ if (($_POST['cache_refsys'] == "N") && ($cacheInstance->cache_file("refsys", true)))
define('_CFG_UNCONFIRMED' , $_CONFIG['unconfirmed']);
define('_CFG_MAX_TLENGTH' , $_CONFIG['max_tlength']);
- if ($_CONFIG['test_text'] == 'N') {
+ if ($_CONFIG['test_text'] == "N") {
define('_CFG_TEST_TEXT_N', ' checked');
define('_CFG_TEST_TEXT_Y', "");
} else {
- if ($_CONFIG['test_subj'] == 'N') {
+ if ($_CONFIG['test_subj'] == "N") {
define('_CFG_TEST_SUBJ_N', ' checked');
define('_CFG_TEST_SUBJ_Y', "");
} else {
define('_CFG_TEST_SUBJ_Y', ' checked');
- if ($_CONFIG['url_blacklist'] == 'N') {
+ if ($_CONFIG['url_blacklist'] == "N") {
define('_CFG_URL_BLIST_N', ' checked');
define('_CFG_URL_BLIST_Y', "");
} else {
define('_CFG_PROF_REUPDATE' , "<INPUT type=\"text\" name=\"resend_profile_update\" class=\"admin_normal\" size=\"6\" maxlength=\"255\" value=\"".$_CONFIG['resend_profile_update'] ."\"> <FONT class=\"tiny\">(".SECS.")</FONT>");
- if ($_CONFIG['order_multi_page'] == 'N') {
+ if ($_CONFIG['order_multi_page'] == "N") {
define('_CFG_ORDER_MULTI_N', ' checked');
define('_CFG_ORDER_MULTI_Y', "");
} else {
define('_CFG_ORDER_MULTI_Y', ' checked');
- if ($_CONFIG['autosend_active'] == 'N') {
+ if ($_CONFIG['autosend_active'] == "N") {
define('_CFG_AUTOSEND_ACTIVE_N', ' checked');
define('_CFG_AUTOSEND_ACTIVE_Y', "");
} else {
define('_CFG_AUTOSEND_ACTIVE_Y', ' checked');
- if ($_CONFIG['send_prof_update'] == 'N') {
+ if ($_CONFIG['send_prof_update'] == "N") {
define('_CFG_SEND_UPDATE_N', ' checked');
define('_CFG_SEND_UPDATE_Y', "");
} else {
define('_CFG_SEND_UPDATE_Y', ' checked');
- if ($_CONFIG['admin_notify'] == 'N') {
+ if ($_CONFIG['admin_notify'] == "N") {
define('_CFG_ADMIN_NOTIFY_N', ' checked');
define('_CFG_ADMIN_NOTIFY_Y', "");
} else {
define('_CFG_CSS_PHP_FILE', ' checked');
- if ($_CONFIG['guest_menu'] == 'Y') {
+ if ($_CONFIG['guest_menu'] == "Y") {
define('_CFG_GUEST_MENU_ACTIVE', ' checked');
} else {
define('_CFG_GUEST_MENU_INACTIVE', ' checked');
- if ($_CONFIG['member_menu'] == 'Y') {
+ if ($_CONFIG['member_menu'] == "Y") {
define('_CFG_MEMBER_MENU_ACTIVE', ' checked');
} else {
define('_CFG_MEMBER_MENU_INACTIVE', ' checked');
- if ($_CONFIG['youre_here'] == 'Y') {
+ if ($_CONFIG['youre_here'] == "Y") {
define('_CFG_YOURE_HERE_ACTIVE', ' checked');
} else {
define('_CFG_YOURE_HERE_INACTIVE', ' checked');
- if ($_CONFIG['show_timings'] == 'Y') {
+ if ($_CONFIG['show_timings'] == "Y") {
define('_CFG_SHOW_TIMINGS_Y', ' checked');
define('_CFG_SHOW_TIMINGS_N', "");
} else {
while (list($id, $aid, $start, $end, $title, $alogin, $active) = SQL_FETCHROW($result))
$select = "<INPUT type=\"checkbox\" name=\"sel[".$id."]\" class=\"admin_normal\" value=\"1\">";
- if ($active == 'Y') $select = "<STRONG class=\"big\">".$id."</STRONG>";
+ if ($active == "Y") $select = "<STRONG class=\"big\">".$id."</STRONG>";
// Prepare data for the row template
$content = array(
foreach ($_POST['mod'] as $mod=>$sel)
// Now you can never deselect the admin module, bah!!! ;-)
- if (($sel == 'Y') || ($mod == "admin"))
+ if (($sel == "Y") || ($mod == "admin"))
// Add module to queue
$MODs[] = $mod;
// De-/activate extensions
foreach ($_POST['sel'] as $id=>$active) {
// Shall we keep the extension always active?
- if ((isset($cacheArray['active_extensions'][GET_EXT_NAME($id)])) && ($cacheArray['active_extensions'][GET_EXT_NAME($id)] == 'Y') && ($active == 'N')) {
+ if ((isset($cacheArray['active_extensions'][GET_EXT_NAME($id)])) && ($cacheArray['active_extensions'][GET_EXT_NAME($id)] == "Y") && ($active == "N")) {
// Keep this extension active!
} else {
// De/activate extension
- $ACT = 'N'; $EXT_LOAD_MODE = "deactivate";
- if ($active == 'N') { $ACT = 'Y'; $EXT_LOAD_MODE = "activate"; }
+ $ACT = "N"; $EXT_LOAD_MODE = "deactivate";
+ if ($active == "N") { $ACT = "Y"; $EXT_LOAD_MODE = "activate"; }
$result = SQL_QUERY_ESC("UPDATE "._MYSQL_PREFIX."_extensions SET ext_active='".$ACT."' WHERE id=%d AND ext_active='%s' LIMIT 1",
array(bigintval($id), $active), __FILE__, __LINE__);
$SW = "2"; $OUT = "";
foreach ($_POST['sel'] as $id=>$sel) {
// Edit this extension?
- if (($sel == 'Y') || ($sel == 'N')) {
+ if (($sel == "Y") || ($sel == "N")) {
// Load required data
if (GET_EXT_VERSION("sql_patches") >= "0.0.6") {
$result = SQL_QUERY_ESC("SELECT ext_name, ext_has_css, ext_active FROM "._MYSQL_PREFIX."_extensions WHERE id=%d LIMIT 1",
// Add description as navigation point
ADD_DESCR("admin", basename(__FILE__));
-if ($_CONFIG['beg_rallye'] == 'Y')
+if ($_CONFIG['beg_rallye'] == "Y")
// Shall I withdraw now?
if (isset($_POST['withdraw']))
// Add description as navigation point
ADD_DESCR("admin", basename(__FILE__));
-if ($_CONFIG['bonus_active'] == 'Y')
+if ($_CONFIG['bonus_active'] == "Y")
// Shall I withdraw now?
if (isset($_POST['withdraw']))
// Add more bonus points here
$USE = "(0";
- if ($_CONFIG['bonus_click_yn'] == 'Y') $USE .= " + turbo_bonus";
- if ($_CONFIG['bonus_login_yn'] == 'Y') $USE .= " + login_bonus";
- if ($_CONFIG['bonus_order_yn'] == 'Y') $USE .= " + bonus_order";
- if ($_CONFIG['bonus_stats_yn'] == 'Y') $USE .= " + bonus_stats";
- if ($_CONFIG['bonus_ref_yn'] == 'Y') $USE .= " + bonus_ref";
+ if ($_CONFIG['bonus_click_yn'] == "Y") $USE .= " + turbo_bonus";
+ if ($_CONFIG['bonus_login_yn'] == "Y") $USE .= " + login_bonus";
+ if ($_CONFIG['bonus_order_yn'] == "Y") $USE .= " + bonus_order";
+ if ($_CONFIG['bonus_stats_yn'] == "Y") $USE .= " + bonus_stats";
+ if ($_CONFIG['bonus_ref_yn'] == "Y") $USE .= " + bonus_ref";
$USE .= ")";
$msg = LOAD_EMAIL_TEMPLATE("member_payout_accepted", $_POST['text'], $uid);
// Output message
- if ($allow == 'Y')
+ if ($allow == "Y")
// Banner / Textlink request
// Nothing entered must be secured in member/what-payputs.php !
- if ($allow == 'Y')
+ if ($allow == "Y")
// Banner/Textlink views/clicks request
if (!empty($banner))
switch ($_CONFIG['maintenance'])
case 'Y':
- $target_mode = 'N';
+ $target_mode = "N";
case 'N':
- $target_mode = 'Y';
+ $target_mode = "Y";
// Gettings points is oka, so we can add $USED later from
if ($EXT_HTML)
- $HTML = 'N';
- if ($_GET['mode'] == "html") $HTML = 'Y';
+ $HTML = "N";
+ if ($_GET['mode'] == "html") $HTML = "Y";
(subject, text, receivers, points, time, data_type, timestamp, url, cat_id, target_send, mails_sent, html_msg)
VALUES ('%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', 'NEW', UNIX_TIMESTAMP(), '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s')",
// Shall I de-/activate or delete themes?
if (isset($_POST['status'])) {
// Change status
- if ($_POST['active'][$id] == 'Y') {
+ if ($_POST['active'][$id] == "Y") {
$SQL = "UPDATE "._MYSQL_PREFIX."_themes SET theme_active='N' WHERE id='".$id."' LIMIT 1";
} else {
$SQL = "UPDATE "._MYSQL_PREFIX."_themes SET theme_active='Y' WHERE id='".$id."' LIMIT 1";
// Check for bonus extension version >= 0.4.4 for the order bonus
- if ((GET_EXT_VERSION("bonus") >= "0.4.4") && ($_CONFIG['bonus_active'] == 'Y'))
+ if ((GET_EXT_VERSION("bonus") >= "0.4.4") && ($_CONFIG['bonus_active'] == "Y"))
// Add points directly
$result = SQL_QUERY_ESC("UPDATE "._MYSQL_PREFIX."_user_data SET bonus_order=bonus_order+".$_CONFIG['bonus_order']." WHERE userid=%d LIMIT 1",
if ($action == "") $action = "---";
if ($what == "") $what = "---";
- if ($admin == 'Y')
+ if ($admin == "Y")
// Is an administrator
$userid = _IS_ADMIN;
- elseif (($mem == 'N') && ($admin == 'N'))
+ elseif (($mem == "N") && ($admin == "N"))
// Is a guest
$userid = _IS_GUEST;
if (empty($act)) $act = "---";
if (empty($wht)) $wht = "---";
- if ($admin == 'Y')
+ if ($admin == "Y")
// Is an administrator
$uid = _IS_ADMIN;
- elseif (($mem == 'N') && ($admin == 'N'))
+ elseif (($mem == "N") && ($admin == "N"))
// Is a guest
$uid = _IS_GUEST;
set_session("mxchange_theme", $NewTheme);
$bonus = false;
- if ((GET_EXT_VERSION("sql_patches") >= "0.2.8") && (GET_EXT_VERSION("bonus") >= "0.2.1") && ($_CONFIG['bonus_login_yn'] == 'N') && ($_CONFIG['bonus_login_yn'] == 'Y')) {
+ if ((GET_EXT_VERSION("sql_patches") >= "0.2.8") && (GET_EXT_VERSION("bonus") >= "0.2.1") && ($_CONFIG['bonus_login_yn'] == "N") && ($_CONFIG['bonus_login_yn'] == "Y")) {
// Update last login
$result = SQL_QUERY_ESC("UPDATE "._MYSQL_PREFIX."_user_data
// If version matches add ref bonus to refid's account
- if ((GET_EXT_VERSION("bonus") >= "0.4.4") && ($_CONFIG['bonus_active'] == 'Y'))
+ if ((GET_EXT_VERSION("bonus") >= "0.4.4") && ($_CONFIG['bonus_active'] == "Y"))
// Add points (directly only!)
