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I have added Aaron Wilson's virtual 3d runway projection to the HUD.
authorcurt <curt>
Fri, 19 Nov 2004 18:31:02 +0000 (18:31 +0000)
committercurt <curt>
Fri, 19 Nov 2004 18:31:02 +0000 (18:31 +0000)
Aaron says:

I just got the virtual runway hud projection working on all views and
2D & 3D HUDs.  It is working awesome(see below).  I have attached every
file that was modified (hud.hxx, hud.cxx, and the default.xml for the hud)
and every file that was added (hud_rwy.cxx and runwayinstr.xml).

Just a quick overview of how the instrument works.

The virtual runway is projected by getting the "cockpit view" of the
runway in 3D and projecting the points on to the 2D HUD.  Therefore, the
virtual runway will be displayed the same in every view.  For example,
you can land an aircraft from the "Tower View" by flying the HUD.  Also
if you're in "Cockpit View" and it is centered then the virtual runway
lines will perfectly outline the actual runway.  I am getting the active
runway via the wind like done in the ATC classes, which may need changed.
Also, I made the assumption the view 0, in view manager, is always the
cockpit view, which may need changed as well.

The runway configuration file will allow you to specify a center offset
(x,y) and a bounding box (width,height).  You can also configure the line
stipple pattern for the outside and the center line.  For instance, if
you wanted a 0xFAFA pattern, then specify 64250 as the value.  If you
want a solid line, you can specify -1 or 65535 (0xFFFF) and zero will
turn the line off.  It also draws a runway indication arrow when the
runway is not in the HUD or it can be drawn all the time if arrow_always
is true.  The arrow will point in the direction of the runway (2D) by
rotating around the center  at a radius of arrow_radius.  If you wish to
turn the arrow off, you must set the arrow_scale <=0.  The arrow really
should be 3D arrow that points to the runway (or points in the direction
of the aircraft-to-runway vector).

src/Cockpit/hud_rwy.cxx [new file with mode: 0644]

index 23d0f5fc6878f180090f08387cadc65885f1063b..307f8f2f845d2b9eec719abd92d10fdcee60f0f0 100644 (file)
@@ -7,6 +7,7 @@ libCockpit_a_SOURCES = \
        hud_card.cxx hud_dnst.cxx hud_gaug.cxx hud_inst.cxx \
        hud_labl.cxx hud_ladr.cxx \
        hud_lat.cxx hud_lon.cxx \
+       hud_rwy.cxx \
        hud_scal.cxx hud_tbi.cxx \
        kt_70.cxx kt_70.hxx \
        marker_beacon.cxx marker_beacon.hxx \
index 268bb943a257295ea486606ffda2b2453887e0dc..043eeb8ee12cad7f6bb17a4f093ac5bc20bedf34 100644 (file)
@@ -585,6 +585,29 @@ readTBI(const SGPropertyNode * node)
     return p;
 } //end readTBI
+static instr_item * 
+readRunway(const SGPropertyNode * node) {
+       name    = node->getStringValue("name");
+       x       = node->getIntValue("x");
+       y       = node->getIntValue("y");
+       width = node->getIntValue("width");
+       height = node->getIntValue("height");
+       scaling = node->getDoubleValue("scale");
+       working = node->getBoolValue("working",true);
+       runway_instr *ri = new runway_instr(x,y,width,height,scaling,working);
+       double scale = node->getDoubleValue("arrow_scale",1.0); 
+       ri->setDrawArrow((scale>0)?true:false);
+       ri->setDrawArrowAlways((scale>0)?node->getBoolValue("arrow_always"):false);
+       ri->setStippleOutline(node->getIntValue("outer_stipple",0xFFFF));
+       ri->setStippleCenterline(node->getIntValue("center_stipple",0xFFFF));
+       ri->setArrowRotationRadius(node->getDoubleValue("arrow_radius"));
+       ri->setArrowScale(scale);
+       ri->setLineScale(node->getDoubleValue("line_scale",1.0));
+       ri->setScaleDist(node->getDoubleValue("scale_dist_nm"));
