// DCL 22/03/01 - based on Riley's post on the list (25 rpm gain at 1000 rpm as lever is pulled out from full rich)
// I have reduced the sea level full rich mixture to thi = 1.3
+// DCL 18/9/01 - Got the engine to start and stop in response to the magneto switch.
+// Changed all PI to LS_PI (in ls_constants.h).
+// Engine now checks for fuel and stops when not available.
#include <simgear/compiler.h>
#include "IO360.hxx"
+#include "LaRCsim/ls_constants.h"
+#include <Main/fg_props.hxx>
// Static utility functions
Max_Fuel_Flow = 130;
Mag_Derate_Percent = 5;
// MaxHP = 285; //Continental IO520-M
- MaxHP = 180; //Lycoming IO360
+ MaxHP = 200; //Lycoming IO360 -A-C-D series
+// MaxHP = 180; //Current Lycoming IO360 ?
// displacement = 520; //Continental IO520-M
displacement = 360; //Lycoming IO360
displacement_SI = displacement * CONVERT_CUBIC_INCHES_TO_METERS_CUBED;
engine_inertia = 0.2; //kgm^2 - value taken from a popular family saloon car engine - need to find an aeroengine value !!!!!
- prop_inertia = 0.03; //kgm^2 - this value is a total guess - dcl
+ prop_inertia = 0.05; //kgm^2 - this value is a total guess - dcl
Gear_Ratio = 1;
+ n_R = 2; // Number of crank revolutions per power cycle - 2 for a 4 cylinder engine.
- started = true;
+ running = fgGetBool("/engines/engine[0]/running");
cranking = false;
+ fgSetBool("/engines/engine[0]/cranking", false);
// Initialise Engine Variables used by this instance
+ if(running)
+ RPM = 600;
+ else
+ RPM = 0;
Percentage_Power = 0;
Manifold_Pressure = 29.00; // Inches
- RPM = 600;
Fuel_Flow_gals_hr = 0;
Torque = 0;
Torque_SI = 0;
// cout << "AFR = " << 14.7 / equivalence_ratio << '\n';
// cout << "Mixture lever = " << Mixture_Lever_Pos << '\n';
// cout << "n = " << RPM << " rpm\n";
- cout << "T_amb = " << T_amb << '\n';
+// cout << "T_amb = " << T_amb << '\n';
+ cout << "running = " << running << '\n';
+ cout << "fuel = " << fgGetFloat("/consumables/fuel/tank[0]/level-gal_us") << '\n';
if(count1 == 600)
float Vo = 0;
float V1 = 0;
- // Set up the new variables
- float PI = 3.1428571;
+ // Parameters that alter the operation of the engine. (spark, fuel, starter motor etc)
+ // Check for spark
+ int Magneto_Left = 0;
+ int Magneto_Right = 0;
+ int mag_pos = fgGetInt("/engines/engine[0]/magneto");
+ // Magneto positions:
+ // 0 -> off
+ // 1 -> left only
+ // 2 -> right only
+ // 3 -> both
+ if(mag_pos != 0) {
+ spark = true;
+ } else {
+ spark = false;
+ } // neglects battery voltage, master on switch, etc for now.
+ if((mag_pos == 1) || (mag_pos > 2))
+ Magneto_Left = 1;
+ if(mag_pos > 1)
+ Magneto_Right = 1;
+ // crude check for fuel
+ if((fgGetFloat("/consumables/fuel/tank[0]/level-gal_us") > 0) || (fgGetFloat("/consumables/fuel/tank[1]/level-gal_us") > 0)) {
+ fuel = true;
+ } else {
+ fuel = false;
+ } // Need to make this better, eg position of fuel selector switch.
+ // Check if we are turning the starter motor
+ bool temp = fgGetBool("/engines/engine[0]/starter");
+ if(cranking != temp) {
+ // This check saves .../cranking from getting updated every loop - they only update when changed.
