HISTORY: 02/15/2000 initial release
+ 09/01/2002 (RD) added second data file reader for
+ integer case
+ 06/30/2003 (RD) replaced istrstream with istringstream
+ to get rid of the annoying warning about
+ using the strstream header
AUTHOR(S): Jeff Scott <jscott@mail.com>
+ Robert Deters <rdeters@uiuc.edu>
linetoken1 = matrix -> getToken(*command_line, 1); // gettoken(string,tokenNo);
linetoken2 = matrix -> getToken(*command_line, 2); // 2 represents token No 2
- istrstream token1(linetoken1.c_str());
- istrstream token2(linetoken2.c_str());
+ istringstream token1(linetoken1.c_str());
+ istringstream token2(linetoken2.c_str());
token1 >> token_value1;
token2 >> token_value2;
linetoken1 = matrix -> getToken(*command_line, 1); // gettoken(string,tokenNo);
linetoken2 = matrix -> getToken(*command_line, 2); // 2 represents token No 2
- istrstream token1(linetoken1.c_str());
- istrstream token2(linetoken2.c_str());
+ istringstream token1(linetoken1.c_str());
+ istringstream token2(linetoken2.c_str());
token1 >> token_value1;
token2 >> token_value2;
#include <simgear/compiler.h>
+//#include STL_STRSTREAM
+#include <sstream>
#include "uiuc_parsefile.h"
#include "uiuc_aircraft.h"
#include "uiuc_warnings_errors.h"
int uiuc_1DdataFileReader( string file_name,
double x[],
HISTORY: 02/03/2000 initial release
+ 09/01/2002 (RD) added second interpolation routine
+ for integer case
AUTHOR(S): Jeff Scott <jscott@mail.com>
+ Robert Deters <rdeters@uiuc.edu>
HISTORY: 02/29/2000 initial release
10/25/2001 (RD) Modified so that it recognizes a
blank line
+ 06/30/2003 (RD) replaced istrstream with istringstream
+ to get rid of the annoying warning about
+ using the strstream header
linetoken1 = matrix -> getToken(*command_line, 1); // gettoken(string,tokenNo);
linetoken2 = matrix -> getToken(*command_line, 2); // 2 represents token No 2
- istrstream token1(linetoken1.c_str());
- istrstream token2(linetoken2.c_str());
+ istringstream token1(linetoken1.c_str());
+ istringstream token2(linetoken2.c_str());
//reset token_value1 and token_value2 for first if statement
token_value1 = -999;
#include <simgear/compiler.h>
+//#include STL_STRSTREAM
+#include <sstream>
#include "uiuc_parsefile.h"
#include "uiuc_aircraft.h"
void uiuc_2DdataFileReader( string file_name,
double x[100][100],
/* Cl_p must be mulitplied by b/2U
(see Roskam Control book, Part 1, pg. 147) */
Cl_p_save = Cl_p * P_body * b_2U;
+// if (Cl_p_save > 0.1) {
+// Cl_p_save = 0.1;
+// }
+// if (Cl_p_save < -0.1) {
+// Cl_p_save = -0.1;
+// }
if (eta_q_Cl_p_fac)
Cl += Cl_p_save * eta_q_Cl_p_fac;
case simpleSingle_flag:
F_X_engine = Throttle[3] * simpleSingleMaxThrust;
+ F_Y_engine = 0.0;
+ F_Z_engine = 0.0;
+ M_l_engine = 0.0;
+ M_m_engine = 0.0;
+ M_n_engine = 0.0;
case simpleSingleModel_flag:
/* simple model based on Hepperle's equation
* exponent dtdvvt was computed in uiuc_menu.cpp */
F_X_engine = Throttle[3] * t_v0 * (1 - pow((V_rel_wind/v_t0),dtdvvt));
+ F_Y_engine = 0.0;
+ F_Z_engine = 0.0;
+ M_l_engine = 0.0;
+ M_m_engine = 0.0;
+ M_n_engine = 0.0;
if (b_slipstreamEffects) {
tc = F_X_engine/(Dynamic_pressure * LS_PI * propDia * propDia / 4);
w_induced = 0.5 * V_rel_wind * (-1 + pow((1+tc),.5));
#include <simgear/compiler.h>
+#include <simgear/misc/sg_path.hxx>
+#include <Aircraft/aircraft.hxx>
+#include <Main/fg_props.hxx>
#include "uiuc_gear.h"
for (i=0;i<MAX_GEAR;i++) /* Loop for each wheel */
- // Execute only if the gear has been defined
- if (!gear_model[i])
- continue;
- /* printf("%s:\n",gear_strings[i]); */
- /*========================================*/
- /* Calculate wheel position w.r.t. runway */
- /*========================================*/
