templates/de/html/admin/admin_login_msg.tpl -text
templates/de/html/admin/admin_logout.tpl -text
templates/de/html/admin/admin_logout_form.tpl -text
-templates/de/html/admin/admin_logout_sql_patches.tpl -text
+templates/de/html/admin/admin_logout_sql_patches_install.tpl -text
+templates/de/html/admin/admin_logout_sql_patches_remove.tpl -text
templates/de/html/admin/admin_main_footer.tpl -text
templates/de/html/admin/admin_main_header.tpl -text
templates/de/html/admin/admin_maintenance_form.tpl -text
if (EXT_IS_ACTIVE($ext_name)) return false;
// Generate file name
- $file = sprintf(PATH."inc/extensions/ext-%s.php", $ext_name);
+ $file = sprintf("%sinc/extensions/ext-%s.php", PATH, $ext_name);
// Does this extension exists?
if (file_exists($file) && is_readable($file))
$SQLs2 = $SQLs; $SQLs = array(); $test = false;
// Backup language as well
// Load required extension also in update mode
- $file = sprintf(PATH."inc/extensions/ext-%s.php", $EXT_UPDATE_DEPENDS);
+ $file = sprintf("%sinc/extensions/ext-%s.php", PATH, $EXT_UPDATE_DEPENDS);
// Check for required file
if (file_exists($file) && is_readable($file))
// Register extension
- $result = SQL_QUERY_ESC("INSERT INTO "._MYSQL_PREFIX."_extensions (ext_name, ext_lang_file, ext_active, ext_version) VALUES ('%s', '%s', 'N', '%s')",
- array($ext_name, $EXT_LANG_PREFIX, $EXT_VERSION), __FILE__, __LINE__);
+ $result = SQL_QUERY_ESC("INSERT INTO "._MYSQL_PREFIX."_extensions (ext_name, ext_lang_file, ext_active, ext_version) VALUES ('%s', '%s', '%s', '%s')",
+ array($ext_name, $EXT_LANG_PREFIX, $EXT_ALWAYS_ACTIVE, $EXT_VERSION), __FILE__, __LINE__);
// Update task management
$result = SQL_QUERY_ESC("UPDATE "._MYSQL_PREFIX."_task_system SET status='SOLVED' WHERE id=%d LIMIT 1",
return $ret;
global $cacheInstance;
+ $SQLs = array();
// This shall never do a non-admin user!
if (!IS_ADMIN()) return false;
// Get extension's name
- $result = SQL_QUERY_ESC("SELECT ext_name FROM "._MYSQL_PREFIX."_extensions WHERE id=%d LIMIT 1",
- array(bigintval($id)), __FILE__, __LINE__);
- list($ext_name) = SQL_FETCHROW($result);
- SQL_FREERESULT($result);
+ $ext_name = GET_EXT_NAME($id);
if (empty($ext_name)) return false;
// Load extension in detected mode
- $file = sprintf(PATH."inc/extensions/ext-%s.php", $ext_name); $SQLs = array();
+ $file = sprintf("%sinc/extensions/ext-%s.php", PATH, $ext_name);
if (file_exists($file) && is_readable($file)) require($file);
- if ((is_array($SQLs) && (sizeof($SQLs) > 0)))
- {
+ if ((is_array($SQLs) && (sizeof($SQLs) > 0))) {
// Run SQL commands...
foreach ($SQLs as $sql) {
// Trim spaces away which we don't need
if (!empty($sql)) {
// Run SQL command
$result = SQL_QUERY($sql, __FILE__, __LINE__, false);
- }
- }
+ } // END - if
+ } // END - foreach
// Remove cache file(s) if extension is active
- if (EXT_IS_ACTIVE("cache")) {
- // Remove cache filer
+ if ((EXT_IS_ACTIVE("cache")) || (GET_EXT_VERSION("cache") != "")) {
+ // Remove cache files
if ($cacheInstance->cache_file("extensions", true)) $cacheInstance->cache_destroy();
if ($cacheInstance->cache_file("mod_reg", true)) $cacheInstance->cache_destroy();
if ($cacheInstance->cache_file("config", true)) $cacheInstance->cache_destroy();
- }
- }
+ } // END - if
+ // Is this the sql_patches?