+ cranking = temp;
+ if(cranking)
+ fgSetBool("/engines/engine[0]/cranking", true);
+ else
+ fgSetBool("/engines/engine[0]/cranking", false);
+ }
+ // Note that although /engines/engine[0]/starter and /engines/engine[0]/cranking might appear to be duplication it is
+ // not since the starter may be engaged with the battery voltage too low for cranking to occur (or perhaps the master
+ // switch just left off) and the sound manager will read .../cranking to determine wether to play a cranking sound.
+ // For now though none of that is implemented so cranking can be set equal to .../starter without further checks.
- // Parameters that alter the operation of the engine.
- int Fuel_Available = 1; // Yes = 1. Is there Fuel Available. Calculated elsewhere
int Alternate_Air_Pos =0; // Off = 0. Reduces power by 3 % for same throttle setting
- int Magneto_Left = 1; // 1 = On. Reduces power by 5 % for same power lever settings
- int Magneto_Right = 1; // 1 = On. Ditto, Both of the above though do not alter fuel flow
+ // DCL - don't know what this Alternate_Air_Pos is - this is a leftover from the Schubert code.
+ //Check mode of engine operation
+ if(cranking) {
+ if(RPM <= 480) {
+ RPM += 100;
+ if(RPM > 480)
+ RPM = 480;
+ } else {
+ // consider making a horrible noise if the starter is engaged with the engine running
+ }
+ }
+ if((!running) && (spark) && (fuel)) {
+ // start the engine if revs high enough
+ if(RPM > 450) {
+ // For now just instantaneously start but later we should maybe crank for a bit
+ running = true;
+ fgSetBool("/engines/engine[0]/running", true);
+ RPM = 600;
+ }
+ }
+ if( (running) && ((!spark)||(!fuel)) ) {
+ // Cut the engine
+ // note that we only cut the power - the engine may continue to spin if the prop is in a moving airstream
+ running = false;
+ fgSetBool("/engines/engine[0]/running", false);
+ }
// Calculate Sea Level Manifold Pressure
Manifold_Pressure = Calc_Manifold_Pressure( Throttle_Lever_Pos, Max_Manifold_Pressure, Min_Manifold_Pressure );
Percentage_Power = Percentage_Power * Percentage_of_best_power_mixture_power / 100.0;
// Now Derate engine for the effects of Bad/Switched off magnetos
- if (Magneto_Left == 0 && Magneto_Right == 0) {
+ //if (Magneto_Left == 0 && Magneto_Right == 0) {
+ if(!running) {
// cout << "Both OFF\n";
Percentage_Power = 0;
} else if (Magneto_Left && Magneto_Right) {
// cout << FGEng1_Percentage_Power << "%" << "\t";
+ //DCL - stall the engine if RPM drops below 450 - this is possible if mixture lever is pulled right out
+ //This is a kludge that I should eliminate by adding a total fmep estimation.
+ if(RPM < 450)
+ Percentage_Power = 0;
+ if(Percentage_Power < 0)
+ Percentage_Power = 0;
+ // FMEP calculation. For now we will just use this during motored operation, ie when %Power == 0.
+ // Eventually we will calculate IMEP and use the FMEP all the time to give BMEP
+ //
+ if(Percentage_Power == 0) {
+ // This FMEP data is from the Patton paper, assumes fully warm conditions.
+ FMEP = 1e-12*pow(RPM,4) - 1e-8*pow(RPM,3) + 5e-5*pow(RPM,2) - 0.0722*RPM + 154.85;
+ // Gives FMEP in kPa - now convert to Pa
+ FMEP *= 1000;
+ } else {
+ FMEP = 0.0;
+ }
+ Torque_FMEP = (FMEP * displacement_SI) / (2.0 * LS_PI * n_R);
HP = Percentage_Power * MaxHP / 100.0;
// Calculate Engine Torque. Check for div by zero since percentage power correlation does not guarantee zero power at zero rpm.
