TurbGain = 0.0;
TurbRate = 1.0;
+ T_dev_sl = T_dev = delta_T = 0.0;
+ T_dev = 0.0;
+ if (delta_T != 0.0) {
+ T_dev = delta_T;
+ } else {
+ if ((h < 36089.239) && (T_dev_sl != 0.0)) {
+ T_dev = T_dev_sl * ( 1.0 - (h/36089.239));
+ }
+ }
+ density_altitude = h + T_dev * 66.7;
+ reftemp+=T_dev;
if (slope == 0) {
intTemperature = reftemp;
intPressure = refpress*exp(-Inertial->SLgravity()/(reftemp*Reng)*(altitude-htab[i]));
PropertyManager->Tie("atmosphere/psiw-rad", this,
+ PropertyManager->Tie("atmosphere/delta-T", this,
+ &FGAtmosphere::GetDeltaT, &FGAtmosphere::SetDeltaT);
+ PropertyManager->Tie("atmosphere/T-sl-dev-F", this,
+ &FGAtmosphere::GetSLTempDev, &FGAtmosphere::SetSLTempDev);
+ PropertyManager->Tie("atmosphere/density-altitude", this,
+ &FGAtmosphere::GetDensityAltitude);
PropertyManager->Tie("atmosphere/p-turb-rad_sec", this,1,
PropertyManager->Tie("atmosphere/q-turb-rad_sec", this,2,
+ PropertyManager->Untie("atmosphere/delta-T");
+ PropertyManager->Untie("atmosphere/T-sl-dev-F");
+ PropertyManager->Untie("atmosphere/density-altitude");
/// Provides the external atmosphere model with an interface to set the pressure.
inline void SetExPressure(double p) { exPressure=p; }
+ /// Sets the temperature deviation at sea-level in degrees Fahrenheit
+ inline void SetSLTempDev(double d) { T_dev_sl = d; }
+ /// Gets the temperature deviation at sea-level in degrees Fahrenheit
+ inline double GetSLTempDev(void) const { return T_dev_sl; }
+ /// Sets the current delta-T in degrees Fahrenheit
+ inline void SetDeltaT(double d) { delta_T = d; }
+ /// Gets the current delta-T in degrees Fahrenheit
+ inline double GetDeltaT(void) const { return delta_T; }
+ /// Gets the at-altitude temperature deviation in degrees Fahrenheit
+ inline double GetTempDev(void) const { return T_dev; }
+ /// Gets the density altitude in feet
+ inline double GetDensityAltitude(void) const { return density_altitude; }
/// Sets the wind components in NED frame.
inline void SetWindNED(double wN, double wE, double wD) { vWindNED(1)=wN; vWindNED(2)=wE; vWindNED(3)=wD;}
bool useExternal;
double exTemperature,exDensity,exPressure;
double intTemperature, intDensity, intPressure;
+ double T_dev_sl, T_dev, delta_T, density_altitude;
double MagnitudedAccelDt, MagnitudeAccel, Magnitude;
double TurbGain;
// Rotation
- double cTht = Propagate->GetCostht();
- double cPhi = Propagate->GetCosphi();
- double sPhi = Propagate->GetSinphi();
+ double cTht = Propagate->GetCosEuler(eTht);
+ double cPhi = Propagate->GetCosEuler(ePhi);
+ double sPhi = Propagate->GetSinEuler(ePhi);
vEulerRates(eTht) = vPQR(eQ)*cPhi - vPQR(eR)*sPhi;
if (cTht != 0.0) {
psiw = Atmosphere->GetWindPsi();
vw = Atmosphere->GetWindNED().Magnitude();
- return vw*cos(psiw - Propagate->Getpsi());
+ return vw*cos(psiw - Propagate->GetEuler(ePsi));
psiw = Atmosphere->GetWindPsi();
vw = Atmosphere->GetWindNED().Magnitude();
- return vw*sin(psiw - Propagate->Getpsi());
+ return vw*sin(psiw - Propagate->GetEuler(ePsi));
double Magnitude(void) const;
+ /** Length of the vector in a coordinate axis plane.
+ Compute and return the euclidean norm of this vector projected into
+ the coordinate axis plane idx1-idx2.
+ */
+ double Magnitude(int idx1, int idx2) const {
+ return sqrt( Entry(idx1)*Entry(idx1) + Entry(idx2)*Entry(idx2) );
+ }
/** Normalize.