$result = SQL_QUERY_ESC("UPDATE "._MYSQL_PREFIX."_user_data SET bonus_ref=bonus_ref+%s WHERE userid=%d LIMIT 1",
// First we only check the submitted data then we continue... :)
// Did he agree to our Terms Of Usage?
- if ($_POST['agree'] != 'Y')
+ if ($_POST['agree'] != "Y")
$_POST['agree'] = "!";
$FAILED = true;
// Do this check only when no admin is logged in
foreach ($_POST['cat'] as $id=>$answer)
- if ($answer == 'Y') $cats++;
+ if ($answer == "Y") $cats++;
if ($cats < $_CONFIG['least_cats'])
$FAILED = true;
- if (($_POST['addy'] != "!") && ($_CONFIG['check_double_email'] == 'Y') && (!IS_ADMIN()))
+ if (($_POST['addy'] != "!") && ($_CONFIG['check_double_email'] == "Y") && (!IS_ADMIN()))
// Does the email address already exists in our database?
if (GET_EXT_VERSION("beg") >= "0.1.7")
// Okay, shall I disable now?
- if ($_CONFIG['beg_new_mem_notify'] == 'N')
+ if ($_CONFIG['beg_new_mem_notify'] == "N")
$ADD1 .= ", beg_ral_notify, beg_ral_en_notify";
if (GET_EXT_VERSION("bonus") >= "0.7.7")
// Okay, shall I disable now?
- if ($_CONFIG['bonus_new_mem_notify'] == 'N')
+ if ($_CONFIG['bonus_new_mem_notify'] == "N")
$ADD1 .= ", bonus_ral_notify, bonus_ral_en_notify";
// Write catgories
if ((is_array($_POST['cat'])) && (count($_POST['cat']))) {
foreach ($_POST['cat'] as $cat=>$joined) {
- if ($joined == 'Y') {
+ if ($joined == "Y") {
// Insert category entry
$result = SQL_QUERY_ESC("INSERT INTO "._MYSQL_PREFIX."_user_cats (userid, cat_id) VALUES (%d, %d)",
array(bigintval($userid), bigintval($cat)), __FILE__, __LINE__);
// Shall I display the refid or shall I make it editable?
- if ($_CONFIG['display_refid'] == 'Y') {
+ if ($_CONFIG['display_refid'] == "Y") {
// Load template to enter it
define('REFID_CONTENT', LOAD_TEMPLATE("guest_register_refid", true, $GLOBALS['refid']));
} else {
// Add the guest's menu here...
-if (($_CONFIG['guest_menu'] == 'Y') || (!EXT_IS_ACTIVE("sql_patches", true)))
+if (($_CONFIG['guest_menu'] == "Y") || (!EXT_IS_ACTIVE("sql_patches", true)))
// Show only when guest menu is active
ADD_MENU("guest", $act, $GLOBALS['what']);
-if (($_CONFIG['guest_menu'] == 'Y') || (!EXT_IS_ACTIVE("sql_patches", true)))
+if (($_CONFIG['guest_menu'] == "Y") || (!EXT_IS_ACTIVE("sql_patches", true)))
// TDs between content and </table>
// Add the member's menu here...
-if (($_CONFIG['member_menu'] == 'Y') || (!EXT_IS_ACTIVE("sql_patches", true)))
+if (($_CONFIG['member_menu'] == "Y") || (!EXT_IS_ACTIVE("sql_patches", true)))
ADD_MENU("member", GET_ACTION("member", $GLOBALS['what']), $GLOBALS['what']);
<TD valign=\"top\" align=\"center\" rowspan=\"3\" class=\"member_content\">");
-$INC_ACTION = sprintf(PATH."inc/modules/member/action-%s.php", $act);
+$INC_ACTION = sprintf(."%sinc/modules/member/action-%s.php", PATH, $act);
if ((file_exists($INC_ACTION)) && (is_readable($INC_ACTION)) && (VALIDATE_MENU_ACTION("member", GET_ACTION("member", $GLOBALS['what']), $GLOBALS['what'])))
// Requested module is available so we load it
-if (($_CONFIG['member_menu'] == 'Y') || (!EXT_IS_ACTIVE("sql_patches", true)))
+if (($_CONFIG['member_menu'] == "Y") || (!EXT_IS_ACTIVE("sql_patches", true)))
OUTPUT_HTML(" <br /></TD>
// Add more bonus points here
$USE = "(0";
- if ($_CONFIG['bonus_click_yn'] == 'Y') $USE .= " + turbo_bonus";
- if ($_CONFIG['bonus_login_yn'] == 'Y') $USE .= " + login_bonus";
- if ($_CONFIG['bonus_order_yn'] == 'Y') $USE .= " + bonus_order";
- if ($_CONFIG['bonus_stats_yn'] == 'Y') $USE .= " + bonus_stats";
- if ($_CONFIG['bonus_ref_yn'] == 'Y') $USE .= " + bonus_ref";
+ if ($_CONFIG['bonus_click_yn'] == "Y") $USE .= " + turbo_bonus";
+ if ($_CONFIG['bonus_login_yn'] == "Y") $USE .= " + login_bonus";
+ if ($_CONFIG['bonus_order_yn'] == "Y") $USE .= " + bonus_order";
+ if ($_CONFIG['bonus_stats_yn'] == "Y") $USE .= " + bonus_stats";
+ if ($_CONFIG['bonus_ref_yn'] == "Y") $USE .= " + bonus_ref";
$USE .= ")";
$cnt = 0;
foreach ($_POST['cat'] as $cat=>$joined)
- if ($joined == 'N') $cnt++;
+ if ($joined == "N") $cnt++;
if (($cats - $cnt) < $_CONFIG['least_cats'])
list($active, $locked) = SQL_FETCHROW($result);
- if (($active == 'Y') && (($locked + $_CONFIG['holiday_lock']) < time()))
+ if (($active == "Y") && (($locked + $_CONFIG['holiday_lock']) < time()))
// Load data
$result = SQL_QUERY_ESC("SELECT holiday_start, holiday_end FROM "._MYSQL_PREFIX."_user_holidays
- elseif ($active == 'Y')
+ elseif ($active == "Y")
// To fast!
LOAD_TEMPLATE("admin_settings_saved", false, HOLIDAY_MEMBER_LOCKED);
list($mode) = SQL_FETCHROW($result);
- if ($mode == 'Y')
+ if ($mode == "Y")
define('HTML_Y', ' checked');
define('HTML_N', "");
// Remember charge value
define('__CHARGE_VALUE', TRANSLATE_COMMA($_CONFIG['nl_charge']));
-if ((isset($_POST['ok'])) && ($status == 'Y') && ($span == "0"))
+if ((isset($_POST['ok'])) && ($status == "Y") && ($span == "0"))
// Save request
$result = SQL_QUERY_ESC("UPDATE "._MYSQL_PREFIX."_user_data SET nl_timespan='".(ONE_DAY * 30)."' WHERE userid=%d LIMIT 1",
if (!ereg(".", $TOTAL)) $TOTAL .= ".00000";
-if (($HOLIDAY == 'Y') && (GET_EXT_VERSION("holiday") >= "0.1.3"))
+if (($HOLIDAY == "Y") && (GET_EXT_VERSION("holiday") >= "0.1.3"))
// Holiday is active!
// No entry found, so we need to check out the stats table as well... :)
// We have to add that suff here, now we continue WITHOUT checking and check the text and subject against some filters
$URL = "";
- if ($_CONFIG['test_text'] == 'Y')
+ if ($_CONFIG['test_text'] == "Y")
// Test submitted text against some filters (length, URLs in text etc.)
if ((strpos(strtolower($_POST['text']), "https://") > -1) || (strpos(strtolower($_POST['text']), "http://") > -1) || (strpos(strtolower($_POST['text']), "www") > -1))
// Shall I test the subject line against URLs?
- if ($_CONFIG['test_subj'] == 'Y')
+ if ($_CONFIG['test_subj'] == "Y")
// Check the subject line for issues
$_POST['subject'] = str_replace("\\", "[nl]", substr($_POST['subject'], 0, 200));
// And shall I check that his URL is not in the black list?
- if ($_CONFIG['url_blacklist'] == 'Y')
+ if ($_CONFIG['url_blacklist'] == "Y")
// Ok, I do that for you know...
$result = SQL_QUERY_ESC("SELECT timestamp FROM "._MYSQL_PREFIX."_url_blist WHERE url='%s' LIMIT 1",
// Probe for HTML extension
if ($HTML_EXT)
- if ($_POST['html'] == 'Y')
+ if ($_POST['html'] == "Y")
// Chek for valid HTML tags
$_POST['text'] = HTML_CHECK_TAGS($_POST['text']);
// Check if category and number of receivers is okay
$ADD = "";
- if (($_CONFIG['order_multi_page'] == 'Y') && (!empty($_POST['zip']))) $ADD = "AND d.zip LIKE '".bigintval($_POST['zip'])."{PER}'";
+ if (($_CONFIG['order_multi_page'] == "Y") && (!empty($_POST['zip']))) $ADD = "AND d.zip LIKE '".bigintval($_POST['zip'])."{PER}'";
// Check for userids
$result = SQL_QUERY_ESC("SELECT DISTINCT c.userid FROM "._MYSQL_PREFIX."_user_cats AS c
// Enable HTML checking
$HTML = ""; $HOLIDAY = false; $HOL_STRING = "";
- if (($HTML_EXT) && ($_POST['html'] == 'Y')) $HTML = " AND html='Y'";
+ if (($HTML_EXT) && ($_POST['html'] == "Y")) $HTML = " AND html='Y'";
if (GET_EXT_VERSION("holiday") >= "0.1.3")
// Extension's version is fine
$result_ver = SQL_QUERY_ESC("SELECT zip FROM "._MYSQL_PREFIX."_user_data WHERE userid=%d".$HTML." AND receive_mails > 0 AND status='CONFIRMED' LIMIT 1",
array(bigintval($ucat)), __FILE__, __LINE__);
- if ((SQL_NUMROWS($result_ver) == 1) && (!empty($_POST['zip'])) && ($_CONFIG['order_multi_page'] == 'Y'))
+ if ((SQL_NUMROWS($result_ver) == 1) && (!empty($_POST['zip'])) && ($_CONFIG['order_multi_page'] == "Y"))
list($zip) = SQL_FETCHROW($result_ver);
// 01 2 21 12 2 23 443 3 3210
- if ((!empty($_POST['data'])) || (($_CONFIG['order_multi_page'] == 'N') && ((!IS_ADMIN()) && (!$HTML_EXT))))
+ if ((!empty($_POST['data'])) || (($_CONFIG['order_multi_page'] == "N") && ((!IS_ADMIN()) && (!$HTML_EXT))))
// Pre-output categories
$CAT = "";
define('ZIP_OUTPUT', "<TR><TD colspan=\"5\" height=\"5\" class=\"seperator\"> </TD></TR>");
// HTML extension
- if (($HTML_EXT) && ($_POST['html'] == 'Y'))
+ if (($HTML_EXT) && ($_POST['html'] == "Y"))
// Extension is active so output valid HTML tags
define('MEMBER_HTML_EXTENSION', LOAD_TEMPLATE("member_order-html_ext", true, HTML_ADD_VALID_TAGS()));
if ($HTML_EXT)
// Add some content when html extension is active
- if (($_CONFIG['order_multi_page'] == 'Y') || (IS_ADMIN())) $ADD = "<TR><TD colspan=\"2\" class=\"seperator bottom2\" height=\"5\"> </TD></TR>\n";
+ if (($_CONFIG['order_multi_page'] == "Y") || (IS_ADMIN())) $ADD = "<TR><TD colspan=\"2\" class=\"seperator bottom2\" height=\"5\"> </TD></TR>\n";
define('MEMBER_HTML_EXTENSION', LOAD_TEMPLATE("member_order-html_intro", true));
define('MEMBER_HTML_EXTENSION', "<TR><TD colspan=\"2\"><INPUT type=\"hidden\" name=\"html\" value=\"N\"></TD></TR>");
// Do we want ZIP code or not?
