// @TODO Move this code into rallye_functions.php
if (getOutputMode() != 1) {
// Get total member count
- $total = countSumTotalData('CONFIRMED', 'user_data', 'userid', 'status', true);
+ $total = getTotalConfirmedUser();
// Add more data on higher versions
$ADD1 = ''; $ADD2 = ''; $OR = '';
'REF_VIEWS' => "Views",
'DAYS' => "Tage",
- 'GUESTS_ONLINE' => "Gäste",
- 'MEMBERS_ONLINE' => "Mitglieder",
- 'ADMINS_ONLINE' => "Administratoren",
'USER_NOW_ONLINE' => "User Online",
'ADMIN_ONLINE_DETAILS' => "Detailierte Statistik für alle Besucher",
'_REFID' => "Ref-Id",
// Language definitions
'ONLINE_STATISTICS_DEACTIVATED' => "Online-Statistik deaktivert.",
+ 'GUESTS_ONLINE' => "Gäste",
+ 'MEMBERS_ONLINE' => "Mitglieder",
+ 'ADMINS_ONLINE' => "Administratoren",
+ 'TOTAL_ONLINE' => "Gesamt",
// [EOF]
$OUT = ''; $SW = 2;
while ($content = SQL_FETCHARRAY($result)) {
// Rewrite userid/refid only if admin is in
+ // @TODO Can't this be moved into EL?
if (isAdmin()) {
// Set links to admin area
if ($content['userid'] > 0) { $content['userid'] = generateUserProfileLink($content['userid']); } else { $content['userid'] = '---'; }
$content = array(
'userid' => $content['userid'],
'rid' => $content['refid'],
- 'points' => translateComma($content['points']),
+ 'points' => $content['points'],
'timemark' => generateDateTime($content['timemark'], $DT_MODE),
'sw' => $SW,
// Load template and switch color
$OUT .= loadTemplate($mode . '_doubler_list_rows', true, $content);
$SW = 3 - $SW;
- }
+ } // END - while
// Free memory
} else {
// List no entries
- $OUT = "<tr>
- <td colspan=\"".$COLS."\" align=\"center\" class=\"doubler_big_row bottom\">
- ".loadTemplate('admin_settings_saved', true, $message)."
+ $OUT = '<tr>
+ <td colspan="' . $COLS . '" align="center" class="doubler_big_row bottom">
+ ' . loadTemplate('admin_settings_saved', true, $message) . '
// Return template
} // END - if
// Prepare email content
- $content = array(
- 'percents' => translateComma($percents),
- 'refid' => $dummy['refid'],
- 'level' => $dummy['level'],
- 'points' => translateComma($dummy['points']),
- );
+ $dummy['percents'] = $percents;
// Load member email template
- $mail = loadEmailTemplate('member_refback', $content, $dummy['refid']);
+ $mail = loadEmailTemplate('member_refback', $dummy, $dummy['refid']);
// Send email to user
sendEmail($dummy['refid'], getMessage('MEMBER_REFBACK_SUBJECT'), $mail);
// Send admin notification
- sendAdminNotification(getMessage('ADMIN_REFBACK_SUBJECT'), 'admin_refback', $content, getMemberId());
+ sendAdminNotification(getMessage('ADMIN_REFBACK_SUBJECT'), 'admin_refback', $dummy, getMemberId());
// All fine!
$status['ok'] = true;
//* DEBUG: */ print("</li></ul>----------------------- <font color=\"#aa0000\">".__FUNCTION__." - EXIT</font> ------------------------<br />");
return $status;
+// [EOF]
// Prepare content
$content = array(
'userid' => $userid,
- 'low' => translateComma(getConfig('surfbar_warn_low_points')),
- 'points' => translateComma($userids['points'][$userid]),
- 'notified' => generateDateTime($userids['notified'][$userid]),
- 'interval' => createFancyTime(getConfig('surfbar_low_interval'))
+ 'points' => $userids['points'][$userid],
+ 'notified' => $userids['notified'][$userid]
// Notify this user
$percent = abs(log(getConfig('surfbar_dynamic_percent') / 100 + 1));
// Get total users
- $totalUsers = countSumTotalData('CONFIRMED', 'user_data', 'userid', 'status', true);
+ $totalUsers = getTotalConfirmedUser();
// Get online users
$percent = abs(log(getConfig('surfbar_dynamic_percent') / 100 + 1));
// Get total users
- $totalUsers = countSumTotalData('CONFIRMED', 'user_data', 'userid', 'status', true);
+ $totalUsers = getTotalConfirmedUser();
// Calculate addon
$addon += abs($max * $percent * $totalUsers);
// First check for all account status seperately
// Confirmed accounts
- $value = countSumTotalData('CONFIRMED', 'user_data', 'userid', 'status', true);
+ $value = getTotalConfirmedUser();
if ($value > 0) {
$content['confirmed_members'] = '<a href="{%url=modules.php?module=admin&what=list_user&status=confirmed%}">' . $value . '</a>';
// Prepare array
$content = array(
// Doubler transmission id
- 'id' => $content['id'],
+ 'id' => $content['id'],
// Doubled points
- 'points' => translateComma($content['points']),
+ 'points' => $content['points'],
// Timemark
- 'when' => generateDateTime($content['timemark'], 2),
+ 'timemark' => generateDateTime($content['timemark'], 2),
// IP number when the member submitted the doubling form
- 'ip' => $content['remote_ip'],
+ 'remote_ip' => $content['remote_ip'],
// Load mail template and send mail away...
// Convert some data
setPostRequestParameter('mt_stage', bigintval(postRequestParameter('mt_stage')));
- if (postRequestParameter('mt_stage') <= countSumTotalData('CONFIRMED', 'user_data', 'userid', 'status', true)) {
+ if (postRequestParameter('mt_stage') <= getTotalConfirmedUser()) {
// Not enougth!
// Payment type added!