+       SG_LOG(SG_INPUT, SG_INFO, "Done reading instrument " << name);
+       return (instr_item *) ri;
 int readInstrument(const SGPropertyNode * node)
@@ -643,6 +666,18 @@ int readInstrument(const SGPropertyNode * node)
         }//for - tbis
+    const SGPropertyNode * rwy_group = node->getNode("runways");
+    if (rwy_group != 0) {
+        int nRwy = rwy_group->nChildren();
+        for (int j = 0; j < nRwy; j++) {
+            SG_LOG( SG_COCKPIT, SG_DEBUG,
+                    "**************  Reading runway properties" );
+            HIptr = readRunway(rwy_group->getChild(j));
+            HUD_deque.insert( HUD_deque.begin(), HIptr);
+        }//for - runways
+    }    
     return 0;
 }//end readinstrument
index 56afcbc6e45f02f8e0ce1fc78b3f4cd3f3f73a6e..8c1d3532f4e7bea016a126188d6ba3f17bba3abe 100644 (file)
 #include <GUI/gui.h>
 #include <Main/globals.hxx>
 #include <Main/viewmgr.hxx>
+#include <Airports/runways.hxx>
 #include "hud_opts.hxx"
+#include <plib/sg.h>
@@ -680,6 +682,50 @@ public:
 typedef lon_label * pLonlabel;
+// fgRunway_instr      This class is responsible for rendering the active runway
+//                     in the hud (if visible).
+class runway_instr : public instr_item 
+       void boundPoint(sgdVec3 v, sgdVec3 m);
+       bool boundOutsidePoints(sgdVec3 v, sgdVec3 m);
+       bool drawLine(sgdVec3 a1, sgdVec3 a2, sgdVec3 p1, sgdVec3 p2);
+       void drawArrow();
+       FGRunway get_active_runway();
+       void get_rwy_points(sgdVec3 *points);
+       void setLineWidth(void);
+       sgdVec3 points3d[6],points2d[6];
+       double mm[16],pm[16], arrowScale, arrowRad, lnScale, scaleDist, default_pitch, default_heading;
+       int view[4];
+       FGRunway runway;
+       FGViewer* cockpit_view; 
+       unsigned short stippleOut,stippleCen;
+       bool drawIA,drawIAAlways;
+       RECT location;
+       POINT center; 
+    runway_instr( int    x,
+                  int    y,                    
+                                 int    width,
+                                 int    height,
+                         float  scale_data,
+                         bool   working = true);
+    virtual void draw( void );       // Required method in base class
+       void setArrowRotationRadius(double radius);
+       void setArrowScale(double scale); // Scales the runway indication arrow
+       void setDrawArrow(bool draw);    // Draws arrow when runway is not visible in HUD if draw=true
+       void setDrawArrowAlways(bool draw); //Always draws arrow if draw=true;
+       void setLineScale(double scale); //Sets the maximum line scale
+       void setScaleDist(double dist_nm); //Sets the distance where to start scaling the lines
+       void setStippleOutline(unsigned short stipple); //Sets the stipple pattern of the outline of the runway
+       void setStippleCenterline(unsigned short stipple); //Sets the stipple patter of the center line of the runway
 // instr_scale           This class is an abstract base class for both moving
 //                       scale and moving needle (fixed scale) indicators. It
diff --git a/src/Cockpit/hud_rwy.cxx b/src/Cockpit/hud_rwy.cxx
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..0b03774
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,418 @@
+// hud_rwy.cxx -- An instrument that renders a virtual runway on the HUD
+// Written by Aaron Wilson & Phillip Merritt, Nov 2004.
+// Copyright (C) 2004 Aaron Wilson, Aaron.I.Wilson@nasa.gov
+// Copyright (C) 2004 Phillip Merritt, Phillip.M.Merritt@nasa.gov
+// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+// modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
+// published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the
+// License, or (at your option) any later version.
+// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
+// WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+// General Public License for more details.
+// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+// along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+// Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
+#include "hud.hxx"
+#include <math.h>
+#include <Main/fg_props.hxx>
+#include <Main/globals.hxx>
+#include <Scenery/scenery.hxx>
+#include <Aircraft/aircraft.hxx>
+#include <Environment/environment.hxx>
+#include <Environment/environment_mgr.hxx>
+#include <simgear/math/sg_geodesy.hxx>
+#include <simgear/math/polar3d.hxx>
+#include <GL/glu.h>
+#include <ATC/ATCutils.hxx>
+runway_instr::runway_instr(int x,
+                                                  int y,
+                                                  int width,
+                                                  int height,
+                                                  float scale_data,
+                                                  bool working):instr_item(x,y,width,height,NULL,scale_data,0,working)
+       runway = get_active_runway();
+       get_rwy_points(points3d);
+       stippleOut=0xFFFF;
+       stippleCen=0xFFFF;
+       arrowScale = 1.0;
+       arrowRad = 0.0;
+       view[0] = 0;
+       view[1] = 0;
+       view[2] = 640;
+       view[3] = 480;  
+       center.x = view[2]>>1;
+       center.y = view[3]>>1;
+       location.left = center.x-(width>>1)+x;
+       location.right = center.x+(width>>1)+x;
+       location.bottom = center.y-(height>>1)+y;
+       location.top = center.y+(height>>1)+y;
+       cockpit_view = globals->get_viewmgr()->get_view(0);     
+       default_heading = fgGetDouble("/sim/view[0]/config/pitch-heading-deg",0.0);
+       default_pitch = fgGetDouble("/sim/view[0]/config/pitch-pitch-deg",0.0);
+void runway_instr::draw() {
+       if (!is_broken()) {     
+               float modelView[4][4],projMat[4][4];    
+               bool anyLines;
+               //Get the current view
+               FGViewer* curr_view = globals->get_viewmgr()->get_current_view();                
+               int curr_view_id = globals->get_viewmgr()->get_current();               
+               double gpo = curr_view->getGoalPitchOffset_deg();
+               double gho = curr_view->getGoalHeadingOffset_deg();
+               double po = curr_view->getPitchOffset_deg();
+               double ho = curr_view->getHeadingOffset_deg();
+               double yaw = -(cockpit_view->getHeadingOffset_deg()-default_heading)*SG_DEGREES_TO_RADIANS;
+               double pitch = (cockpit_view->getPitchOffset_deg()-default_pitch)*SG_DEGREES_TO_RADIANS;                
+               //double roll = fgGetDouble("/sim/view[0]/config/roll-offset-deg",0.0) //TODO: adjust for default roll offset
+               double sPitch = sin(pitch), cPitch = cos(pitch),
+                          sYaw = sin(yaw), cYaw = cos(yaw);
+               //Assuming that the "Cockpit View" is always at position zero!!!
