#include <Model/acmodel.hxx>
#include "viewmgr.hxx"
-#include "fg_props.hxx"
// Constructor
FGViewMgr::FGViewMgr( void ) :
+ config_list(fgGetNode("/sim", true)->getChildren("view")),
// Destructor
FGViewMgr::~FGViewMgr( void ) {
FGViewMgr::init ()
- char stridx [ 20 ];
- string viewpath, nodepath, strdata;
- bool from_model = false;
- bool at_model = false;
- int from_model_index = 0;
- int at_model_index = 0;
- // double damp_alt;
- double damp_roll = 0.0, damp_pitch = 0.0, damp_heading = 0.0;
- double x_offset_m, y_offset_m, z_offset_m, fov_deg;
- double heading_offset_deg, pitch_offset_deg, roll_offset_deg;
- double target_x_offset_m, target_y_offset_m, target_z_offset_m;
- double near_m;
- bool internal;
double aspect_ratio_multiplier
= fgGetDouble("/sim/current-view/aspect-ratio-multiplier");
- for (int i = 0; i < fgGetInt("/sim/number-views"); i++) {
- viewpath = "/sim/view";
- sprintf(stridx, "[%d]", i);
- viewpath += stridx;
- // find out what type of view this is...
- nodepath = viewpath;
- nodepath += "/type";
- strdata = fgGetString(nodepath.c_str());
+ for (unsigned int i = 0; i < config_list.size(); i++) {
+ SGPropertyNode *n = config_list[i];
// find out if this is an internal view (e.g. in cockpit, low near plane)
- internal = false; // default
- nodepath = viewpath;
- nodepath += "/internal";
- internal = fgGetBool(nodepath.c_str());
+ bool internal = n->getBoolValue("internal", false);
// this is assumed to be an aircraft model...we will need to read
// model-from-type as well.
// find out if this is a model we are looking from...
- nodepath = viewpath;
- nodepath += "/config/from-model";
- from_model = fgGetBool(nodepath.c_str());
- // get model index (which model)
- if (from_model) {
- nodepath = viewpath;
- nodepath += "/config/from-model-idx";
- from_model_index = fgGetInt(nodepath.c_str());
- }
+ bool from_model = n->getBoolValue("config/from-model");
+ int from_model_index = n->getIntValue("config/from-model-idx");
- if ( strcmp("lookat",strdata.c_str()) == 0 ) {
- // find out if this is a model we are looking at...
- nodepath = viewpath;
- nodepath += "/config/at-model";
- at_model = fgGetBool(nodepath.c_str());
- // get model index (which model)
- if (at_model) {
- nodepath = viewpath;
- nodepath += "/config/at-model-idx";
- at_model_index = fgGetInt(nodepath.c_str());
- nodepath = viewpath;
- nodepath += "/config/at-model-roll-damping";
- damp_roll = fgGetDouble(nodepath.c_str(), 0.0);
- nodepath = viewpath;
- nodepath += "/config/at-model-pitch-damping";
- damp_pitch = fgGetDouble(nodepath.c_str(), 0.0);
- nodepath = viewpath;
- nodepath += "/config/at-model-heading-damping";
- damp_heading = fgGetDouble(nodepath.c_str(), 0.0);
- }
- }
+ double x_offset_m = n->getDoubleValue("config/x-offset-m");
+ double y_offset_m = n->getDoubleValue("config/y-offset-m");
+ double z_offset_m = n->getDoubleValue("config/z-offset-m");
- nodepath = viewpath;
- nodepath += "/config/x-offset-m";
- x_offset_m = fgGetDouble(nodepath.c_str());
- nodepath = viewpath;
- nodepath += "/config/y-offset-m";
- y_offset_m = fgGetDouble(nodepath.c_str());
- nodepath = viewpath;
- nodepath += "/config/z-offset-m";
- z_offset_m = fgGetDouble(nodepath.c_str());
- nodepath = viewpath;
- nodepath += "/config/pitch-offset-deg";
- pitch_offset_deg = fgGetDouble(nodepath.c_str());
- fgSetDouble(nodepath.c_str(),pitch_offset_deg);
- nodepath = viewpath;
- nodepath += "/config/heading-offset-deg";
- heading_offset_deg = fgGetDouble(nodepath.c_str());
- fgSetDouble(nodepath.c_str(),heading_offset_deg);
- nodepath = viewpath;
- nodepath += "/config/roll-offset-deg";
- roll_offset_deg = fgGetDouble(nodepath.c_str());
- fgSetDouble(nodepath.c_str(),roll_offset_deg);
- nodepath = viewpath;
- nodepath += "/config/default-field-of-view-deg";
- fov_deg = fgGetDouble(nodepath.c_str());
+ double heading_offset_deg = n->getDoubleValue("config/heading-offset-deg");
+ n->setDoubleValue(heading_offset_deg);
+ double pitch_offset_deg = n->getDoubleValue("config/pitch-offset-deg");
+ n->setDoubleValue(pitch_offset_deg);