Normalize the vector to have the Magnitude() == 1.0. If the vector
thrType = Cfg_ptr->GetValue();
if (thrType == "FG_PROPELLER") {
- Thruster = new FGPropeller(FDMExec, Cfg_ptr);
+ Thruster = new FGPropeller(FDMExec, Cfg_ptr, EngineNumber);
} else if (thrType == "FG_NOZZLE") {
- Thruster = new FGNozzle(FDMExec, Cfg_ptr);
+ Thruster = new FGNozzle(FDMExec, Cfg_ptr, EngineNumber);
} else if (thrType == "FG_DIRECT") {
- Thruster = new FGThruster( FDMExec, Cfg_ptr);
+ Thruster = new FGThruster( FDMExec, Cfg_ptr, EngineNumber);
+ SteerPosDeg.clear();
unsigned int i;
if (FGModel::Run()) return true; // fast exit if nothing to do
+ // Set the default engine commands
for (i=0; i<ThrottlePos.size(); i++) ThrottlePos[i] = ThrottleCmd[i];
for (i=0; i<MixturePos.size(); i++) MixturePos[i] = MixtureCmd[i];
for (i=0; i<PropAdvance.size(); i++) PropAdvance[i] = PropAdvanceCmd[i];
+ // Set the default steering angle
+ for (i=0; i<SteerPosDeg.size(); i++) {
+ FGLGear* gear = GroundReactions->GetGearUnit(i);
+ SteerPosDeg[i] = gear->GetDefaultSteerAngle( GetDsCmd() );
+ }
for (i=0; i<APComponents.size(); i++) APComponents[i]->Run(); // cycle AP components
for (i=0; i<FCSComponents.size(); i++) FCSComponents[i]->Run(); // cycle FCS components
+void FGFCS::AddGear(void)
+ SteerPosDeg.push_back(0.0);
void FGFCS::Normalize(void) {
//not all of these are guaranteed to be defined for every model
+ PropertyManager->Tie("fcs/steer-cmd-norm", this,
+ &FGFCS::GetDsCmd,
+ &FGFCS::SetDsCmd,
+ true);
PropertyManager->Tie("fcs/flap-cmd-norm", this,
true );
+ for (i=0; i<SteerPosDeg.size(); i++) {
+ if (GroundReactions->GetGearUnit(i)->GetSteerable()) {
+ snprintf(tmp,80,"fcs/steer-pos-deg[%u]",i);
+ PropertyManager->Tie( tmp, this, i,
+ &FGFCS::GetSteerPosDeg,
+ &FGFCS::SetSteerPosDeg,
+ true );
+ }
+ }
@return rudder command in percent */
inline double GetDrCmd(void) const { return DrCmd; }
+ /** Gets the steering command.
+ @return steering command in percent */
+ inline double GetDsCmd(void) const { return DsCmd; }
/** Gets the flaps command.
@return flaps command in percent */
inline double GetDfCmd(void) const { return DfCmd; }
@return mixture position for the given engine in percent ( 0 - 100)*/
inline double GetMixturePos(int engine) const { return MixturePos[engine]; }
+ /** Gets the steering position.
+ @return steering position in degrees */
+ double GetSteerPosDeg(int gear) const { return SteerPosDeg[gear]; }
/** Gets the gear position (0 up, 1 down), defaults to down
@return gear position (0 up, 1 down) */
inline double GetGearPos(void) const { return GearPos; }
@param cmd rudder command in percent*/
inline void SetDrCmd(double cmd) { DrCmd = cmd; }
+ /** Sets the steering command
+ @param cmd steering command in percent*/
+ inline void SetDsCmd(double cmd) { DsCmd = cmd; }
/** Sets the flaps command
@param cmd flaps command in percent*/
inline void SetDfCmd(double cmd) { DfCmd = cmd; }
@param cmd mixture setting in percent (0 - 100)*/
void SetMixturePos(int engine, double cmd);
+ /** Sets the steering position
+ @param cmd steering position in degrees*/
+ void SetSteerPosDeg(int gear, double pos) { SteerPosDeg[gear] = pos; }
/** Set the gear extend/retract position, defaults to down
@param gear position 0 up, 1 down */
void SetGearPos(double gearpos) { GearPos = gearpos; }
bool Load(FGConfigFile* AC_cfg);
void AddThrottle(void);
+ void AddGear(void);
FGPropertyManager* GetPropertyManager(void) { return PropertyManager; }
void unbind(FGPropertyManager *node);
- double DaCmd, DeCmd, DrCmd, DfCmd, DsbCmd, DspCmd;
+ double DaCmd, DeCmd, DrCmd, DsCmd, DfCmd, DsbCmd, DspCmd;
double AP_DaCmd, AP_DeCmd, AP_DrCmd, AP_ThrottleCmd;
double DePos[NForms], DaLPos[NForms], DaRPos[NForms], DrPos[NForms];
double DfPos[NForms], DsbPos[NForms], DspPos[NForms];
vector <double> MixturePos;
vector <double> PropAdvanceCmd;
vector <double> PropAdvance;
+ vector <double> SteerPosDeg;
double LeftBrake, RightBrake, CenterBrake; // Brake settings
double GearCmd,GearPos;
while ((token = AC_cfg->GetValue()) != string("/UNDERCARRIAGE")) {
- lGear.push_back(FGLGear(AC_cfg, FDMExec));
+ int num = lGear.size();
+ lGear.push_back(FGLGear(AC_cfg, FDMExec, num));
+ FCS->AddGear();
return true;
-FGLGear::FGLGear(FGConfigFile* AC_cfg, FGFDMExec* fdmex) : Exec(fdmex)
+FGLGear::FGLGear(FGConfigFile* AC_cfg, FGFDMExec* fdmex, int number) : Exec(fdmex)
string tmp;
+ GearNumber = number;
*AC_cfg >> tmp >> name >> vXYZ(1) >> vXYZ(2) >> vXYZ(3)
>> kSpring >> bDamp>> dynamicFCoeff >> staticFCoeff
>> rollingFCoeff >> sSteerType >> sBrakeGroup
FGLGear::FGLGear(const FGLGear& lgear)
+ GearNumber = lgear.GearNumber;
State = lgear.State;
Aircraft = lgear.Aircraft;
Propagate = lgear.Propagate;
FGColumnVector3& FGLGear::Force(void)
double SinWheel, CosWheel;
- double deltaSlip;
double deltaT = State->Getdt()*Aircraft->GetRate();
GearDown = true;
+ // Compute the steering angle in any case.
+ // Will make shure that animations will look right.
+ switch (eSteerType) {
+ case stSteer:
+ SteerAngle = degtorad * FCS->GetSteerPosDeg(GearNumber);
+ break;
+ case stFixed:
+ SteerAngle = 0.0;
+ break;
+ case stCaster:
+ // Note to Jon: This is not correct for castering gear. I'll fix it later.