+               if (curr_view_id != 0) {
+                       globals->get_viewmgr()->set_view(0);
+                       globals->get_viewmgr()->copyToCurrent();                        
+               }               
+               //Set the camera to the cockpit view to get the view of the runway from the cockpit
+               ssgSetCamera((sgVec4 *)cockpit_view->get_VIEW());
+               //Get the currently active runway and the 3d points             
+               runway = get_active_runway();
+               get_rwy_points(points3d);        
+               //Get the current project matrix
+               ssgGetProjectionMatrix(projMat);
+//             const sgVec4 *viewMat = globals->get_current_view()->get_VIEW();
+               //Get the current model view matrix (cockpit view)
+               ssgGetModelviewMatrix(modelView);
+               //Create a rotation matrix to correct for any offsets (other than default offsets) to the model view matrix
+               sgMat4 xy; //rotation about the Rxy, negate the sin's on Ry
+               xy[0][0]=cYaw;                  xy[1][0]=0.0f;          xy[2][0]=-sYaw;                 xy[3][0]=0.0f;
+               xy[0][1]=sPitch*-sYaw;  xy[1][1]=cPitch;        xy[2][1]=-sPitch*cYaw;  xy[3][1]=0.0f;
+               xy[0][2]=cPitch*sYaw;   xy[1][2]=sPitch;        xy[2][2]=cPitch*cYaw;   xy[3][2]=0.0f;
+               xy[0][3]=0.0f;                  xy[1][3]=0.0f;          xy[2][3]=0.0f;                  xy[3][3]=1.0f;
+               //Re-center the model view
+               sgPostMultMat4(modelView,xy);
+               //copy float matrices to double         
+               for (int i=0; i<4; i++) {
+                       for (int j=0; j<4; j++) {
+                               int idx = (i*4)+j;
+                               mm[idx] = (double)modelView[i][j];
+                               pm[idx] = (double)projMat[i][j];                                                                
+                       }
+               }       
+               //Calculate the 2D points via gluProject
+               int result = GL_TRUE;
+               for (int i=0; i<6; i++) {
+                       result = gluProject(points3d[i][0],points3d[i][1],points3d[i][2],mm,pm,view,&points2d[i][0],&points2d[i][1],&points2d[i][2]);                                                                           
+               }
+               //set the line width based on our distance from the runway
+               setLineWidth();
+               //Draw the runway lines on the HUD
+               glEnable(GL_LINE_STIPPLE);
+               glLineStipple(1,stippleOut);    
+               anyLines = 
+               drawLine(points3d[0],points3d[1],points2d[0],points2d[1]) | //draw top
+               drawLine(points3d[2],points3d[1],points2d[2],points2d[1]) | //draw right
+               drawLine(points3d[2],points3d[3],points2d[2],points2d[3]) | //draw bottom
+               drawLine(points3d[3],points3d[0],points2d[3],points2d[0]);  //draw left
+               glLineStipple(1,stippleCen);
+               anyLines |=     drawLine(points3d[5],points3d[4],points2d[5],points2d[4]); //draw center                        
+               //Check to see if arrow needs drawn
+               if ((!anyLines && drawIA) || drawIAAlways) {
+                       drawArrow(); //draw indication arrow
+               }
+               //Restore the current view and any offsets
+               if (curr_view_id != 0) {
+                       globals->get_viewmgr()->set_view(curr_view_id);
+                       globals->get_viewmgr()->copyToCurrent();
+                       curr_view->setHeadingOffset_deg(ho);
+                       curr_view->setPitchOffset_deg(po);
+                       curr_view->setGoalHeadingOffset_deg(gho);