- if (($_CONFIG['order_multi_page'] == 'Y') || (IS_ADMIN()))
+ if (($_CONFIG['order_multi_page'] == "Y") || (IS_ADMIN()))
// Yes
$content = array(
$status = "<FONT class=\"member_failed\">".$status."</FONT>";
// Nothing entered must be secured in member/what-payputs.php !
- if ($allow == 'Y')
+ if ($allow == "Y")
// Banner/Textlink views/clicks request
if (!empty($banner))
// Add entry to his tranfer history
- if ($allow == 'Y')
+ if ($allow == "Y")
// Banner/textlink ordered
$result = SQL_QUERY_ESC("INSERT INTO "._MYSQL_PREFIX."_user_payouts (userid, payout_total, payout_id, payout_timestamp, status, target_url, link_text, banner_url)
// Load template and output it
LOAD_TEMPLATE("admin_settings_saved", false, PAYOUT_REQUEST_SENT);
- elseif ($allow == 'Y')
+ elseif ($allow == "Y")
// Generate banner order form
if (GET_EXT_VERSION("bonus") < "0.4.4") $_CONFIG['bonus_active'] = "X";
// Display login bonus and turbo-click bonus
-if ((GET_EXT_VERSION("bonus") >= "0.2.2") && (EXT_IS_ACTIVE("bonus")) && ($_CONFIG['bonus_active'] == 'Y')) {
+if ((GET_EXT_VERSION("bonus") >= "0.2.2") && (EXT_IS_ACTIVE("bonus")) && ($_CONFIG['bonus_active'] == "Y")) {
$ADD = ", 0, 0, 0";
if (GET_EXT_VERSION("bonus") >= "0.4.4") $ADD = ", bonus_ref, bonus_order, bonus_stats";
// Output rows
define('__SPECIAL_ROWS', LOAD_TEMPLATE("member_points_bonus_rows", true));
-} elseif ($_CONFIG['bonus_active'] == 'N') {
+} elseif ($_CONFIG['bonus_active'] == "N") {
// Bonus active rallye deactivated
define('__SPECIAL_ROWS', LOAD_TEMPLATE("member_points_bonus_disabled", true));
} elseif ((IS_ADMIN()) && (GET_EXT_VERSION("bonus") < "0.2.2") && (EXT_IS_ACTIVE("bonus"))) {
if (!empty($_GET['mode'])) $MODE = $_GET['mode'];
// Check for "faker"
-if (($opt_in == 'N') && ($MODE == "new")) $MODE = "";
+if (($opt_in == "N") && ($MODE == "new")) $MODE = "";
switch ($MODE)
if (empty($URL))
// Is the auto-send mechanism active or inactive?
- if ($_CONFIG['autosend_active'] == 'Y')
+ if ($_CONFIG['autosend_active'] == "Y")
// Auto-send is active
if (EXT_IS_ACTIVE("autopurge"))
// Use last online stamp only when autopurge for inactive members is activated
- if (($_CONFIG['ap_in_since'] > 0) && ($_CONFIG['beg_active'] == 'Y'))
+ if (($_CONFIG['ap_in_since'] > 0) && ($_CONFIG['beg_active'] == "Y"))
// Okay, include last online timestamp
$whereStatement1 = "AND last_online >=";
// Add more bonus points here
$ADD = " AND (0";
- if ($_CONFIG['bonus_click_yn'] == 'Y') $ADD .= " + turbo_bonus";
- if ($_CONFIG['bonus_login_yn'] == 'Y') $ADD .= " + login_bonus";
- if ($_CONFIG['bonus_order_yn'] == 'Y') $ADD .= " + bonus_order";
- if ($_CONFIG['bonus_stats_yn'] == 'Y') $ADD .= " + bonus_stats";
- if ($_CONFIG['bonus_ref_yn'] == 'Y') $ADD .= " + bonus_ref";
+ if ($_CONFIG['bonus_click_yn'] == "Y") $ADD .= " + turbo_bonus";
+ if ($_CONFIG['bonus_login_yn'] == "Y") $ADD .= " + login_bonus";
+ if ($_CONFIG['bonus_order_yn'] == "Y") $ADD .= " + bonus_order";
+ if ($_CONFIG['bonus_stats_yn'] == "Y") $ADD .= " + bonus_stats";
+ if ($_CONFIG['bonus_ref_yn'] == "Y") $ADD .= " + bonus_ref";
$ADD .= ") > 0";
// SQL string to check for accounts
if ((!isBooleanConstantAndTrue('mxchange_installed')) || (isBooleanConstantAndTrue('mxchange_installing')) || (!isBooleanConstantAndTrue('admin_registered'))) return "done";
// Check if cache is latest version
- $locked = 'Y'; $hidden = 'N'; $admin = 'N'; $mem = 'N'; $found = false;
+ $locked = "Y"; $hidden = "N"; $admin = "N"; $mem = "N"; $found = false;
if ((GET_EXT_VERSION("cache") >= "0.1.2") && (isset($cacheArray['modules']['module'])) && (is_array($cacheArray['modules']['module']))) {
// Is the module cached?
if (isset($cacheArray['modules']['locked'][$mod_chk])) {
// Check returned values against current access permissions
// Admin access ----- Guest access ----- --- Guest or member? ---
- if ((IS_ADMIN()) || (($locked == 'N') && ($admin == 'N') && (($mem == 'N') || (IS_LOGGED_IN())))) {
+ if ((IS_ADMIN()) || (($locked == "N") && ($admin == "N") && (($mem == "N") || (IS_LOGGED_IN())))) {
// If you are admin you are welcome for everything!
$ret = "done";
- } elseif ($locked == 'Y') {
+ } elseif ($locked == "Y") {
// Module is locked
$ret = "locked";
- } elseif (($mem == 'Y') && (!IS_LOGGED_IN())) {
+ } elseif (($mem == "Y") && (!IS_LOGGED_IN())) {
// You have to login first!
$ret = "mem_only";
- } elseif (($admin == 'Y') && (!IS_ADMIN())) {
+ } elseif (($admin == "Y") && (!IS_ADMIN())) {
// Only the Admin is allowed to enter this module!
$ret = "admin_only";
if ($return) {
// Return title
return $ret;
- } elseif (((GET_EXT_VERSION("sql_patches") >= "0.2.3") && ($_CONFIG['youre_here'] == 'Y')) || ((IS_ADMIN()) && ($MOD_CHECK == "admin"))) {
+ } elseif (((GET_EXT_VERSION("sql_patches") >= "0.2.3") && ($_CONFIG['youre_here'] == "Y")) || ((IS_ADMIN()) && ($MOD_CHECK == "admin"))) {
// Output HTML code
$OUT = $prefix."<STRONG><A class=\"you_are_here\" href=\"".URL."/modules.php?module=".$MOD_CHECK."&".$type."=".$search.$LINK_ADD."\">".$ret."</A></STRONG>\n";
//* DEBUG: */ echo __LINE__."*".$type."/".$GLOBALS['what']."*<br />\n";
// Load template
$msg = LOAD_EMAIL_TEMPLATE("member_mydata_notify", $content, $GLOBALS['userid']);
- if ($_CONFIG['admin_notify'] == 'Y') {
+ if ($_CONFIG['admin_notify'] == "Y") {
// The admin needs to be notified about a profile change
$msg_admin = "admin_mydata_notify";
} else {
SEND_ADMIN_EMAILS($sub_adm, LOAD_EMAIL_TEMPLATE($msg_admin, $content, $GLOBALS['userid']));
- } elseif ($_CONFIG['admin_notify'] == 'Y') {
+ } elseif ($_CONFIG['admin_notify'] == "Y") {
// Cannot send mails to admin!
} else {
if (!EXT_IS_ACTIVE("online", true)) return;
// Initialize variables
- $uid = "0"; $rid = "0"; $MEM = 'N'; $ADMIN = 'N';
+ $uid = "0"; $rid = "0"; $MEM = "N"; $ADMIN = "N";
if (!empty($GLOBALS['userid']))
// Update member status only when userid is valid
// Is valid user
$uid = $GLOBALS['userid'];
- $MEM = 'Y';
+ $MEM = "Y";
if (IS_ADMIN())
// Is administrator
- $ADMIN = 'Y';
+ $ADMIN = "Y";
if (isSessionVariableSet('refid')) {
// Check cookie
if (isset($cacheArray['modules']['has_menu'][$mod]))
// Check module cache and count hit
- if ($cacheArray['modules']['has_menu'][$mod] == 'Y') $ret = true;
+ if ($cacheArray['modules']['has_menu'][$mod] == "Y") $ret = true;
elseif (isset($cacheArray['extensions']['ext_menu'][$mod]))
// Check cache and count hit
- if ($cacheArray['extensions']['ext_menu'][$mod] == 'Y') $ret = true;
+ if ($cacheArray['extensions']['ext_menu'][$mod] == "Y") $ret = true;
if (SQL_NUMROWS($result) == 1)
list($has_menu) = SQL_FETCHROW($result);
- if ($has_menu == 'Y') $ret = true;
+ if ($has_menu == "Y") $ret = true;
// Free memory
while ($DATA = SQL_FETCHROW($result_main))
// Check fetched data for HTML
- $HTML = $DATA[10]; if ($HTML == $DATA[0]) $HTML = 'N';
+ $HTML = $DATA[10]; if ($HTML == $DATA[0]) $HTML = "N";
// Compile URL and subject line
-if (($_CONFIG['send_prof_update'] == 'Y') && ($_CONFIG['profile_update'] > 0) && ($_CONFIG['resend_profile_update']))
+if (($_CONFIG['send_prof_update'] == "Y") && ($_CONFIG['profile_update'] > 0) && ($_CONFIG['resend_profile_update']))
// Ok, we shall send update notifications...
$TIMEOUT = bigintval(time() - $_CONFIG['profile_update']);
list($pool, $sender, $notify) = SQL_FETCHROW($result_mailid);
// Correct notification switch in non-bonus mails
- if (($notify != 'Y') && ($notify != 'N')) $notify = 'N';
+ if (($notify != "Y") && ($notify != "N")) $notify = "N";
// Free some memory
if (bigintval($_POST['gfx_check']) == $img_code)
// Right code entered add points and remove entry
- if (($ref_pay > 0) && ($_CONFIG['allow_direct_pay'] == 'N'))
+ if (($ref_pay > 0) && ($_CONFIG['allow_direct_pay'] == "N"))
// Don't add points over the referral system
$locked = true;
if ((GET_EXT_VERSION("bonus") >= "0.2.2") && (function_exists('BONUS_ADD_TURBO_POINTS')))
// Is an active-rallye running and this is not a notification mail?