+ if ($ext_name == "sql_patches") {
+ // Then redirect to logout
+ LOAD_URL("modules.php?module=admin&logout=1&remove=sql_patches");
+ } // END - if
+ } // END - if
-function EXT_IS_ACTIVE ($ext_name, $ignore_admin=false, $ignore_cache=false)
+function EXT_IS_ACTIVE ($ext_name, $ignore_admin = false, $ignore_cache = false) {
global $cacheArray, $_CONFIG;
// Extensions are all inactive during installation
// Is this extension activated? (For admins we always have active extensions...)
- $inc = sprintf(PATH."inc/extensions/ext-%s.php", $ext_name);
+ $inc = sprintf("%sinc/extensions/ext-%s.php", PATH, $ext_name);
// Shorter way
return (
if (empty($mx_lang)) $mx_lang = DEFAULT_LANG;
// Look for file
-$file = sprintf(PATH."inc/language/%s.php", $mx_lang);
+$file = sprintf("%sinc/language/%s.php", PATH, $mx_lang);
if ((!file_exists($file)) || (!is_readable($file))) {
// Switch to default (DO NOT CHANGE!!!)
set_session("mx_lang", "de");
$mx_lang = "de";
- $file = sprintf(PATH."inc/language/%s.php", $mx_lang);
+ $file = sprintf("%sinc/language/%s.php", PATH, $mx_lang);
// Load language file
define('REASON_DIRECT_PAYMENT', "Direkte Gutschrift (siehe evtl. vorangegangene Mail)");
define('SUBJECT_DIRECT_PAYMENT', "Direkte {!POINTS!}-Gutschrift durch das System");
define('ADMIN_LOGOUT_SQL_PATCHES_DONE', "Sie wurden automatisch ausgeloggt, da Sie die Erweiterung <strong>sql_patches</strong> installiert haben und dabei das Passort-Hashing geändert/verbessert wurde. Bitte erneut einloggen!");
+define('ADMIN_LOGOUT_SQL_PATCHES_REMOVE', "Sie wurden automatisch ausgeloggt, da Sie die Erweiterun <strong>sql_patches</strong> entfernt haben. Bitte klicken Sie weiter, um jetzt das Passwort neu zu setzen.");
define('ADMIN_POINTS_REPAYED', "Es wurden dem Mitglied <u>%s</u> {!POINTS!} zurückgeschrieben.");
define('ADMIN_POINTS_TO_JACKPOT', "Es wurden <u>%s</u> {!POINTS!} in den Jackpot gelegt.");
define('ADMIN_NO_POINTS_REPAYED', "Die Mailbuchung hatte keine {!POINTS!} zum zurückbuchen!");
define('ADMIN_CHANGE_LOGIN', "Anderes Adminlogin");
define('ADMIN_PASSWORD_RESET_DONE', "Ihr Administratorkennwort wurde neu gesetzt. Sie können sich jetzt mit Ihren neuen Zugangsdaten im Adminbereich einloggen.");
define('ADMIN_CONTINUE_LOGIN', "Weiter zum Administratorlogin");
+define('ADMIN_RESET_PASS_LINK', "Jetzt Ihr Administratorkennwort zurücksetzen (nötiger Schritt!)");
foreach($v as $k2=>$v2)
// Put every array element in a row...
- $LINE .= "\$cacheInstance['".$k."'][] = \"".$v2."\";\n";
+ $LINE .= "\$data['".$k."'][] = \"".$v2."\";\n";
// Single line found
- $LINE = "\$cacheInstance['".$k."'] = \"".$v."\";\n";
+ $LINE = "\$data['".$k."'] = \"".$v."\";\n";
// Write line(s)
foreach($v as $k2=>$v2)
// Put every array element in a row...
- $LINE .= "\$cacheInstance['".$k."'][] = \"".$v2."\";\n";
+ $LINE .= "\$data['".$k."'][] = \"".$v2."\";\n";
// Single line found
- $LINE = "\$cacheInstance['".$k."'] = \"".$v."\";\n";
+ $LINE = "\$data['".$k."'] = \"".$v."\";\n";
// Write line(s)
// Load Language file
if ($EXT_DUMMY['ext_lang'][$k] == "Y") {
- $INC = sprintf(PATH."inc/language/%s_%s.php", $name, GET_LANGUAGE());
+ $INC = sprintf("%sinc/language/%s_%s.php", PATH, $name, GET_LANGUAGE());
if (file_exists($INC)) require_once($INC);
$file2 = $file1; $EXT_CSS = "N"; $EXT_ALWAYS_ACTIVE = "N";
// Special functions file
- $file3 = sprintf(PATH."inc/libs/%s_functions.php", $name);
+ $file3 = sprintf("%sinc/libs/%s_functions.php", PATH, $name);
// Does the extension file exists?