- /* printf("\thgcg: %g, theta: %g,phi: %g\n",D_cg_above_rwy,Theta*RAD_TO_DEG,Phi*RAD_TO_DEG); */
- /* First calculate wheel location w.r.t. cg in body (X-Y-Z) axes... */
- sub3( D_gear_v[i], D_cg_rp_body_v, d_wheel_cg_body_v );
- /* then converting to local (North-East-Down) axes... */
- multtrans3x3by3( T_local_to_body_m, d_wheel_cg_body_v, d_wheel_cg_local_v );
- /* Runway axes correction - third element is Altitude, not (-)Z... */
- d_wheel_cg_local_v[2] = -d_wheel_cg_local_v[2]; /* since altitude = -Z */
- /* Add wheel offset to cg location in local axes */
- add3( d_wheel_cg_local_v, D_cg_rwy_local_v, d_wheel_rwy_local_v );
- /* remove Runway axes correction so right hand rule applies */
- d_wheel_cg_local_v[2] = -d_wheel_cg_local_v[2]; /* now Z positive down */
- /*============================*/
- /* Calculate wheel velocities */
- /*============================*/
- /* contribution due to angular rates */
- cross3( Omega_body_v, d_wheel_cg_body_v, temp3a );
- /* transform into local axes */
- multtrans3x3by3( T_local_to_body_m, temp3a,v_wheel_cg_local_v );
- /* plus contribution due to cg velocities */
- add3( v_wheel_cg_local_v, V_local_rel_ground_v, v_wheel_local_v );
- clear3(f_wheel_local_v);
- reaction_normal_force=0;
- if( HEIGHT_AGL_WHEEL < 0. )
- /*the wheel is underground -- which implies ground contact
- so calculate reaction forces */
+ // Execute only if the gear has been defined
+ if (!gear_model[i])
+ {
+ // do nothing
+ continue;
+ }
+ else
- /*===========================================*/
- /* Calculate forces & moments for this wheel */
- /*===========================================*/
- /* Add any anticipation, or frame lead/prediction, here... */
+ /*========================================*/
+ /* Calculate wheel position w.r.t. runway */
+ /*========================================*/
- /* no lead used at present */
+ /* printf("\thgcg: %g, theta: %g,phi: %g\n",D_cg_above_rwy,Theta*RAD_TO_DEG,Phi*RAD_TO_DEG); */
- /* Calculate sideward and forward velocities of the wheel
- in the runway plane */
+ /* First calculate wheel location w.r.t. cg in body (X-Y-Z) axes... */
- cos_wheel_hdg_angle = cos(caster_angle_rad[i] + Psi);
- sin_wheel_hdg_angle = sin(caster_angle_rad[i] + Psi);
+ sub3( D_gear_v[i], D_cg_rp_body_v, d_wheel_cg_body_v );
- v_wheel_forward = v_wheel_local_v[0]*cos_wheel_hdg_angle
- + v_wheel_local_v[1]*sin_wheel_hdg_angle;
- v_wheel_sideward = v_wheel_local_v[1]*cos_wheel_hdg_angle
- - v_wheel_local_v[0]*sin_wheel_hdg_angle;
+ /* then converting to local (North-East-Down) axes... */
+ multtrans3x3by3( T_local_to_body_m, d_wheel_cg_body_v, d_wheel_cg_local_v );
- /* Calculate normal load force (simple spring constant) */
- reaction_normal_force = 0.;
+ /* Runway axes correction - third element is Altitude, not (-)Z... */
- reaction_normal_force = kgear[i]*d_wheel_rwy_local_v[2]
- - v_wheel_local_v[2]*cgear[i];
- /* printf("\treaction_normal_force: %g\n",reaction_normal_force); */
+ d_wheel_cg_local_v[2] = -d_wheel_cg_local_v[2]; /* since altitude = -Z */
- if (reaction_normal_force > 0.) reaction_normal_force = 0.;
- /* to prevent damping component from swamping spring component */
+ /* Add wheel offset to cg location in local axes */
+ add3( d_wheel_cg_local_v, D_cg_rwy_local_v, d_wheel_rwy_local_v );
- /* Calculate friction coefficients */
+ /* remove Runway axes correction so right hand rule applies */
- if(it_rolls[i])
- {
- forward_mu = (max_brake_mu[i] - muGear[i])*percent_brake[i] + muGear[i];
- abs_v_wheel_sideward = sqrt(v_wheel_sideward*v_wheel_sideward);
- sideward_mu = sliding_mu[i];
- if (abs_v_wheel_sideward < skid_v)
- sideward_mu = (abs_v_wheel_sideward - bkout_v)*beta_mu;