+ // However this is problematical since there is a resistance to movement even at rest
+ // Ie this is a dynamics equation not a statics one. This can be solved by going over to MEP based torque calculations.
if(RPM == 0) {
- Torque_SI = 0;
+ Torque_SI = 0 - Torque_FMEP;
else {
- Torque_SI = (Power_SI * 60.0) / (2.0 * PI * RPM); //Torque = power / angular velocity
+ Torque_SI = ((Power_SI * 60.0) / (2.0 * LS_PI * RPM)) - Torque_FMEP; //Torque = power / angular velocity
// cout << Torque << " Nm\n";
Gear_Ratio = 1.0;
FGProp1_RPS = RPM * Gear_Ratio / 60.0; // Borrow this variable from Phils model for now !!
- angular_velocity_SI = 2.0 * PI * RPM / 60.0;
+ angular_velocity_SI = 2.0 * LS_PI * RPM / 60.0;
forward_velocity = IAS * 0.514444444444; // Convert to m/s
//cout << "Gear_Ratio = " << Gear_Ratio << '\n';
//cout << "prop HP consumed = " << prop_power_consumed_SI / 745.699 << '\n';
if(angular_velocity_SI == 0)
prop_torque = 0;
+ // However this can give problems - if rpm == 0 but forward velocity increases the prop should be able to generate a torque to start the engine spinning
+ // Unlikely to happen in practice - but I suppose someone could move the lever of a stopped large piston engine from feathered to windmilling.
+ // This *does* give problems - if the plane is put into a steep climb whilst windmilling the engine friction will eventually stop it spinning.
+ // When put back into a dive it never starts re-spinning again. Although it is unlikely that anyone would do this in real life, they might well do it in a sim!!!
prop_torque = prop_power_consumed_SI / angular_velocity_SI;
neta_prop_25 = -0.3121*J*J*J*J + 0.4234*J*J*J - 0.7686*J*J + 1.5237*J - 0.0004;
neta_prop = neta_prop_20 + ( (neta_prop_25 - neta_prop_20) * ((blade_angle - 20)/(25 - 20)) );
- //FIXME - need to check for zero forward velocity to avoid divide by zero
+ // Check for zero forward velocity to avoid divide by zero
if(forward_velocity < 0.0001)
prop_thrust = 0.0;
+ // I don't see how this works - how can the plane possibly start from rest ???
+ // Hmmmm - it works because the forward_velocity at present never drops below about 0.03 even at rest
+ // We can't really rely on this in the future - needs fixing !!!!
+ // The problem is that we're doing this calculation backwards - we're working out the thrust from the power consumed and the velocity, which becomes invalid as velocity goes to zero.
+ // It would be far more natural to work out the power consumed from the thrust - FIXME!!!!!.
prop_thrust = neta_prop * prop_power_consumed_SI / forward_velocity; //TODO - rename forward_velocity to IAS_SI
//cout << "prop_thrust = " << prop_thrust << '\n';
//Calculate new RPM from torque balance and inertia.
Torque_Imbalance = Torque_SI - prop_torque; //This gives a +ve value when the engine torque exeeds the prop torque
+ // (Engine torque is +ve when it acts in the direction of engine revolution, prop torque is +ve when it opposes the direction of engine revolution)
angular_acceleration = Torque_Imbalance / (engine_inertia + prop_inertia);
angular_velocity_SI += (angular_acceleration * time_step);
- RPM = (angular_velocity_SI * 60) / (2.0 * PI);
+ // Don't let the engine go into reverse
+ if(angular_velocity_SI < 0)
+ angular_velocity_SI = 0;
+ RPM = (angular_velocity_SI * 60) / (2.0 * LS_PI);
+// if(RPM < 0)
+// RPM = 0;
//DCL - stall the engine if RPM drops below 500 - this is possible if mixture lever is pulled right out
- if(RPM < 500)
- RPM = 0;
+// if(RPM < 500)
+// RPM = 0;
#include <Input/input.hxx>
-// begin - added Venky
-// $$$ begin - added VS Renganathan
+// ADA
#include <simgear/misc/sgstream.hxx>
+#include <simgear/math/point3d.hxx>
#include <FDM/flight.hxx>
#include <FDM/ADA.hxx>
+#include <Scenery/tileentry.hxx>
+// Should be inlcluded by gl.h if needed by your platform
+// #include <GL/glext.h>
+float default_attenuation[3] = {1.0, 0.0, 0.0};
+//Required for using GL_extensions
void fgLoadDCS (void);
void fgUpdateDCS (void);
ssgSelector *ship_sel=NULL;
// upto 32 instances of a same object can be loaded.
