-// Check if our config file is writeable or not
-function IS_INC_WRITEABLE ($inc) {
- // Generate FQFN
- $FQFN = sprintf("%sinc/%s.php", constant('PATH'), $inc);
- // Abort by simple test
- if ((FILE_READABLE($FQFN)) && (!is_writeable($FQFN))) {
- return false;
- } // END - if
- // Test write-access on directory
- return is_writeable(dirname($FQFN));
// Output HTML code directly or "render" it. You addionally switch the new-line character off
function OUTPUT_HTML ($HTML, $newLine = true) {
// Some global variables
$FQFN = constant('PATH') . $INC;
// Is the include file there?
// Not there so log it
debug_report_bug(sprintf("Include file %s not found.", $INC));
return false;
} // END - if
-// Reads a directory with PHP files in and gets only files back
-function GET_DIR_AS_ARRAY ($baseDir, $prefix, $includeDirs = false, $addBaseDir = true) {
- //* DEBUG: */ DEBUG_LOG(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, "baseDir={$baseDir},prefix={$prefix} - Entered!");
- // Init includes
- $INCs = array();
- // Open directory
- $dirPointer = opendir(constant('PATH') . $baseDir) or mxchange_die("Cannot read ".basename($baseDir)." path!");
- // Read all entries
- while ($baseFile = readdir($dirPointer)) {
- // Construct include filename and FQFN
- $INC = $baseDir . "/" . $baseFile;
- $FQFN = constant('PATH') . $INC;
- // Is this a valid reset file?
- //* DEBUG: */ DEBUG_LOG(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, "baseDir={$baseDir},prefix={$prefix},baseFile={$baseFile}");
- if (((FILE_READABLE($FQFN)) && (substr($baseFile, 0, strlen($prefix)) == $prefix) && (substr($baseFile, -4, 4) == ".php")) || (($includeDirs) && (isDirectory($FQFN)))) {
- // Remove both for extension name
- $extName = substr($baseFile, strlen($prefix), -4);
- // Try to find it
- $extId = GET_EXT_ID($extName);
- // Is the extension valid and active?
- if (($extId > 0) && (EXT_IS_ACTIVE($extName))) {
- // Then add this file
- //* DEBUG: */ DEBUG_LOG(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, " Extension entry ".$baseFile." added.");
- $INCs[] = $INC;
- } elseif ($extId == 0) {
- // Add non-extension files as well
- //* DEBUG: */ DEBUG_LOG(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, " Regular entry ".$baseFile." added.");
- if ($addBaseDir) {
- $INCs[] = $INC;
- } else {
- $INCs[] = $baseFile;
- }
- }
- } // END - if
- } // END - while
- // Close directory
- closedir($dirPointer);
- // Sort array
- asort($INCs);
- // Return array with include files
- //* DEBUG: */ DEBUG_LOG(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, " - Left!");
- return $INCs;
// Load more reset scripts
function runResetIncludes () {
// Is the reset set or old sql_patches?
return $isDirectory;
-// Init INC_POOL
-function INIT_INC_POOL () {
- $GLOBALS['inc_pool'] = array();
-// Setter for INC_POOL
-function SET_INC_POOL ($includePool) {
- $GLOBALS['inc_pool'] = (array) $includePool;
-// Getter for INC_POOL
-function GET_INC_POOL () {
- return $GLOBALS['inc_pool'];
-// Count INC_POOL
-function COUNT_INC_POOL () {
- return count($GLOBALS['inc_pool']);
-// Merge INC_POOL into given
-function MERGE_INC_POOL ($includePool) {
- SET_INC_POOL(merge_array(GET_INC_POOL(), $includePool));
-// Add single include file to INC_POOL
-function ADD_INC_TO_POOL ($INC) {
- $GLOBALS['inc_pool'][] = (string) $INC;
-// Remove an include file from INC_POOL
- // First look it up
- $key = array_search($INC, GET_INC_POOL());
- // Is it valid?