- if (($_CONFIG['bonus_active'] == 'Y') && ($notify == 'N'))
+ if (($_CONFIG['bonus_active'] == "Y") && ($notify == "N"))
// Shall I exclude the webmaster's own userid from the active-rallye?
- if (((($_CONFIG['bonus_uid'] == $url_uid) && ($_CONFIG['bonus_include_own'] == 'Y')) || ($_CONFIG['bonus_uid'] != $url_uid)) && ($_CONFIG['def_refid'] != $url_uid))
+ if (((($_CONFIG['bonus_uid'] == $url_uid) && ($_CONFIG['bonus_include_own'] == "Y")) || ($_CONFIG['bonus_uid'] != $url_uid)) && ($_CONFIG['def_refid'] != $url_uid))
// Add points and remember ranking are done in this function....
BONUS_ADD_TURBO_POINTS($DATA, $url_uid, $type);
// Modules are by default not valid!
$MOD_VALID = false; $check = "failed";
-if ((!empty($_CONFIG['maintenance'])) && ($_CONFIG['maintenance'] == 'Y') && (!IS_ADMIN()) && ($GLOBALS['module'] != "admin"))
+if ((!empty($_CONFIG['maintenance'])) && ($_CONFIG['maintenance'] == "Y") && (!IS_ADMIN()) && ($GLOBALS['module'] != "admin"))
// Maintain mode is active and you are no admin
--- /dev/null
+Hallo lieber Administrator,
+hier ist Ihr angefordeter Reset-Link, den Sie zum Zurücksetzen Ihres Administratorkennworts benötigen.
+Wenn Sie auf diesen Link klicken, ist Ihr Passwort noch nicht zurückgesetzt. Bitte geben Sie zur Bestätigung Ihr Loginname ein. Dann erst können Sie Ihr Passwort ändern.
+Hier ist Ihr Loginname:
+Sollten Sie dies nicht gewesen sein, so ignorieren Sie einfach diese Mail. Hier sind die IP-Nummer und Browserbezeichnung:
+Mit freundlichem Gruss,
+ Ihr {!MAIN_TITLE!} Script
\ No newline at end of file
-X-Mailer: {!TITLE!} {!VERSION!}
+X-Mailer: {!TITLE!} {!FULL_VERSION!}
Errors-To: {!WEBMASTER!}
<TD class="admin_title" colspan="3" align="center">
<TD width="200" align="right" valign="top">{--RALLYE_START_DAY--}:</TD>
<TD width="10" class="seperator"> </TD>
<TD width="290" align="center">{--_START_DAY--}.
- {--_START_MONTH--}. {--_START_YEAR--}<BR>
+ {--_START_MONTH--}. {--_START_YEAR--}<BR />
{--_START_HOUR--}: {--_START_MIN--}: {--_START_SEC--}</TD>
<TD align="right" valign="top">{--RALLYE_END_DAY--}:</TD>
<TD width="10" class="seperator"> </TD>
<TD align="center">{--_END_DAY--}. {--_END_MONTH--}.
- {--_END_YEAR--}<BR>
+ {--_END_YEAR--}<BR />
{--_END_HOUR--}: {--_END_MIN--}: {--_END_SEC--}</TD>
<TR><TD height="8" colspan="3" class="seperator"> </TD></TR>
- <TD width="350" align="right">{--SPONSOR_PAYTYPE_NAME--}:<BR><FONT class="tiny">{--SPONSOR_PAYTYPE_NAME_HINT--}</FONT></TD>
+ <TD width="350" align="right">{--SPONSOR_PAYTYPE_NAME--}:<BR /><FONT class="tiny">{--SPONSOR_PAYTYPE_NAME_HINT--}</FONT></TD>
<TD width="10" class="seperator"> </TD>
<TD width="200"><INPUT type="text" name="pay_name" size="10" maxlength="255" class="admin_normal"></TD>
<TR><TD height="8" colspan="3" class="seperator"> </TD></TR>
- <TD width="350" align="right">{--SPONSOR_PAYTYPE_RATE--}:<BR><FONT class="tiny">{--SPONSOR_PAYTYPE_RATE_HINT--}</FONT></TD>
+ <TD width="350" align="right">{--SPONSOR_PAYTYPE_RATE--}:<BR /><FONT class="tiny">{--SPONSOR_PAYTYPE_RATE_HINT--}</FONT></TD>
<TD width="10" class="seperator"> </TD>
<TD width="200"><INPUT type="text" name="pay_rate" size="7" maxlength="25" class="admin_normal" value="0.00000"></TD>
<DIV align="center">
<FONT class="admin_note tiny">
- <BR>
+ <BR />
-<FORM action="{!URL!}/modules.php?module=admin&what=admin_add"
- method="POST" target="_self">
-<TABLE border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" width="500"
- align="center" class="admin_title dashed">
+<FORM action="{!URL!}/modules.php?module=admin&what=admin_add" method="POST" target="_self">
+<TABLE border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" width="500" align="center" class="admin_table dashed">
<TD height="8" colspan="5"></TD>
<TD width="10"> </TD>
<TD align="right">{--SELECT_WHAT_NAME--}:</TD>
<TD width="10"> </TD>
- <TD class="admin_table" align="center">{--__WHAT_SELECTION--} <BR>
+ <TD class="admin_table" align="center">{--__WHAT_SELECTION--} <BR />
<SPAN class="admin_note">({--CREATE_WHAT_FIRST--})</SPAN></TD>
<TD width="10"> </TD>
<TD width="10"> </TD>
<TD align="right">{--SELECT_PARENT_MENU--}:</TD>
<TD width="10"> </TD>
- <TD class="admin_table" align="center">{--__ACTION_SELECTION--} <BR>
+ <TD class="admin_table" align="center">{--__ACTION_SELECTION--} <BR />
<SPAN class="admin_note">({--CREATE_ACTION_FIRST--})</SPAN></TD>
<TD width="10"> </TD>
<TD colspan="3" class="seperator"> </TD>
- <TD colspan="3" align="center">{--ADMINS_ENTER_CONTACT_TEXT--}:<BR>
+ <TD colspan="3" align="center">{--ADMINS_ENTER_CONTACT_TEXT--}:<BR />
<TEXTAREA class="admin_normal" name="text" rows="5" cols="40"></TEXTAREA>
<TD colspan="3" class="seperator"> </TD>
- <TD colspan="3" align="center">{--ADMINS_ENTER_CONTACT_TEXT--}:<BR>
+ <TD colspan="3" align="center">{--ADMINS_ENTER_CONTACT_TEXT--}:<BR />
<TEXTAREA class="admin_normal" name="text" rows="5" cols="40"></TEXTAREA>
<FONT class="tiny">{--ADMINS_ADD_MORE_ADMINS--}:</FONT>
+<BR />
<SELECT name="admin_new[$content[template]]" size="1"
<OPTION value="x">{--SELECT_NONE--}</OPTION>
+<BR />
<TD align="right" height="20"><INPUT type="radio" name="beg_mode"
- class="admin_normal" value="DIRECT"{--__BEG_MODE_DIRECT--}> {--BEG_MODE_DIRECT--}<BR>
+ class="admin_normal" value="DIRECT"{--__BEG_MODE_DIRECT--}> {--BEG_MODE_DIRECT--}<BR />
<TD class="seperator" width="5"> </TD>
<TD align="center"><INPUT type="radio" name="beg_mode"
<TD align="right" height="20">{--ADMIN_BEG_RALLYE_ACTIVE--}</TD>
<TD class="seperator" width="5"> </TD>
<TD align="center"><INPUT type="radio" name="beg_rallye"
- class="admin_normal" value="Y"{--__BEG_RALLYE_Y--}> {--YES--}<BR>
+ class="admin_normal" value="Y"{--__BEG_RALLYE_Y--}> {--YES--}<BR />
<INPUT type="radio" name="beg_rallye" class="admin_normal" value="N"{--__BEG_RALLYE_N--}> {--NO--}
<TD align="right" height="20">{--ADMIN_BEG_INCLUDE_OWN--}</TD>
<TD class="seperator" width="5"> </TD>
<TD align="center"><INPUT type="radio" name="beg_include_own"
- class="admin_normal" value="Y"{--__BEG_INCLUDE_OWN_Y--}> {--YES--}<BR>
+ class="admin_normal" value="Y"{--__BEG_INCLUDE_OWN_Y--}> {--YES--}<BR />
<INPUT type="radio" name="beg_include_own" class="admin_normal"
value="N"{--__BEG_INCLUDE_OWN_N--}> {--NO--}</TD>
<TD class="seperator" width="5"> </TD>
<TD align="center"><INPUT type="radio" name="beg_active"
- class="admin_normal" value="Y"{--__BEG_ACTIVE_Y--}> {--YES--}<BR>
+ class="admin_normal" value="Y"{--__BEG_ACTIVE_Y--}> {--YES--}<BR />
<INPUT type="radio" name="beg_active" class="admin_normal" value="N"{--__BEG_ACTIVE_N--}> {--NO--}
<TD align="right" height="20">{--ADMIN_BEG_RAL_EN_NOTIFY--}</TD>
<TD class="seperator" width="5"> </TD>
<TD align="center"><INPUT type="radio" name="beg_ral_en_notify"
- class="admin_normal" value="Y"{--__BEG_RAL_EN_NOTIFY_Y--}> {--YES--}<BR>
+ class="admin_normal" value="Y"{--__BEG_RAL_EN_NOTIFY_Y--}> {--YES--}<BR />
<INPUT type="radio" name="beg_ral_en_notify" class="admin_normal"
value="N"{--__BEG_RAL_EN_NOTIFY_N--}> {--NO--}</TD>
<TD align="right" height="20">{--ADMIN_BEG_RAL_DI_NOTIFY--}</TD>
<TD class="seperator" width="5"> </TD>
<TD align="center"><INPUT type="radio" name="beg_ral_di_notify"
- class="admin_normal" value="Y"{--__BEG_RAL_DI_NOTIFY_Y--}> {--YES--}<BR>
+ class="admin_normal" value="Y"{--__BEG_RAL_DI_NOTIFY_Y--}> {--YES--}<BR />
<INPUT type="radio" name="beg_ral_di_notify" class="admin_normal"
value="N"{--__BEG_RAL_DI_NOTIFY_N--}> {--NO--}</TD>
<TD align="right" height="20">{--ADMIN_BEG_NEW_MEMBER_NOTIFY--}</TD>
<TD class="seperator" width="5"> </TD>
<TD align="center"><INPUT type="radio" name="beg_new_mem_notify"
- class="admin_normal" value="Y"{--__BEG_NEW_MEMBER_NOTIFY_Y--}> {--YES--}<BR>
+ class="admin_normal" value="Y"{--__BEG_NEW_MEMBER_NOTIFY_Y--}> {--YES--}<BR />
<INPUT type="radio" name="beg_new_mem_notify" class="admin_normal"
value="N"{--__BEG_NEW_MEMBER_NOTIFY_N--}> {--NO--}</TD>
<TD colspan="3" class="seperator" height="5"> </TD>
- <TD width="400" align="right">{--ADMIN_BIRTHDAY_POINTS--}:<BR>
+ <TD width="400" align="right">{--ADMIN_BIRTHDAY_POINTS--}:<BR />
<FONT class="admin_note">({--ADMIN_BIRTHDAY_POINTS_NOTE--})</FONT></TD>
<TD class="seperator" width="5"> </TD>
<TD width="170"><INPUT type="text" name="birthday_points"
<TD align="right" height="20">{--ADMIN_BIRTHDAY_ONLY_ACTIVE--}</TD>
<TD class="seperator" width="5"> </TD>
<TD align="center"><INPUT type="radio" name="birthday_active"
- class="admin_normal" value="Y"{--__BIRTHDAY_ACTIVE_Y--}> {--YES--}<BR>
+ class="admin_normal" value="Y"{--__BIRTHDAY_ACTIVE_Y--}> {--YES--}<BR />
<INPUT type="radio" name="birthday_active" class="admin_normal"
value="N"{--__BIRTHDAY_ACTIVE_N--}> {--NO--}</TD>
<TD align="right" height="20"><INPUT type="radio"
- name="birthday_mode" class="admin_normal" value="DIRECT"{--__BIRTHDAY_MODE_DIRECT--}> {--BIRTHDAY_MODE_DIRECT--}<BR>