if (file_exists($file1) && is_readable($file1))
// Only try to remove cookies
if (set_session("admin_login", "") && set_session("admin_md5", "") && set_session("admin_last", "") && set_session("admin_to", "")) {
// Also remove array elements
- set_session('admin_login' , "");
- set_session('admin_md5' , "");
- set_session('admin_last' , "");
- set_session('admin_to' , "");
+ set_session('admin_login', "");
+ set_session('admin_md5' , "");
+ set_session('admin_last' , "");
+ set_session('admin_to' , "");
// Destroy session
// Load logout template
- if (isset($_GET['sql_patches'])) {
- // Special logout redirect for sql_patchrs
- LOAD_TEMPLATE("admin_logout_sql_patches");
+ if (isset($_GET['install'])) {
+ // Secure input
+ $install = secureString(SQL_ESCAPE($_GET['install']));
+ // Special logout redirect for installation of given extension
+ LOAD_TEMPLATE(sprintf("admin_logout_%s_install", $install));
+ } elseif (isset($_GET['remove'])) {
+ // Secure input
+ $remove = secureString(SQL_ESCAPE($_GET['remove']));
+ // Special logout redirect for removal of given extension
+ LOAD_TEMPLATE(sprintf("admin_logout_%s_remove", $remove));
} else {
// Logged out normally
ADD_DESCR("admin", basename(__FILE__));
// Load the include file
-$INC = sprintf(PATH."inc/modules/admin/what-%s.php", $GLOBALS['what']);
+$INC = sprintf("%sinc/modules/admin/what-%s.php", PATH, $GLOBALS['what']);
if (file_exists($INC))
// Ok, we finally load the admin action module
ADD_DESCR("admin", basename(__FILE__));
// Load the include file
-$INC = sprintf(PATH."inc/modules/admin/what-%s.php", $GLOBALS['what']);
+$INC = sprintf("%sinc/modules/admin/what-%s.php", PATH, $GLOBALS['what']);
if (file_exists($INC))
// Ok, we finally load the admin action module
ADD_DESCR("admin", basename(__FILE__));
// Load the include file
-$INC = sprintf(PATH."inc/modules/admin/what-%s.php", $GLOBALS['what']);
+$INC = sprintf(."%sinc/modules/admin/what-%s.php", PATH, $GLOBALS['what']);
if (file_exists($INC))
// Ok, we finally load the admin action module
ADD_DESCR("admin", basename(__FILE__));
// Load the include file
-$INC = sprintf(PATH."inc/modules/admin/what-%s.php", $GLOBALS['what']);
+$INC = sprintf("%sinc/modules/admin/what-%s.php", PATH, $GLOBALS['what']);
if (file_exists($INC))
// Ok, we finally load the admin action module
ADD_DESCR("admin", basename(__FILE__));
// Load the include file
-$INC = sprintf(PATH."inc/modules/admin/what-%s.php", $GLOBALS['what']);
+$INC = sprintf("%sinc/modules/admin/what-%s.php", PATH, $GLOBALS['what']);
if (file_exists($INC))
// Ok, we finally load the admin action module
ADD_DESCR("admin", basename(__FILE__));
// Load the include file
-$INC = sprintf(PATH."inc/modules/admin/what-%s.php", $GLOBALS['what']);
+$INC = sprintf("%sinc/modules/admin/what-%s.php", PATH, $GLOBALS['what']);
if (file_exists($INC))
// Ok, we finally load the admin action module
ADD_DESCR("admin", basename(__FILE__));
// Load the include file
-$INC = sprintf(PATH."inc/modules/admin/what-%s.php", $GLOBALS['what']);
+$INC = sprintf("%sinc/modules/admin/what-%s.php", PATH, $GLOBALS['what']);
if (file_exists($INC))
// Ok, we finally load the admin action module
ADD_DESCR("admin", basename(__FILE__));
// Load the include file
-$INC = sprintf(PATH."inc/modules/admin/what-%s.php", $GLOBALS['what']);
+$INC = sprintf("%sinc/modules/admin/what-%s.php", PATH, $GLOBALS['what']);
if (file_exists($INC))
// Ok, we finally load the admin action module
ADD_DESCR("admin", basename(__FILE__));
// Load the include file
-$INC = sprintf(PATH."inc/modules/admin/what-%s.php", $GLOBALS['what']);
