+++ /dev/null
-Written by David Megginson, david@megginson.com
-Last modified: $Date$
-This document is in the Public Domain and comes with NO WARRANTY!
-1. Introduction
-FlightGear uses XML for much of its configuration. This document
-provides a minimal introduction to XML syntax, concentrating only on
-the parts necessary for writing and understanding FlightGear
-configuration files. For a full description, read the XML
-Recommendation at
- http://www.w3.org/TR/
-This document describes general XML syntax. Most of the XML
-configuration files in FlightGear use a special format called
-"Property Lists" -- a separate document will describe the specific
-features of the property-list format.
-2. Elements and Attributes
-An XML document is a tree structure with a single root, much like a
-file system or a recursive, nested list structure (for LISP fans).
-Every node in the tree is called an _element_: the start and end of
-every element is marked by a _tag_: the _start tag_ appears at the
-beginning of the element, and the _end tag_ appears at the end.
-Here is an example of a start tag:
- <foo>
-Here is an example of an end tag:
- </foo>
-Here is an example of an element:
- <foo>Hello, world!</foo>
-The element in this example contains only data element, so it is a
-leaf node in the tree. Elements may also contain other elements, as
-in this example:
- <bar>
- <foo>Hello, world!</foo>
- <foo>Goodbye, world!</foo>
- </bar>
-This time, the 'bar' element is a branch that contains other, nested
-elements, while the 'foo' elements are leaf elements that contain only
-data. Here's the tree in ASCII art (make sure you're not using a
-proportional font):
- bar +-- foo -- "Hello, world!"
- |
- +-- foo -- "Goodbye, world!"
-There is always one single element at the top level: it is called the
-_root element_. Elements may never overlap, so something like this is
-always wrong (try to draw it as a tree diagram, and you'll understand
- <a><b></a></b>
-Every element may have variables, called _attributes_, attached to
-it. The attribute consists of a simple name=value pair in the start
- <foo type="greeting">Hello, world!</foo>
-Attribute values must be quoted with '"' or "'" (unlike in HTML), and
-no two attributes may have the same name.
-There are rules governing what can be used as an element or attribute
-name. The first character of a name must be an alphabetic character
-or '_'; subsequent characters may be '_', '-', '.', an alphabetic
-character, or a numeric character. Note especially that names may not
-begin with a number.
-3. Data
-Some characters in XML documents have special meanings, and must
-always be escaped when used literally:
- < <
- & &
-Other characters have special meanings only in certain contexts, but
-it still doesn't hurt to escape them:
- > >
- ' '
- " "
-Here is how you would escape "x < 3 && y > 6" in XML data:
- x < 3 && y > 6
-Most control characters are forbidden in XML documents: only tab,
-newline, and carriage return are allowed (that means no ^L, for
-example). Any other character can be included in an XML document as a
-character reference, by using its Unicode value; for example, the
-following represents the French word "cafe" with an accent on the
-final 'e':
- café
-By default, 8-bit XML documents use UTF-8, **NOT** ISO 8859-1 (Latin
-1), so it's safest always to use character references for characters
-above position 127 (i.e. for non-ASCII).
-Whitespace always counts in XML documents, though some specific
-applications (like property lists) have rules for ignoring it in some
-You can add a comment anywhere in an XML document except inside a tag
-or declaration using the following syntax:
- <!-- comment -->
-The comment text must not contain "--", so be careful about using
-5. XML Declaration
-Every XML document may begin with an XML declaration, starting with
-"<?xml" and ending with "?>". Here is an example:
- <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
-The XML declaration must always give the XML version, and it may also
-specify the encoding (and other information, not discussed here).
-UTF-8 is the default encoding for 8-bit documents; you could also try
- <?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
-to get ISO Latin 1, but some XML parsers might not support that
-(FlightGear's does, for what it's worth).
-6. Other Stuff
-There are other kinds of things allowed in XML documents. You don't
-need to use them for FlightGear, but in case anyone leaves one lying
-around, it would be useful to be able to recognize it.
-XML documents may contain different kinds of declarations starting
-with "<!" and ending with ">":
- <!DOCTYPE html SYSTEM "html.dtd">
- <!ELEMENT foo (#PCDATA)>
- <!ENTITY myname "John Smith">
-and so on. They may also contain processing instructions, which look
-a bit like the XML declaration:
- <?foo processing instruction?>
-Finally, they may contain references to _entities_, like the ones used
-for escaping special characters, but with different names (we're
-trying to avoid these in FlightGear):
- &chapter1;
- &myname;
--- /dev/null
+Written by David Megginson, david@megginson.com
+Last modified: $Date$
+This document is in the Public Domain and comes with NO WARRANTY!