+ name="birthday_mode" class="admin_normal" value="DIRECT"{--__BIRTHDAY_MODE_DIRECT--}> {--BIRTHDAY_MODE_DIRECT--}<BR />
<TD class="seperator" width="5"> </TD>
<TD align="center"><INPUT type="radio" name="birthday_mode"
<TD class="seperator" width="5"> </TD>
<TD width="195" align="center"><INPUT type="radio"
- name="bonus_active" class="admin_normal" value="Y"{--__BONUS_ACTIVE_Y--}> {--YES--}<BR>
+ name="bonus_active" class="admin_normal" value="Y"{--__BONUS_ACTIVE_Y--}> {--YES--}<BR />
<INPUT type="radio" name="bonus_active" class="admin_normal" value="N"{--__BONUS_ACTIVE_N--}> {--NO--}
<TD class="seperator" width="5"> </TD>
<TD width="195" align="center"><INPUT type="radio"
- name="bonus_include_own" class="admin_normal" value="Y"{--__BONUS_INCLUDE_OWN_Y--}> {--YES--}<BR>
+ name="bonus_include_own" class="admin_normal" value="Y"{--__BONUS_INCLUDE_OWN_Y--}> {--YES--}<BR />
<INPUT type="radio" name="bonus_include_own" class="admin_normal"
value="N"{--__BONUS_INCLUDE_OWN_N--}> {--NO--}</TD>
<TD class="seperator" width="5"> </TD>
<TD width="195" align="center"><INPUT type="radio"
- name="bonus_click_yn" class="admin_normal" value="Y"{--__BONUS_CLICK_Y--}> {--YES--}<BR>
+ name="bonus_click_yn" class="admin_normal" value="Y"{--__BONUS_CLICK_Y--}> {--YES--}<BR />
<INPUT type="radio" name="bonus_click_yn" class="admin_normal"
value="N"{--__BONUS_CLICK_N--}> {--NO--}</TD>
<TD class="seperator" width="5"> </TD>
<TD width="195" align="center"><INPUT type="radio"
- name="bonus_login_yn" class="admin_normal" value="Y"{--__BONUS_LOGIN_Y--}> {--YES--}<BR>
+ name="bonus_login_yn" class="admin_normal" value="Y"{--__BONUS_LOGIN_Y--}> {--YES--}<BR />
<INPUT type="radio" name="bonus_login_yn" class="admin_normal"
value="N"{--__BONUS_LOGIN_N--}> {--NO--}</TD>
<TD class="seperator" width="5"> </TD>
<TD width="195" align="center"><INPUT type="radio"
- name="bonus_order_yn" class="admin_normal" value="Y"{--__BONUS_ORDER_Y--}> {--YES--}<BR>
+ name="bonus_order_yn" class="admin_normal" value="Y"{--__BONUS_ORDER_Y--}> {--YES--}<BR />
<INPUT type="radio" name="bonus_order_yn" class="admin_normal"
value="N"{--__BONUS_ORDER_N--}> {--NO--}</TD>
<TD class="seperator" width="5"> </TD>
<TD width="195" align="center"><INPUT type="radio"
- name="bonus_stats_yn" class="admin_normal" value="Y"{--__BONUS_STATS_Y--}> {--YES--}<BR>
+ name="bonus_stats_yn" class="admin_normal" value="Y"{--__BONUS_STATS_Y--}> {--YES--}<BR />
<INPUT type="radio" name="bonus_stats_yn" class="admin_normal"
value="N"{--__BONUS_STATS_N--}> {--NO--}</TD>
<TD class="seperator" width="5"> </TD>
<TD width="195" align="center"><INPUT type="radio"
- name="bonus_ref_yn" class="admin_normal" value="Y"{--__BONUS_REF_Y--}> {--YES--}<BR>
+ name="bonus_ref_yn" class="admin_normal" value="Y"{--__BONUS_REF_Y--}> {--YES--}<BR />
<INPUT type="radio" name="bonus_ref_yn" class="admin_normal" value="N"{--__BONUS_REF_N--}> {--NO--}
<TD align="right" height="20" valign="top">
- <BR>
+ <BR />
<DIV align="left">
<TD class="seperator" width="5"> </TD>
<TD width="195" align="center"><INPUT type="radio"
- name="bonus_en_notify" class="admin_normal" value="Y"{--__BONUS_EN_NOTIFY_Y--}> {--YES--}<BR>
+ name="bonus_en_notify" class="admin_normal" value="Y"{--__BONUS_EN_NOTIFY_Y--}> {--YES--}<BR />
<INPUT type="radio" name="bonus_en_notify" class="admin_normal"
value="N"{--__BONUS_EN_NOTIFY_N--}> {--NO--}</TD>
<TD class="seperator" width="5"> </TD>
<TD width="195" align="center"><INPUT type="radio"
- name="bonus_di_notify" class="admin_normal" value="Y"{--__BONUS_DI_NOTIFY_Y--}> {--YES--}<BR>
+ name="bonus_di_notify" class="admin_normal" value="Y"{--__BONUS_DI_NOTIFY_Y--}> {--YES--}<BR />
<INPUT type="radio" name="bonus_di_notify" class="admin_normal"
value="N"{--__BONUS_DI_NOTIFY_N--}> {--NO--}</TD>
<TD class="seperator" width="5"> </TD>
<TD width="195" align="center"><INPUT type="radio"
- name="bonus_new_mem_notify" class="admin_normal" value="Y"{--__BONUS_NEW_MEMBER_NOTIFY_Y--}> {--YES--}<BR>
+ name="bonus_new_mem_notify" class="admin_normal" value="Y"{--__BONUS_NEW_MEMBER_NOTIFY_Y--}> {--YES--}<BR />
<INPUT type="radio" name="bonus_new_mem_notify" class="admin_normal"
value="N"{--__BONUS_NEW_MEMBER_NOTIFY_N--}> {--NO--}</TD>
<TD align="right" height="20">{--ADMIN_DOUBLER_SENT_ALL--}:</TD>
<TD class="seperator" width="5"> </TD>
<TD style="padding-left: 5px"><INPUT type="radio"
- name="doubler_sent_all" class="admin_normal" value="Y"{!__DOUBLER_SENT_ALL_Y!}> {--YES--}<BR>
+ name="doubler_sent_all" class="admin_normal" value="Y"{!__DOUBLER_SENT_ALL_Y!}> {--YES--}<BR />
<INPUT type="radio" name="doubler_sent_all" class="admin_normal"
value="N"{!__DOUBLER_SENT_ALL_N!}> {--NO--}</TD>
<TD align="right" height="20">{--ADMIN_DOUBLER_JACKPOT--}:</TD>
<TD class="seperator" width="5"> </TD>
<TD style="padding-left: 5px"><INPUT type="radio"
- name="doubler_jackpot" class="admin_normal" value="Y"{!__DOUBLER_JACKPOT_Y!}> {--YES--}<BR>
+ name="doubler_jackpot" class="admin_normal" value="Y"{!__DOUBLER_JACKPOT_Y!}> {--YES--}<BR />
<INPUT type="radio" name="doubler_jackpot" class="admin_normal"
value="N"{!__DOUBLER_JACKPOT_N!}> {--NO--}</TD>
<TD align="right" height="20">{--ADMIN_DOUBLER_OWN--}:</TD>
<TD class="seperator" width="5"> </TD>
<TD style="padding-left: 5px"><INPUT type="radio"
- name="doubler_own" class="admin_normal" value="Y"{!__DOUBLER_OWN_Y!}> {--YES--}<BR>
+ name="doubler_own" class="admin_normal" value="Y"{!__DOUBLER_OWN_Y!}> {--YES--}<BR />
<INPUT type="radio" name="doubler_own" class="admin_normal" value="N"{!__DOUBLER_OWN_N!}> {--NO--}
<TD align="center" height="20"><INPUT type="radio"
- name="doubler_send_mode" class="admin_normal" value="DIRECT"{!__DOUBLER_SEND_DIRECT!}><BR>
+ name="doubler_send_mode" class="admin_normal" value="DIRECT"{!__DOUBLER_SEND_DIRECT!}><BR />
<TD class="seperator" width="5"> </TD>
<TD style="padding-left: 5px"><INPUT type="radio"
- name="doubler_send_mode" class="admin_normal" value="RESET"{!__DOUBLER_SEND_RESET!}><BR>
+ name="doubler_send_mode" class="admin_normal" value="RESET"{!__DOUBLER_SEND_RESET!}><BR />
<TD class="seperator" width="10"> </TD>
<TD width="270"><INPUT type="radio" name="holiday_mode"
class="admin_normal" value="RESET"{!__RESET_DEFAULT!}">
<INPUT type="radio" name="holiday_mode" class="admin_normal"
class="admin_table dashed" width="510">
<TD colspan="3" align="center" class="admin_title bottom2" height="30">
<TD colspan="3" class="seperator" height="5"> </TD>
+<DIV class="admin_note"><STRONG><BIG>·</BIG></STRONG> {--ADMIN_MEDIADATA_MT_START_NOTE--}<BR />
<TD align="right">{--ADMIN_OPTION_CSS_PHP--}:</TD>
<TD width="10" class="seperator"> </TD>
<TD><SPAN class="nobr"> <INPUT type="radio" name="css_php"
<INPUT type="radio" name="css_php" value="FILE"{--_CFG_CSS_PHP_FILE--}> {--ADMIN_CSS_PHP_FILE--}
<TD width="10" class="seperator"> </TD>
<TD align="right">{--ADMIN_OPTION_GUEST_MENU--}:</TD>
<TD width="10" class="seperator"> </TD>
<TD><SPAN class="nobr"> <INPUT type="radio"
- name="guest_menu" value="Y"{--_CFG_GUEST_MENU_ACTIVE--}> {--ADMIN_GUEST_MENU_ACTIVE--}<BR>
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<INPUT type="radio" name="guest_menu" value="N"{--_CFG_GUEST_MENU_INACTIVE--}> {--ADMIN_GUEST_MENU_INACTIVE--}
<TD width="10" class="seperator"> </TD>
<TD align="right">{--ADMIN_OPTION_MEMBER_MENU--}:</TD>
<TD width="10" class="seperator"> </TD>
<TD><SPAN class="nobr"> <INPUT type="radio"
- name="member_menu" value="Y"{--_CFG_MEMBER_MENU_ACTIVE--}> {--ADMIN_MEMBER_MENU_ACTIVE--}<BR>
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<TD width="10" class="seperator"> </TD>
<TD align="right">{--ADMIN_OPTION_YOURE_HERE--}:</TD>
<TD width="10" class="seperator"> </TD>
<TD><SPAN class="nobr"> <INPUT type="radio"
- name="youre_here" value="Y"{--_CFG_YOURE_HERE_ACTIVE--}> {--ADMIN_YOURE_HERE_ACTIVE--}<BR>
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<INPUT type="radio" name="youre_here" value="N"{--_CFG_YOURE_HERE_INACTIVE--}> {--ADMIN_YOURE_HERE_INACTIVE--}
<TD width="10" class="seperator"> </TD>
<TD align="right">{--ADMIN_OPTION_SHOW_TIMINGS--}:</TD>
<TD width="10" class="seperator"> </TD>
<TD><SPAN class="nobr">
- <INPUT type="radio" name="show_timings" value="Y"{--_CFG_SHOW_TIMINGS_Y--} /> {--YES--}<BR>
+ <INPUT type="radio" name="show_timings" value="Y"{--_CFG_SHOW_TIMINGS_Y--} /> {--YES--}<BR />
<INPUT type="radio" name="show_timings" value="N"{--_CFG_SHOW_TIMINGS_N--} /> {--NO--}
<TD width="10" class="seperator"> </TD>
<TD align="right">{--ADMIN_OPTION_MAILID_REDIRECT--}:</TD>
<TD width="10" class="seperator"> </TD>
<TD><SPAN class="nobr"> <INPUT type="radio"
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<TD width="10" class="seperator"> </TD>
<TD width="240" align="right">