$message = getMaskedMessage('ADMIN_SPONSOR_PAYTYPE_ADDED', postRequestParameter('pay_name'));
} else {
- // Free memory
- SQL_FREERESULT($result);
// Entry does already exists
$message = getMaskedMessage('ADMIN_SPONSOR_PAYTYPE_ALREADY', postRequestParameter('pay_name'));
+ // Free memory
+ SQL_FREERESULT($result);
// Output message
loadTemplate('admin_settings_saved', false, $message);
} elseif ((isFormSent('edit')) || (isFormSent('del'))) {
} else {
// Load all payment types
- $result = SQL_QUERY("SELECT `id`, `pay_name`, `pay_rate`, `pay_min_count`, `pay_currency` FROM `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_sponsor_paytypes` ORDER BY `pay_name` ASC",
- __FILE__, __LINE__);
+ $result = SQL_QUERY("SELECT
+ `id`, `pay_name`, `pay_rate`, `pay_min_count`, `pay_currency`
+ `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_sponsor_paytypes`
+ `pay_name` ASC",
+ __FILE__, __LINE__);
// Do we have some paytypes setup?
if (SQL_NUMROWS($result) > 0) {
$SW = 3 - $SW;
} // END - while
- // Free memory
- SQL_FREERESULT($result);
// Load list template
$content['list_out'] = loadTemplate('admin_list_sponsor_pay', true, $OUT);
} else {
$content['list_out'] = loadTemplate('admin_settings_saved', true, getMessage('ADMIN_SPONSOR_NO_PAYTYPES'));
+ // Free memory
+ SQL_FREERESULT($result);
// Add new payment types here
$content['add_out'] = loadTemplate('admin_add_sponsor_paytype', true);
// Prepare content
$content = array(
- 'guests' => translateComma(countSumTotalData('N', 'online', 'id', 'is_admin', true, " AND `is_member`='N'")),
- 'members' => translateComma(countSumTotalData('N', 'online', 'id', 'is_admin', true, " AND `is_member`='Y'")),
- 'admins' => translateComma(countSumTotalData('Y', 'online', 'id', 'is_admin', true)),
- 'total' => translateComma($total)
+ 'guests' => countSumTotalData('N', 'online', 'id', 'is_admin', true, " AND `is_member`='N'"),
+ 'members' => countSumTotalData('N', 'online', 'id', 'is_admin', true, " AND `is_member`='Y'"),
+ 'admins' => countSumTotalData('Y', 'online', 'id', 'is_admin', true),
+ 'total' => $total
// Output table
'sw' => $SW,
'userid' => $userid,
'nickname' => $nick2,
- 'points' => translateComma(countSumTotalData($userid, 'user_points', 'points') - countSumTotalData($userid, 'user_data', 'used_points')),
+ 'points' => (countSumTotalData($userid, 'user_points', 'points') - countSumTotalData($userid, 'user_data', 'used_points')),
'last_online' => generateDateTime($last, 2),
} // END - while
// Check for pay types
- $result_pay = SQL_QUERY('SELECT pay_name, pay_rate, pay_min_count, pay_currency FROM `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_sponsor_paytypes` ORDER BY pay_name', __FILE__, __LINE__);
+ $result_pay = SQL_QUERY('SELECT `pay_name`, `pay_rate`, `pay_min_count`, `pay_currency` FROM `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_sponsor_paytypes` ORDER BY `pay_name` ASC', __FILE__, __LINE__);
if (SQL_NUMROWS($result_pay) > 0) {
// Load all pay types
$OUT_PAY = ''; $SW = 2;
while ($content = SQL_FETCHARRAY($result_pay)) {
// Prepare data for the row template
- // @TODO Rewritings: name->pay_name,min->pay_min_count,min->pay_min_count,curr->pay_currency
- $content = array(
- 'sw' => $SW,
- 'name' => $content['pay_name'],
- 'rate' => translateComma($content['pay_rate']),
- 'min' => $content['pay_min_count'],
- 'curr' => $content['pay_currency'],
- 'price' => translateComma($content['pay_min_count']),
- );
+ $content['sw'] => $SW;
// Load row template and switch color
$OUT_PAY .= loadTemplate('guest_sponsor_pay_row', true, $content);
'userid' => $content['userid'],
'nickname' => $content['nickname'],
'total_logins' => $content['total_logins'],
- 'points' => translateComma(countSumTotalData($content['userid'], 'user_points', 'points')),
+ 'points' => (countSumTotalData($content['userid'], 'user_points', 'points')),
'last_online' => generateDateTime($content['last_online'], 3),
'cnt' => $cnt,
'userid' => $content['userid'],
'nickname' => $content['nickname'],
- 'points' => translateComma($content['points']),
+ 'points' => $content['points'],
'last_online' => generateDateTime($content['last_online'], 3)
'userid' => $content['userid'],
'refs' => $content['refs'],
'nickname' => $content['nickname'],
- 'points' => translateComma(countSumTotalData($content['userid'], 'user_points', 'points')),
+ 'points' => (countSumTotalData($content['userid'], 'user_points', 'points')),
'last_online' => generateDateTime($content['last_online'], 3)
// Some security stuff...
if (!defined('__SECURITY')) {
+} // END - if
// Add description as navigation point
addMenuDescription('guest', __FILE__);
-// Count referal levels
-$result = SQL_QUERY("SELECT COUNT(`id`) FROM `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_refdepths` WHERE `level` > 0", __FILE__, __LINE__);
-// Fetch rows
-list($cnt) = SQL_FETCHROW($result);
-// Free result
// Prepare content
-$content = array(
- 'register' => translateComma(getConfig('points_register')),
- 'ref_levels' => $cnt,
- 'ref_points' => translateComma(getConfig('points_ref'))
+$content['ref_levels'] = countSumTotalData('', 'refdepths', 'id', '', true, ' WHERE `level` > 0');
// Load default template
-loadTemplate(substr(basename(__FILE__), 5, -4), false, $content);
+loadTemplate('welcome', false, $content);
// [EOF]
} // END - if
// Prepare constants
+// @TODO Can't this be moved into EL?
if ((isExtensionActive('nickname')) && (getUserData('nickname') != '')) {
// Get nickname
$content['userid'] = getUserData('nickname');
if (isExtensionActive('autopurge')) {
// Use last online timestamp to keep inactive members away from here
$lastOnline = " AND `last_online` >= (UNIX_TIMESTAMP() - %s)";
- $ONLINE = getConfig('ap_inactive_since');
+ $ONLINE = '{?ap_inactive_since?}';
} // END - if
// Let's check if there are some points left we can 'pay'...