- if (abs_v_wheel_sideward < bkout_v) sideward_mu = 0.;
- }
- else
- {
- forward_mu=sliding_mu[i];
- sideward_mu=sliding_mu[i];
- }
+ d_wheel_cg_local_v[2] = -d_wheel_cg_local_v[2]; /* now Z positive down */
- /* Calculate foreward and sideward reaction forces */
+ /*============================*/
+ /* Calculate wheel velocities */
+ /*============================*/
- forward_wheel_force = forward_mu*reaction_normal_force;
- sideward_wheel_force = sideward_mu*reaction_normal_force;
- if(v_wheel_forward < 0.) forward_wheel_force = -forward_wheel_force;
- if(v_wheel_sideward < 0.) sideward_wheel_force = -sideward_wheel_force;
- /* printf("\tFfwdgear: %g Fsidegear: %g\n",forward_wheel_force,sideward_wheel_force);
- */
- /* Rotate into local (N-E-D) axes */
+ /* contribution due to angular rates */
- f_wheel_local_v[0] = forward_wheel_force*cos_wheel_hdg_angle
- - sideward_wheel_force*sin_wheel_hdg_angle;
- f_wheel_local_v[1] = forward_wheel_force*sin_wheel_hdg_angle
- + sideward_wheel_force*cos_wheel_hdg_angle;
- f_wheel_local_v[2] = reaction_normal_force;
+ cross3( Omega_body_v, d_wheel_cg_body_v, temp3a );
- /* Convert reaction force from local (N-E-D) axes to body (X-Y-Z) */
- mult3x3by3( T_local_to_body_m, f_wheel_local_v, tempF );
+ /* transform into local axes */
- /* Calculate moments from force and offsets in body axes */
+ multtrans3x3by3( T_local_to_body_m, temp3a,v_wheel_cg_local_v );
- cross3( d_wheel_cg_body_v, tempF, tempM );
- /* Sum forces and moments across all wheels */
- add3( tempF, F_gear_v, F_gear_v );
- add3( tempM, M_gear_v, M_gear_v );
+ /* plus contribution due to cg velocities */
+ add3( v_wheel_cg_local_v, V_local_rel_ground_v, v_wheel_local_v );
+ clear3(f_wheel_local_v);
+ reaction_normal_force=0;
+ static const SGPropertyNode * gear_wow
+ = fgGetNode("/gear/gear[0]/wow", false);
+ static const SGPropertyNode * gear_wow1
+ = fgGetNode("/gear/gear[1]/wow", false);
+ static const SGPropertyNode * gear_wow2
+ = fgGetNode("/gear/gear[2]/wow", false);
+ fgSetBool("/gear/gear[0]/wow", false);
+ fgSetBool("/gear/gear[1]/wow", false);
+ fgSetBool("/gear/gear[2]/wow", false);
+ if( HEIGHT_AGL_WHEEL < 0. )
+ /*the wheel is underground -- which implies ground contact
+ so calculate reaction forces */
+ {
+ //set the property - weight on wheels
+ // if (i==0)
+ // {
+ // fgSetBool("/gear/gear[0]/wow", true);
+ // }
+ // if (i==1)
+ // {
+ // fgSetBool("/gear/gear[1]/wow", true);
+ // }
+ // if (i==2)
+ // {
+ // fgSetBool("/gear/gear[2]/wow", true);
+ // }
+ /*===========================================*/
+ /* Calculate forces & moments for this wheel */
+ /*===========================================*/
+ /* Add any anticipation, or frame lead/prediction, here... */
+ /* no lead used at present */
+ /* Calculate sideward and forward velocities of the wheel
+ in the runway plane */
+ cos_wheel_hdg_angle = cos(caster_angle_rad[i] + Psi);
+ sin_wheel_hdg_angle = sin(caster_angle_rad[i] + Psi);
+ v_wheel_forward = v_wheel_local_v[0]*cos_wheel_hdg_angle
+ + v_wheel_local_v[1]*sin_wheel_hdg_angle;
+ v_wheel_sideward = v_wheel_local_v[1]*cos_wheel_hdg_angle
+ - v_wheel_local_v[0]*sin_wheel_hdg_angle;
+ /* Calculate normal load force (simple spring constant) */
+ reaction_normal_force = 0.;
+ reaction_normal_force = kgear[i]*d_wheel_rwy_local_v[2]
+ - v_wheel_local_v[2]*cgear[i];
+ /* printf("\treaction_normal_force: %g\n",reaction_normal_force); */
+ if (reaction_normal_force > 0.) reaction_normal_force = 0.;
+ /* to prevent damping component from swamping spring component */
+ /* Calculate friction coefficients */
+ if(it_rolls[i])
+ {
+ forward_mu = (max_brake_mu[i] - muGear[i])*percent_brake[i] + muGear[i];