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+ name="allow_direct_pay" value="Y" class="admin_normal"{!__DIRECT_Y!}><BR />
<HR noshade width="220">
name="allow_direct_pay" value="N" class="admin_normal"{!__DIRECT_N!}>
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<TD colspan="3" height="5" class="seperator"> </TD>
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+ <TD width="340" height="40" align="right"><STRONG>{--ADMIN_GSTATS_MEMBERS--}:</STRONG><BR />
<FONT class="tiny">({--ADMIN_GSTATS_MEMBERS_NOTE--})</FONT></TD>
<TD width="10" class="seperator"> </TD>
<TD width="50"><INPUT type="radio" name="guest_stats"
<TD colspan="3" height="5" class="seperator"> </TD>
- <TD height="40" align="right"><STRONG>{--ADMIN_GSTATS_MODULES--}:</STRONG><BR>
+ <TD height="40" align="right"><STRONG>{--ADMIN_GSTATS_MODULES--}:</STRONG><BR />
<FONT class="tiny">({--ADMIN_GSTATS_MODULES_NOTE--})</FONT></TD>
<TD class="seperator"> </TD>
<TD><INPUT type="radio" name="guest_stats" class="admin_normal"
<TD colspan="3" height="5" class="seperator"> </TD>
- <TD height="40" align="right"><STRONG>{--ADMIN_GSTATS_INACTIVE--}:</STRONG><BR>
+ <TD height="40" align="right"><STRONG>{--ADMIN_GSTATS_INACTIVE--}:</STRONG><BR />
<TD class="seperator"> </TD>
<TD><INPUT type="radio" name="guest_stats" class="admin_normal"
<TD colspan="3" class="seperator" height="5"> </TD>
- <TD align="right">{--ADMIN_TRANSFER_CODE--}:<BR>
+ <TD align="right">{--ADMIN_TRANSFER_CODE--}:<BR />
<FONT class="admin_note">({--ADMIN_TRANSFER_CODE_NOTE--})</FONT></TD>
<TD class="seperator" width="10"> </TD>
<TD><INPUT type="text" name="transfer_code" class="admin_normal"
<TABLE border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" width="400"
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$content[surname] $content[family] <<A
-<DIV class="admin_note">{--ADMIN_ADMINS_ACL_NOTE--}<BR>
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<TD class="switch_sw$content[sw] seperator" width="10"> </TD>
<TD class="switch_sw$content[sw]" width="290" align="center">
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$content[s_hour]: $content[s_min]: $content[s_sec]</TD>
<TD class="switch_sw$content[sw] seperator" width="10"> </TD>
<TD class="switch_sw$content[sw]" width="290" align="center">
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$content[e_hour]: $content[e_min]: $content[e_sec]</TD>
<TR><TD class="admin_title seperator" height="10" colspan="3"> </TD></TR>
<TD class="admin_title" colspan="3" align="center">
- <B>{--__SPONSOR_VALUE--}</B>
<TR><TD class="admin_title seperator bottom2" height="10" colspan="3"> </TD></TR>
<TR><TD class="admin_title seperator" height="10" colspan="3"> </TD></TR>
<TD class="admin_title" colspan="3" align="center">
- <B>{--__SPONSOR_VALUE--}</B>
<TR><TD class="admin_title seperator bottom2" height="10" colspan="3"> </TD></TR>
<TD class="switch_sw$content[sw] top2 bottom right" width="23%"
- align="center">{--EMAIL_SENDER--}:<BR>
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<STRONG class="admin_misc">$content[u_link]</STRONG></TD>
<TD class="switch_sw$content[sw] top2 bottom right" width="23%"
- align="center">{--EMAIL_SUBJECT--}:<BR>
+ align="center">{--EMAIL_SUBJECT--}:<BR />
<STRONG class="admin_misc">$content[subj]</STRONG></TD>
<TD class="switch_sw$content[sw] top2 bottom" width="54%"
- align="center">{--EMAIL_TEXT--}:<BR>
+ align="center">{--EMAIL_TEXT--}:<BR />
<STRONG class="admin_misc">$content[text]</STRONG></TD>
<TD colspan="2" align="center"
class="switch_sw$content[sw] top bottom right">
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<STRONG class="admin_misc">$content[pay] </TD>
<TD align="center" class="switch_sw$content[sw] top bottom">
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<TD align="center" class="switch_sw$content[sw] top bottom right">
<STRONG class="admin_misc">$content[sent]</STRONG> ({--EMAIL_RUIDS--}:
<STRONG class="admin_misc">$content[ruids]</STRONG>)</TD>
<TD align="center" class="switch_sw$content[sw] top bottom right">
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+ {--USERS_LINKS--}:<BR />
<STRONG class="admin_misc">$content[unconfirmed]</STRONG></TD>
<TD align="center" class="switch_sw$content[sw] top bottom">
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<STRONG class="admin_misc">$content[type]</STRONG></TD>
<TD align="center" class="switch_sw$content[sw] top right">
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<STRONG class="admin_misc">$content[tsend]</STRONG></TD>
<TD align="center" class="switch_sw$content[sw] top right">
- {--EMAIL_URL--}:<BR>
+ {--EMAIL_URL--}:<BR />
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<TD colspan="4" height="5" class="admin_title seperator"> </TD>
- <TD align="center" colspan="4" class="admin_title"><STRONG>{--CHANGE_GUEST_MENU--}</STRONG><BR>
- <BR>
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- method="POST" target="_self">
-<TABLE border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" width="500"
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<TD height="8" colspan="5"></TD>
<TD width="10"> </TD>
<TD align="right">{--SELECT_WHAT_NAME--}:</TD>
<TD width="10"> </TD>
- <TD align="center" class="admin_table">{--__WHAT_SELECTION--} <BR>
+ <TD align="center" class="admin_table">{--__WHAT_SELECTION--} <BR />
<SPAN class="admin_note">({--CREATE_WHAT_FIRST--})</SPAN></TD>
<TD width="10"> </TD>
<TD width="10"> </TD>
<TD align="right">{--SELECT_PARENT_MENU--}:</TD>
<TD width="10"> </TD>
- <TD align="center" class="admin_table">{--__ACTION_SELECTION--} <BR>
+ <TD align="center" class="admin_table">{--__ACTION_SELECTION--} <BR />
<SPAN class="admin_note">({--CREATE_ACTION_FIRST--})</SPAN></TD>
<TD width="10"> </TD>
+<BR />
+<BR />
<TD colspan="3" align="center" class="admin_footer"
- style="padding-top: 10px; padding-bottom: 10px"><U>{--ADMIN_MEMBER_FUNCTIONS--}:</U><BR>
+ style="padding-top: 10px; padding-bottom: 10px"><U>{--ADMIN_MEMBER_FUNCTIONS--}:</U><BR />
<TD height="10" class="admin_header seperator"> </TD>
- <TD align="center" class="admin_header"><U>{--ADMIN_MEMBER_FUNCTIONS--}:</U><BR>
+ <TD align="center" class="admin_header"><U>{--ADMIN_MEMBER_FUNCTIONS--}:</U><BR />
<TD colspan="4" height="40" class="admin_header" align="center">
onclick="return confirm('{--ADMIN_REALLY_DELETE_ALL_MAILS--}')">{--ADMIN_DEL_UNCONFIRMED_LINKS--}</A>
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+<BR />
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- <TD align="center" class="switch_sw$content[sw] bottom2 right2"><STRONG>{--RALLYE_TITLE--}:</STRONG><BR>
+ <TD align="center" class="switch_sw$content[sw] bottom2 right2"><STRONG>{--RALLYE_TITLE--}:</STRONG><BR />
- <TD align="center" class="switch_sw$content[sw] bottom2 right2"><STRONG>{--RALLYE_DESCR2--}:</STRONG><BR>
+ <TD align="center" class="switch_sw$content[sw] bottom2 right2"><STRONG>{--RALLYE_DESCR2--}:</STRONG><BR />
- <TD align="center" class="switch_sw$content[sw] bottom2 right2"><STRONG>{--RALLYE_ADMIN_ID--}:</STRONG><BR>
+ <TD align="center" class="switch_sw$content[sw] bottom2 right2"><STRONG>{--RALLYE_ADMIN_ID--}:</STRONG><BR />
<A href="$content[email_link]">$content[alogin]</A></TD>
- <TD align="center" class="switch_sw$content[sw] bottom2 right2"><STRONG>{--RALLYE_TSTART--}:</STRONG><BR>
+ <TD align="center" class="switch_sw$content[sw] bottom2 right2"><STRONG>{--RALLYE_TSTART--}:</STRONG><BR />
- <TD align="center" class="switch_sw$content[sw] bottom2"><STRONG>{--RALLYE_TEND--}:</STRONG><BR>
+ <TD align="center" class="switch_sw$content[sw] bottom2"><STRONG>{--RALLYE_TEND--}:</STRONG><BR />
- <TD align="center" class="switch_sw$content[sw] bottom2 right2"><STRONG>{--RALLYE_TEMPLATE2--}:</STRONG><BR>
+ <TD align="center" class="switch_sw$content[sw] bottom2 right2"><STRONG>{--RALLYE_TEMPLATE2--}:</STRONG><BR />
- <TD align="center" class="switch_sw$content[sw] bottom2 right2"><STRONG>{--RALLYE_AUTO_ADD--}:</STRONG><BR>
+ <TD align="center" class="switch_sw$content[sw] bottom2 right2"><STRONG>{--RALLYE_AUTO_ADD--}:</STRONG><BR />
- <TD align="center" class="switch_sw$content[sw] bottom2 right2"><STRONG>{--RALLYE_ACTIVE--}:</STRONG><BR>
+ <TD align="center" class="switch_sw$content[sw] bottom2 right2"><STRONG>{--RALLYE_ACTIVE--}:</STRONG><BR />
- <TD align="center" class="switch_sw$content[sw] bottom2 right2"><STRONG>{--RALLYE_NOTIFY--}:</STRONG><BR>
+ <TD align="center" class="switch_sw$content[sw] bottom2 right2"><STRONG>{--RALLYE_NOTIFY--}:</STRONG><BR />
- <TD align="center" class="switch_sw$content[sw] bottom2"><STRONG>{--RALLYE_NOTIFIED--}:</STRONG><BR>
+ <TD align="center" class="switch_sw$content[sw] bottom2"><STRONG>{--RALLYE_NOTIFIED--}:</STRONG><BR />
<TD align="center" class="switch_sw$content[sw] bottom2 right2"