- `userid`, `beg_points` AS beg, `last_online`
+ `userid`, `beg_points` AS points, `last_online`
- `beg_points` > 0 AND `status`='CONFIRMED'" . $lastOnline . "
+ `beg_points` > 0 AND
+ `status`='CONFIRMED'
+ " . $lastOnline . "
- `beg_points` DESC, `last_online` DESC, `userid` ASC LIMIT %s",
+ `beg_points` DESC,
+ `last_online` DESC,
+ `userid` ASC
+LIMIT {?beg_ranks?}",
- getConfig('beg_ranks')
), __FILE__, __LINE__);
// Reset temporary variable and check for users
while ($content = SQL_FETCHARRAY($result)) {
// Prepare data for the template
$content = array(
- 'sw' => $SW,
- 'cnt' => $cnt,
- 'userid' => bigintval($content['userid']),
- 'points' => translateComma($content['beg']),
- 'last_online' => generateDateTime($content['last_online'], 2),
+ 'sw' => $SW,
+ 'cnt' => $cnt,
+ 'userid' => $content['userid'],
+ 'points' => $content['points'],
+ 'last_online' => generateDateTime($content['last_online'], 2),
// Load row template
// Count one up and switch colors
$cnt++; $SW = 3 - $SW;
- }
+ } // END - while
} else {
// No one is interested in our "active rallye" ! :-(
$OUT = loadTemplate('member_beg_404', true);
// Load final template
loadTemplate('member_list_beg', false, $content);
+// [EOF]
// Autopurge installed?
-$lastOnline = "%s"; $ONLINE = '';
+$lastOnline = '%s'; $ONLINE = '';
if (isExtensionActive('autopurge')) {
// Use last online timestamp to keep inactive members away from here
$lastOnline = " AND `last_online` >= (UNIX_TIMESTAMP() - %s)";
$ONLINE = getConfig('ap_inactive_since');
+} // END - if
// Let's check if there are some points left we can 'pay'...
- " . $USE . " > 0 AND `status`='CONFIRMED'" . $lastOnline . "
+ " . $USE . " > 0 AND
+ `status`='CONFIRMED'
+ " . $lastOnline . "
`points` DESC,
last_online DESC,
userid ASC
-LIMIT %s",
+LIMIT {?bonus_ranks?}",
- getConfig('bonus_ranks')
), __FILE__, __LINE__);
// Reset temporary variable and check for users
while ($content = SQL_FETCHARRAY($result)) {
// Prepare data for the template
$content = array(
- 'sw' => $SW,
- 'cnt' => $cnt,
- 'userid' => bigintval($content['userid']),
- 'points' => translateComma($content['points']),
- 'last_online' => generateDateTime($content['last_online'], 2)
+ 'sw' => $SW,
+ 'cnt' => $cnt,
+ 'userid' => $content['userid'],
+ 'points' => $content['points'],
+ 'last_online' => generateDateTime($content['last_online'], 2)
// Load row template
// Count one up and switch colors
$cnt++; $SW = 3 - $SW;
- }
+ } // END - while
} else {
// No one is interested in our "active rallye" ! :-(
$OUT = loadTemplate('member_bonus_404', true);
$content = array(
'sw' => $SW,
'target_account' => $content['target_account'],
- 'points' => translateComma($content['payout_total']) . ' ' . $content['type'],
+ 'payout_total' => $content['payout_total'],
'target_bank' => $content['target_bank'],
'payout_timestamp' => generateDateTime($content['payout_timestamp'], 2),
- 'status' => $content['status']
+ 'status' => $content['status'],
+ 'type' => $content['type'],
// Load row template and switch colors
$content['rows'] = ''; $SW = 2;
while ($data = SQL_FETCHARRAY($result)) {
// Prepare data for output
- $rowContent = array(
- 'primera_timestamp' => generateDateTime($data['primera_timestamp'], 2),
- 'points' => translateComma($data['primera_amount']),
- 'primera_account' => SQL_ESCAPE($data['primera_account']),
- 'status' => PRIMERA_TRANSFER_STATUS($data['primera_type']),
- 'raw_type' => strtolower($data['primera_type']),
- 'sw' => $SW,
- );
+ $rowContent['primera_timestamp'] = generateDateTime($data['primera_timestamp'], 2);
// Load row template
$content['rows'] .= loadTemplate('member_primera_mode_list_row', true, $rowContent);
- `sender`=%s AND `data_type` != 'SEND'
+ `sender`=%s AND
+ `data_type` != 'SEND'
`timestamp` DESC",
array(getMemberId()), __FILE__, __LINE__);
if (SQL_NUMROWS($result) > 0) {
// Load all orders
$OUT = ''; $SW = 2;
- while ($data = SQL_FETCHARRAY($result)) {
+ while ($content = SQL_FETCHARRAY($result)) {
// Is the ZIP code set? If not, set dashes
- if (empty($data['zip'])) $data['zip'] = '---';
+ if (empty($content['zip'])) $content['zip'] = '---';
// Prepare content for output
$content = array(
'sw' => $SW,
- 'id' => $data['id'],
- 'cat' => getCategory($data['cat_id']),
- 'pay' => getPaymentTitlePrice($data['payment_id']),
- 'subject' => $data['subject'],
- 'url' => generateDerefererUrl($data['url']),
- 'timestamp' => generateDateTime($data['timestamp'], 2),
- 'target_send' => $data['target_send'],
- 'type' => translatePoolType($data['data_type']),
- 'zip' => $data['zip']
+ 'id' => $content['id'],
+ 'cat' => getCategory($content['cat_id']),
+ 'pay' => getPaymentTitlePrice($content['payment_id']),
+ 'subject' => $content['subject'],
+ 'url' => generateDerefererUrl($content['url']),
+ 'timestamp' => generateDateTime($content['timestamp'], 2),
+ 'target_send' => $content['target_send'],
+ 'type' => translatePoolType($content['data_type']),
+ 'zip' => $content['zip']
// Load template
$OUT = ''; $SW = 2;
while ($content = SQL_FETCHARRAY($result)) {
// Prepare data for the template
- // @TODO Rewrite in template: clix->clicks
$content = array(
'sw' => $SW,
- 'cat' => getCategory($content['cat_id']),
- 'pay' => getPaymentTitlePrice($content['payment_id']),
- 'url' => generateDerefererUrl($content['url']),
+ 'cat_id' => $content['cat_id'],
+ 'payment_id' => $content['payment_id'],
+ 'url' => $content['url'],
'timestamp_ordered' => generateDateTime($content['timestamp_ordered'], 2),
- 'target_send' => $content['max_rec'],
- 'sent' => generateDateTime($content['timestamp_send'], 2),
- 'clix' => $content['clicks'],
+ 'max_rec' => $content['max_rec'],
+ 'timestamp_sent' => generateDateTime($content['timestamp_send'], 2),
+ 'clicks' => $content['clicks'],
'subject' => $content['subject'],
- 'percents' => translateComma($content['clicks'] / $content['max_rec'] * 100)."%",
+ 'percents' => ($content['clicks'] / $content['max_rec'] * 100),
// Load row template and switch colors
$OUT .= loadTemplate('member_stats_row', true, $content);
$SW = 3 - $SW;
- }
+ } // END - if
// Load main template
$main_content['stats'] = loadTemplate('member_stats_table', true, $OUT);
setPostRequestParameter('limit', 0);
} // END - if
- // Register the new URL
- $insertId = SURFBAR_MEMBER_ADD_URL(postRequestParameter('url'), postRequestParameter('limit'));
// By default something went wrong
$message = getMessage('MEMBER_SURFBAR_URL_NOT_ADDED');
+ // Register the new URL
+ $insertId = SURFBAR_MEMBER_ADD_URL(postRequestParameter('url'), postRequestParameter('limit'));
// Was this fine?
