from datetime import datetime
-from StringIO import StringIO
import os, sha, random
from twisted.internet import defer, reactor
def getStats(self):
"""See L{apt_p2p.interfaces.IDHTStats}."""
- stats = self.khashmir.getStats()
- out = StringIO()
- out.write('<h2>DHT Statistics</h2>\n')
- old_group = None
- for stat in stats:
- if stat['group'] != old_group:
- if old_group is not None:
- out.write('</table>\n')
- out.write('\n<h3>' + stat['group'] + '</h3>\n')
- out.write("<table border='1'>\n")
- if stat['group'] != 'Actions':
- out.write("<tr><th>Statistic</th><th>Value</th></tr>\n")
- else:
- out.write("<tr><th>Action</th><th>Started</th><th>Sent</th><th>OK</th><th>Failed</th><th>Received</th><th>Error</th></tr>\n")
- old_group = stat['group']
- if stat['group'] != 'Actions':
- out.write("<tr title='" + stat['tip'] + "'><td>" + stat['desc'] + '</td><td>' + str(stat['value']) + '</td></tr>\n')
- else:
- actions = stat['value'].keys()
- actions.sort()
- for action in actions:
- out.write("<tr><td>" + action + "</td>")
- for i in xrange(6):
- out.write("<td>" + str(stat['value'][action][i]) + "</td>")
- out.write('</tr>\n')
- return out.getvalue()
+ return self.khashmir.getStats()
def getStatsFactory(self):
"""See L{apt_p2p.interfaces.IDHTStatsFactory}."""
"""Store statistics for the Khashmir DHT."""
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
-from copy import deepcopy
+from StringIO import StringIO
class StatsLogger:
"""Store the statistics for the Khashmir DHT.
- @ivar _StatsTemplate: a template for returning all the statistics
@type config: C{dictionary}
@ivar config: the configuration parameters for the DHT
@ivar startTime: the time the program was started
generated an error
- _StatsTemplate = [{'name': 'uptime',
- 'group': 'General',
- 'desc': 'Up time',
- 'tip': 'The elapsed time since the program started',
- 'value': None,
- },
- {'name': 'reachable',
- 'group': 'General',
- 'desc': 'Reachable',
- 'tip': 'Whether other nodes can contact us (not NATted or firewalled)',
- 'value': None,
- },
- {'name': 'nodes',
- 'group': 'Routing Table',
- 'desc': 'Number of nodes',
- 'tip': 'The number of nodes we are connected to',
- 'value': None,
- },
- {'name': 'users',
- 'group': 'Routing Table',
- 'desc': 'Total number of users',
- 'tip': 'The estimated total number of users in the DHT',
- 'value': None,
- },
- {'name': 'keys',
- 'group': 'Database',
- 'desc': 'Keys',
- 'tip': 'The number of distinct keys in the database',
- 'value': None,
- },
- {'name': 'values',
- 'group': 'Database',
- 'desc': 'Values',
- 'tip': 'The total number of values in the database',
- 'value': None,
- },
- {'name': 'downPackets',
- 'group': 'Transport',
- 'desc': 'Downloaded packets',
- 'tip': 'The number of received packets',
- 'value': None,
- },
- {'name': 'upPackets',
- 'group': 'Transport',
- 'desc': 'Uploaded packets',
- 'tip': 'The number of sent packets',
- 'value': None,
- },
- {'name': 'downBytes',
- 'group': 'Transport',
- 'desc': 'Downloaded bytes',
- 'tip': 'The number of bytes received by the DHT',
- 'value': None,
- },
- {'name': 'upBytes',
- 'group': 'Transport',
- 'desc': 'Uploaded bytes',
- 'tip': 'The number of bytes sent by the DHT',
- 'value': None,
- },
- {'name': 'downSpeed',
- 'group': 'Transport',
- 'desc': 'Downloaded bytes/second',
- 'tip': 'The number of bytes received by the DHT per second',
- 'value': None,
- },
- {'name': 'upSpeed',
- 'group': 'Transport',
- 'desc': 'Uploaded bytes/second',
- 'tip': 'The number of bytes sent by the DHT per second',
- 'value': None,
- },
- {'name': 'actions',
- 'group': 'Actions',
- 'desc': 'Actions',
- 'tip': 'The number of requests for each action',
- 'value': None,
- },
- ]
def __init__(self, table, store, config):
"""Initialize the statistics.
# General
self.config = config
- self.startTime = datetime.now()
+ self.startTime = datetime.now().replace(microsecond=0)
self.reachable = False
# Routing Table
self.keys, self.values = self.store.keyStats()
return (self.keys, self.values)
- def gather(self):
- """Gather all the statistics for the DHT.
+ def formatHTML(self):
+ """Gather statistics for the DHT and format them for display in a browser.