- if ($key !== false) {
- // Then remove it
- unset($GLOBALS['inc_pool'][$key]);
- // And sort the list
- asort($GLOBALS['inc_pool']);
- } // END - if
// Handle message codes from URL
function handleCodeMessage () {
if (REQUEST_ISSET_GET(('msg'))) {
--- /dev/null
+ * MXChange v0.2.1 Start: 03/10/2009 *
+ * =============== Last change: 03/10/2009 *
+ * *
+ * -------------------------------------------------------------------- *
+ * File : inc-functions.php *
+ * -------------------------------------------------------------------- *
+ * Short description : Special functions for handling include files *
+ * -------------------------------------------------------------------- *
+ * Kurzbeschreibung : Spezielle Funktionen fuer Include-Dateien *
+ * -------------------------------------------------------------------- *
+ * $Revision:: 905 $ *
+ * $Date:: 2009-03-10 17:24:54 +0100 (Tue, 10 Mar 2009) $ *
+ * $Tag:: 0.2.1-FINAL $ *
+ * $Author:: quix0r $ *
+ * Needs to be in all Files and every File needs "svn propset *
+ * svn:keywords Date Revision" (autoprobset!) at least!!!!!! *
+ * -------------------------------------------------------------------- *
+ * Copyright (c) 2003 - 2008 by Roland Haeder *
+ * For more information visit: *
+ * *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or *
+ * (at your option) any later version. *
+ * *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, *
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of *
+ * GNU General Public License for more details. *
+ * *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License *
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software *
+ * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, *
+ * MA 02110-1301 USA *
+ ************************************************************************/
+// Some security stuff...
+if (!defined('__SECURITY')) {
+ $INC = substr(dirname(__FILE__), 0, strpos(dirname(__FILE__), "/inc") + 4)."/security.php";
+ require($INC);
+// Check if our config file is writeable or not
+function IS_INC_WRITEABLE ($inc) {
+ // Generate FQFN
+ $FQFN = sprintf("%sinc/%s.php", constant('PATH'), $inc);
+ // Abort by simple test
+ if ((FILE_READABLE($FQFN)) && (!is_writeable($FQFN))) {
+ return false;
+ } // END - if
+ // Test write-access on directory
+ return is_writeable(dirname($FQFN));
+// Reads a directory with PHP files in and gets only files back
+function GET_DIR_AS_ARRAY ($baseDir, $prefix, $includeDirs = false, $addBaseDir = true) {
+ //* DEBUG: */ DEBUG_LOG(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, "baseDir={$baseDir},prefix={$prefix} - Entered!");
+ // Init includes
+ $INCs = array();
+ // Open directory
+ $dirPointer = opendir(constant('PATH') . $baseDir) or mxchange_die("Cannot read ".basename($baseDir)." path!");
+ // Read all entries
+ while ($baseFile = readdir($dirPointer)) {
+ // Construct include filename and FQFN
+ $INC = $baseDir . "/" . $baseFile;
+ $FQFN = constant('PATH') . $INC;
+ // Is this a valid reset file?
+ //* DEBUG: */ DEBUG_LOG(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, "baseDir={$baseDir},prefix={$prefix},baseFile={$baseFile}");
+ if (((FILE_READABLE($FQFN)) && (substr($baseFile, 0, strlen($prefix)) == $prefix) && (substr($baseFile, -4, 4) == ".php")) || (($includeDirs) && (isDirectory($FQFN)))) {
+ // Remove both for extension name
+ $extName = substr($baseFile, strlen($prefix), -4);
+ // Try to find it
+ $extId = GET_EXT_ID($extName);
+ // Is the extension valid and active?