if ($insertId > 0) {
// URL added and waiting for unlock
} else {
// Prepare some content
$content = array(
- 'reward' => translateComma(SURFBAR_DETERMINE_REWARD(true)),
- 'costs' => translateComma(SURFBAR_DETERMINE_COSTS(true)),
- 'max_order' => getConfig('surfbar_max_order'),
- 'curr_order' => SURFBAR_GET_TOTAL_USER_URLS()
+ 'reward' => SURFBAR_DETERMINE_REWARD(true),
+ 'costs' => SURFBAR_DETERMINE_COSTS(true),
// Load surfbar order form
loadTemplate(sprintf("member_surfbar_book_%s", strtolower(getConfig('surfbar_pay_model'))), false, $content);
+// [EOF]
// Prepare content for output
$content = array(
- 'surfbar_static_reward' => translateComma(getConfig('surfbar_static_reward')),
- 'surfbar_static_time' => createFancyTime(getConfig('surfbar_static_time')),
- 'surfbar_static_lock' => createFancyTime(getConfig('surfbar_static_lock')),
'surfbar_total_urls' => SURFBAR_GET_TOTAL_URLS('ACTIVE', 0)
// In dynamic mode we need some more data
if (getConfig('surfbar_pay_model') == 'DYNAMIC') {
- // Total URLs
+ // Prepare content for dynamic surfbar
$content = array(
- 'surfbar_dynamic_percent' => translateComma(getConfig('surfbar_dynamic_percent')),
- 'surfbar_total_urls' => SURFBAR_GET_TOTAL_URLS('ACTIVE', 0),
- 'surfbar_user_urls' => SURFBAR_GET_TOTAL_USER_URLS(),
- 'surfbar_total_online' => SURFBAR_DETERMINE_TOTAL_ONLINE(),
- 'surfbar_total_users' => translateComma(countSumTotalData('CONFIRMED', 'user_data', 'userid', 'status', true)),
- 'surfbar_min_reward' => translateComma(SURFBAR_CALCULATE_DYNAMIC_MIN_VALUE()),
- 'surfbar_max_reward' => translateComma(SURFBAR_CALCULATE_DYNAMIC_MAX_VALUE()),
- 'surfbar_min_time' => createFancyTime(SURFBAR_CALCULATE_DYNAMIC_MIN_VALUE()),
- 'surfbar_max_time' => createFancyTime(SURFBAR_CALCULATE_DYNAMIC_MAX_VALUE()),
- 'surfbar_dynamic_lock' => createFancyTime(SURFBAR_CALCULATE_DYNAMIC_LOCK()),
- 'surfbar_static_reward' => translateComma(getConfig('surfbar_static_reward')),
- 'surfbar_static_time' => createFancyTime(getConfig('surfbar_static_time'))
+ 'surfbar_total_urls' => SURFBAR_GET_TOTAL_URLS('ACTIVE', 0),
} // END - if
// Load surfbar link template
+// [EOF]
// Prepare content
$content = array(
'text' => getMessage('REASON_DIRECT_PAYMENT'),
- 'points' => translateComma($ref_points)
+ 'points' => $ref_points
// Load message
if (isset($DATA[$key])) $DATA['text'] = str_replace($value, $DATA[$key], $DATA['text']);
} // END - foreach
- // Prepare content
- $content = array(
- 'id' => $DATA['id'],
- 'url' => $DATA['url'],
- 'time' => createFancyTime($DATA['time']),
- 'points' => translateComma($DATA['points']),
- 'category' => getCategory($DATA['cat_id']),
- 'text' => $DATA['text']
- );
// Prepare the mail
- $mailText = loadEmailTemplate('bonus-mail', $content, $userid);
+ $mailText = loadEmailTemplate('bonus-mail', $DATA, $userid);
// Send mail away
if (isset($DATA['html_msg'])) {
//* DEBUG: */ print("-L:".__LINE__.'/'.countSelection($dummy)."-<br />");
if (countSelection($dummy) == 0) {
// Queue reached!
- SQL_QUERY_ESC("UPDATE `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_bonus` SET `data_type`='SEND', `target_send`=0, `receivers`='' WHERE `id`=%s LIMIT 1",
- array(bigintval($DATA['id'])), __FILE__, __LINE__);
+ `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_bonus`
+ `data_type`='SEND',
+ `target_send`=0,
+ `receivers`=''
+ `id`=%s
+LIMIT 1",
+ array(bigintval($DATA['id'])), __FILE__, __LINE__);
//* DEBUG: */ print("*L:".__LINE__."*<br />");
// Update mediadata if version is 0.0.4 or higher
} // END - if
} elseif ($GLOBALS['pool_cnt'] >= getConfig('max_send')) {
// Update bonus pool
- SQL_QUERY_ESC("UPDATE `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_bonus` SET `data_type`='NEW', `target_send`=%s, `receivers`='%s' WHERE `id`=%s LIMIT 1",
- array(countSelection($dummy), implode(';', $dummy), bigintval($DATA['id'])), __FILE__, __LINE__);
+ `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_bonus`
+ `data_type`='NEW',
+ `target_send`=%s,
+ `receivers`='%s'
+ `id`=%s
+LIMIT 1",
+ array(
+ countSelection($dummy),
+ implode(';', $dummy),
+ bigintval($DATA['id'])
+ ), __FILE__, __LINE__);
//* DEBUG: */ print("*L:".__LINE__."<pre>");
//* DEBUG: */ print(print_r($dummy, true));
//* DEBUG: */ print("</pre>\n!!!<br />");
- }
- }
+ } // END - while
+ } // END - if
// Free memory
// Remove variable
+} // END - if
+// [EOF]
case 'done':
// Prepare the mail
$DATA['stats_id'] = bigintval($stats_id);
- $DATA['surname'] = getUserData('surname');
- $DATA['family'] = getUserData('family');
- $DATA['gender'] = translateGender(getUserData('gender'));
// Replace text variables
foreach ($GLOBALS['replacer'] as $key => $value) {
} // END - if
// Prepare content
- $content = array(
- 'id' => $DATA['stats_id'],
- 'url' => $DATA['url'],
- 'sender_userid' => $DATA['sender'],
- 'category' => getCategory($DATA['cat_id']),
- 'time' => createFancyTime(getPaymentPoints($DATA['payment_id'], 'time')),
- 'points' => translateComma(getPaymentPoints($DATA['payment_id'], 'payment')),
- 'text' => $DATA['text']
- );
+ $DATA['time'] = getPaymentPoints($DATA['payment_id'], 'time');
+ $DATA['points'] = getPaymentPoints($DATA['payment_id'], 'payment');
// Load message template
- $mailText = loadEmailTemplate('normal-mail', $content, bigintval($userid));
+ $mailText = loadEmailTemplate('normal-mail', $DATA, bigintval($userid));
// Send mail away
sendEmail(getUserData('email'), $DATA['subject'], $mailText, $HTML);
SQL_QUERY_ESC("UPDATE `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_pool` SET `receivers`='%s' WHERE `id`=%s LIMIT 1",
array(implode(';', $dummy), bigintval($DATA['id'])), __FILE__, __LINE__);
- }
- }
- }
+ } // END - foreach
+ } // END - if
+ } // END - while
// Do we have points to "pay back"?
