string depIdent = dep->getStringValue("airport");
setDeparture((FGAirport*) fgFindAirportID(depIdent));
if (_departure) {
- if (dep->hasChild("runway")) {
- setDeparture(_departure->getRunwayByIdent(dep->getStringValue("runway")));
+ string rwy(dep->getStringValue("runway"));
+ if (_departure->hasRunwayWithIdent(rwy)) {
+ setDeparture(_departure->getRunwayByIdent(rwy));
if (dep->hasChild("sid")) {
if (dst) {
setDestination((FGAirport*) fgFindAirportID(dst->getStringValue("airport")));
if (_destination) {
- if (dst->hasChild("runway")) {
- setDestination(_destination->getRunwayByIdent(dst->getStringValue("runway")));
+ string rwy(dst->getStringValue("runway"));
+ if (_destination->hasRunwayWithIdent(rwy)) {
+ setDestination(_destination->getRunwayByIdent(rwy));
if (dst->hasChild("star")) {
} else {
string nid = aWP->getStringValue("navid", ident.c_str());
FGPositionedRef p = FGPositioned::findClosestWithIdent(nid, lastPos);
- if (!p) {
- throw sg_io_exception("bad route file, unknown navid:" + nid);
+ SGGeod pos;
+ if (p) {
+ pos = p->geod();
+ } else {
+ SG_LOG(SG_GENERAL, SG_WARN, "unknown navaid in flightplan:" << nid);
+ pos = SGGeod::fromDeg(aWP->getDoubleValue("longitude-deg"),
+ aWP->getDoubleValue("latitude-deg"));
- SGGeod pos(p->geod());
if (aWP->hasChild("offset-nm") && aWP->hasChild("offset-radial")) {
double radialDeg = aWP->getDoubleValue("offset-radial");
// convert magnetic radial to a true radial!
radialDeg += magvarDegAt(pos);
double offsetNm = aWP->getDoubleValue("offset-nm");
double az2;
- SGGeodesy::direct(p->geod(), radialDeg, offsetNm * SG_NM_TO_METER, pos, az2);
+ SGGeodesy::direct(pos, radialDeg, offsetNm * SG_NM_TO_METER, pos, az2);
w = new BasicWaypt(pos, ident, NULL);
- WayptRef nd(createInstance(aOwner, aProp->getStringValue("type")));
+ try {
+ WayptRef nd(createInstance(aOwner, aProp->getStringValue("type")));
+ nd->initFromProperties(aProp);
+ return nd;
+ } catch (sg_exception& e) {
+ SG_LOG(SG_GENERAL, SG_WARN, "failed to create waypoint, trying basic:" << e.getMessage());
+ }
+// if we failed to make the waypoint, try again making a basic waypoint.
+// this handles the case where a navaid waypoint is missing, for example
+ WayptRef nd(new BasicWaypt(aOwner));
return nd;