+ double roll_offset_deg = n->getDoubleValue("config/roll-offset-deg");
+ n->setDoubleValue(roll_offset_deg);
+ double fov_deg = n->getDoubleValue("config/default-field-of-view-deg");
+ double near_m = n->getDoubleValue("config/ground-level-nearplane-m");
+ // supporting two types "lookat" = 1 and "lookfrom" = 0
+ const char *type = n->getStringValue("type");
+ if (!strcmp(type, "lookat")) {
+ bool at_model = n->getBoolValue("config/at-model");
+ int at_model_index = n->getIntValue("config/at-model-idx");
+ double damp_roll = n->getDoubleValue("config/at-model-roll-damping");
+ double damp_pitch = n->getDoubleValue("config/at-model-pitch-damping");
+ double damp_heading = n->getDoubleValue("config/at-model-heading-damping");
+ double target_x_offset_m = n->getDoubleValue("config/target-x-offset-m");
+ double target_y_offset_m = n->getDoubleValue("config/target-y-offset-m");
+ double target_z_offset_m = n->getDoubleValue("config/target-z-offset-m");
- // target offsets for lookat mode only...
- nodepath = viewpath;
- nodepath += "/config/target-x-offset-m";
- target_x_offset_m = fgGetDouble(nodepath.c_str());
- nodepath = viewpath;
- nodepath += "/config/target-y-offset-m";
- target_y_offset_m = fgGetDouble(nodepath.c_str());
- nodepath = viewpath;
- nodepath += "/config/target-z-offset-m";
- target_z_offset_m = fgGetDouble(nodepath.c_str());
- nodepath = viewpath;
- nodepath += "/config/ground-level-nearplane-m";
- near_m = fgGetDouble(nodepath.c_str());
- // supporting two types now "lookat" = 1 and "lookfrom" = 0
- if ( strcmp("lookat",strdata.c_str()) == 0 )
add_view(new FGViewer ( FG_LOOKAT, from_model, from_model_index,
at_model, at_model_index,
damp_roll, damp_pitch, damp_heading,
roll_offset_deg, fov_deg, aspect_ratio_multiplier,
target_x_offset_m, target_y_offset_m,
target_z_offset_m, near_m, internal ));
- else
+ } else {
add_view(new FGViewer ( FG_LOOKFROM, from_model, from_model_index,
false, 0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0,
x_offset_m, y_offset_m, z_offset_m,
heading_offset_deg, pitch_offset_deg,
roll_offset_deg, fov_deg, aspect_ratio_multiplier,
0, 0, 0, near_m, internal ));
+ }
FGViewMgr::reinit ()
- char stridx [ 20 ];
- string viewpath, nodepath, strdata;
- double fov_deg;
// reset offsets and fov to configuration defaults
- for (int i = 0; i < fgGetInt("/sim/number-views"); i++) {
- viewpath = "/sim/view";
- sprintf(stridx, "[%d]", i);
- viewpath += stridx;
+ for (unsigned int i = 0; i < config_list.size(); i++) {
+ SGPropertyNode *n = config_list[i];
- nodepath = viewpath;
- nodepath += "/config/x-offset-m";
- fgSetDouble("/sim/current-view/x-offset-m",fgGetDouble(nodepath.c_str()));
- nodepath = viewpath;
- nodepath += "/config/y-offset-m";
- fgSetDouble("/sim/current-view/y-offset-m",fgGetDouble(nodepath.c_str()));
- nodepath = viewpath;
- nodepath += "/config/z-offset-m";
- fgSetDouble("/sim/current-view/z-offset-m",fgGetDouble(nodepath.c_str()));
- nodepath = viewpath;
- nodepath += "/config/pitch-offset-deg";
+ fgSetDouble("/sim/current-view/x-offset-m",
+ n->getDoubleValue("config/x-offset-m"));
+ fgSetDouble("/sim/current-view/y-offset-m",
+ n->getDoubleValue("config/y-offset-m"));
+ fgSetDouble("/sim/current-view/z-offset-m",
+ n->getDoubleValue("config/z-offset-m"));
- fgGetDouble(nodepath.c_str()));
- nodepath = viewpath;
- nodepath += "/config/heading-offset-deg";
+ n->getDoubleValue("config/pitch-offset-deg"));
- fgGetDouble(nodepath.c_str()));
- nodepath = viewpath;
- nodepath += "/config/roll-offset-deg";
+ n->getDoubleValue("config/heading-offset-deg"));
- fgGetDouble(nodepath.c_str()));
+ n->getDoubleValue("config/roll-offset-deg"));
- nodepath = viewpath;
- nodepath += "/config/default-field-of-view-deg";
- fov_deg = fgGetDouble(nodepath.c_str());
- if (fov_deg < 10.0) {
+ double fov_deg = n->getDoubleValue("config/default-field-of-view-deg");
+ if (fov_deg < 10.0)
fov_deg = 55.0;
- }
- fgSetDouble("/sim/current-view/field-of-view",fov_deg);
+ fgSetDouble("/sim/current-view/field-of-view", fov_deg);
// target offsets for lookat mode only...
