// Update all Visuals (redraws anything graphics related)
void fgRenderFrame( void ) {
+ static long old_elapsed_ms = 0;
+ int dt_ms = int(globals->get_elapsed_time_ms() - old_elapsed_ms);
+ old_elapsed_ms = globals->get_elapsed_time_ms();
static const SGPropertyNode *longitude
= fgGetNode("/position/longitude-deg");
static const SGPropertyNode *latitude
ssgSetNearFar( scene_nearplane, scene_farplane );
- current_model.update(0); // FIXME: use real delta time
+ current_model.update(dt_ms);
// $$$ begin - added VS Renganthan 17 Oct 2K
// glDisable( GL_TEXTURE_2D );
// update the input subsystem
- current_input.update(1); // FIXME: use real dt
+ current_input.update(dt_ms);
// update the controls subsystem
- globals->get_controls()->update(1); // FIXME: use real dt
+ globals->get_controls()->update(dt_ms);
// Use the hud_and_panel ssgSimpleState for rendering the ATC output
// This only works properly if called before the panel call
- globals->get_ATC_display()->update(1); // FIXME: use real dt
+ globals->get_ATC_display()->update(dt_ms);
// update the panel subsystem
if ( current_panel != NULL ) {
- current_panel->update(1); // FIXME: use real dt
+ current_panel->update(dt_ms);
// We can do translucent menus, so why not. :-)
// glEnable( GL_FOG );
- globals->get_logger()->update(0); // FIXME: use real dt
+ globals->get_logger()->update(dt_ms);