<TD align="center" class="switch_sw$content[sw] bottom2" colspan="2">
<TD align="center" class="switch_sw$content[sw] bottom2 right2"
+ colspan="3"><STRONG>{--RALLYE_MIN_USERS_MINI--}:</STRONG><BR />
<TD align="center" class="switch_sw$content[sw] bottom2" colspan="2">
<TD align="right" class="bottom2 right2">{--SPONSOR_ENTER_URL--}: </TD>
- <TD class="bottom2"> [ <A href="{--__SPONSOR_URL--}" target="_blank"><B>{--EMAIL_URL_TEST--}</B></A> ] </TD>
+ <TD class="bottom2"> [ <A href="{--__SPONSOR_URL--}" target="_blank"><STRONG>{--EMAIL_URL_TEST--}</STRONG></A> ] </TD>
<TD colspan="2" align="center" class="admin_title bottom2" height="30">
<TD align="right" class="bottom2 right2">{--SPONSOR_POINTS_AMOUNT--}:</STRONG> </TD>
- <TD align="center" class="bottom2"> [ <A href="{--URL--}/modules.php?module=admin&what=edit_sponsor&id={--__SPONSOR_ID--}&mode=add_points" title="{--ADMIN_SPONSOR_ADD_POINTS_LINK_TITLE--}"><B>{--__SPONSOR_AMOUNT--}</B></A> ]</TD>
+ <TD align="center" class="bottom2"> [ <A href="{--URL--}/modules.php?module=admin&what=edit_sponsor&id={--__SPONSOR_ID--}&mode=add_points" title="{--ADMIN_SPONSOR_ADD_POINTS_LINK_TITLE--}"><STRONG>{--__SPONSOR_AMOUNT--}</STRONG></A> ]</TD>
<TD align="right" class="bottom2 right2">{--SPONSOR_POINTS_USED--}:</STRONG> </TD>
- <TD align="center" class="bottom2"> [ <A href="{--URL--}/modules.php?module=admin&what=edit_sponsor&id={--__SPONSOR_ID--}&mode=sub_points" title="{--ADMIN_SPONSOR_SUB_POINTS_LINK_TITLE--}"><B>{--__SPONSOR_USED--}</B></A> ]</TD>
+ <TD align="center" class="bottom2"> [ <A href="{--URL--}/modules.php?module=admin&what=edit_sponsor&id={--__SPONSOR_ID--}&mode=sub_points" title="{--ADMIN_SPONSOR_SUB_POINTS_LINK_TITLE--}"><STRONG>{--__SPONSOR_USED--}</STRONG></A> ]</TD>
<TD colspan="2" align="center" class="admin_title bottom2" height="30">
<TD align="right" class="bottom2 right2">{--SPONSOR_REFERRALS--}:</STRONG> </TD>
- <TD align="center" class="bottom2">[ <A href="{--URL--}/modules.php?module=admin&what=list_sponsor&rid={--__SPONSOR_ID--}"><B>{--__SPONSOR_REFS--}</B></A> ]</TD>
+ <TD align="center" class="bottom2">[ <A href="{--URL--}/modules.php?module=admin&what=list_sponsor&rid={--__SPONSOR_ID--}"><STRONG>{--__SPONSOR_REFS--}</STRONG></A> ]</TD>
<TD colspan="2" class="admin_footer" style="padding: 5px">
<LI> [ <A href="{--URL--}/modules.php?module=admin&what=edit_sponsor&id={--__SPONSOR_ID--}&mode=edit">{--ADMIN_SPONSOR_EDIT--}</A> ]</LI>
<LI> [ <A href="{--URL--}/modules.php?module=admin&what=del_sponsor&id={--__SPONSOR_ID--}">{--ADMIN_SPONSOR_DEL--}</A> ]</LI>
<LI> [ <A href="{--URL--}/modules.php?module=admin&what=lock_sponsor&id={--__SPONSOR_ID--}">{--ADMIN_SPONSOR_LOCK--}</A> ]</LI>
- <LI> [ <A href="{--URL--}/modules.php?module=admin&what=list_sponsor_pays&id={--__SPONSOR_ID--}">{--ADMIN_LIST_SPONSOR_ORDERS--}</A> ] (<B>{--__SPONSOR_ORDERS--}</B>)</LI>
+ <LI> [ <A href="{--URL--}/modules.php?module=admin&what=list_sponsor_pays&id={--__SPONSOR_ID--}">{--ADMIN_LIST_SPONSOR_ORDERS--}</A> ] (<STRONG>{--__SPONSOR_ORDERS--}</STRONG>)</LI>
<TD class="switch_sw$content[sw] bottom2 right2" align="center" height="29">
- <B>$content[id]</B>
+ <STRONG>$content[id]</STRONG>
<INPUT type="hidden" name="id[$content[id]]" class="admin_normal" value="1">
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+ [ <STRONG><A href="{--URL--}/modules.php?module=admin&what=list_sponsor&id=$content[id]" title="{--ADMIN_SPONSOR_DETAILS_LINK_TITLE--}">$content[id]</A></STRONG> ]
<TD align="center" class="switch_sw$content[sw] bottom2 right2" width="240" colspan="2">
<A href="$content[email]">$content[salut] $content[sname] $content[fname]</A>
<TD align="center" class="switch_sw$content[sw] bottom2" width="160">
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<TD align="center" class="switch_sw$content[sw] bottom2 right2" width="100">
- [ <B><A href="{--URL--}/modules.php?module=admin&what=lock_sponsor&id=$content[id]">$content[status]</A></B> ]
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<TD align="center" class="switch_sw$content[sw] bottom2 right2" width="120">
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<TD width="260" align="center" class="bottom2 right2">
+ {--EMAIL_SENDER--}:<BR />
<TD width="260" align="center" class="bottom2">
+ {--EMAIL_SUBJECT--}:<BR />
- <TD align="center" class="bottom2 right2">{--EMAIL_URL--}:<BR>
+ <TD align="center" class="bottom2 right2">{--EMAIL_URL--}:<BR />
- <TD align="center" class="bottom2">{--EMAIL_TIMESTAMP--}:<BR>
+ <TD align="center" class="bottom2">{--EMAIL_TIMESTAMP--}:<BR />
- <TD align="center" class="bottom2 right2">{--EMAIL_TEXT--}:<BR>
+ <TD align="center" class="bottom2 right2">{--EMAIL_TEXT--}:<BR />
- <TD align="center" class="bottom2">{--USERS_LINKS--}:<BR>
+ <TD align="center" class="bottom2">{--USERS_LINKS--}:<BR />
<TD height="5" class="seperator"> </TD>
- <TD align="center" class="admin_content"><STRONG>{--ADMIN_LOGOUT_DONE--}</STRONG><BR>
- <BR>
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+ <BR />
<A class="admin_content"
- href="{!URL!}/modules.php?module=admin&action=login">{--ADMIN_RELOGIN_LINK--}</A><BR>
- <BR>
- <A class="admin_content" href="{!URL!}/modules.php?module=index">{--ADMIN_BACK_TO_GUEST_MENU--}</A><BR>
+ href="{!URL!}/modules.php?module=admin&action=login">{--ADMIN_RELOGIN_LINK--}</A><BR />
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+ <A class="admin_content" href="{!URL!}/modules.php?module=index">{--ADMIN_BACK_TO_GUEST_MENU--}</A><BR />
<TD height="5" class="seperator"> </TD>
- <TD align="center" class="admin_content"><STRONG>{--ADMIN_LOGOUT_SQL_PATCHES_DONE--}</STRONG><BR>
- <BR>
- <A class="admin_content" href="{!URL!}/modules.php?module=admin&action=login">{--ADMIN_RELOGIN_LINK--}</A><BR>
- <BR>
- <A class="admin_content" href="{!URL!}/modules.php?module=index">{--ADMIN_BACK_TO_GUEST_MENU--}</A><BR>
+ <TD align="center" class="admin_content"><STRONG>{--ADMIN_LOGOUT_SQL_PATCHES_DONE--}</STRONG><BR />
+ <BR />
+ <A class="admin_content" href="{!URL!}/modules.php?module=admin&action=login">{--ADMIN_RELOGIN_LINK--}</A><BR />
+ <BR />
+ <A class="admin_content" href="{!URL!}/modules.php?module=index">{--ADMIN_BACK_TO_GUEST_MENU--}</A><BR />
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- method="POST" target="_self">
-<TABLE border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" width="500"
- align="center" class="admin_title dashed">
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<TD height="8" colspan="5"></TD>
<TD width="10"> </TD>
<TD align="right">{--SELECT_WHAT_NAME--}:</TD>
<TD width="10"> </TD>
- <TD align="center" class="admin_table">{--__WHAT_SELECTION--} <BR>
+ <TD align="center" class="admin_table">{--__WHAT_SELECTION--} <BR />
<SPAN class="admin_note">({--CREATE_WHAT_FIRST--})</SPAN></TD>
<TD width="10"> </TD>
<TD width="10"> </TD>
<TD align="right">{--SELECT_PARENT_MENU--}:</TD>
<TD width="10"> </TD>
- <TD align="center" class="admin_table">{--__ACTION_SELECTION--} <BR>
+ <TD align="center" class="admin_table">{--__ACTION_SELECTION--} <BR />
<SPAN class="admin_note">({--CREATE_ACTION_FIRST--})</SPAN></TD>
<TD width="10"> </TD>
+<BR />
+<BR />
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width="420" class="admin_table dashed">
-<TABLE border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" align="center"
- width="170" class="admin_table dashed">
+<TABLE border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" align="center" width="170" class="admin_table dashed">
<TD colspan="3" class="admin_title bottom2" align="center" height="30">
\ No newline at end of file
<TD colspan="4" height="5" class="admin_title seperator"> </TD>
- <TD align="center" colspan="4" class="admin_title"><STRONG>{--CHANGE_MEMBER_MENU--}</STRONG><BR>
- <BR>
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<TD class="seperator" height="5"> </TD>
- <TD align="center">{--PAYOUT_RECEIVER_ACCEPT--}:<BR>
+ <TD align="center">{--PAYOUT_RECEIVER_ACCEPT--}:<BR />
<TD class="seperator" height="5"> </TD>
- <TD align="center">{--PAYOUT_OPTIONAL_TEXT--}:<BR>
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method="POST"><INPUT type="submit" class="admin_submit"
+<BR />
method="POST"><INPUT type="submit" class="admin_delete"
<TD class="seperator" height="5"> </TD>
- <TD align="center">{--PAYOUT_RECEIVER_REJECT--}:<BR>
+ <TD align="center">{--PAYOUT_RECEIVER_REJECT--}:<BR />
<TD class="seperator" height="5"> </TD>
- <TD align="center">{--PAYOUT_OPTIONAL_TEXT--}:<BR>
+ <TD align="center">{--PAYOUT_OPTIONAL_TEXT--}:<BR />
<TEXTAREA name="text" class="admin_normal" rows="5" cols="30"></TEXTAREA>
--- /dev/null
+<BR />
+<TABLE border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" width="620" align="center" class="admin_table dashed">
+ <TD class="admin_title bottom2" height="30">