+ SteerAngle = 0.0;
+ break;
+ default:
+ cerr << "Improper steering type membership detected for this gear." << endl;
+ break;
+ }
if (GearDown) {
vWhlBodyVec = MassBalance->StructuralToBody(vXYZ);
- switch (eSteerType) {
- case stSteer:
- SteerAngle = -maxSteerAngle * FCS->GetDrCmd() * 0.01745;
- break;
- case stFixed:
- SteerAngle = 0.0;
- break;
- case stCaster:
-// Note to Jon: This is not correct for castering gear. I'll fix it later.
- SteerAngle = 0.0;
- break;
- default:
- cerr << "Improper steering type membership detected for this gear." << endl;
- break;
- }
// Transform the wheel velocities from the local axis system to the wheel axis system.
// For now, steering angle is assumed to happen in the Local Z axis,
// not the strut axis as it should be. Will fix this later.
- SinWheel = sin(Propagate->Getpsi() + SteerAngle);
- CosWheel = cos(Propagate->Getpsi() + SteerAngle);
+ SinWheel = sin(Propagate->GetEuler(ePsi) + SteerAngle);
+ CosWheel = cos(Propagate->GetEuler(ePsi) + SteerAngle);
RollingWhlVel = vWhlVelVec(eX)*CosWheel + vWhlVelVec(eY)*SinWheel;
SideWhlVel = vWhlVelVec(eY)*CosWheel - vWhlVelVec(eX)*SinWheel;
WOW = false;
+ // Return to neutral position between 1.0 and 0.8 gear pos.
+ SteerAngle *= max(FCS->GetGearPos()-0.8, 0.0)/0.2;
if (Propagate->GetDistanceAGL() > 200.0) {
FirstContact = false;
StartedGroundRun = false;
/** Constructor
@param Executive a pointer to the parent executive object
@param File a pointer to the config file instance */
- FGLGear(FGConfigFile* File, FGFDMExec* Executive);
+ FGLGear(FGConfigFile* File, FGFDMExec* Executive, int number);
/** Constructor
@param lgear a reference to an existing FGLGear object */
FGLGear(const FGLGear& lgear);
/** Get the console touchdown reporting feature
@return true if reporting is turned on */
inline bool GetReport(void) { return ReportEnable; }
- inline double GetSteerAngle(void) { return SteerAngle;}
- inline double GetstaticFCoeff(void) { return staticFCoeff;}
+ double GetSteerNorm(void) const { return radtodeg/maxSteerAngle*SteerAngle; }
+ double GetDefaultSteerAngle(double cmd) const { return cmd*maxSteerAngle; }
+ double GetstaticFCoeff(void) { return staticFCoeff; }
inline int GetBrakeGroup(void) { return (int)eBrakeGrp; }
inline int GetSteerType(void) { return (int)eSteerType; }
+ bool GetSteerable(void) const { return eSteerType != stFixed; }
inline bool GetRetractable(void) { return isRetractable; }
inline bool GetGearUnitUp(void) { return GearUp; }
inline bool GetGearUnitDown(void) { return GearDown; }
double GetWheelVel(int axis) { return vWhlVelVec(axis);}
+ int GearNumber;
FGColumnVector3 vXYZ;
FGColumnVector3 vMoment;
FGColumnVector3 vWhlBodyVec;
void FGLocation::SetLongitude(double longitude)
- double rtmp = sqrt(mECLoc(eX)*mECLoc(eX) + mECLoc(eY)*mECLoc(eY));
+ double rtmp = mECLoc.Magnitude(eX, eY);
+ // Check if we have zero radius.
+ // If so set it to 1, so that we can set a position
+ if (0.0 == mECLoc.Magnitude())
+ rtmp = 1.0;
// Fast return if we are on the north or south pole ...
if (rtmp == 0.0)
mCacheValid = false;
- mECLoc(eX) = rtmp*sin(longitude);
- mECLoc(eY) = rtmp*cos(longitude);
+ mECLoc(eX) = rtmp*cos(longitude);
+ mECLoc(eY) = rtmp*sin(longitude);
r = 1.0;
- double rtmp = sqrt(mECLoc(eX)*mECLoc(eX) + mECLoc(eY)*mECLoc(eY));
+ double rtmp = mECLoc.Magnitude(eX, eY);
if (rtmp != 0.0) {
double fac = r/rtmp*cos(latitude);
mECLoc(eX) *= fac;
-FGNozzle::FGNozzle(FGFDMExec* FDMExec, FGConfigFile* Nzl_cfg) : FGThruster(FDMExec)
+FGNozzle::FGNozzle(FGFDMExec* FDMExec, FGConfigFile* Nzl_cfg, int num) : FGThruster(FDMExec)
string token;
Area2 = (Diameter*Diameter/4.0)*M_PI;
AreaT = Area2/ExpR;
+ char property_name[80];
+ snprintf(property_name, 80, "propulsion/c-thrust[%u]", EngineNum);
+ PropertyManager->Tie( property_name, &ThrustCoeff );
+ char property_name[80];
+ snprintf(property_name, 80, "propulsion/c-thrust[%u]", EngineNum);
+ PropertyManager->Untie( property_name );
Thrust = max((double)0.0, (CfPc * AreaT + (PE - pAtm)*Area2) * nzlEff);
vFn(1) = Thrust * cos(ReverserAngle);
+ ThrustCoeff = CfPc / ((pAtm - PE) * Area2);
return Thrust;
/// Constructor
- FGNozzle(FGFDMExec* exec, FGConfigFile* AC_cfg);
+ FGNozzle(FGFDMExec* exec, FGConfigFile* AC_cfg, int num = 0);
/// Destructor
- socket->Append(Propagate->Getphi());
- socket->Append(Propagate->Gettht());
- socket->Append(Propagate->Getpsi());
+ socket->Append(Propagate->GetEuler(ePhi));
+ socket->Append(Propagate->GetEuler(eTht));
+ socket->Append(Propagate->GetEuler(ePsi));
// Compute some derived values.
vVel = VState.vQtrn.GetTInv()*VState.vUVW;
+ // Finaly make shure that the quaternion stays normalized.