+ abs_v_wheel_sideward = sqrt(v_wheel_sideward*v_wheel_sideward);
+ sideward_mu = sliding_mu[i];
+ if (abs_v_wheel_sideward < skid_v)
+ sideward_mu = (abs_v_wheel_sideward - bkout_v)*beta_mu;
+ if (abs_v_wheel_sideward < bkout_v) sideward_mu = 0.;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ forward_mu=sliding_mu[i];
+ sideward_mu=sliding_mu[i];
+ }
+ /* Calculate foreward and sideward reaction forces */
+ forward_wheel_force = forward_mu*reaction_normal_force;
+ sideward_wheel_force = sideward_mu*reaction_normal_force;
+ if(v_wheel_forward < 0.) forward_wheel_force = -forward_wheel_force;
+ if(v_wheel_sideward < 0.) sideward_wheel_force = -sideward_wheel_force;
+ /* printf("\tFfwdgear: %g Fsidegear: %g\n",forward_wheel_force,sideward_wheel_force);
+ */
+ /* Rotate into local (N-E-D) axes */
+ f_wheel_local_v[0] = forward_wheel_force*cos_wheel_hdg_angle
+ - sideward_wheel_force*sin_wheel_hdg_angle;
+ f_wheel_local_v[1] = forward_wheel_force*sin_wheel_hdg_angle
+ + sideward_wheel_force*cos_wheel_hdg_angle;
+ f_wheel_local_v[2] = reaction_normal_force;
+ /* Convert reaction force from local (N-E-D) axes to body (X-Y-Z) */
+ mult3x3by3( T_local_to_body_m, f_wheel_local_v, tempF );
+ /* Calculate moments from force and offsets in body axes */
+ cross3( d_wheel_cg_body_v, tempF, tempM );
+ /* Sum forces and moments across all wheels */
+ if (tempF) {
+ fgSetBool("/gear/gear[1]/wow", true);
+ }
+ add3( tempF, F_gear_v, F_gear_v );
+ add3( tempM, M_gear_v, M_gear_v );
+ }
HISTORY: 04/04/2003 initial release
+ 06/30/2003 (RD) replaced istrstream with istringstream
+ to get rid of the annoying warning about
+ using the strstream header
double datafile_zArray[100][100];
double convert_f;
int datafile_nxArray[100], datafile_ny;
- istrstream token3(linetoken3.c_str());
- istrstream token4(linetoken4.c_str());
- istrstream token5(linetoken5.c_str());
- istrstream token6(linetoken6.c_str());
- istrstream token7(linetoken7.c_str());
- istrstream token8(linetoken8.c_str());
- istrstream token9(linetoken9.c_str());
- istrstream token10(linetoken10.c_str());
+ istringstream token3(linetoken3.c_str());
+ istringstream token4(linetoken4.c_str());
+ istringstream token5(linetoken5.c_str());
+ istringstream token6(linetoken6.c_str());
+ istringstream token7(linetoken7.c_str());
+ istringstream token8(linetoken8.c_str());
+ istringstream token9(linetoken9.c_str());
+ istringstream token10(linetoken10.c_str());
static bool CXfabetaf_first = true;
static bool CXfadef_first = true;
HISTORY: 04/04/2003 initial release
+ 06/30/2003 (RD) replaced istrstream with istringstream
+ to get rid of the annoying warning about
+ using the strstream header
double datafile_zArray[100][100];
double convert_f;
int datafile_nxArray[100], datafile_ny;
- istrstream token3(linetoken3.c_str());
- istrstream token4(linetoken4.c_str());
- istrstream token5(linetoken5.c_str());
- istrstream token6(linetoken6.c_str());
- istrstream token7(linetoken7.c_str());
- istrstream token8(linetoken8.c_str());
- istrstream token9(linetoken9.c_str());
- istrstream token10(linetoken10.c_str());
+ istringstream token3(linetoken3.c_str());
+ istringstream token4(linetoken4.c_str());
+ istringstream token5(linetoken5.c_str());
+ istringstream token6(linetoken6.c_str());
+ istringstream token7(linetoken7.c_str());
+ istringstream token8(linetoken8.c_str());
+ istringstream token9(linetoken9.c_str());
+ istringstream token10(linetoken10.c_str());
static bool CZfabetaf_first = true;
static bool CZfadef_first = true;
HISTORY: 04/04/2003 initial release
+ 06/30/2003 (RD) replaced istrstream with istringstream
+ to get rid of the annoying warning about
