- if ($width === null) {
- $width = common_config('thumbnail', 'width');
- $height = common_config('thumbnail', 'height');
- $crop = common_config('thumbnail', 'crop');
- }
- if ($height === null || $height < 1) {
- $height = $width;
- $crop = true;
- }
+ // Debug log (convert crop to int to have TRUE being displayed as 1 and FALSE as 0)
- common_debug('[' . __METHOD__ . ':' . __LINE__ . ']: width=' . $width . ',height=' . $height . ',crop=' . intval($crop));
- // Get proper aspect ratio width and height before lookup
- // We have to do it through an ImageFile object because of orientation etc.
- // Only other solution would've been to rotate + rewrite uploaded files
- // which we don't want to do because we like original, untouched data!
- list($width, $height, $x, $y, $w, $h) =
- $image->scaleToFit($width, $height, $crop);
- $params = array('file_id'=> $this->id,
- 'width' => $width,
- 'height' => $height);
- $thumb = File_thumbnail::pkeyGet($params);
- if ($thumb instanceof File_thumbnail) {
- return $thumb;
- }
++ /* NOISY-DEBUG: */ common_debug('[' . __METHOD__ . ':' . __LINE__ . ']: width=' . $width . ',height=' . $height . ',crop=' . intval($crop));
- $filename = $this->filehash ?: $image->filename; // Remote files don't have $this->filename
- $outname = "thumb-{$this->id}-{$width}x{$height}-{$filename}." . File::guessMimeExtension($image->mimetype);
- $outpath = self::path($outname);
- // The boundary box for our resizing
- $box = array('width'=>$width, 'height'=>$height,
- 'x'=>$x, 'y'=>$y,
- 'w'=>$w, 'h'=>$h);
- // Doublecheck that parameters are sane and integers.
- if ($box['width'] < 1 || $box['width'] > common_config('thumbnail', 'maxsize')
- || $box['height'] < 1 || $box['height'] > common_config('thumbnail', 'maxsize')
- || $box['w'] < 1 || $box['x'] >= $image->width
- || $box['h'] < 1 || $box['y'] >= $image->height) {
- // Fail on bad width parameter. If this occurs, it's due to algorithm in ImageFile->scaleToFit
- common_debug("Boundary box parameters for resize of {$image->filepath} : ".var_export($box,true));
- throw new ServerException('Bad thumbnail size parameters. maxsize=' .
- common_config('thumbnail', 'maxsize') .
- ',box[width]=' . $box['width'] .
- ',box[height]=' . $box['height'] .
- ',box[w]=' . $box['w'] .
- ',box[h]=' . $box['h'] .
- ',box[x]=' . $box['x'] .
- ',box[y]=' . $box['y'] .
- ',this->width=' . $this->width .
- ',this->heigh=' . $this->height .
- ',this->filepath=' . $this->filepath .
- ',this->filename=' . $this->filename
- );
- }
- common_debug(sprintf('Generating a thumbnail of File id==%u of size %ux%u', $this->id, $width, $height));
- // Perform resize and store into file
- $image->resizeTo($outpath, $box);
- // Avoid deleting the original
- if ($image->getPath() != self::path($image->filename)) {
- $image->unlink();
- }
- return File_thumbnail::saveThumbnail($this->id,
- self::url($outname),
- $width, $height,
- $outname);
+ return $image->getFileThumbnail($width, $height, $crop);
public function getPath()