from twisted.python import log
from twisted.internet import defer
#from twisted.protocols import htb
-#from twisted.protocols.policies import ThrottlingFactory
-from twisted.web2 import server, http, resource, channel
+from twisted.web2 import server, http, resource, channel, stream
from twisted.web2 import static, http_headers, responsecode
+from policies import ThrottlingFactory
class FileDownloader(static.File):
def __init__(self, path, manager, defaultType="text/plain", ignoredExts=(), processors=None, indexNames=None):
return self.__class__(path, self.manager, self.defaultType, self.ignoredExts,
self.processors, self.indexNames[:])
+class FileUploaderStream(stream.FileStream):
+ CHUNK_SIZE = 16*1024
+ def read(self, sendfile=False):
+ if self.f is None:
+ return None
+ length = self.length
+ if length == 0:
+ self.f = None
+ return None
+ readSize = min(length, self.CHUNK_SIZE)
+ b =
+ bytesRead = len(b)
+ if not bytesRead:
+ raise RuntimeError("Ran out of data reading file %r, expected %d more bytes" % (self.f, length))
+ else:
+ self.length -= bytesRead
+ self.start += bytesRead
+ return b
+class FileUploader(static.File):
+ def render(self, req):
+ if not self.fp.exists():
+ return responsecode.NOT_FOUND
+ if self.fp.isdir():
+ return responsecode.NOT_FOUND
+ try:
+ f =
+ except IOError, e:
+ import errno
+ if e[0] == errno.EACCES:
+ return responsecode.FORBIDDEN
+ elif e[0] == errno.ENOENT:
+ return responsecode.NOT_FOUND
+ else:
+ raise
+ response = http.Response()
+ = FileUploaderStream(f, 0, self.fp.getsize())
+ for (header, value) in (
+ ("content-type", self.contentType()),
+ ("content-encoding", self.contentEncoding()),
+ ):
+ if value is not None:
+ response.headers.setHeader(header, value)
+ return response
class TopLevel(resource.Resource):
addSlash = True
# serverFilter.buckets[None] = serverBucket
# self.factory.protocol = htb.ShapedProtocolFactory(self.factory.protocol, serverFilter)
-# self.factory = ThrottlingFactory(self.factory, writeLimit = 300*1024)
+ self.factory = ThrottlingFactory(self.factory, writeLimit = 3*1024)
return self.factory
def render(self, ctx):
files = self.db.lookupHash(hash)
if files:
log.msg('Sharing %s with %s' % (files[0]['path'].path, request.remoteAddr))
- return static.File(files[0]['path'].path), ()
+ return FileUploader(files[0]['path'].path), ()
log.msg('Hash could not be found in database: %s' % hash)
return None, ()
if __name__ == '__builtin__':
- # Running from twistd -y
- t = TopLevel('/home', None)
- t.setDirectories({'~1': '/tmp', '~2': '/var/log'})
+ # Running from twistd -ny
+ # Then test with:
+ # wget -S 'http://localhost:18080/~/whatever'
+ # wget -S 'http://localhost:18080/.xsession-errors'
+ import os.path
+ from twisted.python.filepath import FilePath
+ class DB:
+ def lookupHash(self, hash):
+ return [{'path': FilePath(os.path.expanduser('~/.xsession-errors'))}]
+ t = TopLevel(FilePath(os.path.expanduser('~')), DB(), None)
factory = t.getHTTPFactory()
# Standard twisted application Boilerplate
--- /dev/null
+# -*- test-case-name: twisted.test.test_policies -*-
+# Copyright (c) 2001-2004 Twisted Matrix Laboratories.
+# See LICENSE for details.
+"""Resource limiting policies.
+@seealso: See also L{twisted.protocols.htb} for rate limiting.
+# system imports
+import sys, operator
+# twisted imports
+from twisted.internet.protocol import ServerFactory, Protocol, ClientFactory
+from twisted.internet.interfaces import ITransport
+from twisted.internet import reactor, error
+from twisted.python import log
+from zope.interface import implements, providedBy, directlyProvides
+class ProtocolWrapper(Protocol):
+ """Wraps protocol instances and acts as their transport as well."""
