if (empty($item)) {
- throw new HTTPException\NotFoundException($this->t('The requested item doesn\'t exist or has been deleted.'));
+ $this->page['aside'] = '';
+ $displayNotFound = new DisplayNotFound($this->l10n, $this->baseUrl, $this->args, $this->logger, $this->profiler, $this->response, $this->server, $this->parameters);
+ return $displayNotFound->content();
if ($item['gravity'] != Item::GRAVITY_PARENT) {
protected function content(array $request = []): string
+ $reasons = [
+ $this->t("The top-level post isn't visible."),
+ $this->t('The top-level post was deleted.'),
+ $this->t('This node has blocked the top-level author or the author of the shared post.'),
+ $this->t('You have ignored or blocked the top-level author or the author of the shared post.'),
+ ];
$tpl = Renderer::getMarkupTemplate('special/displaynotfound.tpl');
return Renderer::replaceMacros($tpl, [
'$l10n' => [
- 'title' => $this->t('Not Found'),
- 'message' => $this->t("<p>Unfortunately, the requested conversation isn't available to you.</p>
-<p>Possible reasons include:</p>
- <li>The top-level post isn't visible.</li>
- <li>The top-level post was deleted.</li>
- <li>The node has blocked the top-level author or the author of the shared post.</li>
- <li>You have ignored or blocked the top-level author or the author of the shared post.</li>
+ 'title' => $this->t('Conversation Not Found'),
+ 'desc1' => $this->t("Unfortunately, the requested conversation isn't available to you."),
+ 'desc2' => $this->t('Possible reasons include:'),
+ 'reasons' => $reasons,
<div id="exception" class="generic-page-wrapper">
<img class="hare" src="images/friendica-404_svg_flexy-o-hare.png"/>
- <h1>{{$title}}</h1>
- {{$message nofilter}}
+ <h1>{{$l10n.title}}</h1>
+ <p>{{$l10n.desc1}}</p>
+ <p>{{$l10n.desc2}}</p>
+ <ul>
+{{foreach $l10n.reasons as $reason}}
+ <li>{{$reason}}</li>
+ </ul>