+ using the strstream header
double datafile_zArray[100][100];
double convert_f;
int datafile_nxArray[100], datafile_ny;
- istrstream token3(linetoken3.c_str());
- istrstream token4(linetoken4.c_str());
- istrstream token5(linetoken5.c_str());
- istrstream token6(linetoken6.c_str());
- istrstream token7(linetoken7.c_str());
- istrstream token8(linetoken8.c_str());
- istrstream token9(linetoken9.c_str());
- istrstream token10(linetoken10.c_str());
+ istringstream token3(linetoken3.c_str());
+ istringstream token4(linetoken4.c_str());
+ istringstream token5(linetoken5.c_str());
+ istringstream token6(linetoken6.c_str());
+ istringstream token7(linetoken7.c_str());
+ istringstream token8(linetoken8.c_str());
+ istringstream token9(linetoken9.c_str());
+ istringstream token10(linetoken10.c_str());
static bool CYfabetaf_first = true;
static bool CYfadaf_first = true;
HISTORY: 04/04/2003 initial release
+ 06/30/2003 (RD) replaced istrstream with istringstream
+ to get rid of the annoying warning about
+ using the strstream header
double datafile_zArray[100][100];
double convert_f;
int datafile_nxArray[100], datafile_ny;
- istrstream token3(linetoken3.c_str());
- istrstream token4(linetoken4.c_str());
- istrstream token5(linetoken5.c_str());
- istrstream token6(linetoken6.c_str());
- istrstream token7(linetoken7.c_str());
- istrstream token8(linetoken8.c_str());
- istrstream token9(linetoken9.c_str());
- istrstream token10(linetoken10.c_str());
+ istringstream token3(linetoken3.c_str());
+ istringstream token4(linetoken4.c_str());
+ istringstream token5(linetoken5.c_str());
+ istringstream token6(linetoken6.c_str());
+ istringstream token7(linetoken7.c_str());
+ istringstream token8(linetoken8.c_str());
+ istringstream token9(linetoken9.c_str());
+ istringstream token10(linetoken10.c_str());
static bool Cmfabetaf_first = true;
static bool Cmfadef_first = true;
HISTORY: 04/04/2003 initial release
+ 06/30/2003 (RD) replaced istrstream with istringstream
+ to get rid of the annoying warning about
+ using the strstream header
double datafile_zArray[100][100];
double convert_f;
int datafile_nxArray[100], datafile_ny;
- istrstream token3(linetoken3.c_str());
- istrstream token4(linetoken4.c_str());
- istrstream token5(linetoken5.c_str());
- istrstream token6(linetoken6.c_str());
- istrstream token7(linetoken7.c_str());
- istrstream token8(linetoken8.c_str());
- istrstream token9(linetoken9.c_str());
- istrstream token10(linetoken10.c_str());
+ istringstream token3(linetoken3.c_str());
+ istringstream token4(linetoken4.c_str());
+ istringstream token5(linetoken5.c_str());
+ istringstream token6(linetoken6.c_str());
+ istringstream token7(linetoken7.c_str());
+ istringstream token8(linetoken8.c_str());
+ istringstream token9(linetoken9.c_str());
+ istringstream token10(linetoken10.c_str());
static bool Cnfabetaf_first = true;
static bool Cnfadaf_first = true;
HISTORY: 04/04/2003 initial release
+ 06/30/2003 (RD) replaced istrstream with istringstream
+ to get rid of the annoying warning about
+ using the strstream header
double datafile_zArray[100][100];
double convert_f;
int datafile_nxArray[100], datafile_ny;
- istrstream token3(linetoken3.c_str());
- istrstream token4(linetoken4.c_str());
- istrstream token5(linetoken5.c_str());
- istrstream token6(linetoken6.c_str());
- istrstream token7(linetoken7.c_str());
- istrstream token8(linetoken8.c_str());
- istrstream token9(linetoken9.c_str());
- istrstream token10(linetoken10.c_str());
+ istringstream token3(linetoken3.c_str());
+ istringstream token4(linetoken4.c_str());
+ istringstream token5(linetoken5.c_str());
+ istringstream token6(linetoken6.c_str());