+ VState.vQtrn.Normalize();
PropertyManager->Tie("metrics/runway-radius", this, &FGPropagate::GetRunwayRadius, &FGPropagate::SetRunwayRadius);
- PropertyManager->Tie("attitude/phi-rad", this, &FGPropagate::Getphi);
- PropertyManager->Tie("attitude/theta-rad", this, &FGPropagate::Gettht);
- PropertyManager->Tie("attitude/psi-rad", this, &FGPropagate::Getpsi);
+ PropertyManager->Tie("attitude/phi-rad", this, (int)ePhi, (PMF)&FGPropagate::GetEuler);
+ PropertyManager->Tie("attitude/theta-rad", this, (int)eTht, (PMF)&FGPropagate::GetEuler);
+ PropertyManager->Tie("attitude/psi-rad", this, (int)ePsi, (PMF)&FGPropagate::GetEuler);
- PropertyManager->Tie("attitude/roll-rad", this, &FGPropagate::Getphi);
- PropertyManager->Tie("attitude/pitch-rad", this, &FGPropagate::Gettht);
- PropertyManager->Tie("attitude/heading-true-rad", this, &FGPropagate::Getpsi);
+ PropertyManager->Tie("attitude/roll-rad", this, (int)ePhi, (PMF)&FGPropagate::GetEuler);
+ PropertyManager->Tie("attitude/pitch-rad", this, (int)eTht, (PMF)&FGPropagate::GetEuler);
+ PropertyManager->Tie("attitude/heading-true-rad", this, (int)ePsi, (PMF)&FGPropagate::GetEuler);
double Geth(void) const { return VState.vLocation.GetRadius() - SeaLevelRadius; }
double GetPQR(int axis) const {return VState.vPQR(axis);}
double GetPQRdot(int idx) const {return vPQRdot(idx);}
- double GetEuler(int axis) const { return VState.vQtrn.GetEuler()(axis); }
+ double GetEuler(int axis) const { return VState.vQtrn.GetEuler(axis); }
+ double GetCosEuler(int idx) const { return VState.vQtrn.GetCosEuler(idx); }
+ double GetSinEuler(int idx) const { return VState.vQtrn.GetSinEuler(idx); }
double Gethdot(void) const { return -vVel(eDown); }
/** Returns the "constant" RunwayRadius.
double GetLatitude(void) const { return VState.vLocation.GetLatitude(); }
const FGLocation& GetLocation(void) const { return VState.vLocation; }
- double Getphi(void) const { return VState.vQtrn.GetEulerPhi(); }
- double Gettht(void) const { return VState.vQtrn.GetEulerTheta(); }
- double Getpsi(void) const { return VState.vQtrn.GetEulerPsi(); }
- double GetCosphi(void) const { return VState.vQtrn.GetCosEulerPhi(); }
- double GetCostht(void) const { return VState.vQtrn.GetCosEulerTheta(); }
- double GetCospsi(void) const { return VState.vQtrn.GetCosEulerPsi(); }
- double GetSinphi(void) const { return VState.vQtrn.GetSinEulerPhi(); }
- double GetSintht(void) const { return VState.vQtrn.GetSinEulerTheta(); }
- double GetSinpsi(void) const { return VState.vQtrn.GetSinEulerPsi(); }
/** Retrieves the local-to-body transformation matrix.
@return a reference to the local-to-body transformation matrix. */
const FGMatrix33& GetTl2b(void) const { return VState.vQtrn.GetT(); }
// not just the X-axis of the engine/propeller. This may or may not work for a
// helicopter.
-FGPropeller::FGPropeller(FGFDMExec* exec, FGConfigFile* Prop_cfg) : FGThruster(exec)
+FGPropeller::FGPropeller(FGFDMExec* exec, FGConfigFile* Prop_cfg, int num) : FGThruster(exec)
string token;
int rows, cols;
RPM = 0;
+ char property_name[80];
+ snprintf(property_name, 80, "propulsion/c-thrust[%u]", EngineNum);
+ PropertyManager->Tie( property_name, &ThrustCoeff );
if (cThrust) delete cThrust;
if (cPower) delete cPower;
+ char property_name[80];
+ snprintf(property_name, 80, "propulsion/c-thrust[%u]", EngineNum);
+ PropertyManager->Untie( property_name );
double FGPropeller::Calculate(double PowerAvailable)
- double J, C_Thrust, omega;
+ double J, omega;
double Vel = fdmex->GetAuxiliary()->GetAeroUVW(eU);
double rho = fdmex->GetAtmosphere()->GetDensity();
double RPS = RPM/60.0;
if (MaxPitch == MinPitch) { // Fixed pitch prop
- C_Thrust = cThrust->GetValue(J);
+ ThrustCoeff = cThrust->GetValue(J);
} else { // Variable pitch prop
- C_Thrust = cThrust->GetValue(J, Pitch);
+ ThrustCoeff = cThrust->GetValue(J, Pitch);
if (P_Factor > 0.0001) {
cerr << "P-Factor value in config file must be greater than zero" << endl;
- Thrust = C_Thrust*RPS*RPS*Diameter*Diameter*Diameter*Diameter*rho;
+ Thrust = ThrustCoeff*RPS*RPS*Diameter*Diameter*Diameter*Diameter*rho;
omega = RPS*2.0*M_PI;
vFn(1) = Thrust;
/** Constructor for FGPropeller.