if ((count($pointsBack) > 0) && (!empty($pointsBack[0]))) {
if (($PB > 0) && ($userid > 0)) {
// Prepare content
$content = array(
- 'points' => translateComma($PB)
+ 'points' => $PB
// We have to pay back some points to the sender (we add them directly :-P)
} // END - if
} // END - foreach
} // END - if
+} // END - if
// Free memory
// Remove variable
+// [EOF]
return $country;
+// "Getter" for total confirmed user accounts
+function getTotalConfirmedUser () {
+ // Is it cached?
+ if (!isset($GLOBALS['total_confirmed_users'])) {
+ // Then do it
+ $GLOBALS['total_confirmed_users'] = countSumTotalData('CONFIRMED', 'user_data', 'userid', 'status', true);
+ } // END - if
+ // Return cached value
+ return $GLOBALS['total_confirmed_users'];
// [EOF]
Hallo {%user,gender,translateGender=$userid%} {%user,surname=$userid%} {%user,family=$userid%},
-Einer unserer Administratoren hat Ihnen soeben $content[points] {?POINTS?} gutgeschrieben!
+Einer unserer Administratoren hat Ihnen soeben {%pipe,translateComma=$content[points]%} {?POINTS?} gutgeschrieben!
Grund dazu war folgender:
Das Mitglied $userid hat soeben Ref-Back für ein anderes Mitglied eingestellt.
Mitglied-Id: {%user,refid,bigintval=$userid%} (der den Ref-Back bekommt)
Vorname: {%user,surname=$userid%}
Familienname: {%user,family=$userid%}
Email-Adresse: {%user,email=$userid%}
-Ref-Back: $content[percents]%
+Ref-Back: {%pipe,translateComma=$content[percents]%}%
+Bereits erhalten: {%pipe,translateComma=$content[points]%} {?POINTS?}
Mit freundlichen Grüßen,
Ihr {?MAIN_TITLE?} Team
Hallo {%user,gender,translateGender=$userid%} {%user,surname=$userid%} {%user,family=$userid%},
-Eine Buchung von Ihnen konnte nich vollständig ausgesendet werden. Wir haben Ihnen $content[points] {?POINTS?} wieder gutgeschrieben!
+Eine Buchung von Ihnen konnte nich vollständig ausgesendet werden. Wir haben Ihnen {%pipe,translateComma=$content[points]%} {?POINTS?} wieder gutgeschrieben!
Mit freundlichen Grüßen,
Ihr {?MAIN_TITLE?} Team
Verfallszeit: $content[expiration]
-Verguetung: $content[points] {?POINTS?}
+Vergütung: {%pipe,translateComma=$content[points]%} {?POINTS?}
-Bestaetigungszeit: $content[time]
+Bestätigungszeit: {%pipe,createFancyTime=$content[time]%}
-Beworbene Kategorie: $content[category]
+Beworbene Kategorie: {%pipe,getCategory=$content[cat_id]%}
Beworbene URL: $content[url]
Hinweis: Angesammelte {?POINTS?} können versteigert oder verkauft werden, jedoch muß der Käufer bei {?MAIN_TITLE?} Mitglied sein oder werden.
-Um Ihre $content[points] {?POINTS?} gutgeschrieben zu bekommen, klicken Sie bitte auf folgenden Link:
+Um Ihre {%pipe,translateComma=$content[points]%} {?POINTS?} gutgeschrieben zu bekommen, klicken Sie bitte auf folgenden Link:
Wichtig! Achten Sie darauf das Ihr Mailserver immer empfangbereit ist. Sollte Ihr Mailserver nicht empfangbereit sein (z.B. voll usw.), werden wir Ihren Account sperren! Sie haben nun innerhalb von 10 Tagen die möglichkeit sich bei uns zu melden zwecks Freischaltung, erfolgt dieses nicht, wird Ihr Account gelöscht! Bei dieser Sperrung erhalten Sie von uns keine Mitteilung, sollten Sie keine Mails von uns bekommen, prüfen Sie Ihren Account!
Hallo {%user,gender,translateGender=$userid%} {%user,surname=$userid%} {%user,family=$userid%},
-Wir haben Ihnen soeben $content[points] {?POINTS?} durch eine Verdoppelung vom $content[when] Ihrem Account gutgeschrieben!
+Wir haben Ihnen soeben {%pipe,translateComma=$content[points]%} {?POINTS?} durch eine Verdoppelung vom $content[timemark] Ihrem Account gutgeschrieben!
Ihre Mitglied-Id lautet: $userid
Doppler-Transaktionsnummer: $content[id]
-Ihre IP-Nummer lautete: $content[ip]
+Ihre IP-Nummer lautete: $content[remote_ip]
Mit freundlichen Grüßen,
Hallo {%user,gender,translateGender=$userid%} {%user,surname=$userid%} {%user,family=$userid%},
-Das Mitglied $content[refid] hat Ihnen soeben $content[percents]% Ref-Back eingestellt. Sie erhalten also anteilig {?POINTS?} von seinen Referal-Gutschriften die Sie ihm/ihr bringen ebenfalls gutgeschrieben.