+ if (($extId > 0) && (EXT_IS_ACTIVE($extName))) {
+ // Then add this file
+ //* DEBUG: */ DEBUG_LOG(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, " Extension entry ".$baseFile." added.");
+ $INCs[] = $INC;
+ } elseif ($extId == 0) {
+ // Add non-extension files as well
+ //* DEBUG: */ DEBUG_LOG(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, " Regular entry ".$baseFile." added.");
+ if ($addBaseDir) {
+ $INCs[] = $INC;
+ } else {
+ $INCs[] = $baseFile;
+ }
+ }
+ } // END - if
+ } // END - while
+ // Close directory
+ closedir($dirPointer);
+ // Sort array
+ asort($INCs);
+ // Return array with include files
+ //* DEBUG: */ DEBUG_LOG(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, " - Left!");
+ return $INCs;
+// Init INC_POOL
+function INIT_INC_POOL () {
+ $GLOBALS['inc_pool'] = array();
+// Setter for INC_POOL
+function SET_INC_POOL ($includePool) {
+ $GLOBALS['inc_pool'] = (array) $includePool;
+// Getter for INC_POOL
+function GET_INC_POOL () {
+ return $GLOBALS['inc_pool'];
+// Count INC_POOL
+function COUNT_INC_POOL () {
+ return count($GLOBALS['inc_pool']);
+// Merge INC_POOL into given
+function MERGE_INC_POOL ($includePool) {
+ SET_INC_POOL(merge_array(GET_INC_POOL(), $includePool));
+// Add single include file to INC_POOL
+function ADD_INC_TO_POOL ($INC) {
+ $GLOBALS['inc_pool'][] = (string) $INC;
+// Remove an include file from INC_POOL
+ // First look it up
+ $key = array_search($INC, GET_INC_POOL());
+ // Is it valid?
+ if ($key !== false) {
+ // Then remove it
+ unset($GLOBALS['inc_pool'][$key]);
+ // And sort the list
+ asort($GLOBALS['inc_pool']);
+ } // END - if
+// [EOF]
define('ADMIN_LINK_UNLOCK_USER_TITLE', "Mitglied entsperren");
define('ADMIN_LINK_ADD_POINTS_TITLE', "{!POINTS!} aufbuchen");
define('ADMIN_LINK_SUB_POINTS_TITLE', "{!POINTS!} abziehen");
-define('MESSAGE_HEADER', "Hinweis");
+define('MESSAGE_HEADER', "Hinweis:");
define('ADMIN_ALPHA_SELCTION', "Alphabetische Suche:");
define('CATEGORY_NOT_SAVED', "Kategorie <u>%d</u> nicht gespeichert.");
define('USER_ACCOUNT_404', "User-Account <u>%d</u> nicht gefunden.");
define('__MSG_PASS', LOAD_TEMPLATE("admin_login_msg", true, $passwdMessage));
// Reset variables
- $loginMessage = ""; $passwdMessage = "";
- } else {
+ $loginMessage = ""; $passwdMessage = "";
+ } else {
// Reset values to nothing
define('__MSG_LOGIN', "");
define('__MSG_PASS' , "");
+ // Output message in seperate template
+ LOAD_TEMPLATE("admin_settings_saved", false, getMessage('ADMIN_NOT_REGISTERED'));
// Load register template
// Load more function libraries or includes
-foreach (array('request-functions', 'session-functions', 'config-functions', 'code-functions', 'filters', 'mysql-manager', 'extensions', 'db/lib', 'handler', 'hooks') as $lib) {
+foreach (array('request-functions', 'session-functions', 'config-functions', 'code-functions', 'inc-functions', 'filters', 'mysql-manager', 'extensions', 'db/lib', 'handler', 'hooks') as $lib) {
// Load special functions
LOAD_INC_ONCE(sprintf("inc/%s.php", $lib));
} // END - foreach
<form action="{!URL!}/modules.php?module=admin&action=login" method="post" style="margin-bottom: 0px">
<table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" width="95%" align="center" class="admin_table">
- <tr>
- <td colspan="7" align="center" class="admin_task_header top2 left2 right2">
