namespace JSBSim {
-IDENT(IdSrc,"$Id: FGFDMExec.cpp,v 1.181 2015/10/25 21:18:29 dpculp Exp $");
+IDENT(IdSrc,"$Id: FGFDMExec.cpp,v 1.182 2015/11/24 13:06:24 ehofman Exp $");
if (Constructing) return;
if (mode < 0 || mode > JSBSim::tNone) {
- cerr << endl << "Illegal trimming mode!" << endl << endl;
+ throw("Illegal trimming mode!");
FGTrim trim(this, (JSBSim::TrimMode)mode);
- if ( !trim.DoTrim() ) cerr << endl << "Trim Failed" << endl << endl;
+ if ( !trim.DoTrim() ) {
+ throw("Trim Failed");
+ return;
+ }
trim_completed = 1;
#include "FGTurboProp.h"
#include "FGPropeller.h"
#include "FGRotor.h"
+#include "math/FGFunction.h"
#include "input_output/FGXMLElement.h"
using namespace std;
FGTurboProp::FGTurboProp(FGFDMExec* exec, Element *el, int engine_number, struct Inputs& input)
: FGEngine(engine_number, input),
- ITT_N1(NULL), EnginePowerRPM_N1(NULL), EnginePowerVC(NULL), CombustionEfficiency_N1(NULL),
+ ITT_N1(NULL), EnginePowerRPM_N1(NULL), EnginePowerVC(NULL), EnginePowerVCFN(NULL), CombustionEfficiency_N1(NULL),
- FGEngine::Load(exec, el);
- thrusterType = Thruster->GetType();
Load(exec, el);
- bindmodel(exec->GetPropertyManager());
MaxStartingTime = 999999; //very big timeout -> infinite
+ Element* function_element = el->FindElement("function");
+ while(function_element) {
+ string name = function_element->GetAttributeValue("name");
+ if (name == "EnginePowerVC")
+ function_element->SetAttributeValue("name", string("propulsion/engine[#]/") + name);
+ function_element = el->FindNextElement("function");
+ }
+ FGEngine::Load(exec, el);
+ thrusterType = Thruster->GetType();
+ string property_prefix = CreateIndexedPropertyName("propulsion/engine", EngineNumber);
+ EnginePowerVCFN = GetPreFunction(property_prefix+"/EnginePowerVC");
// ToDo: Need to make sure units are properly accounted for below.
if (el->FindElement("milthrust"))
table_element = el->FindNextElement("table");
if (!table_element) break;
name = table_element->GetAttributeValue("name");
- if (name == "EnginePowerVC") {
+ if (!EnginePowerVCFN && name == "EnginePowerVC") {
EnginePowerVC = new FGTable(PropertyManager, table_element);
+ std::cerr << "Note: Using the EnginePowerVC without enclosed <function> tag is deprecated" << std::endl;
} else if (name == "EnginePowerRPM_N1") {
EnginePowerRPM_N1 = new FGTable(PropertyManager, table_element);
} else if (name == "ITT_N1") {
*CombustionEfficiency_N1 << 110.0 << 6.0;
+ bindmodel(exec->GetPropertyManager());
return true;
N1 = ExpSeek(&N1, IdleN1 + ThrottlePos * N1_factor, Idle_Max_Delay, Idle_Max_Delay * 2.4);
EngPower_HP = EnginePowerRPM_N1->GetValue(RPM,N1);
- EngPower_HP *= EnginePowerVC->GetValue();
+ EngPower_HP *= EnginePowerVCFN ? EnginePowerVCFN->GetValue() : EnginePowerVC->GetValue();
if (EngPower_HP > MaxPower) EngPower_HP = MaxPower;
CombustionEfficiency = CombustionEfficiency_N1->GetValue(N1);
NozzlePosition = 1.0;
EngPower_HP = EnginePowerRPM_N1->GetValue(RPM,N1);
- EngPower_HP *= EnginePowerVC->GetValue();
+ EngPower_HP *= EnginePowerVCFN ? EnginePowerVCFN->GetValue() : EnginePowerVC->GetValue();
if (EngPower_HP > MaxPower) EngPower_HP = MaxPower;
if (StartTime>=0) StartTime+=in.TotalDeltaT;
Cranking = true; // provided for sound effects signal
if (N1 < IdleN1) {
EngPower_HP = EnginePowerRPM_N1->GetValue(RPM,N1);
- EngPower_HP *= EnginePowerVC->GetValue();
+ EngPower_HP *= EnginePowerVCFN ? EnginePowerVCFN->GetValue() : EnginePowerVC->GetValue();
if (EngPower_HP > MaxPower) EngPower_HP = MaxPower;
N1 = ExpSeek(&N1, IdleN1*1.1, Idle_Max_Delay*4, Idle_Max_Delay * 2.4);
CombustionEfficiency = CombustionEfficiency_N1->GetValue(N1);