lat( NULL ),
alt( NULL ),
true_hdg_deg( NULL ),
+ target_altitude_ft( NULL ),
+ altitude_lock( NULL ),
wp0_id( NULL ),
wp0_dist( NULL ),
wp0_eta( NULL ),
wpn_eta( NULL ),
input(fgGetNode( RM "input", true )),
listener(new Listener(this)),
- mirror(fgGetNode( RM "route", true ))
+ mirror(fgGetNode( RM "route", true )),
+ altitude_set( false )
alt = fgGetNode( "/position/altitude-ft", true );
true_hdg_deg = fgGetNode( "/autopilot/settings/true-heading-deg", true );
+ target_altitude_ft = fgGetNode( "/autopilot/settings/target-altitude-ft", true );
+ altitude_lock = fgGetNode( "/autopilot/locks/altitude", true );
wp0_id = fgGetNode( RM "wp[0]/id", true );
wp0_dist = fgGetNode( RM "wp[0]/dist", true );
alt->getDoubleValue(), &wp_course, &wp_distance );
true_hdg_deg->setDoubleValue( wp_course );
+ double target_alt = wp.get_target_alt();
+ // activate altitude lock only once per route (this can't be done in
+ // new_waypoint() because the first wp might not have an altitude defined at all)
+ if (!altitude_set && target_alt > -9990) {
+ target_altitude_ft->setDoubleValue( target_alt * SG_METER_TO_FEET );
+ altitude_lock->setStringValue( "altitude-hold" );
+ altitude_set = true;
+ }
if ( wp_distance < 200.0 ) {
+ altitude_set = false;
int FGRouteMgr::new_waypoint( const string& Tgt_Alt, int n ) {
- double alt = 0.0;
string target = Tgt_Alt;
// make upper case
if (target[i] >= 'a' && target[i] <= 'z')
target[i] -= 'a' - 'A';
+ SGWayPoint *wp = 0;
+ int type = make_waypoint( &wp, target );
+ if (wp) {
+ fgSetString( "/autopilot/locks/heading", "true-heading-hold" );
+ add_waypoint( *wp, n );
+ delete wp;
+ }
+ return type;
+int FGRouteMgr::make_waypoint(SGWayPoint **wp, string& target) {
+ double alt = -9999.0;
// extract altitude
unsigned int pos = target.find( '@' );
if ( pos != string::npos ) {
double lat = atof( target.c_str() + pos + 1);
SG_LOG( SG_GENERAL, SG_INFO, "Adding waypoint lon = " << lon << ", lat = " << lat );
- SGWayPoint wp( lon, lat, alt, SGWayPoint::WGS84, target );
- add_waypoint( wp, n );
- fgSetString( "/autopilot/locks/heading", "true-heading-hold" );
+ *wp = new SGWayPoint( lon, lat, alt, SGWayPoint::WGS84, target );
return 1;
const FGAirport *apt = fgFindAirportID( target );
if (apt) {
SG_LOG( SG_GENERAL, SG_INFO, "Adding waypoint (airport) = " << target );
- SGWayPoint wp( apt->getLongitude(), apt->getLatitude(), alt, SGWayPoint::WGS84, target );
- add_waypoint( wp, n );
- fgSetString( "/autopilot/locks/heading", "true-heading-hold" );
+ *wp = new SGWayPoint( apt->getLongitude(), apt->getLatitude(), alt, SGWayPoint::WGS84, target );
return 2;
FGFix f;
if ( globals->get_fixlist()->query( target, &f ) ) {
SG_LOG( SG_GENERAL, SG_INFO, "Adding waypoint (fix) = " << target );
- SGWayPoint wp( f.get_lon(), f.get_lat(), alt, SGWayPoint::WGS84, target );
- add_waypoint( wp, n );
- fgSetString( "/autopilot/locks/heading", "true-heading-hold" );
+ *wp = new SGWayPoint( f.get_lon(), f.get_lat(), alt, SGWayPoint::WGS84, target );
return 3;
if (FGNavRecord* nav = globals->get_navlist()->findByIdent(target.c_str(), lon, lat)) {
SG_LOG( SG_GENERAL, SG_INFO, "Adding waypoint (nav) = " << target );
- SGWayPoint wp( nav->get_lon(), nav->get_lat(), alt, SGWayPoint::WGS84, target );
- add_waypoint( wp, n );
- fgSetString( "/autopilot/locks/heading", "true-heading-hold" );
+ *wp = new SGWayPoint( nav->get_lon(), nav->get_lat(), alt, SGWayPoint::WGS84, target );
return 4;