- @rtype: C{list} of C{dictionary}
- @return: each dictionary has keys describing the statistic:
- name, group, desc, tip, and value
+ @rtype: C{string}
+ @return: the stats, formatted for display in the body of an HTML page
- stats = self._StatsTemplate[:]
- elapsed = datetime.now() - self.startTime
- for stat in stats:
- val = getattr(self, stat['name'], None)
- if stat['name'] == 'uptime':
- stat['value'] = elapsed
- elif stat['name'] == 'actions':
- stat['value'] = deepcopy(self.actions)
- elif stat['name'] == 'downSpeed':
- stat['value'] = self.downBytes / (elapsed.days*86400.0 + elapsed.seconds + elapsed.microseconds/1000000.0)
- elif stat['name'] == 'upSpeed':
- stat['value'] = self.upBytes / (elapsed.days*86400.0 + elapsed.seconds + elapsed.microseconds/1000000.0)
- elif val is not None:
- stat['value'] = val
- return stats
+ elapsed = datetime.now().replace(microsecond=0) - self.startTime
+ out = StringIO()
+ out.write('<h2>DHT Statistics</h2>\n')
+ out.write("<table border='0' cellspacing='20px'>\n<tr>\n")
+ out.write('<td>\n')
+ out.write("<table border='1' cellpadding='4px'>\n")
+ # General
+ out.write("<tr><th><h3>General</h3></th><th>Value</th></tr>\n")
+ out.write("<tr title='Elapsed time since the DHT was started'><td>Up time</td><td>" + str(elapsed) + '</td></tr>\n')
+ out.write("<tr title='Whether this node is reachable by other nodes'><td>Reachable</td><td>" + str(self.reachable) + '</td></tr>\n')
+ out.write("</table>\n")
+ out.write('</td><td>\n')
+ out.write("<table border='1' cellpadding='4px'>\n")
+ # Routing
+ out.write("<tr><th><h3>Routing Table</h3></th><th>Value</th></tr>\n")
+ out.write("<tr title='The number of connected nodes'><td>Number of nodes</td><td>" + str(self.nodes) + '</td></tr>\n')
+ out.write("<tr title='The estimated number of connected users in the entire DHT'><td>Total number of users</td><td>" + str(self.users) + '</td></tr>\n')
+ out.write("</table>\n")
+ out.write('</td><td>\n')
+ out.write("<table border='1' cellpadding='4px'>\n")
+ # Database
+ out.write("<tr><th><h3>Database</h3></th><th>Value</th></tr>\n")
+ out.write("<tr title='Number of distinct keys in the database'><td>Keys</td><td>" + str(self.keys) + '</td></tr>\n')
+ out.write("<tr title='Total number of values stored locally'><td>Values</td><td>" + str(self.values) + '</td></tr>\n')
+ out.write("</table>\n")
+ out.write("</td></tr><tr><td colspan='3'>\n")
+ out.write("<table border='1' cellpadding='4px'>\n")
+ out.write("<tr><th><h3>Transport</h3></th><th>Packets</th><th>Bytes</th><th>Bytes/second</th></tr>\n")
+ out.write("<tr title='Stats for packets received from the DHT'><td>Downloaded</td>")
+ out.write('<td>' + str(self.downPackets) + '</td>')
+ out.write('<td>' + str(self.downBytes) + '</td>')
+ out.write('<td>%0.2f</td></tr>\n' % (self.downBytes / (elapsed.days*86400.0 + elapsed.seconds), ))
+ out.write("<tr title='Stats for packets sent to the DHT'><td>Uploaded</td>")
+ out.write('<td>' + str(self.upPackets) + '</td>')
+ out.write('<td>' + str(self.upBytes) + '</td>')
+ out.write('<td>%0.2f</td></tr>\n' % (self.upBytes / (elapsed.days*86400.0 + elapsed.seconds), ))
+ out.write("</table>\n")
+ out.write("</td></tr><tr><td colspan='3'>\n")
+ out.write("<table border='1' cellpadding='4px'>\n")
+ # Actions
+ out.write("<tr><th><h3>Actions</h3></th><th>Started</th><th>Sent</th><th>OK</th><th>Failed</th><th>Received</th><th>Error</th></tr>\n")
+ actions = self.actions.keys()
+ actions.sort()
+ for action in actions:
+ out.write("<tr><td>" + action + "</td>")
+ for i in xrange(6):
+ out.write("<td>" + str(self.actions[action][i]) + "</td>")
+ out.write('</tr>\n')
+ out.write("</table>\n")
+ out.write("</td></tr>\n")
+ out.write("</table>\n")
+ return out.getvalue()
#{ Called by the action
def startedAction(self, action):
"""Record that an action was started.