+Das Mitglied $content[refid] hat Ihnen soeben {%pipe,translateComma=$content[percents]%}% Ref-Back eingestellt. Sie erhalten also anteilig {?POINTS?} von seinen Referal-Gutschriften die Sie ihm/ihr bringen ebenfalls gutgeschrieben.
Ihr Mitglieder-Id ist: $userid
-Ref-Back: $content[percents]%
+Ref-Back: {%pipe,translateComma=$content[percents]%}%
-Sie haben bereits $content[points] {?POINTS?} Ref-Back-Vergütung an das Mitglied abgegeben.
+Sie haben bereits {%pipe,translateComma=$content[points]%} {?POINTS?} Ref-Back-Vergütung an das Mitglied abgegeben.
Mit freundlichen Grüßen,
Ihr {?MAIN_TITLE?} Team
Ihre Mitglieder-Id: $content[userid]
-Ihr aktuelles Guthaben: $content[points] {?POINTS?}
+Ihr aktuelles Guthaben: {%pipe,translateComma=$content[points]%} {?POINTS?}
-Warnung wird versendet ab: $content[low] {?POINTS?} und niedriger
+Warnung wird versendet ab: {%config,translateComma=surfbar_warn_low_points%} {?POINTS?} und niedriger
-Zuletzt wegen niedrigem Kontostand gewarnt: $content[notified]
+Zuletzt wegen niedrigem Kontostand gewarnt: {%pipe,generateDateTime=$content[notified]%}
-Mindestversendeinterval dieser Mail: $content[interval]
+Mindestversendeinterval dieser Mail: {%config,createFancyTime=surfbar_low_interval%}
Mit freundlichen Grüßen,
Werber: $content[sender_userid]
+Vergütung: {%pipe,translateComma=$content[points]%} {?POINTS?}
Verfallszeit: $content[expiration]
-Beworbene Kategorie: $content[category]
+Beworbene Kategorie: {%pipe,getCategory=$content[cat_id]%}
-Wartezeit: $content[time]
+Wartezeit: {%pipe,createFancyTime=$content[time]%}
Beworbene URL: $content[url]
Hinweis: Angesammelte {?POINTS?} können versteigert oder verkauft werden, jedoch muß der Käufer bei {?MAIN_TITLE?} Mitglied sein oder werden.
-Um Ihre $content[points] {?POINTS?} gutgeschrieben zu bekommen, klicken Sie bitte auf folgenden Link:
+Um Ihre {%pipe,translateComma=$content[points]%} {?POINTS?} gutgeschrieben zu bekommen, klicken Sie bitte auf folgenden Link:
Wichtig! Achten Sie darauf das Ihr Mailserver immer empfangbereit ist. Sollte Ihr Mailserver nicht empfangbereit sein (z.B. voll usw.), werden wir Ihren Account sperren! Sie haben nun innerhalb von 10 Tagen die möglichkeit sich bei uns zu melden zwecks Freischaltung, erfolgt dieses nicht, wird Ihr Account gelöscht! Bei dieser Sperrung erhalten Sie von uns keine Mitteilung, sollten Sie keine Mails von uns bekommen, prüfen Sie Ihren Account!
<td class="active_row1 switch_sw$content[sw] bottom right">$content[userid] ($content[nickname])</td>
- <td class="active_row2 switch_sw$content[sw] bottom right">$content[points]</td>
+ <td class="active_row2 switch_sw$content[sw] bottom right">{%pipe,translateComma=$content[points]%}</td>
<td class="active_row3 switch_sw$content[sw] bottom">$content[last_online]</td>
<td class="switch_sw$content[sw] bottom right" align="center" width="160">
- $content[points]
+ {%pipe,translateComma=$content[points]%}
<td class="switch_sw$content[sw] bottom" align="center" width="160">
<td align="center" colspan="2" class="guest_title bottom">
- <strong>$content[name]:</strong>
+ <strong>$content[pay_name]:</strong>
- <td align="right" class="switch_sw$content[sw] right" width="225" height="24">{--SPONSOR_PAYTYPE_COUNT--}: </td>
+ <td align="right" class="switch_sw$content[sw] right" width="225" height="24">{--SPONSOR_PAYTYPE_COUNT--}:</td>
<td class="guest_title bottom" style="padding-left: 2px; padding-right: 2px" width="225">
- <div class="nobr"><strong>$content[rate] {?POINTS?}</strong></div>
+ <div class="nobr"><strong>{%pipe,translateComma=$content[pay_rate]%} {?POINTS?}</strong></div>
- <td align="right" class="switch_sw$content[sw] bottom right" width="225" height="24">{--SPONSOR_PAYTYPE_VALUE--}: </td>
+ <td align="right" class="switch_sw$content[sw] bottom right" width="225" height="24">{--SPONSOR_PAYTYPE_VALUE--}:</td>
<td class="guest_title bottom" style="padding-left: 2px; padding-right: 2px" width="225">
- <div class="nobr"><strong>$content[price] $content[curr]</strong></div>
+ <div class="nobr"><strong>{%pipe,translateComma=$content[pay_min_count]%} $content[pay_currency]</strong></div>
<td class="top10_row1 switch_sw$content[sw] bottom right" align="center">$content[cnt]</td>
<td class="top10_row2 switch_sw$content[sw] bottom right">$content[userid]($content[nickname])</td>
- <td class="top10_row3 switch_sw$content[sw] bottom right">$content[points]</td>
+ <td class="top10_row3 switch_sw$content[sw] bottom right">{%pipe,translateComma=$content[points]%}</td>
<td class="top10_row5 switch_sw$content[sw] bottom">$content[last_online]</td>
<td class="top10_row1 switch_sw$content[sw] bottom right" align="center">$content[cnt]</td>
<td class="top10_row2 switch_sw$content[sw] bottom right">$content[userid]($content[nickname])</td>
- <td class="top10_row3 switch_sw$content[sw] bottom right">$content[total_logins]</td>
- <td class="top10_row4 switch_sw$content[sw] bottom right">$content[points]</td>
+ <td class="top10_row3 switch_sw$content[sw] bottom right">{%pipe,translateComma=$content[total_logins]%}</td>
+ <td class="top10_row4 switch_sw$content[sw] bottom right">{%pipe,translateComma=$content[points]%}</td>
<td class="top10_row5 switch_sw$content[sw] bottom">$content[last_online]</td>
<td class="top10_row1 switch_sw$content[sw] bottom right" align="center">$content[cnt]</td>