+ istringstream token7(linetoken7.c_str());
+ istringstream token8(linetoken8.c_str());
+ istringstream token9(linetoken9.c_str());
+ istringstream token10(linetoken10.c_str());
static bool Clfabetaf_first = true;
static bool Clfadaf_first = true;
HISTORY: 04/04/2003 initial release
+ 06/30/2003 (RD) replaced istrstream with istringstream
+ to get rid of the annoying warning about
+ using the strstream header
LIST command_line ) {
double token_value;
int token_value_convert1, token_value_convert2;
- istrstream token3(linetoken3.c_str());
- istrstream token4(linetoken4.c_str());
- istrstream token5(linetoken5.c_str());
- istrstream token6(linetoken6.c_str());
- istrstream token7(linetoken7.c_str());
- istrstream token8(linetoken8.c_str());
- istrstream token9(linetoken9.c_str());
- istrstream token10(linetoken10.c_str());
+ istringstream token3(linetoken3.c_str());
+ istringstream token4(linetoken4.c_str());
+ istringstream token5(linetoken5.c_str());
+ istringstream token6(linetoken6.c_str());
+ istringstream token7(linetoken7.c_str());
+ istringstream token8(linetoken8.c_str());
+ istringstream token9(linetoken9.c_str());
+ istringstream token10(linetoken10.c_str());
HISTORY: 04/04/2003 initial release
+ 06/30/2003 (RD) replaced istrstream with istringstream
+ to get rid of the annoying warning about
+ using the strstream header
LIST command_line ) {
double token_value;
int token_value_convert1, token_value_convert2;
- istrstream token3(linetoken3.c_str());
- istrstream token4(linetoken4.c_str());
- istrstream token5(linetoken5.c_str());
- istrstream token6(linetoken6.c_str());
- istrstream token7(linetoken7.c_str());
- istrstream token8(linetoken8.c_str());
- istrstream token9(linetoken9.c_str());
- istrstream token10(linetoken10.c_str());
+ istringstream token3(linetoken3.c_str());
+ istringstream token4(linetoken4.c_str());
+ istringstream token5(linetoken5.c_str());
+ istringstream token6(linetoken6.c_str());
+ istringstream token7(linetoken7.c_str());
+ istringstream token8(linetoken8.c_str());
+ istringstream token9(linetoken9.c_str());
+ istringstream token10(linetoken10.c_str());
HISTORY: 04/04/2003 initial release
+ 06/30/2003 (RD) replaced istrstream with istringstream
+ to get rid of the annoying warning about
+ using the strstream header
LIST command_line ) {
double token_value;
int token_value_convert1;
- istrstream token3(linetoken3.c_str());
- istrstream token4(linetoken4.c_str());
- istrstream token5(linetoken5.c_str());
- istrstream token6(linetoken6.c_str());
- istrstream token7(linetoken7.c_str());
- istrstream token8(linetoken8.c_str());
- istrstream token9(linetoken9.c_str());
- istrstream token10(linetoken10.c_str());
+ istringstream token3(linetoken3.c_str());
+ istringstream token4(linetoken4.c_str());
+ istringstream token5(linetoken5.c_str());
+ istringstream token6(linetoken6.c_str());
+ istringstream token7(linetoken7.c_str());
+ istringstream token8(linetoken8.c_str());
+ istringstream token9(linetoken9.c_str());
+ istringstream token10(linetoken10.c_str());
+ FILENAME: uiuc_menu_functions.cpp
+ DESCRIPTION: provides common functions used by different menu
+ routines
+ STATUS: alpha version
+ HISTORY: 04/04/2003 initial release
+ 06/30/2003 (RD) replaced istrstream with istringstream
+ to get rid of the annoying warning about
+ using the strstream header
+ AUTHOR(S): Robert Deters <rdeters@uiuc.edu>
+ Michael Selig <m-selig@uiuc.edu>
+ INPUTS: n/a
+ OUTPUTS: n/a
+ CALLED BY: uiuc_menu_XX()
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ COPYRIGHT: (C) 2003 by Michael Selig
+ This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
+ as published by the Free Software Foundation.