+ disconnecting = 0
+ def __init__(self, factory, wrappedProtocol):
+ self.wrappedProtocol = wrappedProtocol
+ self.factory = factory
+ def makeConnection(self, transport):
+ directlyProvides(self, *providedBy(self) + providedBy(transport))
+ Protocol.makeConnection(self, transport)
+ # Transport relaying
+ def write(self, data):
+ self.transport.write(data)
+ def writeSequence(self, data):
+ self.transport.writeSequence(data)
+ def loseConnection(self):
+ self.disconnecting = 1
+ self.transport.loseConnection()
+ def getPeer(self):
+ return self.transport.getPeer()
+ def getHost(self):
+ return self.transport.getHost()
+ def registerProducer(self, producer, streaming):
+ self.transport.registerProducer(producer, streaming)
+ def unregisterProducer(self):
+ self.transport.unregisterProducer()
+ def stopConsuming(self):
+ self.transport.stopConsuming()
+ def __getattr__(self, name):
+ return getattr(self.transport, name)
+ # Protocol relaying
+ def connectionMade(self):
+ self.factory.registerProtocol(self)
+ self.wrappedProtocol.makeConnection(self)
+ def dataReceived(self, data):
+ self.wrappedProtocol.dataReceived(data)
+ def connectionLost(self, reason):
+ self.factory.unregisterProtocol(self)
+ self.wrappedProtocol.connectionLost(reason)
+class WrappingFactory(ClientFactory):
+ """Wraps a factory and its protocols, and keeps track of them."""
+ protocol = ProtocolWrapper
+ def __init__(self, wrappedFactory):
+ self.wrappedFactory = wrappedFactory
+ self.protocols = {}
+ def doStart(self):
+ self.wrappedFactory.doStart()
+ ClientFactory.doStart(self)
+ def doStop(self):
+ self.wrappedFactory.doStop()
+ ClientFactory.doStop(self)
+ def startedConnecting(self, connector):
+ self.wrappedFactory.startedConnecting(connector)
+ def clientConnectionFailed(self, connector, reason):
+ self.wrappedFactory.clientConnectionFailed(connector, reason)
+ def clientConnectionLost(self, connector, reason):
+ self.wrappedFactory.clientConnectionLost(connector, reason)
+ def buildProtocol(self, addr):
+ return self.protocol(self, self.wrappedFactory.buildProtocol(addr))
+ def registerProtocol(self, p):
+ """Called by protocol to register itself."""
+ self.protocols[p] = 1
+ def unregisterProtocol(self, p):
+ """Called by protocols when they go away."""
+ del self.protocols[p]
+class ThrottlingProtocol(ProtocolWrapper):
+ """Protocol for ThrottlingFactory."""
+ # wrap API for tracking bandwidth
+ def write(self, data):
+ self.factory.registerWritten(len(data))
+ ProtocolWrapper.write(self, data)
+ def writeSequence(self, seq):
+ self.factory.registerWritten(reduce(operator.add, map(len, seq)))
+ ProtocolWrapper.writeSequence(self, seq)
+ def dataReceived(self, data):
+ self.factory.registerRead(len(data))
+ ProtocolWrapper.dataReceived(self, data)
+ def registerProducer(self, producer, streaming):
+ self.producer = producer
+ ProtocolWrapper.registerProducer(self, producer, streaming)
+ def unregisterProducer(self):
+ del self.producer
+ ProtocolWrapper.unregisterProducer(self)
+ def throttleReads(self):
+ self.transport.pauseProducing()
+ def unthrottleReads(self):
+ self.transport.resumeProducing()
+ def throttleWrites(self):
+ if hasattr(self, "producer"):
+ self.producer.pauseProducing()
+ def unthrottleWrites(self):
+ if hasattr(self, "producer"):
+ self.producer.resumeProducing()
+class ThrottlingFactory(WrappingFactory):
+ """Throttles bandwidth and number of connections.