- nodepath = viewpath;
- nodepath += "/config/target-x-offset-m";
- fgGetDouble(nodepath.c_str()));
- nodepath = viewpath;
- nodepath += "/config/target-y-offset-m";
+ n->getDoubleValue("config/target-x-offset-m"));
- fgGetDouble(nodepath.c_str()));
- nodepath = viewpath;
- nodepath += "/config/target-z-offset-m";
+ n->getDoubleValue("config/target-y-offset-m"));
- fgGetDouble(nodepath.c_str()));
- }
- setView(0);
+ n->getDoubleValue("config/target-z-offset-m"));
+ }
+ setView(0);
typedef double (FGViewMgr::*double_getter)() const;
- fgTie("/sim/current-view/view-number", this,
+ fgTie("/sim/current-view/view-number", this,
&FGViewMgr::getView, &FGViewMgr::setView);
fgSetArchivable("/sim/current-view/view-number", FALSE);
FGViewMgr::update (double dt)
- char stridx [20];
- string viewpath, nodepath;
- double lon_deg, lat_deg, alt_ft, roll_deg, pitch_deg, heading_deg;
FGViewer * view = get_current_view();
if (view == 0)
- //
- int i = current;
- viewpath = "/sim/view";
- sprintf(stridx, "[%d]", i);
- viewpath += stridx;
- FGViewer *loop_view = (FGViewer *)get_view( i );
- // Set up view location and orientation
- nodepath = viewpath;
- nodepath += "/config/from-model";
- if (!fgGetBool(nodepath.c_str())) {
- nodepath = viewpath;
- nodepath += "/config/eye-lon-deg-path";
- lon_deg = fgGetDouble(fgGetString(nodepath.c_str()));
- nodepath = viewpath;
- nodepath += "/config/eye-lat-deg-path";
- lat_deg = fgGetDouble(fgGetString(nodepath.c_str()));
- nodepath = viewpath;
- nodepath += "/config/eye-alt-ft-path";
- alt_ft = fgGetDouble(fgGetString(nodepath.c_str()));
- nodepath = viewpath;
- nodepath += "/config/eye-roll-deg-path";
- roll_deg = fgGetDouble(fgGetString(nodepath.c_str()));
- nodepath = viewpath;
- nodepath += "/config/eye-pitch-deg-path";
- pitch_deg = fgGetDouble(fgGetString(nodepath.c_str()));
- nodepath = viewpath;
- nodepath += "/config/eye-heading-deg-path";
- heading_deg = fgGetDouble(fgGetString(nodepath.c_str()));
+ FGViewer *loop_view = (FGViewer *)get_view(current);
+ SGPropertyNode *n = config_list[current];
+ double lon_deg, lat_deg, alt_ft, roll_deg, pitch_deg, heading_deg;
+ // Set up view location and orientation
+ if (!n->getBoolValue("config/from-model")) {
+ lon_deg = fgGetDouble(n->getStringValue("config/eye-lon-deg-path"));
+ lat_deg = fgGetDouble(n->getStringValue("config/eye-lat-deg-path"));
+ alt_ft = fgGetDouble(n->getStringValue("config/eye-alt-ft-path"));
+ roll_deg = fgGetDouble(n->getStringValue("config/eye-roll-deg-path"));
+ pitch_deg = fgGetDouble(n->getStringValue("config/eye-pitch-deg-path"));
+ heading_deg = fgGetDouble(n->getStringValue("config/eye-heading-deg-path"));
loop_view->setPosition(lon_deg, lat_deg, alt_ft);
loop_view->setOrientation(roll_deg, pitch_deg, heading_deg);
} else {
// if lookat (type 1) then get target data...