+ This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ GNU General Public License for more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307,
+ USA or view http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html.
#include "uiuc_menu_functions.h"
bool check_float( const string &token)
float value;
- istrstream stream(token.c_str());
+ istringstream stream(token.c_str());
return (stream >> value);
#include <string>
+//#include STL_STRSTREAM
+#include <sstream>
void d_2_to_3( double array2D[100][100], double array3D[][100][100], int index3D);
void d_1_to_2( double array1D[100], double array2D[][100], int index2D);
HISTORY: 04/04/2003 initial release
+ 06/30/2003 (RD) replaced istrstream with istringstream
+ to get rid of the annoying warning about
+ using the strstream header
const string& linetoken10, const string& aircraft_directory,
LIST command_line ) {
double token_value;
- istrstream token3(linetoken3.c_str());
- istrstream token4(linetoken4.c_str());
- istrstream token5(linetoken5.c_str());
- istrstream token6(linetoken6.c_str());
- istrstream token7(linetoken7.c_str());
- istrstream token8(linetoken8.c_str());
- istrstream token9(linetoken9.c_str());
- istrstream token10(linetoken10.c_str());
+ istringstream token3(linetoken3.c_str());
+ istringstream token4(linetoken4.c_str());
+ istringstream token5(linetoken5.c_str());
+ istringstream token6(linetoken6.c_str());
+ istringstream token7(linetoken7.c_str());
+ istringstream token8(linetoken8.c_str());
+ istringstream token9(linetoken9.c_str());
+ istringstream token10(linetoken10.c_str());
HISTORY: 04/04/2003 initial release
+ 06/30/2003 (RD) replaced istrstream with istringstream
+ to get rid of the annoying warning about
+ using the strstream header
const string& linetoken10,
const string& aircraft_directory, LIST command_line ) {
double token_value;
- istrstream token3(linetoken3.c_str());
- istrstream token4(linetoken4.c_str());
- istrstream token5(linetoken5.c_str());
- istrstream token6(linetoken6.c_str());
- istrstream token7(linetoken7.c_str());
- istrstream token8(linetoken8.c_str());
- istrstream token9(linetoken9.c_str());
- istrstream token10(linetoken10.c_str());
+ istringstream token3(linetoken3.c_str());
+ istringstream token4(linetoken4.c_str());
+ istringstream token5(linetoken5.c_str());
+ istringstream token6(linetoken6.c_str());
+ istringstream token7(linetoken7.c_str());
+ istringstream token8(linetoken8.c_str());
+ istringstream token9(linetoken9.c_str());
+ istringstream token10(linetoken10.c_str());
HISTORY: 04/04/2003 initial release
+ 06/30/2003 (RD) replaced istrstream with istringstream
+ to get rid of the annoying warning about
+ using the strstream header
double datafile_xArray[100][100], datafile_yArray[100];
double datafile_zArray[100][100];
int datafile_nxArray[100], datafile_ny;
- istrstream token3(linetoken3.c_str());
- istrstream token4(linetoken4.c_str());
- istrstream token5(linetoken5.c_str());
- istrstream token6(linetoken6.c_str());
- istrstream token7(linetoken7.c_str());
- istrstream token8(linetoken8.c_str());
- istrstream token9(linetoken9.c_str());
- istrstream token10(linetoken10.c_str());
+ istringstream token3(linetoken3.c_str());
+ istringstream token4(linetoken4.c_str());
+ istringstream token5(linetoken5.c_str());
+ istringstream token6(linetoken6.c_str());
+ istringstream token7(linetoken7.c_str());
+ istringstream token8(linetoken8.c_str());
+ istringstream token9(linetoken9.c_str());
+ istringstream token10(linetoken10.c_str());
static bool tactilefadef_first = true;
HISTORY: 04/04/2003 initial release
+ 06/30/2003 (RD) replaced istrstream with istringstream
+ to get rid of the annoying warning about
+ using the strstream header
const string& linetoken10, const string& aircraft_directory,
LIST command_line ) {
double token_value;
- istrstream token3(linetoken3.c_str());
- istrstream token4(linetoken4.c_str());
- istrstream token5(linetoken5.c_str());
- istrstream token6(linetoken6.c_str());