+ </TD>
+ <TD class="bottom2">
+ $content
+ </TD>
+ <TD class="admin_footer">
+ <A href="{!URL!}/modules.php?module=admin">{--ADMIN_CONTINUE_LOGIN--}</A>
+ </TD>
--- /dev/null
+<BR />
+<FORM action="{!URL!}/modules.php?module=admin&reset_pass=1" method="post">
+<TABLE border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" width="620" align="center" class="admin_table dashed">
+ <TD class="admin_title bottom2" height="30" colspan="2">
+ </TD>
+ <TD height="40" width="50%" class="bottom2">
+ </TD>
+ <TD width="50%" class="bottom2">
+ <INPUT type="email" name="email" size="20" maxlength="255" />
+ </TD>
+ <TD class="admin_footer" colspan="2">
+ <INPUT type="reset" class="admin_reset" value="{--CLEAR_FORM--}" /> *
+ <INPUT type="submit" name="send_link" class="admin_submit" value="{--ADMIN_RESET_PASS_SUBMIT--}" />
+ </TD>
+<DIV class="admin_note">
--- /dev/null
+<BR />
+<FORM action="{!URL!}/modules.php?module=admin&reset_pass=1" method="post">
+<TABLE border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" width="620" align="center" class="admin_table dashed">
+ <TD class="admin_title bottom2" height="30" colspan="2">
+ </TD>
+ <TD height="40" width="50%" class="bottom2">
+ </TD>
+ <TD width="50%" class="bottom2">
+ <STRONG>$content[login]</STRONG><BR />
+ [<A href="{!URL!}/modules.php?module=admin&reset_pass=1">{--ADMIN_CHANGE_LOGIN--}</A>]
+ </TD>
+ <TD height="40" width="50%" class="bottom2">
+ </TD>
+ <TD width="50%" class="bottom2">
+ <INPUT type="password" name="pass1" size="20" maxlength="255" />
+ </TD>
+ <TD height="40" width="50%" class="bottom2">
+ </TD>
+ <TD width="50%" class="bottom2">
+ <INPUT type="password" name="pass2" size="20" maxlength="255" />
+ </TD>
+ <TD class="admin_footer" colspan="2">
+ <INPUT type="hidden" name="hash" value="$content[hash]" />
+ <INPUT type="hidden" name="login" value="$content[login]" />
+ <INPUT type="reset" class="admin_reset" value="{--CLEAR_FORM--}" /> *
+ <INPUT type="submit" name="reset_pass" class="admin_submit" value="{--ADMIN_RESET_PASSWORD_SUBMIT--}" />
+ </TD>
+<DIV class="admin_note">
<TD style="padding-left: 7px; padding-top: 5px; padding-bottom: 5px"
class="bottom2"><STRONG><BIG>·</BIG></STRONG> <A
- href="{!URL!}/modules.php?module=admin&what=send_bonus&mode=normal">{--ADMIN_SEND_BONUS_NORMAL--}</A><BR>
- <BR>
+ href="{!URL!}/modules.php?module=admin&what=send_bonus&mode=normal">{--ADMIN_SEND_BONUS_NORMAL--}</A><BR />
+ <BR />
<FONT class="admin_note">{--ADMIN_SEND_BONUS_NORMAL_NOTES--}</FONT></TD>
<TD style="padding-left: 7px; padding-top: 5px; padding-bottom: 5px">
- href="{!URL!}/modules.php?module=admin&what=send_bonus&mode=html">{--ADMIN_SEND_BONUS_HTML--}</A><BR>
- <BR>
+ href="{!URL!}/modules.php?module=admin&what=send_bonus&mode=html">{--ADMIN_SEND_BONUS_HTML--}</A><BR />
+ <BR />
<FONT class="admin_note">{--ADMIN_SEND_BONUS_HTML_NOTES--}</FONT></TD>
--- /dev/null
+<BR />
+<FORM action="{!URL!}/modules.php?module=admin&reset_pass=1" method="post">
+<TABLE border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" width="620" align="center" class="admin_table dashed">
+ <TD class="admin_title bottom2" height="30" colspan="2">
+ </TD>
+ <TD height="40" width="50%" class="bottom2">
+ </TD>
+ <TD width="50%" class="bottom2">
+ <INPUT type="text" name="email" size="20" maxlength="255" />
+ </TD>
+ <TD class="admin_footer" colspan="2">
+ <INPUT type="reset" class="admin_reset" value="{--CLEAR_FORM--}" /> *
+ <INPUT type="submit" name="send_link" class="admin_submit" value="{--ADMIN_SEND_RESET_LINK_SUBMIT--}" />
+ </TD>
+<DIV class="admin_note">
<DIV align="center">
- {--__LIST_CONTENT--}<BR>
- <BR>
+ {--__LIST_CONTENT--}<BR />
+ <BR />
\ No newline at end of file
<TD class="admin_title" colspan="3" align="center">
- <TD align="center" width="20%" class="top right">{--SEX--}:<BR>
+ <TD align="center" width="20%" class="top right">{--SEX--}:<BR />
- <TD align="center" width="20%" class="top right">{--SURNAME--}:<BR>
+ <TD align="center" width="20%" class="top right">{--SURNAME--}:<BR />
- <TD align="center" width="20%" class="top right">{--FAMILY_NAME--}:<BR>
+ <TD align="center" width="20%" class="top right">{--FAMILY_NAME--}:<BR />
- <TD align="center" width="20%" class="top right">{--STREET_NR--}:<BR>
+ <TD align="center" width="20%" class="top right">{--STREET_NR--}:<BR />
- <TD align="center" width="20%" class="top">{--BIRTHDAY2--}:<BR>
+ <TD align="center" width="20%" class="top">{--BIRTHDAY2--}:<BR />
- <TD align="center" class="top right">{--COUNTRY--}:<BR>
+ <TD align="center" class="top right">{--COUNTRY--}:<BR />
- <TD align="center" class="top right">{--ZIP--}:<BR>
+ <TD align="center" class="top right">{--ZIP--}:<BR />
- <TD align="center" class="top right">{--CITY--}:<BR>
+ <TD align="center" class="top right">{--CITY--}:<BR />
- <TD align="center" class="top right">{--ADDY--}:<BR>
+ <TD align="center" class="top right">{--ADDY--}:<BR />
<STRONG><A href="$DATA[28]">$DATA[7]</A></TD>
- <TD align="center" class="top">{--ACCOUNT_STATUS--}:<BR>
+ <TD align="center" class="top">{--ACCOUNT_STATUS--}:<BR />
- <TD align="center" class="top right">{--RECEIVE_MAILS--}:<BR>
+ <TD align="center" class="top right">{--RECEIVE_MAILS--}:<BR />
- <TD align="center" class="top right">{--MAX_PER_DAY--}:<BR>
+ <TD align="center" class="top right">{--MAX_PER_DAY--}:<BR />
- <TD align="center" class="top right">{--REF_UID--}:<BR>
+ <TD align="center" class="top right">{--REF_UID--}:<BR />
- <TD align="center" class="top right">{--REF_CLICKS--}:<BR>
+ <TD align="center" class="top right">{--REF_CLICKS--}:<BR />
- <TD align="center" class="top">{--TOTAL_LOGINS--}:<BR>
+ <TD align="center" class="top">{--TOTAL_LOGINS--}:<BR />
- <TD align="center" class="top right">{--REMOTE_IP--}:<BR>
+ <TD align="center" class="top right">{--REMOTE_IP--}:<BR />
- <TD align="center" class="top right">{--ADMIN_LAST_ONLINE--}:<BR>
+ <TD align="center" class="top right">{--ADMIN_LAST_ONLINE--}:<BR />
- <TD align="center" class="top right">{--ADMIN_LAST_MODULE--}:<BR>
+ <TD align="center" class="top right">{--ADMIN_LAST_MODULE--}:<BR />
- <TD align="center" class="top right">{--HAS_JOINED--}:<BR>
+ <TD align="center" class="top right">{--HAS_JOINED--}:<BR />
- <TD align="center" class="top">{--MAILS_SENT--}:<BR>
+ <TD align="center" class="top">{--MAILS_SENT--}:<BR />
- <TD align="center" class="top right">{--USED_POINTS--}:<BR>
+ <TD align="center" class="top right">{--USED_POINTS--}:<BR />
- <TD align="center" class="top right">{--TOTAL_POINTS--}:<BR>
+ <TD align="center" class="top right">{--TOTAL_POINTS--}:<BR />
- <TD align="center" class="top right">{--TOTAL_REFERRALS--}:<BR>
+ <TD align="center" class="top right">{--TOTAL_REFERRALS--}:<BR />
- <TD align="center" class="top right">{--TOTAL_CATS--}:<BR>
+ <TD align="center" class="top right">{--TOTAL_CATS--}:<BR />
- <TD align="center" class="top">{--UNCONFIRMED_LINKS--}:<BR>
+ <TD align="center" class="top">{--UNCONFIRMED_LINKS--}:<BR />
- <TD align="center" class="top right">{--LOCKED_POINTS--}:<BR>
+ <TD align="center" class="top right">{--LOCKED_POINTS--}:<BR />
- <TD align="center" class="top right">{--LAST_UPDATE--}:<BR>
+ <TD align="center" class="top right">{--LAST_UPDATE--}:<BR />
- <TD align="center" class="top right">{--LAST_PROFILE_SENT--}:<BR>
+ <TD align="center" class="top right">{--LAST_PROFILE_SENT--}:<BR />
- <TD align="center" class="top right">{--USER_REF_PAYOUT--}:<BR>
+ <TD align="center" class="top right">{--USER_REF_PAYOUT--}:<BR />
- <TD align="center" class="top">{--USER_NICKNAME--}:<BR>
+ <TD align="center" class="top">{--USER_NICKNAME--}:<BR />
<TD align="center" class="admin_footer top" colspan="5">
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+<BR />
+<FORM action="{!URL!}/modules.php?module=admin&reset_pass=1" method="post">
+<TABLE border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" width="620" align="center" class="admin_table dashed">
+ <TD class="admin_title bottom2" height="30" colspan="2">
+ </TD>
+ <TD height="40" width="50%" class="bottom2">
+ </TD>
+ <TD width="50%" class="bottom2">
+ <INPUT type="text" name="login" size="20" maxlength="255" />
+ </TD>
+ <TD class="admin_footer" colspan="2">
+ <INPUT type="hidden" name="hash" value="$content" />
+ <INPUT type="reset" class="admin_reset" value="{--CLEAR_FORM--}" /> *
+ <INPUT type="submit" name="validate_hash" class="admin_submit" value="{--ADMIN_VALIDATE_HASH_SUBMIT--}" />
+ </TD>
+<DIV class="admin_note">
<STRONG>: : : Willkommen zum Administrationsbereich : : :</STRONG>
+<BR />
<TABLE border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" width="100%">
<STRONG>: : : Willkommen zum Administrationsbereich : : :</STRONG>
+<BR />
<TABLE border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" width="100%">