float marker_xs, marker_xe;
float marker_ys, marker_ye;
- float text_x, text_y;
- float width, height, bottom_4;
- float lenstr;
+ float text_y;
int i;
const int BUFSIZE = 80;
char buf[BUFSIZE];
float vmax = _input.max();
float cur_value = _input.getFloatValue();
- width = _x + _w; // FIXME huh?
- height = _y + _h;
- bottom_4 = _h / 4.0;
+ float right = _x + _w;
+ float top = _y + _h;
+ float bottom_4 = _h / 4.0; // FIXME
// Draw the basic markings for the scale...
if (option_vert()) { // Vertical scale
// Bottom tick bar
- draw_line(_x, _y, width, _y);
+ draw_line(_x, _y, right, _y);
// Top tick bar
- draw_line(_x, height, width, height);
+ draw_line(_x, top, right, top);
marker_xs = _x;
- marker_xe = width;
+ marker_xe = right;
if (option_left()) { // Read left, so line down right side
- draw_line(width, _y, width, height);
+ draw_line(right, _y, right, top);
marker_xs = marker_xe - _w / 3.0; // Adjust tick
if (option_right()) { // Read right, so down left sides
- draw_line(_x, _y, _x, height);
+ draw_line(_x, _y, _x, top);
marker_xe = _x + _w / 3.0; // Adjust tick
if (!(i % (int)_minor_divs)) {
if (option_left() && option_right()) {
draw_line(_x, marker_ys, marker_xs - 3, marker_ys);
- draw_line(marker_xe + 3, marker_ys, width, marker_ys);
+ draw_line(marker_xe + 3, marker_ys, right, marker_ys);
} else if (option_left()) {
draw_line(marker_xs + 3, marker_ys, marker_xe, marker_ys);
if (!(i % (int)_major_divs)) {
if (option_left() && option_right()) {
draw_line(_x, marker_ys, marker_xs, marker_ys);
- draw_line(marker_xe, marker_ys, width, marker_ys);
+ draw_line(marker_xe, marker_ys, right, marker_ys);
} else {
draw_line(marker_xs, marker_ys, marker_xe, marker_ys);
snprintf(buf, BUFSIZE, "%d",
int(disp_val * _input.factor()/*+.5*/)); /// was data_scaling(), which makes no sense
- lenstr = text_width(buf);
- if (option_left() && option_right()) {
- text_x = _center_x - lenstr/2 ;
- } else if (option_left()) {
- text_x = marker_xs - lenstr;
- } else {
- text_x = marker_xe - lenstr;
- }
- // Now we know where to put the text.
- text_y = marker_ys;
- draw_text(text_x, text_y, buf, 0);
+ if (option_left() && option_right())
+ draw_text(_center_x, marker_ys, buf, HUDText::CENTER);
+ else if (option_left())
+ draw_text(marker_xs, marker_ys, buf, HUDText::RIGHT|HUDText::VCENTER);
+ else
+ draw_text(marker_xe, marker_ys, buf, HUDText::LEFT|HUDText::VCENTER);
- // Now that the scale is drawn, we draw in the pointer(s). Since labels
- // have been drawn, text_x and text_y may be recycled. This is used
- // with the marker start stops to produce a pointer for each side reading
+ // Now that the scale is drawn, we draw in the pointer(s).
text_y = _y + ((cur_value - vmin) * factor() /*+.5f*/);
- // text_x = marker_xs - _x;
if (option_right()) {
if (option_left()) {
- glVertex2f(width, text_y + 5);
+ glVertex2f(right, text_y + 5);
glVertex2f(marker_xs, text_y);
- glVertex2f(width, text_y - 5);
+ glVertex2f(right, text_y - 5);
} else { // Horizontal scale by default
// left tick bar
- draw_line(_x, _y, _x, height);
+ draw_line(_x, _y, _x, top);
// right tick bar
- draw_line(width, _y, width, height );
+ draw_line(right, _y, right, top );
marker_ys = _y; // Starting point for
- marker_ye = height; // tick y location calcs
+ marker_ye = top; // tick y location calcs
marker_xs = _x + (cur_value - vmin) * factor() /*+ .5f*/;
if (option_top()) {
// Bottom box line
- draw_line(_x, _y, width, _y);
+ draw_line(_x, _y, right, _y);
marker_ye = _y + _h / 2.0; // Tick point adjust
// Bottom arrow
if (option_bottom()) {
// Top box line
- draw_line(_x, height, width, height);
+ draw_line(_x, top, right, top);
// Tick point adjust
- marker_ys = height - _h / 2.0;
+ marker_ys = top - _h / 2.0;
// Top arrow
- glVertex2f(marker_xs + bottom_4, height);
+ glVertex2f(marker_xs + bottom_4, top);
glVertex2f(marker_xs, marker_ys );
- glVertex2f(marker_xs - bottom_4, height);
+ glVertex2f(marker_xs - bottom_4, top);
if (!(i % (int)_minor_divs)) {
// draw in ticks only if they aren't too close to the edge.
if (((marker_xs + 5) > _x)
- || ((marker_xs - 5) < (width))) {
+ || ((marker_xs - 5) < right)) {
if (option_both()) {
draw_line(marker_xs, _y, marker_xs, marker_ys - 4);
- draw_line(marker_xs, marker_ye + 4, marker_xs, height);
+ draw_line(marker_xs, marker_ye + 4, marker_xs, top);
} else if (option_top()) {
draw_line(marker_xs, marker_ys, marker_xs, marker_ye - 4);
snprintf(buf, BUFSIZE, "%d",
int(disp_val * _input.factor()/* +.5*/)); // was data_scaling(), which makes no sense
- lenstr = text_width(buf);
// Draw major ticks and text only if far enough from the edge.
if (((marker_xs - 10) > _x)
- && ((marker_xs + 10) < width)) {
+ && ((marker_xs + 10) < right)) {
if (option_both()) {
draw_line(marker_xs, _y, marker_xs, marker_ys);
- draw_line(marker_xs, marker_ye, marker_xs, height);
+ draw_line(marker_xs, marker_ye, marker_xs, top);
if (!option_notext())
- draw_text(marker_xs - lenstr, marker_ys + 4, buf, 0);
+ draw_text(marker_xs, marker_ys, buf, HUDText::CENTER);
} else {
draw_line(marker_xs, marker_ys, marker_xs, marker_ye);
if (!option_notext()) {
if (option_top())
- draw_text(marker_xs - lenstr, height - 10, buf, 0);
+ draw_text(marker_xs, top, buf, HUDText::TOP|HUDText::HCENTER);
- draw_text(marker_xs - lenstr, _y, buf, 0);
+ draw_text(marker_xs, _y, buf, HUDText::BOTTOM|HUDText::HCENTER);