- <div class="admin_welcome">{--ADMIN_TASK_SYSTEM_WELCOME--}</div>
- </td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td align="center" class="top2 bottom2 right2 left2 admin_header"><strong>{--ID_SELECT--}</strong></td>
- <td align="center" class="top2 bottom2 right2 admin_header"><strong>{--ADMIN_ASSIGNED_ADMIN--}</strong></td>
- <td align="center" class="top2 bottom2 right2 admin_header"><strong>{--ADMIN_REGISTER_EXTENSION--}</strong></td>
- <td align="center" class="top2 bottom2 right2 admin_header"><strong>{--ADMIN_TASK_INFOS--}</strong></td>
- <td align="center" class="top2 bottom2 right2 admin_header"><strong>{--ADMIN_MEMBER_UID--}</strong></td>
- <td align="center" class="top2 bottom2 right2 admin_header"><strong>{--ADMIN_TASK_TYPE--}</strong></td>
- <td align="center" class="top2 bottom2 right2 admin_header"><strong>{--ADMIN_TASK_CREATED--}</strong></td>
- </tr>
+ <td colspan="7" align="center" class="admin_task_header top2 left2 right2">
+ <div class="admin_welcome">{--ADMIN_TASK_SYSTEM_WELCOME--}</div>
+ </td>
+ <td align="center" class="top2 bottom2 right2 left2 admin_header"><strong>{--ID_SELECT--}</strong></td>
+ <td align="center" class="top2 bottom2 right2 admin_header"><strong>{--ADMIN_ASSIGNED_ADMIN--}</strong></td>
+ <td align="center" class="top2 bottom2 right2 admin_header"><strong>{--ADMIN_REGISTER_EXTENSION--}</strong></td>
+ <td align="center" class="top2 bottom2 right2 admin_header"><strong>{--ADMIN_TASK_INFOS--}</strong></td>
+ <td align="center" class="top2 bottom2 right2 admin_header"><strong>{--ADMIN_MEMBER_UID--}</strong></td>
+ <td align="center" class="top2 bottom2 right2 admin_header"><strong>{--ADMIN_TASK_TYPE--}</strong></td>
+ <td align="center" class="top2 bottom2 right2 admin_header"><strong>{--ADMIN_TASK_CREATED--}</strong></td>
<table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" class="admin_table register">
<td colspan="2" align="center" class="admin_title">
- <div class="admin_fatal">{--ADMIN_NOT_REGISTERED--}</div>
- <br />
- <strong>{--ADMIN_REGISTER_NOW--}</strong></td>
+ <strong>{--ADMIN_REGISTER_NOW--}</strong>
+ </td>
<td colspan="2" height="14" class="seperator"> </td>
-<table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" align="center" class="admin_table dashed">
- <td class="admin_title2 bottom2">{--MESSAGE_HEADER--}</td>
- <td class="admin_message"><strong>$content</strong></td>
+<div align="center" style="margin-top:10px;margin-bottom:10px">
+<div style="width:550px" class="admin_table dashed">
+ <div class="admin_title2 bottom2">
+ </div>
+ <div class="admin_message">
+ $content
+ </div>
.runtime_fatalcontent {
- text-align : left;
- font-size : 12px;
+ text-align : left;
+ font-size : 12px;
.admin {
color : #000000;
- background-color : #FFFFFF;
+ background-color : #FFFFFF;
font-family : Verdana, Arial, Geneva, Helvetica, sans-serif;
.admin_note {
color : #000000;
- font-size : 12px;
+ font-size : 12px;
DIV.admin_note {
- padding-top : 10px;
- padding-right : 10px;
- padding-left : 10px;
+ padding-top : 10px;
+ padding-right : 10px;
+ padding-left : 10px;
.admin_fatal {
color : #000000;
- font-size : 18px;
+ font-size : 18px;
.admin_edit, .member_confirm {
- background-color : #FFFFFF;
+ background-color : #FFFFFF;
.member_banner {
- background-color : #FFFFFF;