+                       curr_view->setGoalPitchOffset_deg(gpo);
+               }
+               //Set the camera back to the current view
+               ssgSetCamera((sgVec4 *)curr_view);
+               glPopAttrib();
+       }//if not broken
+FGRunway runway_instr::get_active_runway() {
+  FGEnvironment stationweather =
+      ((FGEnvironmentMgr *)globals->get_subsystem("environment"))->getEnvironment();
+  double hdg = stationweather.get_wind_from_heading_deg();  
+  FGRunway runway;
+  globals->get_runways()->search( fgGetString("/sim/presets/airport-id"), int(hdg), &runway);
+  return runway;
+void runway_instr::get_rwy_points(sgdVec3 *points3d) { 
+       static Point3D center = globals->get_scenery()->get_center();
+       //Get the current tile center
+       Point3D currentCenter = globals->get_scenery()->get_center();
+       Point3D tileCenter = currentCenter;
+       if (center != currentCenter) //if changing tiles
+               tileCenter = center; //use last center
+       double alt = current_aircraft.fdm_state->get_Runway_altitude()*SG_FEET_TO_METER;
+       double length = (runway.length/2.0)*SG_FEET_TO_METER;
+       double width = (runway.width/2.0)*SG_FEET_TO_METER;
+       double frontLat,frontLon,backLat,backLon,az,tempLat,tempLon;
+       geo_direct_wgs_84(alt,runway.lat,runway.lon,runway.heading,length,&backLat,&backLon,&az);
+       sgGeodToCart(backLat*SG_DEGREES_TO_RADIANS,backLon*SG_DEGREES_TO_RADIANS,alt,points3d[4]);
+       geo_direct_wgs_84(alt,runway.lat,runway.lon,runway.heading+180,length,&frontLat,&frontLon,&az); 
+       sgGeodToCart(frontLat*SG_DEGREES_TO_RADIANS,frontLon*SG_DEGREES_TO_RADIANS,alt,points3d[5]);
+       geo_direct_wgs_84(alt,backLat,backLon,runway.heading+90,width,&tempLat,&tempLon,&az);
+       sgGeodToCart(tempLat*SG_DEGREES_TO_RADIANS,tempLon*SG_DEGREES_TO_RADIANS,alt,points3d[0]);
+       geo_direct_wgs_84(alt,backLat,backLon,runway.heading-90,width,&tempLat,&tempLon,&az);
+       sgGeodToCart(tempLat*SG_DEGREES_TO_RADIANS,tempLon*SG_DEGREES_TO_RADIANS,alt,points3d[1]);
+       geo_direct_wgs_84(alt,frontLat,frontLon,runway.heading-90,width,&tempLat,&tempLon,&az);
+       sgGeodToCart(tempLat*SG_DEGREES_TO_RADIANS,tempLon*SG_DEGREES_TO_RADIANS,alt,points3d[2]);
+       geo_direct_wgs_84(alt,frontLat,frontLon,runway.heading+90,width,&tempLat,&tempLon,&az);
+       sgGeodToCart(tempLat*SG_DEGREES_TO_RADIANS,tempLon*SG_DEGREES_TO_RADIANS,alt,points3d[3]);
+       for(int i = 0; i < 6; i++)
+       {
+               points3d[i][0] -= tileCenter.x();
+               points3d[i][1] -= tileCenter.y();
+               points3d[i][2] -= tileCenter.z();
+       }
+       center = currentCenter;
+bool runway_instr::drawLine(sgdVec3 a1, sgdVec3 a2, sgdVec3 point1, sgdVec3 point2) {
+       sgdVec3 p1, p2;
+       sgdCopyVec3(p1, point1);
+       sgdCopyVec3(p2, point2);
+       bool p1Inside = (p1[0]>=location.left && p1[0]<=location.right && p1[1]>=location.bottom && p1[1]<=location.top); 
+       bool p1Insight = (p1[2] >= 0.0 && p1[2] < 1.0);
+       bool p1Valid = p1Insight && p1Inside;
+       bool p2Inside = (p2[0]>=location.left && p2[0]<=location.right && p2[1]>=location.bottom && p2[1]<=location.top);
+       bool p2Insight = (p2[2] >= 0.0 && p2[2] < 1.0);
+       bool p2Valid = p2Insight && p2Inside;
+       if (p1Valid && p2Valid) { //Both project points are valid, draw the line
+               glBegin(GL_LINES);
+               glVertex2d(p1[0],p1[1]);
+               glVertex2d(p2[0],p2[1]);
+               glEnd();
+       }
+       else if (p1Valid) { //p1 is valid and p2 is not, calculate a new valid point
+               sgdVec3 vec = {a2[0]-a1[0], a2[1]-a1[1], a2[2]-a1[2]};
+               //create the unit vector
+               sgdScaleVec3(vec,1.0/sgdLengthVec3(vec));
+               sgdVec3 newPt;
+               sgdCopyVec3(newPt,a1);