@param exec a pointer to the main executive object
@param AC_cfg a pointer to the main aircraft config file object */
- FGPropeller(FGFDMExec* exec, FGConfigFile* AC_cfg);
+ FGPropeller(FGFDMExec* exec, FGConfigFile* AC_cfg, int num = 0);
/// Destructor for FGPropeller - deletes the FGTable objects
angular velocities PQR.
FGQuaternion FGQuaternion::GetQDot(const FGColumnVector3& PQR) const {
+ double norm = Magnitude();
+ if (norm == 0.0)
+ return FGQuaternion::zero();
+ double rnorm = 1.0/norm;
FGQuaternion QDot;
QDot(1) = -0.5*(Entry(2)*PQR(eP) + Entry(3)*PQR(eQ) + Entry(4)*PQR(eR));
QDot(2) = 0.5*(Entry(1)*PQR(eP) + Entry(3)*PQR(eR) - Entry(4)*PQR(eQ));
QDot(3) = 0.5*(Entry(1)*PQR(eQ) + Entry(4)*PQR(eP) - Entry(2)*PQR(eR));
QDot(4) = 0.5*(Entry(1)*PQR(eR) + Entry(2)*PQR(eQ) - Entry(3)*PQR(eP));
- return QDot;
+ return rnorm*QDot;
@param psi The euler Z axis (heading) angle in radians */
FGQuaternion(double phi, double tht, double psi);
+ /** Initializer by one euler angle.
+ Initialize the quaternion with the single euler angle where its index
+ is given in the first argument.
+ @param idx Index of the euler angle to initialize
+ @param angle The euler angle in radians */
+ FGQuaternion(int idx, double angle)
+ : mCacheValid(false) {
+ double angle2 = 0.5*angle;
+ double Sangle2 = sin(angle2);
+ double Cangle2 = cos(angle2);
+ if (idx == ePhi) {
+ Entry(1) = Cangle2;
+ Entry(2) = Sangle2;
+ Entry(3) = 0.0;
+ Entry(4) = 0.0;
+ } else if (idx == eTht) {
+ Entry(1) = Cangle2;
+ Entry(2) = 0.0;
+ Entry(3) = Sangle2;
+ Entry(4) = 0.0;
+ } else {
+ Entry(1) = Cangle2;
+ Entry(2) = 0.0;
+ Entry(3) = 0.0;
+ Entry(4) = Sangle2;
+ }
+ }
/// Destructor.
~FGQuaternion() {}
/** Transformation matrix.
@return a reference to the transformation/rotation matrix
corresponding to this quaternion rotation. */
- const FGMatrix33& GetT() const { ComputeDerived(); return mT; }
+ const FGMatrix33& GetT(void) const { ComputeDerived(); return mT; }
/** Backward transformation matrix.
@return a reference to the inverse transformation/rotation matrix
corresponding to this quaternion rotation. */
- const FGMatrix33& GetTInv() const { ComputeDerived(); return mTInv; }
+ const FGMatrix33& GetTInv(void) const { ComputeDerived(); return mTInv; }
/** Retrieves the Euler angles.
@return a reference to the triad of euler angles corresponding
to this quaternion rotation.
@units radians */
- const FGColumnVector3& GetEuler() const {
+ const FGColumnVector3& GetEuler(void) const {
return mEulerAngles;
- /** Euler angle theta.
- @return the euler angle theta (pitch attitude) corresponding to this
- quaternion rotation.
- @units radians */
- double GetEulerTheta() const {
- ComputeDerived();
- return mEulerAngles(eTht);
- }
- /** Euler angle theta.
- @return the euler angle theta (pitch attitude) corresponding to
- this quaternion rotation.
- @units degrees */
- double GetEulerThetaDeg() const {
- ComputeDerived();
- return radtodeg*mEulerAngles(eTht);
- }
- /** Euler angle psi.
- @return the heading euler angle (psi) corresponding to this quaternion
- rotation.
- @units radians */
- double GetEulerPsi() const {
- ComputeDerived();
- return mEulerAngles(ePsi);
- }
- /** Retrieves the heading angle.
- @return the Euler angle psi (heading) corresponding to this quaternion
- rotation.
- @units degrees */
- double GetEulerPsiDeg() const {
- ComputeDerived();
- return radtodeg*mEulerAngles(ePsi);
- }
- /** Retrieves the roll angle.
- @return the euler angle phi (roll) corresponding to this quaternion
- rotation.
- @units radians */
- double GetEulerPhi() const {
+ /** Retrieves the Euler angles.
+ @param i the euler angle index.
+ @return a reference to the i-th euler angles corresponding
+ to this quaternion rotation.
+ @units radians */
+ double GetEuler(int i) const {
- return mEulerAngles(ePhi);
+ return mEulerAngles(i);
- /** Retrieves the roll angle.
- Returns the Euler angle phi (roll) corresponding to this quaternion rotation.
- @units degrees */
- double GetEulerPhiDeg() const {
+ /** Retrieves the Euler angles.
+ @param i the euler angle index.
+ @return a reference to the i-th euler angles corresponding
+ to this quaternion rotation.
