// I've tried to match the prop and engine model to give roughly 600 RPM idle and 180 HP at 2700 RPM
// but it is by no means currently at a completed stage - DCL 15/9/00
+// DCL 28/9/00 - Added estimate of engine and prop inertia and changed engine speed calculation to be calculated from Angular acceleration = Torque / Inertia.
+// Requires a timestep to be passed to FGEngine::init and currently assumes this timestep does not change.
+// Could easily be altered to pass a variable timestep to FGEngine::update every step instead if required.
#include <iostream.h>
neta_comb[8] = 0.63;
neta_comb[9] = 0.57;
neta_comb[10] = 0.525;
- //combustion efficiency values from Heywood [1]
+ //combustion efficiency values from Heywood: ISBN 0-07-100499-8
int i;
int j;
// set initial default values
-void FGEngine::init() {
+void FGEngine::init(double dt) {
// Control and environment inputs
Cp_fuel = 1700; // J/KgK
calorific_value_fuel = 47.3e6; // W/Kg Note that this is only an approximate value
R_air = 287.3;
+ time_step = dt;
// Engine Specific Variables used by this program that have limits.
// Will be set in a parameter file to be read in to create
MaxHP = 180; //Lycoming IO360
// displacement = 520; //Continental IO520-M
displacement = 360; //Lycoming IO360
+ engine_inertia = 0.2; //kgm^2 - value taken from a popular family saloon car engine - need to find an aeroengine value !!!!!
+ prop_inertia = 0.03; //kgm^2 - this value is a total guess - dcl
displacement_SI = displacement * CONVERT_CUBIC_INCHES_TO_METERS_CUBED;
Gear_Ratio = 1;
// Engine Power & Torque Calculations
// Loop until stable - required for testing only
- for (num = 0; num < num2; num++) {
+// for (num = 0; num < num2; num++) {
// cout << Manifold_Pressure << " Inches" << "\t";
// cout << RPM << " RPM" << "\t";
//uses a curve fit to the data in the IO360 / O360 operating manual
//due to the shape of the curve I had to use a 6th order fit - I am sure it must be possible to reduce this in future,
//possibly by using separate fits for rich and lean of best power mixture
- //first adjust actual mixture to abstract mixture - this is a temporary hack
+ //first adjust actual mixture to abstract mixture - this is a temporary hack in order to account for the fact that the data I have
+ //dosn't specify actual mixtures and I want to be able to change what I think they are without redoing the curve fit each time.
//y=10x-12 for now
abstract_mixture = 10.0 * equivalence_ratio - 12.0;
float m = abstract_mixture; //to simplify writing the next equation
//#if 0
#ifdef PHILS_PROP_MODEL //Do Torque calculations in Ft/lbs - yuk :-(((
Torque_Imbalance = FGProp1_Torque - Torque;
-#ifdef NEVS_PROP_MODEL //use proper units - Nm
- Torque_Imbalance = prop_torque - Torque_SI;
- // cout << Torque_Imbalance << endl;
-// Some really crude engine speed calculations for now - we really need some moments of inertia and a dt in here !!!!
if (Torque_Imbalance > 5) {
RPM -= 14.5;
// FGProp1_RPM -= 25;
// FGProp1_RPM += 25;
// FGProp1_Blade_Angle += 0.75;
+#ifdef NEVS_PROP_MODEL //use proper units - Nm
+ Torque_Imbalance = Torque_SI - prop_torque; //This gives a +ve value when the engine torque exeeds the prop torque
+ angular_acceleration = Torque_Imbalance / (engine_inertia + prop_inertia);
+ angular_velocity_SI += (angular_acceleration * time_step);
+ RPM = (angular_velocity_SI * 60) / (2.0 * PI);
- //DCL - This constant speed prop bit is all a bit of a hack for now
if( RPM > (Desired_RPM + 2)) {
FGProp1_Blade_Angle += 0.75; //This value could be altered depending on how far from the desired RPM we are
RPM = 0;
// outfile << "RPM = " << RPM << " Blade angle = " << FGProp1_Blade_Angle << " Engine torque = " << Torque << " Prop torque = " << FGProp1_Torque << '\n';
- outfile << "RPM = " << RPM << " Engine torque = " << Torque_SI << " Prop torque = " << prop_torque << '\n';
+// outfile << "RPM = " << RPM << " Engine torque = " << Torque_SI << " Prop torque = " << prop_torque << '\n';
// cout << FGEng1_RPM << " Blade_Angle " << FGProp1_Blade_Angle << endl << endl;
- }
// cout << "Final engine RPM = " << RPM << '\n';