+1. Introduction
+FlightGear uses XML for much of its configuration. This document
+provides a minimal introduction to XML syntax, concentrating only on
+the parts necessary for writing and understanding FlightGear
+configuration files. For a full description, read the XML
+Recommendation at
+ http://www.w3.org/TR/
+This document describes general XML syntax. Most of the XML
+configuration files in FlightGear use a special format called
+"Property Lists" -- a separate document will describe the specific
+features of the property-list format.
+2. Elements and Attributes
+An XML document is a tree structure with a single root, much like a
+file system or a recursive, nested list structure (for LISP fans).
+Every node in the tree is called an _element_: the start and end of
+every element is marked by a _tag_: the _start tag_ appears at the
+beginning of the element, and the _end tag_ appears at the end.
+Here is an example of a start tag:
+ <foo>
+Here is an example of an end tag:
+ </foo>
+Here is an example of an element:
+ <foo>Hello, world!</foo>
+The element in this example contains only data element, so it is a
+leaf node in the tree. Elements may also contain other elements, as
+in this example:
+ <bar>
+ <foo>Hello, world!</foo>
+ <foo>Goodbye, world!</foo>
+ </bar>
+This time, the 'bar' element is a branch that contains other, nested
+elements, while the 'foo' elements are leaf elements that contain only
+data. Here's the tree in ASCII art (make sure you're not using a
+proportional font):
+ bar +-- foo -- "Hello, world!"
+ |
+ +-- foo -- "Goodbye, world!"
+There is always one single element at the top level: it is called the
+_root element_. Elements may never overlap, so something like this is
+always wrong (try to draw it as a tree diagram, and you'll understand
+ <a><b></a></b>
+Every element may have variables, called _attributes_, attached to
+it. The attribute consists of a simple name=value pair in the start
+ <foo type="greeting">Hello, world!</foo>
+Attribute values must be quoted with '"' or "'" (unlike in HTML), and
+no two attributes may have the same name.
+There are rules governing what can be used as an element or attribute
+name. The first character of a name must be an alphabetic character
+or '_'; subsequent characters may be '_', '-', '.', an alphabetic
+character, or a numeric character. Note especially that names may not
+begin with a number.
+3. Data
+Some characters in XML documents have special meanings, and must
+always be escaped when used literally:
+ < <
+ & &
+Other characters have special meanings only in certain contexts, but
+it still doesn't hurt to escape them:
+ > >
+ ' '
+ " "
+Here is how you would escape "x < 3 && y > 6" in XML data:
+ x < 3 && y > 6
+Most control characters are forbidden in XML documents: only tab,
+newline, and carriage return are allowed (that means no ^L, for
+example). Any other character can be included in an XML document as a
+character reference, by using its Unicode value; for example, the
+following represents the French word "cafe" with an accent on the
+final 'e':
+ café
+By default, 8-bit XML documents use UTF-8, **NOT** ISO 8859-1 (Latin
+1), so it's safest always to use character references for characters
+above position 127 (i.e. for non-ASCII).
+Whitespace always counts in XML documents, though some specific
+applications (like property lists) have rules for ignoring it in some
+You can add a comment anywhere in an XML document except inside a tag
+or declaration using the following syntax:
+ <!-- comment -->
+The comment text must not contain "--", so be careful about using
+5. XML Declaration
+Every XML document may begin with an XML declaration, starting with
+"<?xml" and ending with "?>". Here is an example:
+ <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+The XML declaration must always give the XML version, and it may also
+specify the encoding (and other information, not discussed here).
+UTF-8 is the default encoding for 8-bit documents; you could also try
+ <?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
+to get ISO Latin 1, but some XML parsers might not support that
+(FlightGear's does, for what it's worth).
+6. Other Stuff
+There are other kinds of things allowed in XML documents. You don't
+need to use them for FlightGear, but in case anyone leaves one lying
+around, it would be useful to be able to recognize it.
+XML documents may contain different kinds of declarations starting
+with "<!" and ending with ">":
+ <!DOCTYPE html SYSTEM "html.dtd">
+ <!ELEMENT foo (#PCDATA)>
+ <!ENTITY myname "John Smith">
+and so on. They may also contain processing instructions, which look
+a bit like the XML declaration:
+ <?foo processing instruction?>
+Finally, they may contain references to _entities_, like the ones used
+for escaping special characters, but with different names (we're
+trying to avoid these in FlightGear):
+ &chapter1;
+ &myname;