+ @units degrees */
+ double GetEulerDeg(int i) const {
- return radtodeg*mEulerAngles(ePhi);
+ return radtodeg*mEulerAngles(i);
- /** Retrieves sine theta.
+ /** Retrieves sine of the given euler angle.
@return the sine of the Euler angle theta (pitch attitude) corresponding
to this quaternion rotation. */
- double GetSinEulerTheta() const {
- ComputeDerived();
- return mEulerSines(eTht);
- }
- /** Retrieves sine psi.
- @return the sine of the Euler angle psi (heading) corresponding to this
- quaternion rotation. */
- double GetSinEulerPsi() const {
- ComputeDerived();
- return mEulerSines(ePsi);
- }
- /** Sine of euler angle phi.
- @return the sine of the Euler angle phi (roll) corresponding to this
- quaternion rotation. */
- double GetSinEulerPhi() const {
- ComputeDerived();
- return mEulerSines(ePhi);
- }
- /** Cosine of euler angle theta.
- @return the cosine of the Euler angle theta (pitch) corresponding to this
- quaternion rotation. */
- double GetCosEulerTheta() const {
+ double GetSinEuler(int i) const {
- return mEulerCosines(eTht);
+ return mEulerSines(i);
- /** Cosine of euler angle psi.
- @return the cosine of the Euler angle psi (heading) corresponding to this
- quaternion rotation. */
- double GetCosEulerPsi() const {
- ComputeDerived();
- return mEulerCosines(ePsi);
- }
- /** Cosine of euler angle phi.
- @return the cosine of the Euler angle phi (roll) corresponding to this
- quaternion rotation. */
- double GetCosEulerPhi() const {
+ /** Retrieves cosine of the given euler angle.
+ @return the sine of the Euler angle theta (pitch attitude) corresponding
+ to this quaternion rotation. */
+ double GetCosEuler(int i) const {
- return mEulerCosines(ePhi);
+ return mEulerCosines(i);
/** Read access the entries of the vector.
@param idx the component index.
Return the value of the matrix entry at the given index.
Indices are counted starting with 1.
Note that the index given in the argument is unchecked.
double operator()(unsigned int idx) const { return Entry(idx); }
/** Write access the entries of the vector.
@param idx the component index.
Return a reference to the vector entry at the given index.
Indices are counted starting with 1.
Note that the index given in the argument is unchecked.
double& operator()(unsigned int idx) { return Entry(idx); }
/** Read access the entries of the vector.
@param idx the component index.
Return the value of the matrix entry at the given index.
Indices are counted starting with 1.
This function is just a shortcut for the @ref double
operator()(unsigned int idx) const function. It is
used internally to access the elements in a more convenient way.
Note that the index given in the argument is unchecked.
double Entry(unsigned int idx) const { return mData[idx-1]; }
/** Write access the entries of the vector.
@param idx the component index.
Return a reference to the vector entry at the given index.
Indices are counted starting with 1.
This function is just a shortcut for the @ref double&
operator()(unsigned int idx) function. It is
used internally to access the elements in a more convenient way.
Note that the index given in the argument is unchecked.
double& Entry(unsigned int idx) { mCacheValid = false; return mData[idx-1]; }
return *this;
+ /** Inverse of the quaternion.
+ Compute and return the inverse of the quaternion so that the orientation
+ represented with *this multiplied with the returned value is equal to
+ the identity orientation.
+ */
+ FGQuaternion Inverse(void) const {
+ double norm = Magnitude();
+ if (norm == 0.0)
+ return *this;
+ double rNorm = 1.0/norm;
+ return FGQuaternion( Entry(1)*rNorm, -Entry(2)*rNorm,
+ -Entry(3)*rNorm, -Entry(4)*rNorm );
+ }
+ /** Conjugate of the quaternion.
+ Compute and return the conjugate of the quaternion. This one is equal
+ to the inverse iff the quaternion is normalized.
+ */
+ FGQuaternion Conjugate(void) const {
+ return FGQuaternion( Entry(1), -Entry(2), -Entry(3), -Entry(4) );
+ }
friend FGQuaternion operator*(double, const FGQuaternion&);
/** Length of the vector.
Compute and return the euclidean norm of this vector.
- double Magnitude() const { return sqrt(SqrMagnitude()); }
+ double Magnitude(void) const { return sqrt(SqrMagnitude()); }
/** Square of the length of the vector.
Compute and return the square of the euclidean norm of this vector.
- double SqrMagnitude() const {
+ double SqrMagnitude(void) const {
return Entry(1)*Entry(1)+Entry(2)*Entry(2)
/** Normialze.
Normalize the vector to have the Magnitude() == 1.0. If the vector
is equal to zero it is left untouched.
- void Normalize();
+ void Normalize(void);
/** Zero quaternion vector. Does not represent any orientation.
Useful for initialization of increments */
/** Computation of derived values.
This function checks if the derived values like euler angles and
transformation matrices are already computed. If so, it
- returns. If they need to be computed this is done here. */
+ returns. If they need to be computed the real worker routine
+ \ref FGQuaternion::ComputeDerivedUnconditional(void) const
+ is called.