+ background-color : #FFFFFF;
width : 488px;
.admin_error {
- background-color : #FFFFFF;
+ background-color : #FFFFFF;
color : #000000;
- font-size : 10px;
+ font-size : 10px;
.admin_select, .guest_select, .member_select {
border : solid 1px;
- border-color : #000000;
- background-color : #EEEEFF;
+ border-color : #000000;
+ background-color : #EEEEFF;
.admin_register, .admin_desc_header, .admin_done, .admin_title, .member_title2, .guest_title2, .admin_message {
- background-color : #EEEEFF;
+ background-color : #EEEEFF;
color : #000000;
text-align : center;
.admin_title2 {
- background-color : #EEEEFF;
+ font-weight : bold;
+ padding : 4px;
+ background-color : #EEEEFF;
color : #000000;
text-align : center;
- height : 25px;
- font-size : 14px;
+ font-size : 14px;
.member_done, .guest_done {
.member_misc {
- background-color : #FFFFFF;
+ background-color : #FFFFFF;
.admin_misc, .member_misc {
.admin_welcome {
- background-color : #EEEEFF;
+ background-color : #EEEEFF;
color : #000000;
- vertical-align : middle;
- font-size : 18px;
+ vertical-align : middle;
+ font-size : 18px;
height : 50px;
.admin_header {
- background-color : #EEEEFF;
+ background-color : #EEEEFF;
.admin_menu {
- background-color : #EEEEFF;
+ background-color : #EEEEFF;
color : #000000;
width : 230px;
.admin_logout {
- background-color : #DDDDFF;
+ background-color : #DDDDFF;
color : #000000;
.admin_desc_cont {
- text-align : left;
- background-color : #FFFFFF;
+ text-align : left;
+ background-color : #FFFFFF;
.admin_table, .member_table {
- background-color : #FFFFFF;
+ background-color : #FFFFFF;
.admin_editmenu {
- min-width : 500px;
- max-width : 90%;
+ min-width : 500px;
+ max-width : 90%;
.admin_form_header {
.admin_message {
- margin-bottom : 15px;
+ padding-bottom : 15px;
#show_timings_block {
margin-top : 5px;
- tex-align : center;
- border : solid 1px;
- border-color : #000000;
- background-color : #EEEEFF;
- font-size : 10px;
- vertical-align : middle;
+ tex-align : center;
+ border : solid 1px;
+ border-color : #000000;
+ background-color : #EEEEFF;
+ font-size : 10px;
+ vertical-align : middle;
width : 465px;
height : 22px;
z-index : 0;
.show_timings_column {
z-index : 10;
top : 3px;
- background-color : #FFFFFF;
- position : relative;
+ background-color : #FFFFFF;
+ position : relative;
margin : 0px;
width : 150px;
display : block;
- border : solid 1px;
- border-color : #000000;
+ border : solid 1px;
+ border-color : #000000;
.show_timings_data {
.login_failure_header {
text-align : center;
- background-color : #EEEEFF;
+ background-color : #EEEEFF;
font-weight : bold;
.admin_register, .admin_desc_header, .admin_done, .admin_title, .member_title2, .guest_title2, .admin_message {
- background-color : #ddeedd;
+ background-color : #ddeedd;
color : #009900;
text-align : center;
.admin_title2 {
- background-color : #ddeedd;
+ font-weight : bold;
+ padding : 4px;
+ background-color : #ddeedd;
color : #000099;
text-align : center;
- height : 25px;
- font-size : 14px;
+ font-size : 14px;
.member_unconfirmed {
.admin_message {
- margin-bottom : 15px;
+ padding-top : 5px;
+ padding-bottom : 5px;
#show_timings_block {
.admin_title2 {
+ font-weight : bold;
+ padding : 4px;
background-color : #DDDDAA;
color : #880000;
text-align : center;
- height : 25px;
font-size : 14px;