<td class="top10_row2 switch_sw$content[sw] bottom right">$content[userid]($content[nickname])</td>
- <td class="top10_row3 switch_sw$content[sw] bottom right">$content[refs]</td>
- <td class="top10_row4 switch_sw$content[sw] bottom right">$content[points]</td>
+ <td class="top10_row3 switch_sw$content[sw] bottom right">{%pipe,translateComma=$content[refs]%}</td>
+ <td class="top10_row4 switch_sw$content[sw] bottom right">{%pipe,translateComma=$content[points]%}</td>
<td class="top10_row5 switch_sw$content[sw] bottom">$content[last_online]</td>
<td align="center" class="switch_sw$content[sw] bottom">$content[cnt]</td>
<td align="center" class="switch_sw$content[sw] bottom">$content[userid]</td>
- <td align="center" class="switch_sw$content[sw] bottom">$content[points]</td>
+ <td align="center" class="switch_sw$content[sw] bottom">{%pipe,translateComma=$content[points]%}</td>
<td align="center" class="switch_sw$content[sw] bottom">$content[last_online]</td>
<td class="switch_sw$content[sw] bottom right" align="center" width="160">
- $content[points]
+ {%pipe,translateComma=$content[points]%}
<td class="switch_sw$content[sw] bottom" align="center" width="160">
<td align="center" class="switch_sw$content[sw] bottom">$content[cnt]</td>
<td align="center" class="switch_sw$content[sw] bottom">$content[userid]</td>
- <td align="center" class="switch_sw$content[sw] bottom">$content[points]</td>
+ <td align="center" class="switch_sw$content[sw] bottom">{%pipe,translateComma=$content[points]%}</td>
<td align="center" class="switch_sw$content[sw] bottom">$content[last_online]</td>
- <td align="center" class="switch_sw$content[sw] bottom right">$content[points]</td>
+ <td align="center" class="switch_sw$content[sw] bottom right">{%pipe,translateComma=$content[payout_total]%} $content[type]</td>
<td align="center" class="switch_sw$content[sw] bottom right">$content[target_account]</td>
<td align="center" class="switch_sw$content[sw] bottom right">$content[target_bank]</td>
<td align="center" class="switch_sw$content[sw] bottom right">$content[payout_timestamp]</td>
- <td align="center" class="switch_sw$content[sw] primera_type_$content[raw_type] bottom right">$content[points] Primera</td>
+ <td align="center" class="switch_sw$content[sw] primera_type_$content[raw_type] bottom right">{%pipe,translateComma=$content[primera_amount]%} Primera</td>
<td align="center" class="switch_sw$content[sw] primera_type_$content[raw_type] bottom right">$content[primera_account]</td>
<td align="center" class="switch_sw$content[sw] primera_type_$content[raw_type] bottom right">$content[primera_timestamp]</td>
- <td align="center" class="switch_sw$content[sw] primera_type_$content[raw_type] bottom">$content[status]</td>
+ <td align="center" class="switch_sw$content[sw] primera_type_$content[raw_type] bottom">{%pipe,PRIMERA_TRANSFER_STATUS=$content[primera_type]%}</td>
<td colspan="2" align="center" class="switch_mem$content[sw] top right">
{--EMAIL_PAYMENT--}:<br />
- <strong>{%pipe,translateComma=$content[pay]%}</strong>
+ <strong>{%pipe,getPaymentTitlePrice,translateComma=$content[payment_id]%}</strong>
<td align="center" class="switch_mem$content[sw] top">
{--EMAIL_CATEGORY--}:<br />
- <strong>$content[cat]</strong>
+ <strong>{%pipe,getCategory=$content[cat_id]%}</strong>
<td colspan="2" align="center" class="switch_mem$content[sw] top right">
{--EMAIL_URL--}:<br />
- <strong><a href="$content[url]" target="_blank">{--MEMBER_TEST_URL--}</a></strong>
+ <strong><a href="{%pipe,generateDerefererUrl=$content[url]%}" target="_blank">{--MEMBER_TEST_URL--}</a></strong>
<td align="center" class="switch_mem$content[sw] top">
{--EMAIL_END_SEND--}:<br />
- <strong>$content[sent]</strong>
+ <strong>$content[timestamp_sent]</strong>
<td align="center" class="switch_mem$content[sw] top right" width="30%">
{--EMAIL_RECEIVERS--}:<br />
- <strong>$content[target_send]</strong>
+ <strong>{%pipe,translateComma=$content[max_rec]%}</strong>
<td align="center" class="switch_mem$content[sw] top right" width="16%">
{--EMAIL_CONFIRMED--}:<br />
- <strong>$content[clix]</strong>
+ <strong>{%pipe,translateComma=$content[clicks]%}</strong>
<td align="center" class="switch_mem$content[sw] top">
{--EMAIL_PERCENT--}:<br />
- <strong>$content[percents]</strong>
+ <strong>{%pipe,translateComma=$content[percents]%}%</strong>
<div class="member_input" style="padding-top:5px;padding-bottom:5px">
- Jeder Seiten-Aufruf durch andere Mitglieder kostet Ihnen mindestens
- <strong>$content[costs] {?POINTS?}</strong>. Surfen Sie mit der Surfbar
- erhalten Sie mindestens <strong>$content[reward] {?POINTS?}</strong> auf
- Ihr Konto gutgeschrieben.<br />
- <br />
- Sie haben bereits <strong>$content[curr_order]</strong> von maximal
- <strong>$content[max_order]</strong> erlaubten URLs gebucht.
+ <div class="para">
+ Jeder Seiten-Aufruf durch andere Mitglieder kostet Ihnen mindestens
+ <strong>{%pipe,translateComma=$content[costs]%} {?POINTS?}</strong>.
+ Surfen Sie mit der Surfbar erhalten Sie mindestens
+ <strong>{%pipe,translateComma=$content[reward]%} {?POINTS?}</strong>
+ auf Ihr Konto gutgeschrieben.
+ </div>
+ <div class="para">
+ Sie haben bereits
+ <strong>{%pipe,SURFBAR_GET_TOTAL_USER_URLS,translateComma%}</strong>
+ von maximal
+ <strong>{%config,translateComma=surfbar_max_order%}</strong>
+ erlaubten URLs gebucht.