+ This function is inlined to avoid function calls in the fast path. */
void ComputeDerived(void) const {
if (!mCacheValid)
Type = ttDirect;
+ EngineNum = 0;
+ PropertyManager = FDMExec->GetPropertyManager();
FGThruster::FGThruster(FGFDMExec *FDMExec,
- FGConfigFile *Eng_cfg ): FGForce(FDMExec)
+ FGConfigFile *Eng_cfg, int num ): FGForce(FDMExec)
Type = ttDirect;
Name = Eng_cfg->GetValue();
GearRatio = 1.0;
+ EngineNum = num;
+ ThrustCoeff = 0.0;
+ PropertyManager = FDMExec->GetPropertyManager();
+ char property_name[80];
+ snprintf(property_name, 80, "propulsion/c-thrust[%u]", EngineNum);
+ PropertyManager->Tie( property_name, &ThrustCoeff );
+ char property_name[80];
+ snprintf(property_name, 80, "propulsion/c-thrust[%u]", EngineNum);
+ PropertyManager->Untie( property_name );
#include "FGForce.h"
#include "FGConfigFile.h"
+#include "FGPropertyManager.h"
#include <string>
/// Constructor
FGThruster(FGFDMExec *FDMExec);
- FGThruster(FGFDMExec *FDMExec, FGConfigFile *Eng_cfg );
+ FGThruster(FGFDMExec *FDMExec, FGConfigFile *Eng_cfg, int num );
/// Destructor
virtual ~FGThruster();
enum eType {ttNozzle, ttRotor, ttPropeller, ttDirect};
- virtual double Calculate(double tt) { Thrust = tt; vFn(1) = Thrust; return 0.0; }
+ virtual double Calculate(double tt) {
+ Thrust = tt; vFn(1) = Thrust;
+ return 0.0;
+ }
void SetName(string name) {Name = name;}
virtual void SetRPM(double rpm) {};
virtual double GetPowerRequired(void) {return 0.0;}
double PowerRequired;
double deltaT;
double GearRatio;
+ double ThrustCoeff;
+ int EngineNum;
+ FGPropertyManager* PropertyManager;
virtual void Debug(int from);
case tTheta:
- control_min=fdmex->GetPropagate()->Gettht() - 5*degtorad;
- control_max=fdmex->GetPropagate()->Gettht() + 5*degtorad;
+ control_min=fdmex->GetPropagate()->GetEuler(eTht) - 5*degtorad;
+ control_max=fdmex->GetPropagate()->GetEuler(eTht) + 5*degtorad;
case tPhi:
- control_min=fdmex->GetPropagate()->Getphi() - 30*degtorad;
- control_max=fdmex->GetPropagate()->Getphi() + 30*degtorad;
+ control_min=fdmex->GetPropagate()->GetEuler(ePhi) - 30*degtorad;
+ control_max=fdmex->GetPropagate()->GetEuler(ePhi) + 30*degtorad;
case tHeading:
- control_min=fdmex->GetPropagate()->Getpsi() - 30*degtorad;
- control_max=fdmex->GetPropagate()->Getpsi() + 30*degtorad;
+ control_min=fdmex->GetPropagate()->GetEuler(ePsi) - 30*degtorad;
+ control_max=fdmex->GetPropagate()->GetEuler(ePsi) + 30*degtorad;
case tYawTrim:
case tRudder: control_value=fdmex->GetFCS() -> GetDrCmd(); break;
case tAltAGL: control_value=fdmex->GetPropagate()->GetDistanceAGL();break;
- case tTheta: control_value=fdmex->GetPropagate()->Gettht(); break;
- case tPhi: control_value=fdmex->GetPropagate()->Getphi(); break;
+ case tTheta: control_value=fdmex->GetPropagate()->GetEuler(eTht); break;
+ case tPhi: control_value=fdmex->GetPropagate()->GetEuler(ePhi); break;
case tGamma: control_value=fdmex->GetAuxiliary()->GetGamma();break;
- case tHeading: control_value=fdmex->GetPropagate()->Getpsi(); break;
+ case tHeading: control_value=fdmex->GetPropagate()->GetEuler(ePsi); break;
double FGTrimAxis::computeHmgt(void) {
double diff;
- diff = fdmex->GetPropagate()->Getpsi() -
+ diff = fdmex->GetPropagate()->GetEuler(ePsi) -
if( diff < -M_PI ) {
cout << "SetThetaOnGround ref gear: " << ref << endl;
if(ref >= 0) {
- double sp = fdmex->GetPropagate()->GetSinphi();
- double cp = fdmex->GetPropagate()->GetCosphi();
+ double sp = fdmex->GetPropagate()->GetSinEuler(ePhi);
+ double cp = fdmex->GetPropagate()->GetCosEuler(ePhi);
double lx = fdmex->GetGroundReactions()->GetGearUnit(ref)->GetBodyLocation(1);
double ly = fdmex->GetGroundReactions()->GetGearUnit(ref)->GetBodyLocation(2);
double lz = fdmex->GetGroundReactions()->GetGearUnit(ref)->GetBodyLocation(3);
//cout << i << endl;
if (debug_lvl > 0) {
- cout << " Initial Theta: " << fdmex->GetPropagate()->Gettht()*radtodeg << endl;
+ cout << " Initial Theta: " << fdmex->GetPropagate()->GetEuler(eTht)*radtodeg << endl;
cout << " Used gear unit " << iAft << " as aft and " << iForward << " as forward" << endl;
if (ref >= 0) {
- double st = sin(fdmex->GetPropagate()->Gettht());
- double ct = cos(fdmex->GetPropagate()->Gettht());
+ double st = fdmex->GetPropagate()->GetSinEuler(eTht);