ssgTransform *ship_pos[32];
-double obj_lat[32],obj_lon[32],obj_alt[32];
+double obj_lat[32],obj_lon[32],obj_alt[32],obj_pitch[32],obj_roll[32];
int objc=0;
-// $$$ end - added VS Renganathan
-// end - added Venky
+ssgSelector *lightpoints_brightness = new ssgSelector;
+ssgTransform *lightpoints_transform = new ssgTransform;
+FGTileEntry *dummy_tile;
+sgVec3 rway_ols;
+// ADA
# include <WeatherCM/FGLocalWeatherDatabase.h>
cur_fdm_state->get_Psi() );
+ if (fgGetString("/sim/flight-model") == "ada") {
+ //+ve x is aft, +ve z is up (see viewer.hxx)
+ pilot_view->set_pilot_offset( -5.0, 0.0, 1.0 );
+ }
FGViewerLookAt *chase_view =
(FGViewerLookAt *)globals->get_viewmgr()->get_view( 1 );
// Set punch through fog density
glFogf (GL_FOG_DENSITY, fog_exp2_punch_through);
+ // Enable states for drawing points with GL_extension
+ if (glutExtensionSupported("GL_EXT_point_parameters")) {
+ glEnable(GL_POINT_SMOOTH);
+ float quadratic[3] = {1.0, 0.01, 0.0001};
+ // get the address of our OpenGL extensions
+ wglGetProcAddress("glPointParameterfEXT");
+ wglGetProcAddress("glPointParameterfvEXT");
+ // makes the points fade as they move away
+ glPointParameterfvEXT(GL_DISTANCE_ATTENUATION_EXT, quadratic);
+ glPointParameterfEXT(GL_POINT_SIZE_MIN_EXT, 1.0);
+ glPointSize(4.0);
+ // Enable states for drawing runway lights with spherical mapping
+ glEnable(GL_TEXTURE_GEN_S);
+ glEnable(GL_TEXTURE_GEN_T);
+ //Maybe this is not the best way, but it works !!
+ glPolygonMode(GL_FRONT, GL_POINT);
+ glCullFace(GL_BACK);
+ glEnable(GL_CULL_FACE);
+ }
+ glDisable( GL_LIGHTING );
+ // blending function for runway lights
+ glEnable(GL_BLEND);
ssgCullAndDraw( lighting );
+ if (glutExtensionSupported("GL_EXT_point_parameters")) {
+ // Disable states used for runway lighting
+ glPolygonMode(GL_FRONT, GL_FILL);
+ glDisable(GL_TEXTURE_GEN_S);
+ glDisable(GL_TEXTURE_GEN_T);
+ default_attenuation);
+ }
+ glPointSize(1.0);
if ( fgGetBool("/sim/rendering/skyblend") ) {
// draw the sky cloud layers
thesky->postDraw( cur_fdm_state->get_Altitude() * SG_FEET_TO_METER );
if ( fgGetBool("/sim/sound") && globals->get_soundmgr()->is_working() ) {
if ( fgGetString("/sim/aircraft") == "c172" ) {
- // pitch corresponds to rpm
- // volume corresponds to manifold pressure
- // cout << "AUDIO working = "
- // << globals->get_soundmgr()->is_working() << endl;
- double rpm_factor;
- if ( cur_fdm_state->get_engine(0) != NULL ) {
- rpm_factor = cur_fdm_state->get_engine(0)->get_RPM() / 2500.0;
- } else {
- rpm_factor = 1.0;
- }
- // cout << "rpm = " << cur_fdm_state->get_engine(0)->get_RPM()
- // << endl;
- double pitch = 0.3 + rpm_factor * 3.0;
+ if(fgGetBool("/engines/engine[0]/running")) {
+ // pitch corresponds to rpm
+ // volume corresponds to manifold pressure
+ // cout << "AUDIO working = "
+ // << globals->get_soundmgr()->is_working() << endl;
+ double rpm_factor;
+ if ( cur_fdm_state->get_engine(0) != NULL ) {
+ rpm_factor = cur_fdm_state->get_engine(0)->get_RPM() / 2500.0;
+ } else {
+ rpm_factor = 1.0;
+ }
+ // cout << "rpm = " << cur_fdm_state->get_engine(0)->get_RPM()