+$INC = sprintf("%sinc/modules/admin/what-%s.php", PATH, $GLOBALS['what']);
if (file_exists($INC))
// Ok, we finally load the admin action module
ADD_DESCR("admin", basename(__FILE__));
// Load the include file
-$INC = sprintf(PATH."inc/modules/admin/what-%s.php", $GLOBALS['what']);
+$INC = sprintf("%sinc/modules/admin/what-%s.php", PATH, $GLOBALS['what']);
if (file_exists($INC))
// Ok, we finally load the admin action module
ADD_DESCR("admin", basename(__FILE__));
// Load the include file
-$INC = sprintf(PATH."inc/modules/admin/what-%s.php", $GLOBALS['what']);
+$INC = sprintf("%sinc/modules/admin/what-%s.php", PATH, $GLOBALS['what']);
if (file_exists($INC))
// Ok, we finally load the admin action module
ADD_DESCR("admin", basename(__FILE__));
// Load the include file
-$INC = sprintf(PATH."inc/modules/admin/what-%s.php", $GLOBALS['what']);
+$INC = sprintf("%sinc/modules/admin/what-%s.php", PATH, $GLOBALS['what']);
if (file_exists($INC))
// Ok, we finally load the admin action module
ADD_DESCR("admin", basename(__FILE__));
// Load the include file
-$INC = sprintf(PATH."inc/modules/admin/what-%s.php", $GLOBALS['what']);
+$INC = sprintf("%sinc/modules/admin/what-%s.php", PATH, $GLOBALS['what']);
if (file_exists($INC))
// Ok, we finally load the admin action module
ADD_DESCR("admin", basename(__FILE__));
// Load the include file
-$INC = sprintf(PATH."inc/modules/admin/what-%s.php", $GLOBALS['what']);
+$INC = sprintf("%sinc/modules/admin/what-%s.php", PATH, $GLOBALS['what']);
if (file_exists($INC)) {
// Ok, we finally load the admin action module
ADD_DESCR("admin", basename(__FILE__));
// Load the include file
-$INC = sprintf(PATH."inc/modules/admin/what-%s.php", $GLOBALS['what']);
+$INC = sprintf("%sinc/modules/admin/what-%s.php", PATH, $GLOBALS['what']);
if (file_exists($INC)) {
// Ok, we finally load the admin action module
ADD_DESCR("admin", basename(__FILE__));
// Load the include file
-$INC = sprintf(PATH."inc/modules/admin/what-%s.php", $GLOBALS['what']);
+$INC = sprintf("%sinc/modules/admin/what-%s.php", PATH, $GLOBALS['what']);
if (file_exists($INC))
// Ok, we finally load the admin action module
ADD_DESCR("admin", basename(__FILE__));
// Load the include file
-$INC = sprintf(PATH."inc/modules/admin/what-%s.php", $GLOBALS['what']);
+$INC = sprintf("%sinc/modules/admin/what-%s.php", PATH, $GLOBALS['what']);
if (file_exists($INC))
// Ok, we finally load the admin action module
ADD_DESCR("admin", basename(__FILE__));
// Load the include file
-$INC = sprintf(PATH."inc/modules/admin/what-%s.php", $GLOBALS['what']);
+$INC = sprintf("%sinc/modules/admin/what-%s.php", PATH, $GLOBALS['what']);
if (file_exists($INC))
// Ok, we finally load the admin action module
ADD_DESCR("admin", basename(__FILE__));
// Load the include file
-$INC = sprintf(PATH."inc/modules/admin/what-%s.php", $GLOBALS['what']);
+$INC = sprintf("%sinc/modules/admin/what-%s.php", PATH, $GLOBALS['what']);
if (file_exists($INC))
// Ok, we finally load the admin action module
ADD_DESCR("admin", basename(__FILE__));
// Load the include file
-$INC = sprintf(PATH."inc/modules/admin/what-%s.php", $GLOBALS['what']);
+$INC = sprintf("%sinc/modules/admin/what-%s.php", PATH, $GLOBALS['what']);
if (file_exists($INC))
// Ok, we finally load the admin action module
ADD_DESCR("admin", basename(__FILE__));
// Load the include file
-$INC = sprintf(PATH."inc/modules/admin/what-%s.php", $GLOBALS['what']);
+$INC = sprintf("%sinc/modules/admin/what-%s.php", PATH, $GLOBALS['what']);
if (file_exists($INC))
// Ok, we finally load the admin action module
// Is valid but does the inlcude file exists?