+ double ct = fdmex->GetPropagate()->GetCosEuler(eTht);
double lx = fdmex->GetGroundReactions()->GetGearUnit(ref)->GetBodyLocation(1);
double ly = fdmex->GetGroundReactions()->GetGearUnit(ref)->GetBodyLocation(2);
double lz = fdmex->GetGroundReactions()->GetGearUnit(ref)->GetBodyLocation(3);
void FGTrimAxis::AxisReport(void) {
char out[80];
- sprintf(out," %20s: %6.2f %5s: %9.2e Tolerance: %3.0e\n",
+ sprintf(out," %20s: %6.2f %5s: %9.2e Tolerance: %3.0e",
GetControlName().c_str(), GetControl()*control_convert,
GetStateName().c_str(), GetState()+state_target, GetTolerance());
cout << out;
+ if( abs(GetState()+state_target) < abs(GetTolerance()) )
+ cout << " Passed" << endl;
+ else
+ cout << " Failed" << endl;
else cerr << "Unhandled token in Engine config file: " << token << endl;
+ if (token == "EOF") return false;
// Pre-calculations and initializations
SG_LOG( SG_FLIGHT, SG_INFO, " Bank Angle: "
- << Propagate->Getphi()*RADTODEG << " deg" );
+ << Propagate->GetEuler(ePhi)*RADTODEG << " deg" );
SG_LOG( SG_FLIGHT, SG_INFO, " Pitch Angle: "
- << Propagate->Gettht()*RADTODEG << " deg" );
+ << Propagate->GetEuler(eTht)*RADTODEG << " deg" );
SG_LOG( SG_FLIGHT, SG_INFO, " True Heading: "
- << Propagate->Getpsi()*RADTODEG << " deg" );
+ << Propagate->GetEuler(ePsi)*RADTODEG << " deg" );
SG_LOG( SG_FLIGHT, SG_INFO, " Latitude: "
<< Propagate->GetLocation().GetLatitudeDeg() << " deg" );
SG_LOG( SG_FLIGHT, SG_INFO, " Longitude: "
FCS->SetPitchTrimCmd( globals->get_controls()->get_elevator_trim() );
FCS->SetDrCmd( -globals->get_controls()->get_rudder() );
FCS->SetYawTrimCmd( -globals->get_controls()->get_rudder_trim() );
- FCS->SetDfCmd( globals->get_controls()->get_flaps() );
+ // FIXME: make that get_steering work
+// FCS->SetDsCmd( globals->get_controls()->get_steering()/80.0 );
+ FCS->SetDsCmd( globals->get_controls()->get_rudder() );
+ FCS->SetDfCmd( globals->get_controls()->get_flaps() );
FCS->SetDsbCmd( globals->get_controls()->get_speedbrake() );
FCS->SetDspCmd( globals->get_controls()->get_spoilers() );
_set_Altitude_AGL( Propagate->GetDistanceAGL() );
- _set_Euler_Angles( Propagate->Getphi(),
- Propagate->Gettht(),
- Propagate->Getpsi() );
+ _set_Euler_Angles( Propagate->GetEuler(ePhi),
+ Propagate->GetEuler(eTht),
+ Propagate->GetEuler(ePsi) );
_set_Alpha( Auxiliary->Getalpha() );
_set_Beta( Auxiliary->Getbeta() );
FGGroundReactions* gr=fdmex->GetGroundReactions();
int Ngear=GroundReactions->GetNumGearUnits();
for (int i=0;i<Ngear;i++) {
+ FGLGear *gear = gr->GetGearUnit(i);
SGPropertyNode * node = fgGetNode("gear/gear", i, true);
- node->setDoubleValue("xoffset-in",
- gr->GetGearUnit(i)->GetBodyLocation()(1));
- node->setDoubleValue("yoffset-in",
- gr->GetGearUnit(i)->GetBodyLocation()(2));
- node->setDoubleValue("zoffset-in",
- gr->GetGearUnit(i)->GetBodyLocation()(3));
- node->setBoolValue("wow", gr->GetGearUnit(i)->GetWOW());
- node->setBoolValue("has-brake", gr->GetGearUnit(i)->GetBrakeGroup() > 0);
+ node->setDoubleValue("xoffset-in", gear->GetBodyLocation()(1));
+ node->setDoubleValue("yoffset-in", gear->GetBodyLocation()(2));
+ node->setDoubleValue("zoffset-in", gear->GetBodyLocation()(3));
+ node->setBoolValue("wow", gear->GetWOW());
+ node->setBoolValue("has-brake", gear->GetBrakeGroup() > 0);
node->setDoubleValue("position-norm", FCS->GetGearPos());
- node->setDoubleValue("tire-pressure-norm", gr->GetGearUnit(i)->GetTirePressure());
+ node->setDoubleValue("tire-pressure-norm", gear->GetTirePressure());
+ if ( gear->GetSteerable() )
+ node->setDoubleValue("steering-norm", gear->GetSteerNorm());
FGGroundReactions* gr=fdmex->GetGroundReactions();
int Ngear=GroundReactions->GetNumGearUnits();
for (int i=0;i<Ngear;i++) {
+ FGLGear *gear = gr->GetGearUnit(i);
SGPropertyNode * node = fgGetNode("gear/gear", i, true);
- node->getChild("wow", 0, true)->setBoolValue(gr->GetGearUnit(i)->GetWOW());
+ node->getChild("wow", 0, true)->setBoolValue( gear->GetWOW());
node->getChild("position-norm", 0, true)->setDoubleValue(FCS->GetGearPos());
- gr->GetGearUnit(i)->SetTirePressure(node->getDoubleValue("tire-pressure-norm"));
+ gear->SetTirePressure(node->getDoubleValue("tire-pressure-norm"));
+ if ( gear->GetSteerable() )
+ node->setDoubleValue("steering-norm", gear->GetSteerNorm());