+ </div>
<div class="member_title top" style="padding-top:5px;padding-bottom:5px">
<div style="padding:5px">
Bei der dynamischen Vergütung werden Ihnen derzeit mindestens
- <strong>$content[surfbar_min_reward]</strong> und maximal
- <strong>$content[surfbar_max_reward] {?POINTS?}</strong> Aufschlag
- zum Basispreis für jede besuchte Seite vergütet. Diese
- müssen Sie mindestens <strong>$content[surfbar_min_time]</strong>
- und maximal <strong>$content[surfbar_max_time]</strong> zusätzlich
- zur Basiszeit angesehen haben und können die selbe Seite erst nach
- zusätzlichen <strong>$content[surfbar_dynamic_lock]</strong> wieder
- aufrufen.
+ <strong>{%pipe,SURFBAR_CALCULATE_DYNAMIC_MIN_VALUE,translateComma%}</strong>
+ und maximal <strong>{%pipe,SURFBAR_CALCULATE_DYNAMIC_MAX_VALUE,translateComma%}
+ {?POINTS?}</strong> Aufschlag zum Basispreis für jede besuchte
+ Seite vergütet. Diese müssen Sie mindestens
+ <strong>{%pipe,SURFBAR_CALCULATE_DYNAMIC_MIN_VALUE,createFancyTime%}</strong>
+ und maximal
+ <strong>{%pipe,SURFBAR_CALCULATE_DYNAMIC_MAX_VALUE,createFancyTime%}</strong>
+ zusätzlich zur Basiszeit angesehen haben und können die selbe
+ Seite erst nach zusätzlichen
+ <strong>{%pipe,SURFBAR_CALCULATE_DYNAMIC_LOCK,createFancyTime%}</strong>
+ wieder aufrufen.
<div style="padding:5px">
Einige Hinweise zur Berechnung: Die derzeige Mitgliederanzahl von
- <strong>$content[surfbar_total_users]</strong>, die derzeit die Surfbar
- nutzenden <strong>$content[surfbar_total_online]</strong> Mitglieder,
- die gesamt in der Surfbar gebuchten <strong>$content[surfbar_total_urls]</strong>
+ <strong>{%pipe,getTotalConfirmedUser,translateComma%}</strong>, die
+ derzeit die Surfbar nutzenden
+ <strong>{%pipe,SURFBAR_DETERMINE_TOTAL_ONLINE%}</strong> Mitglieder, die
+ gesamt in der Surfbar gebuchten
+ <strong>{%pipe,translateComma=$content[surfbar_total_urls]%}</strong>
URLs (ohne von unseren Sponsoren), sowie Ihre gebuchten
- <strong>$content[surfbar_user_urls]</strong> URLs werden als
+ <strong>{%pipe,SURFBAR_GET_TOTAL_USER_URLS%}</strong> URLs werden als
Berechnungsgrundlage verwendet. Sie erhalten allerdings nur einen
- reduzierten Anteil von <strong>$content[surfbar_dynamic_percent]%</strong>.
+ reduzierten Anteil von
+ <strong>{%config,translateComma=surfbar_dynamic_percent%}%</strong>.
<div style="padding:5px">
Der Basispreis und die Basiszeit sind die Einstellungen aus dem
- statischen Vergütungsmodell: <strong>$content[surfbar_static_reward]
- {?POINTS?}</strong> bzw. <strong>$content[surfbar_static_time]</strong>.
+ statischen Vergütungsmodell:
+ <strong>{%config,translateComma=surfbar_static_reward%}
+ {?POINTS?}</strong> bzw.
+ <strong>{%config,createFancyTime=surfbar_static_time%}</strong>.
<div style="padding:5px">
Bei der statischen Vergütung werden Ihnen derzeit
- <strong>$content[surfbar_static_reward] {?POINTS?}</strong> für
- jede besuchte Seite vergütet. Diese müssen Sie
- <strong>$content[surfbar_static_time]</strong> lang angesehen haben
- und können die selbe Seite erst nach
- <strong>$content[surfbar_static_lock]</strong> wieder aufrufen. Es sind
- insgesamt <strong>$content[surfbar_total_urls]</strong> URLs in der
- Surfbar.
+ <strong>{%config,translateComma=surfbar_static_reward%}
+ {?POINTS?}</strong> für jede besuchte Seite vergütet. Diese
+ müssen Sie
+ <strong>{%config,createFancyTime=surfbar_static_time%}</strong> lang
+ angesehen haben und können die selbe Seite erst nach
+ <strong>{%config,createFancyTime=surfbar_static_lock%}</strong> wieder
+ aufrufen. Es sind insgesamt
+ <strong>$content[surfbar_total_urls]</strong> URLs in der Surfbar.
<table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" width="100%">
<td width="10%" align="center" valign="top"><strong>
- <div class="medium">$content[guests]</div>
+ <div class="medium">{%pipe,translateComma=$content[guests]%}</div>
<td width="90%">{--GUESTS_ONLINE--}</td>
<table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" width="100%">
<td width="10%" align="center" valign="top"><strong>
- <div class="medium">$content[members]</div>
+ <div class="medium">{%pipe,translateComma=$content[members]%}</div>
<td width="90%">{--MEMBERS_ONLINE--}</td>
<table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" width="100%">
<td width="10%" align="center" valign="top"><strong>
- <div class="medium">$content[admins]</div>
+ <div class="medium">{%pipe,translateComma=$content[admins]%}</div>
<td width="90%">{--ADMINS_ONLINE--}</td>
\ No newline at end of file
+ <tr>
+ <td class="guest_menu_bottom">
+ <table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" width="100%">
+ <tr>
+ <td width="10%" align="center" valign="top"><strong>
+ <div class="medium">{%pipe,translateComma=$content[total]%}</div>
+ </strong></td>
+ <td width="90%">{--TOTAL_ONLINE--}</td>
+ </tr>
+ </table>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
<div class="para">
Als Startguthaben erhalten Sie von uns für Ihre kostenlose Anmeldung derzeit
-<big class="nobr"><big>$content[register]</big> {?POINTS?}!</big>
+<big class="nobr"><big>{%config,translateComma=points_register%}</big> {?POINTS?}!</big>
<div class="para">
Für jeden User, den Sie geworben haben erhalten Sie
-<strong>$content[ref_points] {?POINTS?}</strong>
+<strong>{%config,translateComma=points_ref%} {?POINTS?}</strong>
plus prozentualen Verdienst über <strong>$content[ref_levels]</strong>
Referal-Ebenen hinweg!