- $INC = sprintf(PATH."inc/modules/admin/action-%s.php", $act);
+ $INC = sprintf("%sinc/modules/admin/action-%s.php", PATH, $act);
if ((file_exists($INC)) && (is_readable($INC)) && (VALIDATE_MENU_ACTION("admin", $act, $wht)) && (__ACL_ALLOW == true))
// Ok, we finally load the admin action module
while (list($wht_sub, $title_what, $desc_what) = SQL_FETCHROW($result_what))
// Filename
- $INC = sprintf(PATH."inc/modules/admin/what-%s.php", $wht_sub);
+ $INC = sprintf("%sinc/modules/admin/what-%s.php", PATH, $wht_sub);
if ((EXT_IS_ACTIVE("admins")) && (GET_EXT_VERSION("admins") > "0.2"))
$ACL = ADMINS_CHECK_ACL("", $wht_sub);
$OUT .= LOAD_TEMPLATE("admin_extensions_edit_row", true, $content);
$SW = 3 - $SW;
- }
+ } // END - foreach
define('__EXTENSIONS_ROWS', $OUT);
// Load template
// List extensions and when verbose is enabled SQL statements which will be executed
$SW = 2; $OUT = "";
foreach ($_POST['sel'] as $id=>$sel) {
+ // Init variables
$VERBOSE_OUT = ""; $SQLs = array();
- // Load extension's data
- $result = SQL_QUERY_ESC("SELECT ext_name, ext_version FROM "._MYSQL_PREFIX."_extensions WHERE id=%d LIMIT 1",
- array(bigintval($id)), __FILE__, __LINE__);
- list($ext_name, $ext_ver) = SQL_FETCHROW($result);
+ // Secure id number
+ $id = bigintval($id);
+ // Get extension name
+ $ext_name = GET_EXT_NAME($id);
+ $ext_ver = GET_EXT_VERSION($ext_name);
// Free the result
if ($_CONFIG['verbose_sql']) {
// Load SQL commands in remove mode
$EXT_LOAD_MODE = "remove";
- $file = sprintf(PATH."inc/extensions/ext-%s.php", $ext_name);
+ $file = sprintf("%sinc/extensions/ext-%s.php", PATH, $ext_name);
// Generate extra table with loaded SQL commands
- }
+ } // END - if
// Prepare data for the row template
$content = array(
// Load row template and switch color
$OUT .= LOAD_TEMPLATE("admin_extensions_delete_row", true, $content);
$SW = 3 - $SW;
- }
+ } // END - foreach
define('__EXTENSIONS_ROWS', $OUT);
// Load template
// Delete this extension (remember to remove it from your server *before* you click on welcome!
- array(bigintval($id)), __FILE__, __LINE__);
- }
- }
+ array($id), __FILE__, __LINE__);
+ } // END - if
+ } // END - foreach
} elseif (!empty($_GET['do']) && (!IS_DEMO())) {
// Other things to do
$do = SQL_ESCAPE(strip_tags($_GET['do']));
$where = "";
if (!empty($_GET['active'])) {
$where = sprintf("WHERE ext_active = '%s'", SQL_ESCAPE(strip_tags($_GET['active'])));
+} // END - if
// Case selection
switch ($do) {
// Is this sql_patches? Then we need to auto-logout!
if ($ext_name == "sql_patches") {
// Auto-logout here
- LOAD_URL("modules.php?module=admin&logout=1&sql_patches=1");
+ LOAD_URL("modules.php?module=admin&logout=1&install=sql_patches");
// Extension was found and successfully registered
if ((substr($value, 0, 4) == "ext-") && (substr($value, -4) == ".zip"))
$name = substr($value, 4, -4);
- $file = sprintf(PATH."inc/extensions/ext-%s.php", $name);
+ $file = sprintf("%sinc/extensions/ext-%s.php", PATH, $name);
$ver = trim(substr($response[$id + 3], 4));
// Load current extension's version
if (GET_ACTION("guest", $GLOBALS['what']) == "admin")
// Only when one admin link is clicked...