+ Write bandwidth will only be throttled if there is a producer
+ registered.
+ """
+ protocol = ThrottlingProtocol
+ def __init__(self, wrappedFactory, maxConnectionCount=sys.maxint, readLimit=None, writeLimit=None):
+ WrappingFactory.__init__(self, wrappedFactory)
+ self.connectionCount = 0
+ self.maxConnectionCount = maxConnectionCount
+ self.readLimit = readLimit # max bytes we should read per second
+ self.writeLimit = writeLimit # max bytes we should write per second
+ self.readThisSecond = 0
+ self.writtenThisSecond = 0
+ self.unthrottleReadsID = None
+ self.checkReadBandwidthID = None
+ self.unthrottleWritesID = None
+ self.checkWriteBandwidthID = None
+ def registerWritten(self, length):
+ """Called by protocol to tell us more bytes were written."""
+ self.writtenThisSecond += length
+ def registerRead(self, length):
+ """Called by protocol to tell us more bytes were read."""
+ self.readThisSecond += length
+ def checkReadBandwidth(self):
+ """Checks if we've passed bandwidth limits."""
+ if self.readThisSecond > self.readLimit:
+ self.throttleReads()
+ throttleTime = (float(self.readThisSecond) / self.readLimit) - 1.0
+ self.unthrottleReadsID = reactor.callLater(throttleTime,
+ self.unthrottleReads)
+ self.readThisSecond = 0
+ self.checkReadBandwidthID = reactor.callLater(1, self.checkReadBandwidth)
+ def checkWriteBandwidth(self):
+ if self.writtenThisSecond > self.writeLimit:
+ self.throttleWrites()
+ throttleTime = (float(self.writtenThisSecond) / self.writeLimit) - 1.0
+ self.unthrottleWritesID = reactor.callLater(throttleTime,
+ self.unthrottleWrites)
+ # reset for next round
+ self.writtenThisSecond = 0
+ self.checkWriteBandwidthID = reactor.callLater(1, self.checkWriteBandwidth)
+ def throttleReads(self):
+ """Throttle reads on all protocols."""
+ log.msg("Throttling reads on %s" % self)
+ for p in self.protocols.keys():
+ p.throttleReads()
+ def unthrottleReads(self):
+ """Stop throttling reads on all protocols."""
+ self.unthrottleReadsID = None
+ log.msg("Stopped throttling reads on %s" % self)
+ for p in self.protocols.keys():
+ p.unthrottleReads()
+ def throttleWrites(self):
+ """Throttle writes on all protocols."""
+ log.msg("Throttling writes on %s" % self)
+ for p in self.protocols.keys():
+ p.throttleWrites()
+ def unthrottleWrites(self):
+ """Stop throttling writes on all protocols."""
+ self.unthrottleWritesID = None
+ log.msg("Stopped throttling writes on %s" % self)
+ for p in self.protocols.keys():
+ p.unthrottleWrites()
+ def buildProtocol(self, addr):
+ if self.connectionCount == 0:
+ if self.readLimit is not None:
+ self.checkReadBandwidth()
+ if self.writeLimit is not None:
+ self.checkWriteBandwidth()
+ if self.connectionCount < self.maxConnectionCount:
+ self.connectionCount += 1
+ return WrappingFactory.buildProtocol(self, addr)
+ else:
+ log.msg("Max connection count reached!")
+ return None
+ def unregisterProtocol(self, p):
+ WrappingFactory.unregisterProtocol(self, p)
+ self.connectionCount -= 1
+ if self.connectionCount == 0:
+ if self.unthrottleReadsID is not None:
+ self.unthrottleReadsID.cancel()
+ if self.checkReadBandwidthID is not None:
+ self.checkReadBandwidthID.cancel()
+ if self.unthrottleWritesID is not None:
+ self.unthrottleWritesID.cancel()
+ if self.checkWriteBandwidthID is not None:
+ self.checkWriteBandwidthID.cancel()