+ // << endl;
+ double pitch = 0.3 + rpm_factor * 3.0;
- // don't run at absurdly slow rates -- not realistic
- // and sounds bad to boot. :-)
- if (pitch < 0.7) { pitch = 0.7; }
- if (pitch > 5.0) { pitch = 5.0; }
- double mp_factor;
- if ( cur_fdm_state->get_engine(0) != NULL ) {
- mp_factor =
- cur_fdm_state->get_engine(0)->get_Manifold_Pressure() / 100;
+ // don't run at absurdly slow rates -- not realistic
+ // and sounds bad to boot. :-)
+ if (pitch < 0.7) { pitch = 0.7; }
+ if (pitch > 5.0) { pitch = 5.0; }
+ double mp_factor;
+ if ( cur_fdm_state->get_engine(0) != NULL ) {
+ mp_factor = cur_fdm_state->get_engine(0)->get_Manifold_Pressure() / 100;
+ } else {
+ mp_factor = 0.3;
+ }
+ /* cout << "mp = "
+ << cur_fdm_state->get_engine(0)->get_Manifold_Pressure()
+ << endl; */
+ double volume = 0.15 + mp_factor / 2.0;
+ if ( volume < 0.15 ) { volume = 0.15; }
+ if ( volume > 0.5 ) { volume = 0.5; }
+ // cout << "volume = " << volume << endl;
+ s1->set_pitch( pitch );
+ s1->set_volume( volume );
} else {
- mp_factor = 0.3;
+ s1->set_pitch(0.0);
+ s1->set_volume(0.0);
- /* cout << "mp = "
- << cur_fdm_state->get_engine(0)->get_Manifold_Pressure()
- << endl; */
- double volume = 0.15 + mp_factor / 2.0;
- if ( volume < 0.15 ) { volume = 0.15; }
- if ( volume > 0.5 ) { volume = 0.5; }
- // cout << "volume = " << volume << endl;
- s1->set_pitch( pitch );
- s1->set_volume( volume );
} else {
double param
= globals->get_controls()->get_throttle( 0 ) * 2.0 + 1.0;
airport->setName( "Airport Lighting" );
lighting->addKid( airport );
+ // ADA
+ fgLoadDCS();
+ // ADA
// temporary visible aircraft "own ship"
acmodel_selector = new ssgSelector;
acmodel_pos = new ssgTransform;
- // Get the model location, and load textures from the same
- // directory. Use an absolute path for the model to avoid
- // incompatibilities in different versions of PLIB.
- string acmodel_path =
- fgGetString("/sim/model/path", "Models/Geometry/glider.ac");
- SGPath full_model = globals->get_fg_root();
- full_model.append(acmodel_path);
-#if !defined( PLIB_1_2_X )
- // this should be redundant ... but it breaks for relative paths
- // ssgModelPath( (char *)full_model.dir().c_str() );
- ssgTexturePath( (char *)full_model.dir().c_str() );
- ssgEntity *acmodel_obj = ssgLoad( (char *)full_model.c_str() );
- if( !acmodel_obj ) {
- // fall back to default
- acmodel_obj = ssgLoad( (char *)"Models/Geometry/glider.ac" );
+ ssgEntity *acmodel_obj = NULL;
+ if (fgGetString("/sim/flight-model") == "ada") {
+ // ada exteranl aircraft model loading
+ if( !ship_pos[0]->getKid(0) ) {
+ // fall back to default
+ ssgEntity *acmodel_obj = ssgLoad( (char *)"glider.ac" );
+ if( !acmodel_obj ) {
+ SG_LOG( SG_GENERAL, SG_ALERT, "FAILED to LOAD an AC model! ..." );
+ exit(-1);
+ }
+ acmodel_pos->addKid( acmodel_obj );
+ } else {
+ acmodel_obj = ship_pos[0]->getKid(0);
+ }
+ } else {
+ // default aircraft model loading
+ // Get the model location, and load textures from the same
+ // directory. Use an absolute path for the model to avoid
+ // incompatibilities in different versions of PLIB.