- $INC = sprintf(PATH."inc/modules/guest/what-%s.php", $GLOBALS['what']);
+ $INC = sprintf("%sinc/modules/guest/what-%s.php", PATH, $GLOBALS['what']);
if (file_exists($INC))
// Ok, we finally load the guest action module
ADD_DESCR("guest", basename(__FILE__));
// Load the include file
-$INC = sprintf(PATH."inc/modules/guest/what-%s.php", $GLOBALS['what']);
+$INC = sprintf("%sinc/modules/guest/what-%s.php", PATH, $GLOBALS['what']);
$IS_VALID = WHAT_IS_VALID(GET_ACTION("guest", $GLOBALS['what']), $GLOBALS['what'], "guest");
if ((file_exists($INC)) && (is_readable($INC)) && ($IS_VALID))
ADD_DESCR("guest", basename(__FILE__));
// Load the include file
-$INC = sprintf(PATH."inc/modules/guest/what-%s.php", $GLOBALS['what']);
+$INC = sprintf("%sinc/modules/guest/what-%s.php", PATH, $GLOBALS['what']);
if (file_exists($INC))
// Ok, we finally load the guest action module
// TDs between menu and content
-$INC_ACTION = sprintf(PATH."inc/modules/guest/action-%s.php", $act);
+$INC_ACTION = sprintf("%sinc/modules/guest/action-%s.php", PATH, $act);
if ((file_exists($INC_ACTION)) && (is_readable($INC_ACTION)) && (VALIDATE_MENU_ACTION("guest", $act, $GLOBALS['what'])))
// Requested module is available so we load it
ADD_DESCR("member", basename(__FILE__));
// Load the include file
-$INC_WHAT = sprintf(PATH."inc/modules/member/what-%s.php", $GLOBALS['what']);
+$INC_WHAT = sprintf("%sinc/modules/member/what-%s.php", PATH, $GLOBALS['what']);
if (file_exists($INC_WHAT))
// Ok, we finally load the member action module
ADD_DESCR("member", basename(__FILE__));
// Load the include file
-$INC_WHAT = sprintf(PATH."inc/modules/member/what-%s.php", $GLOBALS['what']);
+$INC_WHAT = sprintf("%sinc/modules/member/what-%s.php", PATH, $GLOBALS['what']);
if (file_exists($INC_WHAT))
// Ok, we finally load the member action module
ADD_DESCR("member", basename(__FILE__));
// Load the include file
-$INC_WHAT = sprintf(PATH."inc/modules/member/what-%s.php", $GLOBALS['what']);
+$INC_WHAT = sprintf("%sinc/modules/member/what-%s.php", PATH, $GLOBALS['what']);
if (file_exists($INC_WHAT))
// Ok, we finally load the member action module
ADD_DESCR("member", basename(__FILE__));
// Load the include file
-$INC_WHAT = sprintf(PATH."inc/modules/member/what-%s.php", $GLOBALS['what']);
+$INC_WHAT = sprintf("%sinc/modules/member/what-%s.php", PATH, $GLOBALS['what']);
if (file_exists($INC_WHAT))
// Ok, we finally load the member action module
ADD_DESCR("member", basename(__FILE__));
// Load the include file
-$INC_WHAT = sprintf(PATH."inc/modules/member/what-%s.php", $GLOBALS['what']);
+$INC_WHAT = sprintf("%sinc/modules/member/what-%s.php", PATH, $GLOBALS['what']);
if (file_exists($INC_WHAT))
// Ok, we finally load the member action module
ADD_DESCR("member", basename(__FILE__));
// Load the include file
-$INC_WHAT = sprintf(PATH."inc/modules/member/what-%s.php", $GLOBALS['what']);
+$INC_WHAT = sprintf("%sinc/modules/member/what-%s.php", PATH, $GLOBALS['what']);
if (file_exists($INC_WHAT))
// Ok, we finally load the member action module
ADD_DESCR("member", basename(__FILE__));
// Load the include file
-$INC_WHAT = sprintf(PATH."inc/modules/member/what-%s.php", $GLOBALS['what']);
+$INC_WHAT = sprintf("%sinc/modules/member/what-%s.php", PATH, $GLOBALS['what']);
if (file_exists($INC_WHAT))