+               sgdAddVec3(newPt,vec);
+               if (gluProject(newPt[0],newPt[1],newPt[2],mm,pm,view,&p2[0],&p2[1],&p2[2]) && (p2[2]>0&&p2[2]<1.0) ) {
+                       boundPoint(p1,p2);
+                       glBegin(GL_LINES);
+                       glVertex2d(p1[0],p1[1]);
+                       glVertex2d(p2[0],p2[1]);
+                       glEnd();
+               }
+       }
+       else if (p2Valid) { //p2 is valid and p1 is not, calculate a new valid point
+               sgdVec3 vec = {a1[0]-a2[0], a1[1]-a2[1], a1[2]-a2[2]};
+               //create the unit vector
+               sgdScaleVec3(vec,1.0/sgdLengthVec3(vec));
+               sgdVec3 newPt;
+               sgdCopyVec3(newPt,a2);
+               sgdAddVec3(newPt,vec);
+               if (gluProject(newPt[0],newPt[1],newPt[2],mm,pm,view,&p1[0],&p1[1],&p1[2]) && (p1[2]>0&&p1[2]<1.0)) {
+                       boundPoint(p2,p1);
+                       glBegin(GL_LINES);
+                       glVertex2d(p2[0],p2[1]);
+                       glVertex2d(p1[0],p1[1]);
+                       glEnd();
+               }
+       }
+       else if (p1Insight && p2Insight) { //both points are insight, but not inside
+               bool v = boundOutsidePoints(p1,p2);
+               if (v) {
+                       glBegin(GL_LINES);
+                               glVertex2d(p1[0],p1[1]);
+                               glVertex2d(p2[0],p2[1]);
+                       glEnd();
+               }
+               return v;
+       }
+       //else both points are not insight, don't draw anything
+    return (p1Valid && p2Valid);
+void runway_instr::boundPoint(sgdVec3 v, sgdVec3 m) {
+       double y = v[1];
+       if(m[1] < v[1]) {
+               y = location.bottom;
+       }
+       else if(m[1] > v[1]) {
+               y = location.top;
+       }
+       if (m[0] == v[0]) {
+               m[1]=y;
+               return;  //prevent divide by zero
+       }
+       double slope = (m[1]-v[1])/(m[0]-v[0]);
+       m[0] = (y-v[1])/slope + v[0];
+       m[1] = y;
+       if (m[0] < location.left) {
+               m[0] = location.left;                   
+               m[1] = slope * (location.left-v[0])+v[1];
+       }
+       else if (m[0] > location.right) {
+               m[0] = location.right;
+               m[1] = slope * (location.right-v[0])+v[1];
+       }
+bool runway_instr::boundOutsidePoints(sgdVec3 v, sgdVec3 m) {
+       bool pointsInvalid = (v[1]>location.top && m[1]>location.top) ||
+                              (v[1]<location.bottom && m[1]<location.bottom) ||
+                                          (v[0]>location.right && m[0]>location.right) ||
+                                          (v[0]<location.left && m[0]<location.left);
+       if (pointsInvalid)
+               return false;
+       if (m[0] == v[0]) {//x's are equal, vertical line       
+               if (m[1]>v[1]) {
+                       m[1]=location.top;
+                       v[1]=location.bottom;
+               }
+               else {
+                       v[1]=location.top;
+                       m[1]=location.bottom;
+               }
+               return true;
+       }
+       if (m[1] == v[1]) { //y's are equal, horizontal line
+               if (m[0] > v[0]) {
+                       m[0] = location.right;
+                       v[0] = location.left;
+               }
+               else {
+                       v[0] = location.right;
+                       m[0] = location.left;
+               }
+               return true;
+       }
+       double slope = (m[1]-v[1])/(m[0]-v[0]);
+       double b = v[1]-(slope*v[0]);
+       double y1 = slope * location.left + b;
+       double y2 = slope * location.right + b;
+       double x1 = (location.bottom - b) / slope;
+       double x2 = (location.top - b) / slope;