+ string acmodel_path =
+ fgGetString("/sim/model/path", "Models/Geometry/glider.ac");
+ SGPath full_model = globals->get_fg_root();
+ full_model.append(acmodel_path);
+ ssgTexturePath( (char *)full_model.dir().c_str() );
+ acmodel_obj = ssgLoad( (char *)full_model.c_str() );
if( !acmodel_obj ) {
- SG_LOG( SG_GENERAL, SG_ALERT, "FAILED to LOAD an AC model! ..." );
- exit(-1);
+ // fall back to default
+ acmodel_obj = ssgLoad( (char *)"Models/Geometry/glider.ac" );
+ if( !acmodel_obj ) {
+ SG_LOG( SG_GENERAL, SG_ALERT, "FAILED to LOAD an AC model! ..." );
+ exit(-1);
+ }
acmodel_selector->clrTraversalMaskBits( SSGTRAV_HOT );
scene->addKid( acmodel_selector );
- // $$$ begin - added VS Renganthan 17 Oct 2K
- fgLoadDCS();
- // $$$ end - added VS Renganthan 17 Oct 2K
// Do the network intialization
if ( fgGetBool("/sim/networking/network-olk") ) {
void fgLoadDCS(void) {
ssgEntity *ship_obj = NULL;
- // double bz[3];
- // int j=0;
char obj_filename[25];
for ( int k = 0; k < 32; k++ ) {
// instance of the last object.
if ( strcmp(obj_filename,"repeat") != 0) {
- ship_obj = ssgLoadOBJ( obj_filename );
+ ship_obj = ssgLoad( obj_filename );
if ( ship_obj != NULL ) {
+ ship_obj->setName(obj_filename);
+ if (objc == 0)
+ ship_obj->clrTraversalMaskBits( SSGTRAV_HOT );
+ else
+ ship_obj->setTraversalMaskBits( SSGTRAV_HOT );
ship_pos[objc]->addKid( ship_obj ); // add object to transform node
ship_sel->addKid( ship_pos[objc] ); // add transform node to selector
+ SG_LOG( SG_TERRAIN, SG_ALERT, "Loaded file: "
+ << obj_filename );
} else {
SG_LOG( SG_TERRAIN, SG_ALERT, "Cannot open file: "
<< obj_filename );
+ // temporary hack for deck lights - ultimately should move to PLib (when??)