// Ok, we finally load the member action module
ADD_DESCR("member", basename(__FILE__));
// Load the include file
-$INC_WHAT = sprintf(PATH."inc/modules/member/what-%s.php", $GLOBALS['what']);
+$INC_WHAT = sprintf("%sinc/modules/member/what-%s.php", PATH, $GLOBALS['what']);
if (file_exists($INC_WHAT))
// Ok, we finally load the member action module
} else {
// This is a menu block... ;-)
$BLOCK_MODE = true;
- $INC_BLOCK = sprintf(PATH."inc/modules/%s/action-%s.php", $MODE, $main_action);
+ $INC_BLOCK = sprintf("%sinc/modules/%s/action-%s.php", PATH, $MODE, $main_action);
if ((file_exists($INC_BLOCK)) && (is_readable($INC_BLOCK))) {
// Load include file
if ((!EXT_IS_ACTIVE($main_action)) || ($main_action == "online")) OUTPUT_HTML("<TR>
case "mem_only":
case "done":
// Construct module name
- define('__MODULE', sprintf(PATH."inc/modules/%s.php", $GLOBALS['module']));
+ define('__MODULE', sprintf("%sinc/modules/%s.php", PATH, $GLOBALS['module']));
// Does the module exists on local file system?
if (((file_exists(__MODULE)) || (!empty($URL))) && (sizeof($FATAL) == 0))
// Get referral ID from ref or refid variable
- if (!empty($_GET['ref'])) $ref = strip_tags(htmlentities($_GET['ref']));
+ if (!empty($_GET['ref'])) $ref = secureString($_GET['ref']);
elseif (!empty($_GET['refid'])) $ref = bigintval($_GET['refid']);
if (!empty($ref))
list($ref) = SQL_FETCHROW($result);
// Also edit this 0 !
if (empty($ref)) $ref = "0";
+++ /dev/null
-<DIV align="center">
-<TABLE border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" width="500" class="admin dashed">
- <TR>
- <TD height="5" class="seperator"> </TD>
- </TR>
- <TR>
- <TD align="center" class="admin_content"><STRONG>{--ADMIN_LOGOUT_SQL_PATCHES_DONE--}</STRONG><BR />
- <BR />
- <A class="admin_content" href="{!URL!}/modules.php?module=admin&action=login">{--ADMIN_RELOGIN_LINK--}</A><BR />
- <BR />
- <A class="admin_content" href="{!URL!}/modules.php?module=index">{--ADMIN_BACK_TO_GUEST_MENU--}</A><BR />
- </TD>
- </TR>
- <TR>
- <TD height="5" class="seperator"> </TD>
- </TR>
--- /dev/null
+<DIV align="center">
+<TABLE border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" width="500" class="admin dashed">
+ <TR>
+ <TD height="5" class="seperator"> </TD>
+ </TR>
+ <TR>
+ <TD align="center" class="admin_content"><STRONG>{--ADMIN_LOGOUT_SQL_PATCHES_DONE--}</STRONG><BR />
+ <BR />
+ <A class="admin_content" href="{!URL!}/modules.php?module=admin&action=login">{--ADMIN_RELOGIN_LINK--}</A><BR />
+ <BR />
+ <A class="admin_content" href="{!URL!}/modules.php?module=index">{--ADMIN_BACK_TO_GUEST_MENU--}</A><BR />
+ </TD>
+ </TR>
+ <TR>
+ <TD height="5" class="seperator"> </TD>
+ </TR>
--- /dev/null
+<DIV align="center">
+<TABLE border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" width="500" class="admin dashed">
+ <TR>
+ <TD height="5" class="seperator"> </TD>
+ </TR>
+ <TR>
+ <TD align="center" class="admin_content">
+ <BR />
+ <A class="admin_content" href="{!URL!}/modules.php?module=admin&action=login">{--ADMIN_RESET_PASS_LINK--}</A>
+ </TD>
+ </TR>
+ <TR>
+ <TD height="5" class="seperator"> </TD>
+ </TR>
<TD class="admin_footer">
- <A href="{!URL!}/modules.php?module=admin">{--ADMIN_CONTINUE_LOGIN--}</A>
+ --> <STRONG><A href="{!URL!}/modules.php?module=admin">{--ADMIN_CONTINUE_LOGIN--}</A></STRONG>