origin = row["origin"]
software = row["software"]
- if software_helper.is_relay(software):
- logger.warning("args.domain='%s' is of software type '%s' which is not supported by this command. Please invoke fetch_relays instead.", args.domain, software)
+ if software is None:
+ logger.warning("args.domain='%s' has no software detected. You can try to run ./fba.py update_nodeinfo --domain=%s --force to get it updated.", args.domain, args.domain)
return 102
+ elif software_helper.is_relay(software):
+ logger.warning("args.domain='%s' is of software type '%s' which is not supported by this command. Please invoke fetch_relays instead.", args.domain, software)
+ return 103
# Initial fetch
logger.warning("Exception '%s' during fetching instances (fetch_instances) from args.domain='%s'", type(exception), args.domain)
instances.set_last_error(args.domain, exception)
- return 100
+ return 104
if args.single:
logger.debug("Not fetching more instances - EXIT!")
instances.add(domain, origin, command, path, software)
logger.debug("software='%s'", software)
- if software_helper.is_relay(software):
+ if software is not None and software_helper.is_relay(software):
logger.debug("software='%s' is a relay software - EXIT!", software)
raise ValueError(f"Parameter software[]='{type(software)}' is not of type 'str'")
elif isinstance(software, str) and software == "":
raise ValueError("Parameter 'software' is empty")
- elif software_helper.is_relay(software):
+ elif software is not None and software_helper.is_relay(software):
raise ValueError(f"domain='{domain}' is of software='{software}' and isn't supported here.")
elif not isinstance(origin, str) and origin is not None:
raise ValueError(f"Parameter origin[]='{type(origin)}' is not of type 'str'")