+ //const char *extn = file_extension ( obj_filename ) ;
+ if ( objc == 1 ){
+ ssgVertexArray *lights = new ssgVertexArray( 100 );
+ ssgVertexArray *lightpoints = new ssgVertexArray( 100 );
+ ssgVertexArray *lightnormals = new ssgVertexArray( 100 );
+ ssgVertexArray *lightdir = new ssgVertexArray( 100 );
+ int ltype[500], light_type;
+ static int ltcount = 0;
+ string token;
+ sgVec3 rway_dir,rway_normal,lightpt;
+ Point3D node;
+ modelpath.append(obj_filename);
+ sg_gzifstream in1( modelpath.str() );
+ if ( ! in1.is_open() ) {
+ SG_LOG( SG_TERRAIN, SG_ALERT, "Cannot open file: " << modelpath.str() );
+ } else {
+ while ( ! in1.eof() ) {
+ in1 >> skipws;
+ if ( in1.get( c ) && c == '#' ) {
+ in1 >> skipeol;
+ } else {
+ in1.putback(c);
+ in1 >> token;
+ //cout << token << endl;
+ if ( token == "runway" ) {
+ in1 >> node;
+ sgSetVec3 (rway_dir, node[0], node[1], node[2] );
+ } else if ( token == "edgelight" ) {
+ in1 >> node;
+ sgSetVec3 (rway_normal, node[0], node[1], node[2] );
+ light_type = 1;
+ } else if ( token == "taxi" ) {
+ in1 >> node;
+ sgSetVec3 (rway_normal, node[0], node[1], node[2] );
+ light_type = 2;
+ } else if ( token == "vasi" ) {
+ in1 >> node;
+ sgSetVec3 (rway_normal, node[0], node[1], node[2] );
+ light_type = 3;
+ } else if ( token == "threshold" ) {
+ in1 >> node;
+ sgSetVec3 (rway_normal, node[0], node[1], node[2] );
+ light_type = 4;
+ } else if ( token == "rabbit" ) {
+ in1 >> node;
+ sgSetVec3 (rway_normal, node[0], node[1], node[2] );
+ light_type = 5;
+ } else if ( token == "ols" ) {
+ in1 >> node;
+ sgSetVec3 (rway_ols, node[0], node[1], node[2] );
+ light_type = 6;
+ } else if ( token == "red" ) {
+ in1 >> node;
+ sgSetVec3 (rway_normal, node[0], node[1], node[2] );
+ light_type = 7;
+ } else if ( token == "green" ) {
+ in1 >> node;
+ sgSetVec3 (rway_normal, node[0], node[1], node[2] );
+ light_type = 8;
+ } else if ( token == "lp" ) {
+ in1 >> node;
+ sgSetVec3 (lightpt, node[0], node[1], node[2] );
+ lightpoints->add( lightpt );
+ lightnormals->add( rway_normal );
+ lightdir->add( rway_dir );
+ ltype[ltcount]= light_type;
+ ltcount++;
+ }
+ if (in1.eof()) break;
+ }
+ } //while
+ if ( lightpoints->getNum() ) {
+ ssgBranch *lightpoints_branch;
+ long int dummy = -999;
+ dummy_tile = new FGTileEntry((SGBucket)dummy);
+ dummy_tile->lightmaps_sequence = new ssgSelector;
+ dummy_tile->ols_transform = new ssgTransform;
+ // call function to generate the runway lights
+ lightpoints_branch =
+ dummy_tile->gen_runway_lights( lightpoints, lightnormals,
+ lightdir, ltype);
+ lightpoints_brightness->addKid(lightpoints_branch);
+ lightpoints_transform->addKid(lightpoints_brightness);
+ //dummy_tile->lightmaps_sequence->setTraversalMaskBits( SSGTRAV_HOT );
+ lightpoints_transform->addKid( dummy_tile->lightmaps_sequence );
+ lightpoints_transform->ref();
+ ground->addKid( lightpoints_transform );
+ }
+ } //if in1
+ } //if objc
+ // end hack for deck lights
if (in.eof()) break;
SG_LOG ( SG_TERRAIN, SG_ALERT, "Finished object processing." );
- ship_sel->clrTraversalMaskBits( SSGTRAV_HOT );
- scene->addKid( ship_sel ); //add selector node to root node
+ terrain->addKid( ship_sel ); //add selector node to root node
