$r = q("SELECT COUNT(*) AS c FROM `contact`
WHERE `uid` = %d AND NOT `self` AND NOT `deleted`
AND NOT `blocked` AND NOT `pending` AND NOT `archive`
- AND `success_update` >= `failure_update`
AND `notify` != '' $sql_extra2",
WHERE `uid` = %d AND NOT `self` AND NOT `deleted`
AND NOT `blocked` AND NOT `pending` AND NOT `archive`
AND (`forum` OR `prv`)
- AND `success_update` >= `failure_update`
AND `notify` != '' $sql_extra2",
$r = q("SELECT COUNT(*) AS c FROM `contact`
WHERE `uid` = %d AND NOT `self` AND NOT `deleted`
AND NOT `blocked` AND NOT `pending` AND NOT `archive`
- AND `success_update` >= `failure_update`
AND `network` IN ('%s', '%s', '%s') $sql_extra2",
if ($type == '') {
$r = q("SELECT `id`, `name`, `nick`, `micro`, `network`, `url`, `attag`, `addr`, `forum`, `prv`, (`prv` OR `forum`) AS `frm` FROM `contact`
WHERE `uid` = %d AND NOT `self` AND NOT `deleted` AND NOT `blocked` AND NOT `pending` AND NOT `archive` AND `notify` != ''
- AND `success_update` >= `failure_update` AND NOT (`network` IN ('%s', '%s'))
+ AND NOT (`network` IN ('%s', '%s'))
ORDER BY `name` ASC ",
} elseif ($type == 'c') {
$r = q("SELECT `id`, `name`, `nick`, `micro`, `network`, `url`, `attag`, `addr`, `forum`, `prv` FROM `contact`
WHERE `uid` = %d AND NOT `self` AND NOT `deleted` AND NOT `blocked` AND NOT `pending` AND NOT `archive` AND `notify` != ''
- AND `success_update` >= `failure_update` AND NOT (`network` IN ('%s'))
+ AND NOT (`network` IN ('%s'))
ORDER BY `name` ASC ",
} elseif ($type == 'f') {
$r = q("SELECT `id`, `name`, `nick`, `micro`, `network`, `url`, `attag`, `addr`, `forum`, `prv` FROM `contact`
WHERE `uid` = %d AND NOT `self` AND NOT `deleted` AND NOT `blocked` AND NOT `pending` AND NOT `archive` AND `notify` != ''
- AND `success_update` >= `failure_update` AND NOT (`network` IN ('%s'))
+ AND NOT (`network` IN ('%s'))
AND (`forum` OR `prv`)
ORDER BY `name` ASC ",
} elseif ($type == 'm') {
$r = q("SELECT `id`, `name`, `nick`, `micro`, `network`, `url`, `attag`, `addr` FROM `contact`
WHERE `uid` = %d AND NOT `self` AND NOT `deleted` AND NOT `blocked` AND NOT `pending` AND NOT `archive`
- AND `success_update` >= `failure_update` AND `network` IN ('%s', '%s', '%s')
+ AND `network` IN ('%s', '%s', '%s')
ORDER BY `name` ASC ",
} elseif ($type == 'a') {
$r = q("SELECT `id`, `name`, `nick`, `micro`, `network`, `url`, `attag`, `addr`, `forum`, `prv` FROM `contact`
- WHERE `uid` = %d AND NOT `deleted` AND NOT `pending` AND `success_update` >= `failure_update`
+ WHERE `uid` = %d AND NOT `deleted` AND NOT `pending` AND NOT `archive`
ORDER BY `name` ASC ",