if (loop_view->getType() == FG_LOOKAT) {
- nodepath = viewpath;
- nodepath += "/config/from-model";
- if (!fgGetBool(nodepath.c_str())) {
- nodepath = viewpath;
- nodepath += "/config/target-lon-deg-path";
- lon_deg = fgGetDouble(fgGetString(nodepath.c_str()));
- nodepath = viewpath;
- nodepath += "/config/target-lat-deg-path";
- lat_deg = fgGetDouble(fgGetString(nodepath.c_str()));
- nodepath = viewpath;
- nodepath += "/config/target-alt-ft-path";
- alt_ft = fgGetDouble(fgGetString(nodepath.c_str()));
- nodepath = viewpath;
- nodepath += "/config/target-roll-deg-path";
- roll_deg = fgGetDouble(fgGetString(nodepath.c_str()));
- nodepath = viewpath;
- nodepath += "/config/target-pitch-deg-path";
- pitch_deg = fgGetDouble(fgGetString(nodepath.c_str()));
- nodepath = viewpath;
- nodepath += "/config/target-heading-deg-path";
- heading_deg = fgGetDouble(fgGetString(nodepath.c_str()));
+ if (!n->getBoolValue("config/from-model")) {
+ lon_deg = fgGetDouble(n->getStringValue("config/target-lon-deg-path"));
+ lat_deg = fgGetDouble(n->getStringValue("config/target-lat-deg-path"));
+ alt_ft = fgGetDouble(n->getStringValue("config/target-alt-ft-path"));
+ roll_deg = fgGetDouble(n->getStringValue("config/target-roll-deg-path"));
+ pitch_deg = fgGetDouble(n->getStringValue("config/target-pitch-deg-path"));
+ heading_deg = fgGetDouble(n->getStringValue("config/target-heading-deg-path"));
loop_view->setTargetPosition(lon_deg, lat_deg, alt_ft);
loop_view->setTargetOrientation(roll_deg, pitch_deg, heading_deg);
- // Update the current view
+ // Update the current view
- char stridx [20];
- string viewpath, nodepath;
- int i = current;
- viewpath = "/sim/view";
- sprintf(stridx, "[%d]", i);
- viewpath += stridx;
+ SGPropertyNode *n = config_list[current];
// copy certain view config data for default values
- nodepath = viewpath;
- nodepath += "/config/default-heading-offset-deg";
- fgGetDouble(nodepath.c_str()));
- nodepath = viewpath;
- nodepath += "/config/pitch-offset-deg";
+ n->getDoubleValue("config/default-heading-offset-deg"));
- fgGetDouble(nodepath.c_str()));
- nodepath = viewpath;
- nodepath += "/config/roll-offset-deg";
+ n->getDoubleValue("config/pitch-offset-deg"));
- fgGetDouble(nodepath.c_str()));
- nodepath = viewpath;
- nodepath += "/config/default-field-of-view-deg";
+ n->getDoubleValue("config/roll-offset-deg"));
- fgGetDouble(nodepath.c_str()));
- nodepath = viewpath;
- nodepath += "/config/from-model";
+ n->getDoubleValue("config/default-field-of-view-deg"));
- fgGetBool(nodepath.c_str()));
+ n->getBoolValue("config/from-model"));
// copy view data
fgSetDouble("/sim/current-view/x-offset-m", getViewXOffset_m());
fgSetDouble("/sim/current-view/y-offset-m", getViewYOffset_m());
fgSetDouble("/sim/current-view/z-offset-m", getViewZOffset_m());
-FGViewMgr::setView (int newview )
+FGViewMgr::setView (int newview)
+ // negative numbers -> set view with node index -newview
+ if (newview < 0) {
+ for (int i = 0; i < (int)config_list.size(); i++) {
+ int index = -config_list[i]->getIndex();
+ if (index == newview)
+ newview = i;
+ }
+ if (newview < 0)
+ return;
+ }
// if newview number too low wrap to last view...
- if ( newview < 0 ) {
+ if (newview < 0)
newview = (int)views.size() -1;
- }
// if newview number to high wrap to zero...
- if ( newview > ((int)views.size() -1) ) {
+ if (newview > ((int)views.size() -1))
newview = 0;
- }
// set new view
- set_view( newview );
+ set_view(newview);
// copy in view data
- copyToCurrent ();
+ copyToCurrent();
// Copy the fdm's position into the SGLocation which is shared with
// some views ...