// Deck should be the first object in objects.txt in case of fdm=ada
if (fgGetString("/sim/flight-model") == "ada") {
- obj_lon[0] = fdm->get_aux5()*SGD_DEGREES_TO_RADIANS;
- obj_lat[0] = fdm->get_aux6()*SGD_DEGREES_TO_RADIANS;
- obj_alt[0] = fdm->get_aux7();
+ if ((fdm->get_iaux(1))==1)
+ {
+ obj_lat[1] = fdm->get_daux(1)*SGD_DEGREES_TO_RADIANS;
+ obj_lon[1] = fdm->get_daux(2)*SGD_DEGREES_TO_RADIANS;
+ obj_alt[1] = fdm->get_daux(3);
+ obj_pitch[1] = fdm->get_faux(1);
+ obj_roll[1] = fdm->get_faux(2);
+ }
for ( int m = 0; m < objc; m++ ) {
sgSetVec3( ship_rt, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0);//up,pitch
sgSetVec3( ship_up, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0); //north,yaw
- sgMat4 sgROT_lon, sgROT_lat, sgROT_hdg;
+ sgMat4 sgROT_lon, sgROT_lat, sgROT_hdg, sgROT_pitch, sgROT_roll;
sgMakeRotMat4( sgROT_lon, obj_lon[m]*SGD_RADIANS_TO_DEGREES, ship_up );
sgMakeRotMat4( sgROT_lat, 90-obj_latgc*SGD_RADIANS_TO_DEGREES, ship_rt );
sgMakeRotMat4( sgROT_hdg, 180.0, ship_up );
+ sgMakeRotMat4( sgROT_pitch, obj_pitch[m], ship_rt );
+ sgMakeRotMat4( sgROT_roll, obj_roll[m], ship_fwd );
sgMat4 sgTUX;
sgCopyMat4( sgTUX, sgROT_hdg );
+ sgPostMultMat4( sgTUX, sgROT_pitch );
+ sgPostMultMat4( sgTUX, sgROT_roll );
sgPostMultMat4( sgTUX, sgROT_lat );
sgPostMultMat4( sgTUX, sgROT_lon );
sgPostMultMat4( sgTUX, sgTRANS );
sgCoord shippos;
sgSetCoord(&shippos, sgTUX );
ship_pos[m]->setTransform( &shippos );
+ // temporary hack for deck lights - ultimately should move to PLib (when ??)
+ if (m == 1) {
+ if (lightpoints_transform) {
+ lightpoints_transform->setTransform( &shippos );
+ float sun_angle = cur_light_params.sun_angle * SGD_RADIANS_TO_DEGREES;
+ if ( sun_angle > 89 ) {
+ lightpoints_brightness->select(0x01);
+ } else {
+ lightpoints_brightness->select(0x00);
+ }
+ }
+ float elev;
+ sgVec3 rp,to;
+ float *vp;
+ float alt;
+ float ref_elev;
+ sgXformPnt3( rp, rway_ols, sgTUX );
+ vp = globals->get_current_view()->get_view_pos();
+ to[0] = rp[0]-vp[0];
+ to[1] = rp[1]-vp[1];
+ to[2] = rp[2]-vp[2];
+ float dist = sgLengthVec3( to );
+ alt = (current_aircraft.fdm_state->get_Altitude() * SG_FEET_TO_METER)-rway_ols[2];
+ elev = asin(alt/dist)*SGD_RADIANS_TO_DEGREES;
+ ref_elev = elev - 3.75; // +ve above, -ve below
+ unsigned int sel;
+ sel = 0xFF;
+// DO NOT DELETE THIS CODE - This is to compare a discrete FLOLS (without LOD) with analog FLOLS
+// if (ref_elev > 0.51) sel = 0x21;
+// if ((ref_elev <= 0.51) & (ref_elev > 0.17)) sel = 0x22;
+// if ((ref_elev <= 0.17) & (ref_elev >= -0.17)) sel = 0x24;
+// if ((ref_elev < -0.17) & (ref_elev >= -0.51)) sel = 0x28;
+// if (ref_elev < -0.51) sel = 0x30;
+// DO NOT DELETE THIS CODE - This is to compare a discrete FLOLS (without LOD) with analog FLOLS
+ dummy_tile->lightmaps_sequence->select(sel);
+ sgVec3 up;
+ sgCopyVec3 (up, ship_up);
+ if (dist > 750)
+ sgScaleVec3 (up, 4.0*ref_elev*dist/750.0);
+ else
+ sgScaleVec3 (up, 4.0*ref_elev);
+ dummy_tile->ols_transform->setTransform(up);
+ //cout << "ref_elev " << ref_elev << endl;
+ }
+ // end hack for deck lights
if ( ship_sel != NULL ) {
- ship_sel->select(0xFFFFFFFF);
+ ship_sel->select(0xFFFFFFFE); // first object is ownship, added to acmodel