public function getNoticeIds($offset, $limit, $since_id = null, $max_id = null)
- $notice_ids = [];
- // Grab all the profiles target is subscribed to (every user is subscribed to themselves)
- $subscription = new Subscription();
- $subscription->selectAdd();
- $subscription->selectAdd('subscribed');
- $subscription->whereAdd(sprintf('subscriber = %1$d', $this->target->id));
- $subscription_profile_ids = $subscription->fetchAll('subscribed');
- // Grab all the notices were target was mentioned
- $reply = new Reply();
- $reply->selectAdd();
- $reply->selectAdd('notice_id');
- $reply->whereAdd(sprintf('profile_id = %1$d', $this->target->id));
- $notice_ids += $reply->fetchAll('notice_id');
- // Grab all the notices that require target's attention
- $attention = new Attention();
- $attention->selectAdd();
- $attention->selectAdd('notice_id');
- $attention->whereAdd(sprintf('profile_id = %1$d', $this->target->id));
- $notice_ids += $attention->fetchAll('notice_id');
- // Grab all the notices posted on groups target is a member of
- $group_inbox = new Group_inbox();
- $group_inbox->selectAdd();
- $group_inbox->selectAdd('notice_id');
- $group_inbox->whereAdd(
- sprintf(
- 'group_id IN (SELECT group_id FROM group_member WHERE profile_id = %1$d)',
- $this->target->id
- )
- );
- $notice_ids += $group_inbox->fetchAll('notice_id');
- // This is just to make the query lighter when processed by the Database server
- $notice_ids = array_filter($notice_ids, function ($id) {
- // Keep id (a.k.a.: return true) if:
- // - id higher than since id (just constrain if specified)
- // - id lower than max id (just constrain if specified)
- return (empty($since_id) || $id > $since_id) && (empty($max_id) || $id <= $max_id);
- });
- $query_ids = '';
- if (!empty($notice_ids)) { // Replies, Attentions and Groups
- $query_ids .= 'notice.id IN (' . implode(', ', $notice_ids) . ') OR ';
- }
- // every user is at least subscribed to themselves
- $query_ids .= 'notice.profile_id IN (' . implode(', ', $subscription_profile_ids) . ')';
$notice = new Notice();
$notice->whereAdd(sprintf('notice.created > "%s"', $notice->escape($this->target->created)));
- $notice->whereAdd($query_ids);
+ // Reply:: is a table of mentions
+ // Subscription:: is a table of subscriptions (every user is subscribed to themselves)
+ // Sort in descending order as id will give us even really old posts,
+ // which were recently imported. For example, if a remote instance had
+ // problems and just managed to post here.
+ $notice->whereAdd(
+ sprintf('id IN (SELECT DISTINCT id FROM (' .
+ '(SELECT id FROM notice WHERE profile_id IN (SELECT subscribed FROM subscription WHERE subscriber = %1$d)) UNION ' .
+ '(SELECT notice_id AS id FROM reply WHERE profile_id = %1$d) UNION ' .
+ '(SELECT notice_id AS id FROM attention WHERE profile_id = %1$d) UNION ' .
+ '(SELECT notice_id AS id FROM group_inbox WHERE group_id IN (SELECT group_id FROM group_member WHERE profile_id = %1$d)) ' .
+ 'ORDER BY id DESC) AS T)',
+ $this->target->getID())
+ );
if (!empty($since_id)) {
$notice->whereAdd(sprintf('notice.id > %d', $since_id));
self::filterVerbs($notice, $this->selectVerbs);
$notice->limit($offset, $limit);
- // notice.id will give us even really old posts, which were
- // recently imported. For example if a remote instance had
- // problems and just managed to post here. Another solution
- // would be to have a 'notice.imported' field and order by it.
- $notice->orderBy('notice.id DESC');
if (!$notice->find()) {
return [];
return $notice->fetchAll('id');