+       int counter = 0;
+       if  (y1 >= location.bottom && y1 <= location.top) {
+               v[0] = location.left;
+               v[1] = y1;
+               counter++;
+       }
+       if (y2 >= location.bottom && y2 <= location.top) {
+               if (counter > 0) {
+                       m[0] = location.right;
+                       m[1] = y2;
+               }
+               else {
+                       v[0] = location.right;
+                       v[1] = y2;
+               }
+               counter++;
+       }
+       if (x1 >= location.left && x1 <= location.right) {
+               if (counter > 0) {
+                       m[0] = x1;
+                       m[1] = location.bottom;
+               }
+               else {
+                       v[0] = x1;
+                       v[1] = location.bottom;
+               }
+               counter++;
+       }
+       if (x2 >= location.left && x2 <= location.right) {
+               m[0] = x1;
+               m[1] = location.bottom;
+               counter++;
+       }
+       return (counter == 2);
+void runway_instr::drawArrow() {
+       Point3D ac,rwy;
+       ac.setlat(current_aircraft.fdm_state->get_Latitude_deg());
+       ac.setlon(current_aircraft.fdm_state->get_Longitude_deg());
+       rwy.setlat(runway.lat);
+       rwy.setlon(runway.lon);
+       float theta = GetHeadingFromTo(ac,rwy);
+       theta -= fgGetDouble("/orientation/heading-deg");
+       theta = -theta;
+       glMatrixMode(GL_MODELVIEW);
+       glPushMatrix();
+       glTranslated((location.right+location.left)/2.0,(location.top+location.bottom)/2.0,0.0);        
+       glRotated(theta,0.0,0.0,1.0);
+       glTranslated(0.0,arrowRad,0.0);
+       glScaled(arrowScale,arrowScale,0.0);
+       glBegin(GL_TRIANGLES);          
+               glVertex2d(-5.0,12.5);
+               glVertex2d(0.0,25.0);
+               glVertex2d(5.0,12.5);           
+       glEnd();
+       glBegin(GL_QUADS);
+               glVertex2d(-2.5,0.0);
+               glVertex2d(-2.5,12.5);
+               glVertex2d(2.5,12.5);
+               glVertex2d(2.5,0.0);
+       glEnd();
+       glPopMatrix();
+void runway_instr::setLineWidth() {
+       //Calculate the distance from the runway, A
+       double course, distance;
+       calc_gc_course_dist(Point3D(runway.lon*SGD_DEGREES_TO_RADIANS, runway.lat*SGD_DEGREES_TO_RADIANS, 0.0),
+               Point3D(current_aircraft.fdm_state->get_Longitude(),current_aircraft.fdm_state->get_Latitude(), 0.0 ),
+               &course, &distance);
+       distance *= SG_METER_TO_NM;
+       //Get altitude above runway, B
+       double alt_nm = get_agl();
+       static const SGPropertyNode *startup_units_node
+    = fgGetNode("/sim/startup/units");
+       if (!strcmp(startup_units_node->getStringValue(), "feet")) 
+               alt_nm *= SG_FEET_TO_METER*SG_METER_TO_NM;
+       else
+               alt_nm *= SG_METER_TO_NM;
+       //Calculate distance away from runway, C = v(A²+B²)     
+       distance = sqrt(alt_nm*alt_nm + distance*distance);
+       if (distance < scaleDist)
+               glLineWidth( 1.0+( (lnScale-1)*( (scaleDist-distance)/scaleDist)));
+       else 
+               glLineWidth( 1.0 );
+void runway_instr::setArrowRotationRadius(double radius) { arrowRad = radius; }
+void runway_instr::setArrowScale(double scale) { arrowScale = scale; }
+void runway_instr::setDrawArrow(bool draw) {drawIA = draw;}
+void runway_instr::setDrawArrowAlways(bool draw) {drawIAAlways = draw;}
+void runway_instr::setLineScale(double scale) {lnScale = scale;}
+void runway_instr::setScaleDist(double dist_m) {scaleDist = dist_m;}
+void runway_instr::setStippleOutline(unsigned short stipple) {stippleOut = stipple;}
+void runway_instr::setStippleCenterline(unsigned short stipple){stippleCen = stipple;}