- istrstream token7(linetoken7.c_str());
- istrstream token8(linetoken8.c_str());
- istrstream token9(linetoken9.c_str());
- istrstream token10(linetoken10.c_str());
+ istringstream token3(linetoken3.c_str());
+ istringstream token4(linetoken4.c_str());
+ istringstream token5(linetoken5.c_str());
+ istringstream token6(linetoken6.c_str());
+ istringstream token7(linetoken7.c_str());
+ istringstream token8(linetoken8.c_str());
+ istringstream token9(linetoken9.c_str());
+ istringstream token10(linetoken10.c_str());
int token_value_recordRate;
HISTORY: 04/04/2003 initial release
+ 06/30/2003 (RD) replaced istrstream with istringstream
+ to get rid of the annoying warning about
+ using the strstream header
const string& linetoken10, const string& aircraft_directory,
LIST command_line ) {
double token_value;
- istrstream token3(linetoken3.c_str());
- istrstream token4(linetoken4.c_str());
- istrstream token5(linetoken5.c_str());
- istrstream token6(linetoken6.c_str());
- istrstream token7(linetoken7.c_str());
- istrstream token8(linetoken8.c_str());
- istrstream token9(linetoken9.c_str());
- istrstream token10(linetoken10.c_str());
+ istringstream token3(linetoken3.c_str());
+ istringstream token4(linetoken4.c_str());
+ istringstream token5(linetoken5.c_str());
+ istringstream token6(linetoken6.c_str());
+ istringstream token7(linetoken7.c_str());
+ istringstream token8(linetoken8.c_str());
+ istringstream token9(linetoken9.c_str());
+ istringstream token10(linetoken10.c_str());
HISTORY: 04/04/2003 initial release
+ 06/30/2003 (RD) replaced istrstream with istringstream
+ to get rid of the annoying warning about
+ using the strstream header
const string& linetoken10, const string& aircraft_directory,
LIST command_line ) {
double token_value;
- istrstream token3(linetoken3.c_str());
- istrstream token4(linetoken4.c_str());
- istrstream token5(linetoken5.c_str());
- istrstream token6(linetoken6.c_str());
- istrstream token7(linetoken7.c_str());
- istrstream token8(linetoken8.c_str());
- istrstream token9(linetoken9.c_str());
- istrstream token10(linetoken10.c_str());
+ istringstream token3(linetoken3.c_str());
+ istringstream token4(linetoken4.c_str());
+ istringstream token5(linetoken5.c_str());
+ istringstream token6(linetoken6.c_str());
+ istringstream token7(linetoken7.c_str());
+ istringstream token8(linetoken8.c_str());
+ istringstream token9(linetoken9.c_str());
+ istringstream token10(linetoken10.c_str());
void uiuc_initial_init ()
- // This function called from both ls_step and ls_model(uiuc model side).
- // Apply brute force initializations, which override ls_step and ls_aux values
- // for the first time step.
+ // This function is called from uiuc_init_2_wrapper (uiuc_aero.c in LaRCsim)
+ // which is called from ls_step and ls_model.
+ // Apply brute force initializations, which override unwanted changes
+ // performed by LaRCsim.
+ // Used during initialization (while Simtime=0).
if (P_body_init_true)
P_body = P_body_init;
if (Q_body_init_true)
void uiuc_defaults_inits ()
- // set defaults and initialize (called from ls_step.c at Simtime=0)
+ // set defaults and initialize (called once from uiuc_init_2_wrapper)
//fog inits
fog_field = 0;
flapper_model = false;
ignore_unknown_keywords = false;
pilot_throttle_no = false;
+ Dx_cg = 0.0;
+ Dy_cg = 0.0;
+ Dz_cg = 0.0;
+ // Calculates the local velocity (V_north, V_east, V_down) from the body
+ // velocities.
+ // Called from uiuc_local_vel_init which is called from ls_step.
+ // Used during initialization (while Simtime=0)
void uiuc_vel_init ()
V_east = V_east_rel_ground + OMEGA_EARTH*Sea_level_radius*cos(Lat_geocentric);
+ // Initializes the UIUC aircraft model.
+ // Called once from uiuc_init_2_wrapper
void uiuc_init_aeromodel ()
if (I_zz_appMass_ratio)
M_n_aero += -(I_zz_appMass_ratio * I_zz) * R_dot_body;
+ // adding in apparent mass in body axis X direction
+ // F_X_aero += -(0.05 * Mass) * U_dot_body;
if (Mass_appMass)
F_Z_aero += -Mass_appMass * W_dot_body;
if (I_xx_appMass)